State Dingji

Chapter 301 Touching Lips

"Brother Yu, what did you find?"

Just when Lin Shang's lips were less than an inch away from Su Yuqing's seductive red lips and could even feel the temperature on the red lips, Shao Yifei's voice suddenly sounded in the air on the island.

A few words bombarded Linshang's heart like a bomb, making his movements stop abruptly, freeze in mid-air, and his eyes suddenly opened.

When he saw that Su Yuqing's red lips were less than an inch away from him and could even feel the breath spewing from her mouth, a bursting flame that could burn everything burned all over Linshang's whole body in an instant, making his muscles tense, his bones creak, and a desire to destroy everything rose in his heart.

Why! Why!!!

It's okay for you to come a moment early or later, but why do you come at this juke moment!!

Just a little distance, only a little distance!

It's only a little short distance, and I can have a taste of Sister Su's fragrant lips!!

All this has been destroyed by your sudden arrival!

Flying so high, can't you fly down quietly? Why do you want to talk!

While Lin Shang was annoyed and resentful, Su Yuqing was shocked to hear Shao Yifei's voice, and his eyes quickly returned to Qingming and turned his head to look up. However, at the moment she turned her head, the slightly open red lips suddenly rubbed against Lin Shang's lips, and the touch of warmth came from her and his lips to their hearts.

The chagrin and resentment in Linshang's heart disappeared, and the warm feeling with fragrance was like the warm sunshine, melting all the negative emotions in his heart, making his mind empty, all the movements stopped, and even the * heart stopped beating at that moment.

And Su Yuqing's red lips were still half open, but the original movement of looking back and looking up was frozen. Her eyes stared dullly at the void in front of her. In her autumn water-like eyes, she was stunned, happy, shy... All kinds of emotions were intertwined, making her eyes look like a star that had just risen above her head.

For a moment, the two were stunned at the same time.

The other disciples of Xuantianzong were shocked and suddenly woke up from the beautiful scenery in front of them and turned their heads to look at them. They didn't notice Lin Shang and Su Yuqing, who were far away from everyone, and naturally they didn't notice the strangeness of them.

Yu Lianzhou heard the voice, woke up from meditation, smiled slightly, arched his hand and said, "Brother Shao, you came just right. There are some things to discuss with you."

"What's the matter? Have you found the clue to Liubo Mountain? Shao Yifei in the air smiled. In the golden light, he flew in front of Yu Lianzhou in an instant, and other Shushan disciples also came to the island one after another.

"It's this matter, Lin" halfway through his words, Yu Lianzhou suddenly found the tiredness on the faces of Shao Yifei and other Shushan disciples. He immediately remembered what he and others had just looked like, smiled and continued, "Brother Shao, please wait a moment."

After saying that, in the light yellow light flashed, Yu Lianzhou stepped on the superior flying sword Xuanwu and flew to the top of the coconut tree, and picked more than a dozen coconuts in a moment. The palm gently cut on the coconut shell, and a sharp yellow light flashed, and immediately cut off half of the tip of the coconut, revealing the milky coconut water inside.

"Give it, drink this to relieve fatigue." Yu Lianzhou handed the coconut in his hand to Shao Yifei, and threw the remaining coconuts to other Shushan disciples, signaling them to open the coconut like themselves.

Looking at the milky coconut water in the coconut, Shao Yifei hesitated for a moment, looked at other Shushan disciples, and then turned his eyes to Lianzhou and said doubtfully, "This thing looks strange. There is no pulp in it, but it is all water. But can this thing really drink?

"You can drink it. This thing is called coconut, which we don't have in Kyushu. Drinking it can relieve fatigue and refresh your mind." Looking at the doubts on the faces of the disciples of the Shushan School, Yu Lianzhou immediately remembered that when Lin Shang had just given himself and others to drink, his party also had this expression and said with a rather impressive smile.

"Okay, then you're welcome." Shao Yifei was cheerful. After getting Yu Lianzhou's answer, he looked up and took a sip without hesitation. With a bite, his eyes suddenly lit up, tilted his head and pricked his mouth a few times, and said loudly, "Good thing! Although it is slightly astringent, it tastes sweet and is really a rare good product!" With that, he looked up and drank all the coconut water.

Seeing this, other Shushan disciples opened the coconut one after another, tasted it with the mentality of trying, and then drank it excitedly like a bee smelling flowers.

In a moment, there were more than a dozen empty coconut shells on the beach.

Among them, Shao Yifei opened two more in one breath and drank them all.

"Well, this fruit, oh no, is coconut. Although it doesn't grow well, it is really a good product to relieve fatigue and refreshment. If it can be planted on my Shu Mountain to save it." After having a hiccup, Shao Yifei smiled and stuffed two unopened coconuts into his storage bag. He looked at the tall coconut tree and licked his lips with greedy eyes.

"...If Brother Shao likes it, just take a few when you leave. However, since I don't have this kind of thing in Kyushu, it should be that they are not suitable to grow in my Kyushu. I'm afraid that if I take it away, I can't grow anything. Looking at Shao Yifei, who was happy to see the hunt, Yu Lianzhou said speechlessly.

"Well, Brother Yu is right. Maybe this thing is like the sword bamboo in my Shushan, which is a specialty of this place." Shao Yifei waved his hand with a smile and suddenly straightened his face and said, "Well, I'm full and energetic. Brother Yu, what do you think you have found?"

"Well" Yu Lianzhou nodded and wanted to talk about the island. He saw 30 rays of light flying over from afar, smiled bitterly, and arched his hand and said, "Brother Shao, please go with me to get some coconuts. Let's wait until everyone settle down."

"Okay, I like this task." Shao Yifei's eyes lit up and immediately turned into a golden light and flew to the nearest coconut tree. The golden light flashed and instantly took away all the coconuts from the coconut tree, but most of them fell into his storage bag.

Yu Lianzhou shook his head with a bitter smile, and the pale yellow light lit up and flew towards other coconut trees.

After a while, there were 30 monks on the island, but there were more than 50 empty coconut shells on the ground. Looking at several empty coconut trees nearby, Yu Lianzhou shook his head with a wry smile. Today is destined to be the catastrophe of this coconut tree.

At this moment, the disciples of the five sects are scattered around the beach. No one is close to the dark woods. Only Lin Shang and Su Yuqing sit side by side, still in a spontaneous daze. Shao Yifei and other five disciples sat in a circle a little far away.

The beach is full of clean white sand washed by the sea, which is very clean. Even Lan Ying, the only woman among the five, sat on the spot without hesitation.

"Brother Yu, everyone is here now. Let's talk about what you have found." Shao Yifei held an open coconut and took a few sips from time to time. It seemed that he liked this drink very much.

"Let Brother Lin talk about this matter. After all, he found Haitu, and this island was also found by Brother Lin." Yu Lianzhou smiled and looked at Shao Yifei drinking coconut water. Suddenly, he remembered Shao Yifei drinking.

"Brother Lin?" Shao Yifei suddenly gave a stunned voice, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Brother Yu, you don't mean to say that this island is Liubo Mountain, do you?"

"So small? It's impossible." Chunyuhao was stunned.

"You brothers misunderstood. Although this island is beautiful, it is not likely to be Liubo Mountain." Yu Lianzhou shook his head, looked in the direction of Lin Shan, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Brother Lin?"

Linshang was motionless, as if she hadn't heard Yu Lianzhou's voice. Instead, Su Yuqing was awakened by Yu Lianzhou's voice, and his jade-perfect cheeks suddenly turned red. Thinking of what had just happened, he was about to fly away happily and angrily. However, seeing Lin Shang's dull appearance, his heart couldn't help softening. He twisted Lin Shang's arm and ran to Ruan Mei and others, unconsciously played with the white sand under his body.


Lin Shang only felt a pain in her arm and suddenly woke up. Seeing Su Yuqing's appearance, she was first shocked, then happy. She couldn't help sticking out her tongue and licking her lips, with an intoxicated expression on her face. Seeing this, Su Yuqing's face turned redder, and her head was so low that it almost touched her chest.

"Brother Lin?"

Yu Lianzhou's voice came to Linshang's ears again.

"Hmm?" Linshang was stunned and turned her head to see that Yu Lianzhou, Shao Yifei and others were looking at him doubtfully. It was nothing, but when he saw Lan Ying's smiling eyes, the expression on his face suddenly froze, and his outstretched tongue stopped outside and forgot to take it back.

Half a day.

"Wait a minute!"

Linshang roared, and the cyan light on his body flashed, disappearing in an instant, and then a "shudling" sound of entering the water reached everyone's ears.

Everyone turned their heads doubtfully and looked in the direction of the sound, but saw a burst of blue light suddenly on the sea. In the flashing blue light, the crystal seawater was lifted everywhere, and then the wet forest appeared in front of the crowd.

"Brother Lin..." Yu Lianzhou asked in astonishment.

"Nothing, nothing, just suddenly felt very hot, so I went to the sea to take a shower." Lin Shang touched her nose awkwardly, dodged Lan Ying's smiling eyes, and secretly complained to herself.

Just now, I was so embarrassed that I Linshang blushed in front of so many people, and even... I even had some kind of reaction that a normal man would have had... If I hadn't suddenly thought that water can cooled down, I wouldn't have let these people in front of me spread this embarrassing thing to the whole world of cultivation...

Sister Lan looked at me with that kind of eyes. Did she see something?

Wo bad, too bad!


The third update.