State Dingji

Chapter 302 When will it be later?

"Since there is nothing big, Brother Lin will explain the clues found for us." While Linshang was distracted, Lan Ying blinked at Linshang with a mysterious smile, and then changed her face and said with a straight face.

"Clue?" Lin Shang was stunned and said the word clues, but he didn't think about the clues at all. Instead, he began to struggle with the sudden change in Lan Ying's attitude.

What does she mean? Are you going to blackmail yourself with that? This strange elf is not easy to deal with...

If she really threatens herself, will she give in or give in?


Although I don't know what it means for Lan Ying to wink at herself, after thinking about it, it's just that the man did it. Isn't it just that people saw it? There are so many girls in the previous life who gently solved Luo Zhang in order to become famous are not afraid. What are they afraid of?

Thinking of this, Lin Shang must have thickened his face, and his previous embarrassment suddenly disappeared. If his hair and clothes were still wet, no one would have thought that he had just jumped into the sea.

"Brother Lin is indeed Brother Lin. He is free and frank. He never puts everyone's eyes in his heart, which can be said to have gained the essence of putting down the two words."

Looking at the rapid change of Linshang's expression, Yu Lianzhou exclaimed in his heart and pointed to the beach under his feet and said, "Island, about the island."

Lin Shang woke up in an instant, regardless of his wet body. He sat on the beach and said with a serious face, "Brothers and sisters, I think the Liubo Mountain is not far from us at this moment. As long as you fly about a thousand miles to the east, you can find it!"

"About a thousand miles? Why?" Chunyu asked bluntly.

"This matter is also my negligence. Although I found the chart, I didn't tell you all the things the old man said." Lin Shang touched her nose awkwardly and smiled, "When I found the old man with a chart, the old man said that Liubo Mountain was seven thousand miles into the sea, and there was a small island six thousand miles into the sea. As long as you find the island and walk about a thousand miles along the east, you can find Liubo Mountain.

When everyone heard the words, they were about to stand up with their eyes shining, but Ma Jianghong frowned and said, "Brother Lin, how can we be sure that the island under our feet is the one in the old man's mouth?"

As soon as everyone heard it, they stopped to get up, and their doubtful eyes stared at Linshang one after another.

"This is also a reason for calling you to come here to discuss." With that, Linshang glanced at everyone, "Brothers and sisters, have you ever found an island similar to the island under our feet in the area of responsibility?"

"Well, no, we can't even see the shadow of an island except sea water."

"Me too."

Ma Jianghong frowned and said that others also said that they had not found any islands in the sea they were responsible for.

"That's right." Linshang snapped her fingers and said with a positive face, "According to my guess, I'm afraid there are no other islands within a few hundred miles nearby. Therefore, I'm sure that the island under our feet is the island less than a thousand miles away from the Liubo Mountains!"

Chunyuhao suddenly stood up when he heard the words, pointed to the direction of the east and said loudly, "What does Brother Lin mean, is Liubo Mountain in that thousands of miles?"

"Hmm." Linshang nodded with a smile.

After receiving Lin Sheng's positive answer, Chun Yuhao's eyes lit up and turned around and was about to walk to the place where the disciples of the Five elements sect rested. However, as soon as I took two steps, I found that the others were sitting still and turned back.

"What are you still doing? Now that you know where Liubo Mountain is, let's go and find out. Maybe Uncle Li's army has arrived in Guangling City." Chunyuhao muttered eagerly.


Looking at Chunyuhao's eager expression, Lin Zhangna couldn't speak.

As Chunyuhao said, there is really not much time, but it is not possible to go to Liubo Mountain to explore.

No matter whether there is Liubo Mountain thousands of miles away, Liubo Mountain must be full of demons at this time. If they and others fly over like this, won't it be sheep entering the tiger's mouth and letting them make dumplings? Besides, even if Uncle Li and others are really almost there, they are unlikely to stay in Guangling City.

No matter which city the nearly 2,000 monks stay in, they will bring unexpected disasters to that city. They can think of this, so Uncle Li and they can't think of it.

In general, we have to discuss the matter of going to Liubo Mountain carefully and find a complete solution.

Linshang can not speak when he is speechless, but Shao Yifei, as the leader of the crowd, can't be lazy. He frowned slightly, patted the beach under him and said, "Brother Chunyu, sit down first. It's important to go to Liubo Mountain. We have to talk about it from a long time."

"Sitting down, sit down, long-term planning, listening to you." Although Chunyuhao was reckless, he was not a stupid person after all. Although he still muttered, he still listened to Shao Yifei's words and sat down.

Shao Yifei smiled when he saw this, and then straightened his face and said solemnly, "Brothers and sisters, we have now found the location of Liubo Mountain. According to my judgment, the demons of Liubo Mountain have not found us yet. We must find a perfect solution, which can not only talk about the reality of Liubo Mountain, but also avoid it. They clashed with demons, and even made them unaware of our existence. With that, his eyes swept over the five people, "What's your good strategy?"

Yu Lianzhou and others were silent when they heard the words, but Chunyu Hao's eyes were shining and he was about to speak, but he was stared by Lan Ying's big eyes, and the words on his throat instantly shrank back. Lin Shang looked at Shao Yifei with great interest. He didn't think about how to go to Liubo Mountain, but began to analyze Shao Yifei.

Although Brother Shao is usually careless and unruly, he really looks like a leader when he becomes serious. Since he became the leader of this 50-person team, every move is worth pondering.

When he thinks about things, he doesn't say anything at all. Only when he asks questions can he really see his leadership talent.

In the vast world, a person's wisdom is really extremely limited, so when thinking about things, brainstorming is the most correct.

On this point, Brother Shao can be said to have a deep samadhi.

Whether in Guangling City or on the current island, he asked a question, first of all, to ask everyone what they mean, so that everyone can have a stage to display their talents. In the end, choose the one that is most beneficial to the current situation from everyone's plan, and then let it go.

This talent of knowing and trusting people is not available to everyone.

Maybe it is because of this that the other four brothers and sisters will willingly carry out activities led by Shao Yifei.

While Linshang was analyzing Shao Yifei's behavior, Yu Lianzhou, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke. He looked at the crowd with a solemn face and said slowly, "It's a big deal to go to Liuboshan. I think we should pay attention to three aspects."

"Which three aspects?"

As soon as Yu Lianzhou's voice fell, Chunyuhao, who had been suppressed by the dull atmosphere for a long time, quickly asked.

Yu Lianzhou smiled and said slowly, "First, Uncle Li and the others will arrive soon. We must have someone to pick them up."

"Second, if you go to Liubo Mountain to explore the news, fewer people should go, and the more people go, the more likely they are to be found."

"Third, in order to prevent there is a way to go after being found, some monks must be left on this island to respond."

After saying that, Yu Lianzhou looked at Shao Yifei and Linshang with bright eyes, and the meaning in his eyes was unknown.

When everyone heard the words, they were silent.

Yu Lianzhou is right. The fewer people go to Liubo Mountain to find out the news, the better. But who wants to go is a question.

Go to Liubo Mountain where demons gather to find out the news, it is no different from the sheep entering the tiger's mouth and will be discovered by the demons at any time. At that time, thousands of demons of demons will fight together, and even the strong man in the divine realm will retreat three points.

To put it bluntly, going to Liubo Mountain to find out the news is simply a road of no return.

Everyone is afraid of death, and as monks who practice truth and enlightenment, why should they go against the sky and change their lives? Isn't it just for long life? Moreover, the monk's fear of death is stronger than that of mortals.

The more

you get, the more you are afraid of losing it. The monks have gained far more strength and longevity than mortals. Naturally, they are unwilling to lose it. Otherwise, what's the point of cultivating the truth and enlightenment when people die?

When everyone thought of this, they would be silent. After all, ants still live secretly, not to mention human beings who are the primates of all things?

Looking at everyone's thinking, Shao Yifei sighed slightly and looked at Linshang, only to find that Linshang was also looking at him at this time. The two exchanged their eyes for a moment. Shao Yifei must say in his heart, "Brothers and sisters, don't bother those who go to Liubo Mountain to find out the news. As the most cultivated monk among our 50 people, Brother Lin and I naturally have the responsibility and obligation to go."

While everyone was relieved when they heard the words, a feeling called guilt began to soar in their hearts.

Chunyuhao's face turned red and white. He suddenly gritted his teeth and said loudly, "I'll go too. Although my cultivation is not as good as Brother Shao and Brother Lin, I can also take care of it if the three of them go."

"I'll go too!"

"I am one of the great disciples of the five schools of decent, and naturally I can't do without this kind of thing!"

When everyone heard the words, their faces turned red and changed their minds one after another. They scrambled to join the team to Liubo Mountain.

Looking at the enthusiastic people at this time, Shao Yifei and Lin Shang looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and waved their hands, "Please listen to me. There are fewer people to go to Liubo Mountain, and the people who go must be able to hide their bodies." With that, he glanced at people other than Linshang. "I'm afraid that only Lin and I can control the real yuan in our body without emitting any light."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then they were silent.

Hide your body when flying? Control Zhenyuan or it will shine? It looks simple, but it is something that monks can only do if they break through to the realm of innate golden elixir.

Except for Shao Yifei and Lin Shang, the rest of them are the peaks of the late stage of the congenital elixir realm. Although their cultivation is only one step away from the innate golden elixir realm, this step is indeed a little too big. If they go together, they may not have been found by the demon demons before they get close to Liubo Mountain, thus revealing their traces.

So, among all the people present, Shao Yifei and Linshang are the only ones who are qualified to explore the news.

"Then there will be Brother Shao and Brother Lin." Yu Lianzhou seemed to have guessed the current situation for a long time, arched his hand to the two, and then turned his eyes to the others. "The candidate to inquire about the news has been decided, and the rest will be left to us."

"In order to make no mistakes, I suggest that each of the rest of us choose two disciples and form a group of ten people to fly to Guangling City to pick up Uncle Li and others. Among these ten people, except for two disciples near Guangling City, the other eight people are scattered in the sea between Guangling and this island, so as not to get lost and find the island.

"At the same time, the remaining 38 monks are waiting on this island, and it is best to hide their bodies in the depths of the woods. While preparing to receive Uncle Li and others, we should pay more attention to the sea in the east. If Brother Shao and his deeds are exposed, the demons will definitely send people to chase and kill, but if there are only two of them, there will certainly not be too many chasing teams. If they chase Brother Shao and others to this island, the remaining 38 disciples will be ready to respond and leave quickly after killing the demons.

With that, Yu Lianzhou paused for a moment and turned his eyes to Shao Yifei. "This is the plan I came up with. What do you think?"

Shao Yifei hasn't spoken yet, but others have already been shocked by Yu Lianzhou's words. In their eyes, Yu Lianzhou is a person who is usually not exposed, which can be said to be very low-key. However, listening to his plan at this time, he listened to his plan rigorously and meticulously, thought of everything that might happen, and found the best solution. So it seems that Yu Lianzhou, as the eldest disciple of Xuantianzong, is indeed not in vain.

"Good! This plan is good! Let's do it." Shao Yifei's eyes lit up and clapped his hands and praised.

Yu Lianzhou smiled and looked up at the night sky full of stars. The light flashed in his eyes and said slowly, "The so-called night is dark and windy. At this time, although the stars are all over the sky, it also just allows us to hide our bodies better. At this time, what should we do? ?


The first update. In this chapter, the number of words is a little more...