State Dingji

Chapter 319 End

As if the night had lifted the veil, the darkness quietly retreated, and a figure slowly appeared in mid-air.

It was a figure who could not see his appearance or figure, as if the black gas from the Jiuyou abyss shrouded him all over, and he couldn't even see the clothes he was wearing.

It seems that the figure in mid-air is just a black fog.

Over the chest of the figure, a fist-sized bronze three-legged two-eared round tripod floated out of the air. The tripod was engraved with various beast patterns, and bursts of red shot out of the tripod and gathered in the red light array trapped the cattle in the East China Sea.

After the input of the red light of the small tripod, the red light array was obviously bright. At the same time, a faint smell of blood began to emanate from the red light array. After floating several times, it returned to the small tripod with red light.

Alchemy furnace? The family's alchemy furnace?!

Seeing the strange figure appear, Lin Shang immediately stopped and became alert, but when his eyes moved from the figure to the red tripod, he was suddenly stunned.

The small tripod on the chest of the strange figure, the small tripod with red light, is the alchemy furnace of Pengcheng's family!

The small alchemy furnace not only connected his Che Yunbo, but also connected with his long-lost brother Liu Xiangzhen Liu through the head of the family. How can he forget!

This alchemy furnace was originally the owner of the family thousands of years ago, that is, Peng Zu's magic weapon to refine the elixir. As a top-quality magic weapon, it can not only refine the best elixir, but also be used to trap people. It is a good treasure. However, with the death of 100,000 mountains, the method of sacrifice of this alchemy furnace has long been lost. That is to say, although this alchemy furnace still exists in the world, there is no one who can use it anymore.

But why does anyone know the sacrificial method of this magic weapon in Liubo Mountain?

Linshang was stunned and thought of a crucial question. This alchemy furnace was robbed by Liu Xiangzhen and Liu's younger brother on that day. How can he be in the hands of this strange figure now?

Apart from this question, a question arises in Linshang's mind.

Did Brother Liu go to rob this alchemy furnace in order to trap the cattle in the East China Sea today?

At that time, the magic religion had not been unified. Why did Brother Liu want to get this alchemy furnace that can be used today?

Is there any relationship between Brother Liu and the leader of the demon religion, Jiuding Zhenren?

Is it Jiuding Zhenren who forced Brother Liu to join the magic religion?

For a moment, thousands of thoughts flashed in Lin Xiang's heart, and all kinds of thoughts were mixed together, which suddenly made him have a headache, and he couldn't wait to find Liu Xiangzhen and ask about it immediately. However, Liu Xiangzhen disappeared, but the red light array in front of him changed.


Another roar with a furious roar, the East China Sea cow jumped up angrily in the red aperture and crashed straight into the light wall.

The dark fog-filled figure in mid-air suddenly moved a few times, and a deep but distant mysterious spell came out of the black fog. Lin Chang had just woken up by the roar of Kui Niu in the East China Sea, but he was stunned when he heard the spell.

The mysterious spell sound is the deep and distant sound when the red light array just appeared!

In mid-air, it seemed to be above the head of the black fog, and a thunder exploded, and the East China Sea cow hit the red light wall.


The thunder rumbled and shocked all over the wild. In an instant, the huge and spectacular red light wall trembled. Countless small lightning-like small electric currents ran across the light wall. The sound was harsh, and even those people in black standing at the feet of cattle in the East China Sea, only separated by a red light wall, trembled all over.

In mid-air, the black fog covering the figure was hit hard and turned violently like the sea behind him!

But finally, after the violent trembling, the red light wall did not break, but gradually stabilized, and the alchemy furnace on the chest of the figure seemed to be more brilliant!


The continuous roar sounded in the air, and Lin Shang looked up in shock, but saw that the two factions, which had just been stunned, roared against each other again.

At this time, whether it is a decent monk or a demon monk, they are all blushing, with a ruler in their eyes shining brightly, and their faces are crazy to shoot their most powerful moves at each other!

One is to rescue the East China Sea cattle, and the other is naturally to prevent that kind of thing from happening!

At this time, Linshang really figured out the plan of the demon religion.

The strength of the magic religion is far beyond Linshang's imagination!

In the air, there are not only many monks who can compete with the elites of the sect, but also several masters who can pester the leaders of the five schools of the sect. And on the beach, there are dozens of masters of the innate golden elixir realm, and most importantly, the black figure who sacrificed the success of Xiaoding!

His cultivation is absolutely no less than Li Jianfeng, the head of the Shushan School, who is the highest in Liubo Mountain!

With such a strong strength, if their intention is to be decent, I'm afraid that the decent alliance will have been defeated long ago. So it seems that they really came for the East China Sea!

Seeing this situation, Linshang is even more determined. Even if she wants to destroy the plan of the magic religion, she must not fight hard!

With so many masters, they can draw with the unprecedentedly powerful decent alliance. If they break their plan, they will be ashamed and angry. I'm afraid that few decent people who come to kill demons this time can return to Kyushu!

Adapt to changes, but we must not let them catch the cattle in the East China Sea!

Linshang told herself in her heart.

The two factions of demons in the air began to fight again. Lin Shang was silent, but the Donghai Kui Niu in the red light array was enraged.

The red light array seems to have a strange power, which makes the powerful Donghai Kui Niu have a deep fear in their hearts!

After fear, there is anger!

What will the ancient beast, which just came out to discolor the world, do when it is angered?


The angered Donghai Kui Niu almost fell into madness. While the thunder kept blowing in the sky, the Donghai Kui Niu's body glowed thick gray and hit the huge red light wall that trapped it again and again.

The wind and rain roared between heaven and earth, as if the Thor above the nine heavens was also roaring angrily!

The roaring thunder seemed to shake the whole flowing mountain and the whole ocean every time!

The enraged ancient strange beast, under his power, seems to destroy the world!

However, under the power that can destroy the world, the red light wall remained motionless. On the contrary, together with the alchemy furnace in front of the black misty figure, the red light was a little more powerful, which actually suppressed the momentum of the East China Sea!

Time, with the passage of wind and rain, the impact of cattle in the East China Sea is becoming more and more powerless. However, it doesn't seem to be very uncomfortable to see the magic religion.

The black fog in the air is a little better. Although the black fog fluctuates violently, its body is motionless, and the alchemy furnace floating in front of him is motionless, making Lin Shang clearly see the power of the best magic weapon of the family thousands of years ago.

More than half of the dozens of people in black on the ground have fallen to the ground at this moment, and bright red blood flows out of their eyes, ears, mouth and nose. They have already died beyond death. They are actually shocked by these two huge forces!

Most of the remaining people are also staggering, and only a few people with higher cultivation still insist on staying around the light curtain.

Seeing this scene, Linshang's heart was half cold.

Just now, he thought that if he killed one of the dozens of people in black, the red light array would naturally break. But looking at the current situation, it is obvious that the man in black is not the source of the power of the red light array, but exists to protect the red light array.

The circle of the red light array power is not on the person in black, so... it can only be on the black figure!

Thinking about it, Lin Shang narrowed her eyes slightly and aimed at the black figure standing out of thin air. He intended to attack, but before he started, he shook his head slightly and stopped.

The cultivation of the black figure is unfathomable, and I'm afraid it's not enough for others to pinch it with one finger.

To die meaninglessly, you can't do this by yourself!

However, since there are magic monks guarding the red light array, it means that it needs to be guarded. Is the red light array extremely strong inside, but fragile outside?

So, can you break this red light array by attacking from the outside?!

Thinking about it, Lin Shan's eyes lit up, and she quietly moved forward a few feet, and then quietly looked up at the black figure in the air. As long as the black figure does not move, there is a chance to destroy the red light array!

However, this look immediately stunned Linshang. His eyes did not focus on the black figure, but on the East China Sea cow in the red light array.

I don't know when the roaring wind and rain gradually convered, as if it were foreshadowing something.

Finally, after the last impact was useless, the Donghai cow gasped and roared low, standing helplessly and motionless.

At this time, he bowed his head and hung his head to his chest, as if he had been appointed, standing there listlessly.

The dark clouds in the sky also gradually showed signs of dispersing, and the sky gradually lit up. When it was born, the power that made the sky change color and surge could no longer be seen.

In the red light array, the East China Sea cow, with its head down, is like a child at the end of the road, standing there with a dead heart!

A little desolate, a little lonely...

In the air above the head, the loud sound of the sky is continuous, and behind him, the slightly lower sound of magic weapons is also roaring.

The two factions are still fighting with each other.

However, on the beach of this Liubo Mountain, around the strange red light array, an inexplicable but trembling atmosphere began to spread...


The third update. Tomorrow is the last day of October. This month, Xiaochen has been very busy and has been considering whether November will also be updated with 10,000 words a day like this. I want to hear your opinions, so I modified a vote. A few days have passed, and few people voted, which makes Xiaochen very hesitant. I hope you can vote. Xiaochen would like to hear everyone's opinions. Thank you!