State Dingji

Chapter 320 Plum Blossom Reappearance


The fierce blue light, like a meteor suddenly appeared in the night, illuminating the darkness around.

The feather light resolutely came out of its sheath, and in the clear blue light flashed, it had assimilated with its owner into a bright meteor in the dark, piercing the darkness around it, and rushing straight to the huge red light wall.

"Brother Lin!"

On the shore of the beach, Su Yuqing in the woods was shocked and took a look at the two factions of the melee in the sky. The light in her eyes struggled slightly. In the green light flashed, she turned into a green sword light and flew towards the red light wall on the beach.

Although the two factions of Zhengmo in the air are fighting, they are completely watching the changes on the ground. Seeing the two lights flying towards the red light wall, the monks of the two factions of Zhengmo suddenly showed a completely different expression.

"Stop them!"

The monks of the Magic Sect all changed their faces, and many people exclaimed and couldn't wait to immediately shoot magic weapons to intercept Linshang and Su Yuqing. However, the decent monks who saw the scene had bright eyes. They were entangled by the magic monks and could not attack the red light wall. The two were obviously on their side and naturally needed some help.

Suddenly, many decent monks released their most proud moves. They not only intercepted the magic monks who shot at Linshang and Su Yuqing, but also faintly suppressed the magic monks.

Under such a crazy offensive, the pressure of the demon monks suddenly increased greatly. Although he has the intention to stop it, he is unable to return to heaven.

How fast Lin Shang flew so fast that he rushed to the beach in the blink of an eye, less than two feet away from the red light array. At this moment, the people of the magic religion had also found that something was wrong, and the screams suddenly started.

They have long discovered the existence of Linshang, but Linshang is different. They think that Linshang is afraid of the power of his divine religion, so he dares not take action. At this time, when they felt the powerful breath of Linshang's body that was no less than that of the innate golden elixir realm master, they suddenly messed up.


A faint voice came from the dark and foggy figure in the air. In the faint voice, there seemed to be surprise, joy and unknown murderous intent.

The voice came out, but the dark and foggy figure was motionless, as if he had not put Linshang in his eyes, and it seemed that he could not withdraw to stop Linshang at all because of the red light array.

Seeing those magic monks caught off guard by Lin Chang's explosion, and the figure in the air had no effort to stop it. Even the East China Sea cow trapped in the red light array suddenly opened its eyes that had been closed at this moment.

Suddenly, a red light flashed out of the darkness and abruptly blocked the forest. The blue sword flashed like lightning, forcing the red light back a few points, but Linshang's own figure was also blocked more than ten feet away from the red light array.

A middle-aged man with red hair and red, even blood-red skin, appeared ghostly in front of Linshang.

Looking at a visible bone scar on his right hand, it is not difficult to guess that he just blocked the blade of the feather light with his own flesh palm, which shows the strength of this person's body. However, strangely, although the wound on the man's hand was very deep, there was no blood flowing, only the pale muscles and white bones under the skin, which was really shocking, as if the man had no blood all over his body.

The red-haired middle-aged man smiled and gently licked the wound on his hand. He saw a bright red fog covering his palm. In an instant, the red fog dissipated, and the wound of the deep visible bones on his hand disappeared, and the bright red skin seemed to have been injured. .

Seeing him gently dusting off the non-existent red clothes, he said with a smile, "This Taoist friend, this East China Sea cow was trapped by our efforts, and it does not hinder your decentness. Why do Taoist friends have to fight for it?"

Linshang took a deep breath and knew that the cultivation of the person in front of him was unfathomable, at least in the middle of the realm of the innate golden elixir, or even in the later stage, he may not be his opponent. However, when his eyes fell on the Donghai Kui Niu, he saw that the Donghai Kui Niu was also looking at him. His eyes were bright and there was a low roar in his mouth, which made people not know what he was thinking at this moment.


Linshang suddenly shouted loudly, and his body moved rapidly. In the light of the feathered sword, he cut straight to the red-haired man.

The red-haired man was stunned, gently waved his still numb right hand, exhaled gently, and his whole body was suddenly shrouded in the red fog that had just appeared. He shouted softly and rushed to Linshang.

This man's cultivation is so high that he does not summon any magic weapon. With only a pair of meat fists, he trembles with Linshang.

The blue and red in the field suddenly became one!

Linshang's sword was caged, and the feathered sword was as bright as lightning, and the red-haired man's body were scratched with deep bones. Under such injuries, the ordinary monks should have been seriously injured. However, the red-haired man just frowned, the bright red fog flowed through, and the wound cut by Linshang suddenly disappeared, as if he had not been injured.

If the red-haired man can only recover from the injury quickly, Linshang doesn't care much. What Linshang cares about is the man's body.

Don't risk your life?

No, it's crazy!

The red-haired man's attack on Linshang did not dodge at all, but turned into a blood shadow and kept attacking Linshang. Yu Mang cut a wound on his body, but he didn't look at it. He was determined to throw down Linshang, as if as long as he touched Linshang, he could win immediately.

Before the blood shadow arrived, there was a strong smell of blood that made people sick and vomiting. When she smelled it, Linshang only felt that the blood all over her body began to float unobediently. The churning appearance was simply about to break out!

In this case, how dare Linshang get close to him?

Just smelling the bloody smell makes people feel uneasy. If it is rushed by his blood shadow, won't all the blood flow out?

With a shout, the feather light turned into a sword light all over the sky, and the body kept moving quickly to avoid the attack of the shadow of blood. Many times, if he hadn't understood the meaning of the sword and reached the realm of no way to win, I'm afraid he would have been hit by the blood shadow of the red-haired man.

Linshang originally intended to break the red light wall and release the cattle in the East China Sea to destroy the magic religion. However, before he arrived next to the red light wall, he had met such a difficult opponent, which really made Linshang depressed. At the same time, he was also surprised by the high cultivation and strange skills of the red-haired man, which was as unpredictable as a shadow.

Just as Linshang was struggling to support helplessly, a green sword light suddenly inserted into the two men's regiment, slightly resisting the attack of the blood shadow, which made Linshang suddenly relieved.

"Sister Su?"

Lin Shang was stunned and saw Su Yuqing and her turn into a green sword light shuttle back and forth. She was not powerful, but she also repelled the blood shadow a little. It seemed that it was the top-quality flying sword shadow that exerted its original power.

"Brother Lin, let's do it together and kill this demon!" Seeing Lin Shang's stunned, Su Yuqing suddenly shouted softly, and the superior flying sword and blue shadow sword suddenly emitted unprecedented green light, and the strong vitality suddenly spread across the beach, making the gray beach a little green.

"Ah! Kill her quickly!"

Lin Shang was stunned and was waiting to continue to fight with the blood shadow. He only heard an angry voice above the red light array. Looking up, the vitality emitted by the blue shadow spread to the red light array, which actually made the red light wall that could not even shake the cattle in the East China Sea emit white smoke, as if by the thick vitality Corrosion is average.

Is the red light array afraid of the attack of wood attributes/ moves?

Thinking of this, Lin Chang's eyes lit up and immediately turned into a cyan lightning to stop the blood shadow. She shouted loudly to Su Yuqing, "Sister Su, go and break the red light wall and let the cow out of the East China Sea. I'll stop him!"

Su Yuqing was stunned and wanted to refuse, but in the flow of his eyes, he saw the hope in the eyes of the cow in the East China Sea. His eyes flashed a few times, suddenly nodded, and the blue shadow turned to the red light wall in an instant.

In the green light, the sword body of the blue shadow disappeared. Instead, a white plum blossom appeared in the air, spinning towards the red light as if blown by the wind!

Before the plum blossoms arrive, the vitality that is thick enough to form substance quickly corrodes the red light array with thick white smoke. In the white smoke, there is a sound of "chirp". Obviously, the power of the red light array is canceling each other out with the vitality.

morphicization? Sister Su used this trick again?

Seeing the plum blossoms flying all over the sky, Linshang was stunned for a moment, and then her heart was stunned, and the attack on the blood shadow became more fierce.

At the time of the five peaks on that day, Su Yuqing's display of this move is still fresh in his memory. You should know that the mimicry is a move that needs to reach the realm of innate golden elixir. Although Su Yuqing's cultivation is not what it used to be, he still uses this move with the cultivation at the peak of the late stage of the innate elixir realm. Some are too reluctant. If this move doesn't work, I'm afraid she will be greatly devoured. In this precarious battlefield, a little injury can kill people!

Seeing this, the red-haired man was immediately anxious. He let Yu Mang draw one deep bone wound after another on his body and flew straight to Su Yuqing. Looking at that, he was going to throw Su Yuqing down.

However, at this time, Su Yuqing's simulated plum blossom seemed to be slow and fast, less than three feet away from the red light wall. It was only a moment away from the light wall. Although the red-haired man turned into a blood shadow was very fast, but it was still a foot away from Su Yuqing and could not stop her at all. What's more, Linshang quickly blocked between the blood shadow and Su Yuqing. The sword light was like pouring rain and stopped him abruptly.