State Dingji

Chapter 349 Resentment

Prohibition, broken.

Looking at the colorful world outside, Linshang was not as excited as he thought. I don't know whether he had feelings for the prohibition set by Qinling's ancestors after staying in the ban for a long time, or because he wanted to go back into the world of intrigue.

If his expression at this time is described in two words, the two words are extremely appropriate.

He doesn't care about himself or whether the prohibition is broken. He just let the hurricane roar due to the spread of Reiki, but his eyes are closed and motionless, as if he had become a part of space.

Although Wang Jingwei and others are far away from Linshang, they can also see the changes in the prohibition. When it was clear that the prohibition was really broken, whether it was Wang Jingwei or Lu Renjia, everyone instinctively flew up in an instant and wanted to leave here through the big hole broken by Lin Shang.

However, before they climbed too high, they stopped coincidentally. One by one, their faces were gloomy, their eyes were hesitant, awe, fear, hatred, and all kinds of eyes mixed in them.

At the mouth of the cave, Linshang did not move.

So they dare not go.

Linshang's power was already clear when they saw the peak split open. At this time, when they saw the prohibition of breaking such a big hole by Linshang, everyone was even more shocked by Linshang. Even when Wang Jingwei looked at Linshang, there was inevitably a little more despair in his originally extremely hostile eyes.

For them, Linshang is invincible, and they have offended this invincible person. Linshang left their lives generously, and everyone was very happy. How dare they get close to Linshang at this time?

Only when Lin Shang left can they be qualified to go through the forbidden hole and return to the world.

However, what made them anxious was that the prohibition broken by Linshang was very unstable, but Linshang was still motionless, as if she were asleep.

At this time, the fragmentation of the prohibition caused a chain reaction of the aura in the prohibition. The earth cracked and collapsed like the end of the world, and even the aura in the air formed a strong aura vortex. Where the whirlpool passed, thousands of pounds of broken rocks were rolled into the air. Before they flew far, they were cut into powder by the power of the rapid rotation of Reiki.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the scene in the prohibition is the end of the world to mortals.

Although Wang Jingwei and others are all monks in the realm of innate Shidan and can fly in the air with swords, the aura in the air is extremely unstable at this time. It is not easy to maintain their flight state, not to mention avoiding the powerful aura vortex. For a moment, Wang Jingwei and other ten people are like mice crossing the street. Fly away in the ban.

It's not that they want to do this, but the power of the aura whirlpool. Even as monks of the innate Shidan realm, once they enter, they are afraid that they will have to be pulled out of a layer of skin to escape.

If you are unlucky, you may never get out as soon as you get in.

At this time, the only idea in their minds was to let Linshang leave quickly.

And Linshang also lived up to everyone's expectations. She slowly opened her closed eyes, and a smile appeared on her face.

"So, it seems that I still look down on my ancestors!"

Looking at the prohibition that had begun to collapse, Linshang smiled and punched it without a trace of fireworks.

He is going to completely smash this ban!

Before, when he hit a hole in the prohibition, he was about to go out, but suddenly found that the prohibition in front of him was slowly repaired at a speed invisible to the naked eye. With the drastic changes in the environment of the ban, the speed of ban and repair is getting faster and faster. Wang Jingwei and others' cultivation could not be seen at that speed, but Linshang noticed it.

The prohibition is repaired by itself, that is to say, if Linshang leaves at this time, the prohibition may return to its previous situation in the near future.

Linshang, who understood what was going on, suddenly had a desire to win. In his mind, even if he couldn't break the prohibition, he should completely destroy it, right?

Although the things left by the ancestors are gone, after all, this is the place where the ancestors practiced in the past. How can it be left to be ruined by later generations?

With this mentality, Lin Chang closed his eyes and calculated it in his heart, and when Wang Jingwei and others avoided the reiki whirlpool in the prohibition, Linshang had clearly calculated the composition of the prohibition, so as soon as he opened his eyes, he punched it.


There is absolute confidence in Linshang's faint voice.

A gentle punch in the air, it looked so weak that it stopped without even touching the forbidden edge. And the moment the fist stopped, nothing happened. Linshang's punch was like a child's nonsense.

Prohibition is motionless, as if it were just a few years old.

Linshang smiled in front of him and said no, but Wang Jingwei and others, who avoided the whirlpool of aura in the prohibition, scolded.

"Why hasn't Lin left? It's all broken, and you're still punching there. What are you going to pretend?!"

"Daw, does Lin regret it? He won't leave until he sees us die here!"

"Bastard, why don't you get out of here?"


Of course, they just said these words in their hearts. Looking at the forest that was motionless under the hurricane at the forbidden hole, they did not have the courage to speak.

Linshang naturally didn't know what Wang Jingwei and others thought. He just quietly looked at the prohibition in front of him, and his eyes were full of confidence.

Suddenly, just when Wang Jingwei couldn't help roaring, the prohibition suddenly changed.

The white light on the whole prohibition flashed quickly, and the sound of the broken jade was endless. Under the surprised gaze of Wang Jingwei and others, countless cracks suddenly appeared on the undamaged prohibition, just like natural cracks on Jun porcelain.

As soon as those cracks came out, they expanded quickly. In an instant, the whole prohibition had been fragmented, and the outside world could be clearly seen from the wide crack.

"How could this happen? Ah? Let's go!!"

Just when Wang Jingwei and others were shocked, Wang Jingwei suddenly found that because of the disappearance of the prohibition, the aura whirlpool that had originally circled in the ban suddenly merged together, forming an unprecedented huge whirlpool, roaring and sweeping away.

An irresistible force is pulling them to the whirlpool.

Wang Jingwei shouted, and others suddenly woke up from the shock and found that others were involuntarily flying towards a huge whirlpool. He was suddenly anxious and desperately urged Zhenyuan to instill in the flying sword and want to fly away from here.

Originally, those smaller whirlpools have let them hide. If they fall into this huge whirlpool, won't they be dead?

"Be sure to get out of here! The Lin has completely smashed the prohibition. As long as you get rid of this whirlpool, you can go out immediately. Be sure to go out!!"

With this idea, everyone flew out desperately. However, the suction generated by the huge aura vortex was not something they could resist. They only heard an extremely miserable cry from behind them. Everyone looked back and saw that the person with the lowest cultivation had been sucked into the whirlpool, and only made a scream, and even the man was rolled into minced meat with his flying sword. I don't know. Where was it thrown away?

The originally pale aura whirlpool turned into a faint red because it devoured a life, like a vicious ancient beast that made people palpitate!

At this time, the three souls suddenly flew away from the seven souls. Under the shock, another three people lost control and were controlled by the strong suction of the aura vortex. They pulled out three extremely miserable howls in the air and were also turned into minced meat.

The reiki whirlpool stained with the blood of the three people is getting more and more red and more depressing!

At this time, there were still six people left, such as Wang Jingwei and others, but these six people no longer had the courage to look back. They just desperately instilled Zhenyuan into the flying sword, and their eyes were blood-red, and they couldn't wait to leave here immediately.

These six people were the highest among the original ten people. At this time, they tried their best to resist the suction of the Reiki whirlpool. Although his body did not fly forward at all, he still kept a distance from the vortex.

As for Wang Jingwei, as the highest cultivation among the remaining six people, he can even fly forward little by little at the speed of the turtle crawling while resisting the suction. As he pulled away from the vortex little by little, the suction also decreased little by little, which suddenly ignited hope in his heart.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!! As long as you hurry up, you can get rid of the vortex, and you don't have to die!!!"

Wang Jingwei roared madly in his heart and didn't look at the situation behind him. Even when he heard the sad scream of his brother Lu Renjia, he didn't even frown.

At this time, he was the only one of the original ten people. Everyone else died in the aura vortex.

Looking at the nine people who died one by one in front of him, Linshang sighed slightly, but stood out of thin air and did not move. The suction of the Reiki whirlpool also attracts Wang Jingwei and others. However, at this time, Linshang has become a part of heaven and earth. The aura whirlpool can roll up the boulder and kill the monks, but can it shake the heaven and earth?

"Knowing this, why did you do it at the beginning?"

Looking at Wang Jingwei, who was struggling desperately, again, Linshang turned around and was ready to leave. He has seen that this whirlpool can't disappear for less than half an hour. If Wang Jingwei can keep this speed, it won't be a problem to escape.

But can he?

The answer is no.

When Linshang turned around, Wang Jingwei suddenly found that his Zhenyuan would immediately be exhausted, and the speed of flight suddenly dropped. At the same time, his figure flew to the aura vortex little by little.

"Impossible! I can't die!! I still have a lot of things to do!!!"

Wang Jingwei roared, as if to stimulate the potential of the body. However, when his throat had been bleeding, he still flew uncontrollably to the aura whirlpool. However, when he looked up and saw Linshang, who turned over his head and was ready to leave, there was hope in his eyes.

"Brother Lin, help me! Brother Lin, help me!! Elixir! Magic weapon!! It's all yours!!!"

Wang Jingwei struggled desperately and was dedicated to exchange all his property for his life.

Hearing Wang Jingwei's voice, Linshang suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Wang Jingwei in silence.

Wang Jingwei saw that the hope in his heart burned more and more, and he shouted that as long as Linshang saved his life, he would give Linshang all kinds of benefits. He is very confident about Linshang's cultivation. As long as he has not encountered the aura whirlpool, Linshang will definitely have a way to save him.

Although his body is flying towards the aura vortex, Wang Jingwei firmly believes it!

Looking at Wang Jingwei's expression at this time, Linsang didn't know whether he sympathized with Wang Jingwei or was pitiful, but he knew that he had a reason not to save Wang Jingwei.

Mr. Dongguo's story, which he had heard many times in his previous life.

"Help me! Help me!! Why don't you save me!!!" Wang Jingwei was still roaring. At this time, he was less than ten feet away from the aura whirlpool, and he could even smell a smell of blood coming from behind.

That's the blood of the monk who was just with him!

"Bastard!! Lin, you don't have to die!! Even if I die and become a ghost, I will make you restless for the rest of my life!!!"

At this time, Wang Jingwei suddenly despaired. From Linshang's movements, he could see that Linshang would not save himself. Just now, he was full of hope, but at this moment, his heart was filled with despair. The gap between hope and despair made him crazy. He hated and hated everything, so he scolded and cursed.

In his opinion, his current situation is caused by Linshang!

Listening to Wang Jingwei's curse, Linshang just shook his head gently, as if he was denying Wang Jingwei or himself.

Turn around gently and leave.

Leaving a sentence, which sounded in Wang Jingwei's ear.

"I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say I would save you."


The power has been cut off for a day, er, no, it's the Internet for a day... The thunderous rain gave the evil Netcom to P, so Xiaochen can't get on the Internet... In this situation, I really don't know whether he is happy or depressed... Er, Xiaochen is trying his best to write, not for the white money, just for his heart. Persistence. So, thank you...