State Dingji

Chapter 350 Take You Home

Out of the prohibition, Linshang habitually looked around, but found that her position was very familiar.

If you think about it carefully, it is still in the Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea.

Looking at the mess of Liubo Mountain, and then looking at the rapidly shrinking aura vortex under him, Lin Shang had a burst of enlightenment in his heart.

It turned out that Liubo Mountain was the place where the Qinling Heavenly Emperor practiced in those years, and the prohibition was naturally set up by him to circle a large piece of mountain on Liubo Mountain. The prohibition was indeed powerful. On that day, so many strong people with profound cultivation did not find it. Instead, they let the red-haired-skinned prawn explode, blew up a gap and trapped themselves and others, which happened later.

"Which side won? Am I decent from all major schools? Not necessarily. Although those who come to Liubo Mountain are all elites of my decent schools and have profound cultivation, I always feel that the guy who released the alchemy furnace is not so simple. Even if he can't beat many of my decent masters, it should not be a problem to leave calmly. It's just that I don't know what happened to the strange-like Donghai Kui Niu..."

"Run away by yourself? Or was it captured by the demon religion? Or was it caught by a sect I was decent to become a mountain protector? Who knows..."

His eyes swept over the familiar beach, and Lin Shang sighed gently.

"Time is like an arrow, and time flies. No matter how strong a person is, it is still not as natural as heaven and earth."

There are no years in the ban, and he doesn't know how long he has been in the ban. However, seeing that the traces of the original fighting on the beach have completely disappeared, Lin Shang knows that he has been trapped in the ban for a long time. The fierce battle on that day should have left indelible traces on the beach, but today, those traces have been wiped out by time and sea.

The sea is still seawater, and the beach is still the beach, but it will not change because someone has fought here.

Seeing this scene, Linshang couldn't help admiring it.

With a flash of blue light, Lin Shang suddenly appeared on the beach and slowly took two steps, leaving two rows of shallow footprints on the beach.

"Yu it still here..."

Thinking of the fight on the beach that day, Lin Shang suddenly remembered the feathers he had left here. Although he knew that the top magic weapons like Yu Mang are extremely rare, and if someone finds them, he will definitely not miss it, but with the best hope, Lin Shang still closed his eyes and condensed to feel the breath of Yu Mang.

He closed his eyes and let go of his mind. He immediately put everything in his mind, not even the beach under his feet. This power is not like the divine consciousness of other monks, but the result of his understanding of the way of heaven.

For Linshang, it is just the unity of heaven and man, and it is still possible to integrate himself with the world of hundreds of feet.

In the unity of heaven and man, the round and smooth sand, clear and bright water, and everything around it appeared in Linshang's mind. For a moment, Linshang felt that she had become the sand, the water.

In the dark, Linshang actually forgot that she was looking for the feather light and completely immersed herself in the surrounding world.

An indescribable joy rises from the depths of Linshang's heart, faintly but irresistibly indulged in it.

Suddenly, a sense of discord hit Lin Shang's heart, which was a feeling of suddenly adding different things in many of the same items, like a grain of sand thrown into a glass of water. That feeling immediately made Linshang feel curious.

The mind went with the feeling, and Linshang's footsteps slowly moved gently, walked through the beach, stepped into the sea, and walked east on a flat ground.

As the feeling became stronger and stronger, Linshang's footsteps became faster and faster. From a distance, he saw a young man in blue and a jade face stepping on the water. At every step, the space around him was slightly distorted, and the young man's figure appeared a hundred feet away.

It's amazing to see him walk like a leisurely, but his speed is extremely fast. You know, if you use Zhenyuan or Yujian to fly, monks in the realm of innate Shidan can also do this. But what is shocking is that on Linshang's journey, he didn't use Tianyuan at all. Every step of his life is natural, and everything is natural, as if walking like him is the most normal.

This ability may be more than the shrinking step that Linshang heard in the novel in his previous life. Maybe that's what the legendary world is like.

"It's almost there, it's coming soon!"

Still integrating his mind into the surrounding world, Linshang naturally feels that every step out is so comfortable, just like stepping on the drumbeat of happiness and walking on the road of happiness. When he found that he could walk a few miles in one step, although he was surprised, he only attributed this change to the perfection of his own realm of law and heaven, and he didn't think much about it.

At this time, all Linshang thought about was the sense of discord that lingered in his heart. That feeling was extremely strange at the beginning, but after a while, it made Linshang feel extremely familiar, just like in the unknown distance, there was something waiting for her to haunt her.

"It's calling me! It..."

"Feather Mang!"

The feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and the faster Linshang's speed is. When he felt a sudden burst of joy at the bottom of the sea not far away, Linshang's heart was shocked and immediately shouted the name of Yu Mang.

As soon as the words fell, Linshang felt a burst of light, like a rain falling from the sky, washing her heart. At the same time, the sense of discord in my heart suddenly disappeared, and a long-lost feeling filled my heart.

At that moment, Linshang finally remembered who had been calling him.

Yu Mang!

"It's right here!"

Linshang suddenly stopped and stared at the bottomless sea. There was no hesitation in his heart. Tianyuan was all over his body, silently integrated into the sea and dived down.

However, before he dived to a depth of three feet, his heart was shocked and suddenly stopped again.

"Yu Mang?"

In Linshang's mind, the feather light hidden at the bottom of the sea suddenly stopped Linshang and conveyed a very happy mood to Linshang.

The two completely different reactions suddenly made Linshang's heart a little doubt. While his body stopped, the thick pale cyan sky was covered with his whole body, and his mind was tight, in the face of possible sneak attacks from all directions.

The strange performance of Yu Mang instinctively made Linshang think that she was warning herself. Although Linshang knew the details of his cultivation, he still carefully guarded against the unknown in the endless sea.

"What's going on?"

Linshang carefully sent out an idea of inquiry to the feathers of the unknown seabed.

If others in the world of cultivation know his action, he will definitely laugh at Linshang. You know, weapons are weapons. Even if they are top-quality magic weapons and best magic weapons, they are just more advanced weapons. Speaking of spirituality, both the best magic weapon and the best magic weapon have a certain spirituality, but it is just spirituality, but it cannot be communicated as a intelligent creature with its own consciousness.

Lin Zhang has been in this world of cultivation for so long, naturally he knows this very well. But he also knew that he had never just used Yu Mang as his weapon. For him, Yu Mang was like a part of his body, just like his hands and feet.

Are you so stupid to be polite to yourself?

Linshang never thinks so.

The idea was sent out, and Linshang also thought that Yu Mang must have received it, but Yu Mang's reaction made Linshang more confused.

Lin Shang clearly felt that when he was worried about this emotion, Yu Mang conveyed an extremely happy emotion to him. When that feeling came to his heart, a very funny picture suddenly appeared in Lin Shang's mind.

After receiving his idea, the three-foot-long sword feather mang laughed in surprise!

"When did Yu Mang have such spirituality?"

In Linshang's doubt, he suddenly felt that Yu Mang was approaching him quickly. The fluctuations generated by the rapid speed suddenly set off stormy waves in the sea, just like a dragon playing in the sea.

"Isn't the feather light forged from wind and gold stone? How can it be so tossed in the sea? It seems that my Linshang's baby has also inherited her master's wise martial arts~ He ran over in such a hurry and misses me, right? Hey~"

Feeling that Yu Mang was very close to him, Linshang smiled, and the expression on her face was called a **/sang. If she didn't know, she thought he was waiting for a peerless beauty to throw herself into her arms.

Just as Linshang giggled, the sea under him suddenly cracked a distance, like an invisible cover suddenly appeared in the sea, forcing the sea water away.

Linshang fixed her eyes and saw that the one who forced the sea away under her was the feathers that she didn't know how long she had left.

I saw the blue light flowing on the three-foot sword front, and it was flying towards me with a pioneering momentum. Where the feather light passed, the sea water was forced away by the blue light on the feather light one after another, just like a dragon overturning the river.

Lin Shang's eyes lit up, and he did not hesitate to cut the iron-like edge of the blade. With his left hand, he pinched the blade of the sword with three fingers, and then grasped the hilt of the sword with his right hand. Spreading his left hand and gently touching the blade of the feather light, Linshang immediately smiled with a **/swang face.

"Baby! I haven't seen you for such a long time. Do you want to die?!"

I don't know whether I understood Linshang's words or felt the joy in Linshang's heart. Yu Mang suddenly became blue, the sword body trembled slightly, and there were bursts of dragon-like chants and went straight to the sky.

"Okay, okay! Good boy! Uncle, I also miss you very much~" Linshang, who found her baby, smiled with a smile on her face. Looking at the action of touching the sword body, she was like a woman touching her.

It was rare to find the feather light. Linshang naturally missed the scene of flying with the sword, and then naturally wanted to experience the feeling of flying with a sword.

Tianyuan can't control the flight of feathers? It doesn't matter! Uncle Linshang has a way!

Linshang patted Yu Mang's sword body with a cheap smile. Despite the slight trembling of Yu Mang's sword body, he threw Yu Mang into the water and jumped straight up. While his feet fell on the sword body, Tianyuan flowed in his body, and his feet suddenly produced a strong suction, making Linshang stop firmly on the feather light.

It used to be Linshang's flying with the sword, but at this time, it was Yuman's Yulin's flying!

"Go! Uncle will take you home!"

After narrowing his eyes and experiencing it for a while, Linshang smiled and was moved. His body suddenly broke out of the water with feathers and flew straight to the west.

Why go west? Does that need to be said?

Although Linshang doesn't know how far he has run, he must still be in the East China Sea, and Yangzhou, where Xuantianzong is located, is in the west of the East China Sea. As long as he comes to the shore, he is afraid that he can't find Yangzhou and Xuantianzong?


Well, I'm late today too-.-But! A little earlier than yesterday, everyone applauded and celebrated that Xiaochen surpassed yesterday's self. O(∩_∩)O Haha~