State Dingji

Chapter 375 Living Monster

At the moment of rushing out, the monks of the other four sects of the five sects dispersed, separated from thousands of people, and clearly flew in four different directions. Obviously, they did not want to conflict with the other four factions in a short time.

Lin Shang was stunned and instinctively wanted to be lazy and take a ride of the Shushan School. But then I thought, at this time, I did not represent myself alone, but the whole Xuantian Sect. Xuantian Sect followed the Shushan School to pick up leaks? If this word spreads to Xuantianzong, I'm afraid that the master will immediately force them out of the customs to destroy themselves...

"I can't help it. Let's be a man who travels thousands of miles..."


"How can those four words give people a strange feeling..."

"Ah, flash!"

When Linshang was stunned, many monks flew to the Wanshou Palace. The scene of the crowd suddenly shocked Linshang. In an instant, he left something to walk alone, instinctively shouted, and casually found a direction to escape.

As soon as Lin Shang flew away, thousands of monks encroached on his previous space. When it was less than ten feet away from the Wanshou Palace, the monks dispersed tacitly, turned into hundreds of rays of light in their respective sects and drilled into the palace from different angles.

That scene is like a bird returning to the nest...

It belongs to the same nest...


"What a big bone..."

In an unknown corner of Wanshou Palace, Linshang suddenly stopped and looked at a pair of bones scattered on the ground not far away.

Although the skeleton is scattered on the ground and does not look like before, just looking at the chest the size of an ordinary room and a claw as long as a person, you can guess how huge the skeleton was before death.

Surprisingly, the skeleton is not complete, with no head, only the limbs and torso scattered on the ground. Looking at the scattered positions of the limbs and torso, a picture of people's scalp tingling instantly appeared in Lins mind.

A huge peerless monster once stood here. One paw grabbed the limbs of the skeleton and nibbled at it. After nibbling, he threw it away. After eating his limbs, he finally swallowed his head in one bite. The blood left on the skeleton dyed the whole hall red...

"I really want to see how tall and powerful this skeleton was. How can you be eaten by others..."

Forced to resist the desire to fight back the skeleton, Linshang patted the little ape who was still curious looking at the skeleton and turned to the door when she came in.

Before he reached the door, Lin Shang heard the monk's call for help faintly outside the door. Lin Shang was stunned and was not happy. He held the little ape on his shoulder and rushed out.

After coming in for so long, I finally met a living person!

Walking out of the door and looking in the direction of the sound, he saw a young monk in a white robe just running out of the end of the corridor. Lin Shan was happy, stretched out his hand and shouted, and greeted the monk to come to him. The monk's face was full of fear. After hearing Lin Shan's voice, his whole body trembled, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes. He turned around and ran in the direction of Linshang.

"Come here, come here! I have something to ask you."

Linshang looked happily at the monk who came and asked him if he had seen the other four major monks. At the end of the corridor, he suddenly stretched out a big mouth and swallowed the monk like a date.

From beginning to end, the monk did not make any sound, just like a mosquito being eaten by a frog.

Linshang was stunned, and her waved hand suddenly stopped in the air, and the little ape held Linshang's neck tightly, and his eyes were closed to death. Obviously, he was extremely afraid.

"What the hell is this?! A monk in the later realm of Shidan was eaten by these four people who didn't seem to eat broad beans?!"

Looking at the ugly face exposed by closing his big mouth, Lin Shan once again praised the magic of creation, or the laziness of creation...

When Linshang saw the big-mouthed face, the eyes on the extremely ugly face also saw Linshang. His big mouth opened slightly and cried a few times like a baby crying. His body moved forward, and a monster more than three people tall appeared in front of Linshang.

Four-eyed black skin, long neck and four-legged, wolf head and tiger claws, four eyes as thick as copper bells, two pairs of separated on the side of the face, six sharp fangs exposed from the big mouth, gray saliva kept dripping from the fangs, and white smoke emerged when falling to the ground, and then you can see the hard stone surface corroded into deep pits.

This is already extremely scary. It may be able to suppress ghosts when painted on paper, but look at its thick grain. Hard pimples, gray-black skin like the back of a toad, most people may think its previous appearance is cute...

As soon as the monster appeared, the four big copper bell eyes flashed fiercely, staring at Linshang, as if they had touched something delicious, and the speed of salivating fell faster.

However, I don't know why the monster just stared at Linshang, but did not jump over for a long time.

"What kind of monster is this? Ugly is ugly, isn't it? Is it still so fierce?! Linshang has always treated other animals as food, but I didn't expect to meet someone who treats me as food! If you want to eat me, come here!"

Linshang hooked his finger at the monster and motioned the monster to come over.

His action seemed to be careless, but Tianyuan in his body had already flowed all over his body, and even the little ape squatting on his shoulder was shrouded in a faint blue light.

Strategicly despise the enemy and tactically attach importance to the enemy.

In the face of this unknown monster, Linshang dares not joke about his life. Moreover, although Linshang did not know what monster was in front of him, Linshang was a little familiar with the eyes in the four big copper bells.

Ferocious, bloodthirsty and focused!

It's the same as the tiger's eyes when it eats!

This monster only knows how to fight and devour, but its eyes are focused but there is no divine color. Obviously, it doesn't have much wisdom. Are all the monsters inside and outside the palace killed and eaten by it?

If it's true, if this monster is banned, won't it turn the whole Kyushu over?

This monster can't stay!

Lin Shan's eyes were cold, his right arm stretched out, and the feather light flashed in his hand.

In the cold light, a cold murderous intention enveloped the monster.


Feeling Linshang's murderous intention, the monster seemed to have been insulted. His four big eyes were instantly blood red, roared, and his two hind legs turned into a gray-black lightning to rush to Linshang.

Before he arrived in front of Lin Shang, the monster instantly changed his moves. His two front paws grabbed Lin Shang's chest and lower abdomen, and the big bloody mouth bit Lin Shang's neck far away!

"Good come!"

Lin Shang shouted loudly, and the Tianyuan in his body was fully open. The tip of the feathered sword crossed diagonally, like a line on the edge of the road, virtual and real, as if slowly and quickly cut on the neck of the monster.


Like the muffled sound of a heavy hammer hitting the cowhide drum, the monster was swept out by the feather light, smashed the walls of the corridor and several rooms, roaring loudly, and disappeared into the sight of Lin Shang. And Lin Shang was also pushed back two steps by the huge force passed on to Yu Mang.

"This monster has great strength and hard skin!"

Pinched the slightly numb right hand, and Linshang was stunned.

With the power of the sword just now, it is not a problem to smash a top-quality magic weapon, but when the feathermang cut on the monster's neck, he felt as if he had cut on diamond. Not only did he not cut the monster's skin, but his right hand was shaken by the rebounding force.

What kind of monster is this?! Why can't you see it?! Is it the realm of divine?!

No, if it is in the divine realm, it is not the one that was blown away before.

I can't see the cultivation, but I have strong power and defense...

Is it...

A picture flashed in Linshang's mind.

The beach of Liubo Mountain, the bloody light array, and the ancient strange beasts were exactly the scene when I saw the cattle in the East China Sea in Liubo Mountain.

Is this monster an ancient beast like a cow in the East China Sea?!


Just as Linshang recalled, a black figure rushed out of the dust, and his bloody fangs stabbed Linshang's neck.

When the fangs were still three feet away from Linshang, an unbearable fishy smell came. Linshang frowned, and a cold light flashed in her eyes. She did not retreat and moved forward, with her body, with the feather light as the tip of the sword, her body as the blade, and the human sword rushed to the monster.

The tip of the sword points to the monster's open mouth!

Linshang doesn't believe that this monster is harder than its skin!!

The monster also knew that it was powerful. It stopped the offensive in the air and closed its mouth tightly. At the same time, its right claw met the tip of the feather sword with gray smoke.

This is to force Linshang to fight hard!

"Do not think about it!!"

Lin Shang saw the monster's intention, shouted fiercely, and the long sword stabbed forward suddenly up. While separating the monster's right claw, he stabbed the monster's chin fiercely. The skin on the monster's chin was not as hard as the skin of its neck. Under the thorn, it actually poked more than two inches, and the strength was weakened.

Seeing this, Lin Shang suddenly exerted his strength under his feet and flew up with a long sword. He wanted to take advantage of the victory and directly kill the monster. But he didn't expect that the monster was extremely cunning. Before Lin Shang flew up, he had pressed his four claws down hard, and his huge body flew up. Linshang's movements slowed down, and he saw the monster break away from the feather light and escape from the ceiling at the top.

"Evil beast, where to escape!!"

Lin Shang shouted violently and flew up, but he didn't expect a gray-black blood to splash on his head. It was the wound on the monster's chin that flowed out. Previously, the feather light stabbed on the chin to block the wound, but the monster broke away from the feather light and just let the blood flow out of the wound.

Thinking that the monster's saliva could corrode the ground, Lin Chang dared to let the impenetrable blood pour on him. With a sudden wave of his left hand, a strong wind blew the gray and black thing elsewhere.

Linshang also took this opportunity to fly out of the big hole broken by the monster.


I have a migraine, forgive me, forgive me...