State Dingji

Chapter 376 tao tie

As soon as his body flew out of the hole, Lin Xiang felt a strong wind coming. His black hair was blown back in an instant, and his eyebrows were stung like a needle.


Linshang was shocked and didn't have time to see what was coming. As soon as she stepped on her left foot, her body turned into a blue light, drew a mysterious arc, and flew out of the wind-covered area.

To Linshang's surprise, when he flew out of the strong wind-covered area, the thing did not shoot again. According to common sense, if what has just been shot is the magic weapon controlled by the monk, he will definitely track himself with the monk's consciousness, and the strong wind suddenly stopped. Is it a mistake in the car?

"Did someone treat me as a fellow of the monster, or did the magic weapon originally shot at the monster be dodged by the monster and can't take it back?"

Linshang turned his head and looked in the direction of the entrance of the cave, but saw that it had been empty for a long time. He tilted his head and found that an unknown monk was smiling apologetically at himself. Linshang looked at the monk and saw that he looked guilty and sincerely apologized. He returned a comforting smile and looked at the monster.

Over the Longevity Palace, under the gloomy sky, the monster with pimple skin was surrounded by four people, and all kinds of shining magic weapons fell on the monster like rain. Although most of them could not break its thick and hard black skin, the large number actually hurt the monster's organs, and a black and gray blood fog fell from the demon. The beast's mouth spewed out, which was really terrible.



Monsters sometimes roar like thunder, sometimes crying like a baby, and the two voices continue to emit one after another, giving people a feeling of darkness. Other monks who had been surrounded by people stayed away one after another, and the whole battlefield suddenly became empty.

When the monster saw the people dispersed, a fierce color flashed in the big eyes of the four bronze bells and howled fiercely. Unexpectedly, it took the powerful blow of the four people who besieged it. At the same time, the huge figure turned into a gray lightning and flew in the direction of Linshang with the power of anti-shock.

Looking at it like this, it actually wants to escape back to the palace!

"Evil beast! Where to escape!!"

A loud shout sounded in everyone's ears like a thunderstorm. Linshang was slightly fascinated and immediately found that the sound turned out to be from Li Jianfeng. And Li Jianfeng is one of the four people who have just besieged the monster. In addition to Li Jianfeng, the other three are also the bosses of the three factions.

Seeing that the monster actually took a gap from their own hands, the four suddenly felt that they had been hit in the face. Although they did not shout like Li Jianfeng, the skills in their hands became serious and were so fierce that they condensed the offensive that split the dark clouds in the sky.

All four tried their best to cut off the monster and save their reputation, but the monster is not easy to provoke. It can persist in the hands of four strong people in the divine realm for so long, which means that it has its own means to sign up.

Seeing that the attack of the four people was about to shoot on themselves, the four eyes of the monster were instantly blood red, roared, and a mouthful of gray-black blood spewed out, condensed into a football-sized sphere in the air. Grey-black lightning was dense on it, and a heart-shattering force emanted from above.

After spitting out the blood, the light in the monster's eyes dimmed, which obviously hurt its vitality.


In a happy and resentful roar, the monster waved its claws and pushed the ball behind him, just facing the attack of the four Li Jianfeng.


When the gray-black sphere touched the attack of four people, it was instantly broken as if the egg was still on the stone. The sound was not loud, but it was as alarming as the first sound of heaven and earth. Gray-black lightning immediately dispersed the four people's offensive. The monster flew faster to the mouth of the cave with the power of the explosion.

Of course, that direction is also the direction where Linshang is located.

"I still know how to hide private methods, but do you think you can run away like this?"

A cold light flashed in Lin Shang's eyes and smiled at the monster. The feather light in his hand tilted up. He did not use any force, but there was an extremely cold murderous atmosphere condensed into a needle light, and instantly broke through the space and shot in front of the monster.

This murderous spirit may be dispelling for mortals, but it is of no use to this long-killing monster. However, it is this not very powerful murderous spirit that stimulates the fierce heart of the monster.


How dare you provoke me with murderous spirit?!!

The monster roared, and his voice was low and focused, like the sound of deterrent before the predator hunt. At the same time, there was a ferocious smile on his ugly face, just like a man watching the prey run to his trap.


The two front claws covered Lin Shang's chest and abdomen, the blood basin opened, and the cold glittering fangs obliquely pierced Lin Shang's neck. The monster actually forgot to have used this trick on Lin Shang. And I haven't seen the Saint Five Xiaoqiang, and I don't know that for Xiaoqiang, who can't really die, the same move is not a threat at all.

"Evil beast, look at the trick! Tianma Meteor Fist!"

Looking at the monster's offensive, Linsang's eyes lit up and shouted a slogan that made everyone present confused. Under the contemptuous eyes of the monster, he picked up his right claw of the monster's falling with a sword and fist.

This sword actually came first. When the monster reacted, Yu Mang had already stood on his right claw.

Feering the power from the feather awn, Linshang's waist and abdomen suddenly exerted a force, and a force passed from the shoulder to the forearm, then from the forearm to the wrist, and then to the feather awn. Together with the falling power of the monster, the two huge forces pressed the feather light into a semicircle. Under such a huge force, the feather light as a top magic weapon trembled quickly.

It looks like the feather light is overwhelmed and is about to break!


The people watching the battle exclaimed and looked at the long sword with regret in their eyes. However, Lin Shang smiled and didn't care about the condition of the feather light. His whole body did not move, but his wrist suddenly picked up, and a huge force instantly straightened the feather light.


In the surprised and frightened eyes of the monster, the two giant forces combined into one and hit the monster in an instant.

The direction of flying is the direction of Li Jianfeng's four people.

"Lin's nephew is a good means!"

Seeing that the escaped monster was beaten back by Linshang, Li Jianfeng and four others smiled at Linshang, like electricity, and immediately surrounded the monster.

This time, they have no face to let the monster escape.

Looking at the seamless cooperation of the four people, Linshang also dispelled the desire to help, flew back dozens of feet, and looked lively like others.

"Brother Lin, it's really thanks to you. If this glutton doesn't escape, it will really be peaceful that day." After seeing Linshang take action, Shao Yifei rushed over eagerly.

"I'm flattered, I'm flattered~" Lin Shang was polite, suddenly stunned, opened her mouth and asked, "Brother Shao, do you think this monster is called... Tao Li?"

"Brother Lin doesn't know?" Shao Yifei looked at Linshang strangely and nodded.

"Well, I've heard of it, I haven't seen it..." Lin Shang smiled, but didn't say what she knew in her previous life.

Lin Shang didn't know much about Tao Li. He only knew that Tao Li was the legendary dragon's child, very greedy, and finally seemed to be supported to death. As for the first few children of the dragon, Lin Shang doesn't remember what he looks like.

Looking at the Taoist who was besieged by four powerful people in the spirit not far away, Lin Shang looked left and right and only found two points that were the same as the Taoist he knew in his previous life.

The mouth is very big...

Moreover, if the monster bones inside and outside the palace are eaten by this glutton, the glutton will also have a big belly.

Big belly...

Lin Shang frowned when she saw the gray belly of Taotie.

"This glutton has just eaten more than one person. Why is his stomach still so thin? Is its digestive system so good?!"

"It's really worthy of being the legendary big eater..."


"Brother Lin?"

When he thought about it, Shao Yifei's voice came to his ear, and Linshang instinctively said, "Well, what?"

Turning his head, he saw Shao Yifei looking at himself with a funny face.

Lin Shang blushed and said, "I just thought about it."

Shao Yifei laughed and stopped continuing the topic. Instead, he looked at the glutton and said, "I heard from the master that this gluttony is an ancient beast like the cow in the East China Sea. He is proficient in earth spells, and it is hard to break even the top magic weapon. Moreover, this gluttonous man is extremely fierce and greedy. From mortals to monks, even monsters are not allowed. I looked at the bones of those monsters on the ground, and ten* were given by this glutton.

"Well, that's what I just thought." Linshang nodded.

Shao Yifei's eyes lit up, with a right expression. He looked around and whispered, "Brother Lin, I've heard of this gluttony thing. Do you want to hear it?"

Looking at Shao Yifei's shining eyes, Linshang seemed to hear Shao Yifei shouting in his heart, "Listen to me! Listen to me!", wiping the cold sweat that did not exist on his forehead, he quickly spit out a word.


"I knew Brother Lin, you wanted to know. You won't regret listening to me!" Shao Yifei patted Lin Shang on the shoulder and whispered like an ordinary person we didn't tell him, "Brother Lin, it is said that this gluttonous man is not like other monsters. They are part of their bodies, which will slowly grow up and become adult gluttons.

"So, aren't there a lot of gluttons?" Lin Zhang asked in a frenn.

"Listen to me." Shao Yifei looked like an insider and said, "Although this glutton can split his offspring, he can only split one at a time. Moreover, when the split gluttonous man grows up, he will devour his mother."

"So, there is only one glutton in the world."

After saying that, Shao Yifei looked at Linshang expectantly.

" it is..." Lin Shang showed such an expression very cooperatively. No wonder that the bones of so many monsters in the prohibition turned out to be eaten by this glutton.

This thing can even be swallowed by your own mother, so naturally you won't take other monsters seriously!

However, since this monster is here, could it be...

Is this gluttonous monster raised by the beast king?!

With doubts, Lin Shang instinctively looked at the gluttony besieged by Li Jianfeng and other four people. At this time, he found that the sky above his head suddenly changed.

The original gray-black clouds became colorful, and the surrounding clouds suddenly rotated in a counterclockwise direction, slowly forming a spiral cloud in the air. The center of the spiral is where the gluttony is located.

Linshang opened her mouth wide, and the classic lines of the second brother in the previous movie instantly appeared in her mind.

"What a big marshmallow..."


Tomorrow, May 20th, single sticks, go find someone to confess~~