State Dingji

Chapter 377 The Attack of Magic Religion

The vision of heaven and earth!

The so-called abnormal is a demon, isn't it...

Is the gluttony beaten and want to turn into a super gluttony?

Lin Shang licked her lips in a daze, resisted the impulse to shout "It's windy, it's raining, go home to collect your clothes", pulled Shao Yi's sleeve, and motioned him to see the clouds above the gluttonous head.

Shao Yifei did not move.

"Brother Shao?"

Linshang was stunned and turned her head to look, but saw Shao Yifei looking at the cloud with crazy eyes. He frowned tightly and didn't know where he had gone. He didn't hear his words at all.

What's going on?

Does this cloud have group mocking skills?

Linshang frowned, turned her head and looked around, and suddenly found that the eyes of many people present were looking at the clouds. One by one, their eyes were infatuated, their mouths were half open, and their mouths seemed to flow, just like some peerless beauty in the clouds dancing with the pole to ** them.

Lin Shang frowned more tightly, and a bad premonition rose from her heart and quickly looked at the four people who besieged the glutton.

I saw that the four people still surrounded the gluttony in the center, and every attack could make the gluttonous scream. The gluttonous tried to escape several times, but the four people recognized it and ran away, which added a few more gray scratches on the body.

Escape, can't escape; fight, can't beat, the depressed glutton cried, and his voice was a little more desolate.

And the four people who besieged the gluttony didn't seem to see the huge cloud above their heads at all, nor could they hear the grief of the gluttony. They just focused on cleaning up the gluttony in front of them that made them lose face, like a father who was extremely angry and ashamed to beat their son...

Seeing this scene, Linshang was a little relieved. But when he took a closer look at the glutton, Lin Shang's heart was raised tightly again.

In this dilemma of life and death, it is normal for the glutton to make a desperate cry. But he is not afraid of this, is he?!

Looking at two of the big eyes of Tao Li's four copper bells, he carefully glanced up from time to time. The fear in his eyes became deeper and deeper. Lin Shang was stunned, and a premonition suddenly appeared.

Magic monks are about to appear!!

It is impossible for the demon monks not to know such a big thing in Yuhuang Cave, but after such a long time, there is no trace of the demon monks. They must have other plans. They are not interested in the things left by Emperor Yu, or they have long known that this is not the real Yuhuang Cave, or they have something they want more!

What do they want?!

In addition to the previous archway, the glutton in front of us is also a little valuable. Others, either palaces without taste or bones that have been abandoned for many years, are they...

They are thinking about this gluttony?!

Lin Shang was shocked. Combined with his experience on Liubo Mountain, and looking at the glutton in front of him, he was more and more sure that his conjecture was correct.

The magic monk must have been hiding in the ban for a long time, waiting quietly, waiting for the gluttony to be seriously injured by my decent spirit, and my decentness also lost a lot of strength, it was time for them to close the network!

Maybe they deliberately spread the news of Yuhuangdongfu.

Cranes and clams compete with each other, and fishermen get profits!

These demon monks are really treacherous!

Thinking of this, Lin Chang no longer hesitated and shouted loudly, with a shocking sound, full of Lin Chang's understanding of Tiandao Xuanyin, just like the first thunder in spring in everyone's hearts.

"Wake up!"

Where the voice came, thousands of monks' bodies trembled, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths, but their eyes became clear. However, a small number of monks, such as Shao Yifei, opened their eyes with a smile, obviously understanding a lot from the voice just now.

Everyone woke up and instinctively looked in the direction of the sound, but saw a blue light flashing in place, turning into a streamer that was hard to see with the naked eye and flying towards the gluttony.

"What's going on?"

Everyone is a little confused and can't figure out how the situation will develop. But some of the intelligent monks found some clues.

"Look, look at that cloud, something is coming out!"

A well-eyed monk pointed to the clouds and shouted.

Everyone looked at it and saw that the center of the spiral of colorful clouds quickly rotated down. For a moment, a tornado made of clouds formed. The eye of the tornado is the monster!

For a while, everyone's hearts had the same thoughts as before Lin Shang. Although it was not transformed into a super glutton or something, the meaning was extremely similar, and it was similar to the idea of gluttony to be powerful.

Everyone's hearts became uneasy, but the development of things was completely beyond their expectation.

The eye of the tornado quickly went down and approached the gluttony surrounded by Li Jianfeng and other four people in the middle. An invisible force pulled and suppressed it, making the powerful glutton stop in the air and could not move.

Even the sound could no longer be shouted, leaving only the four big copper bell eyes full of fear.

It's like its natural enemies in the tornado!

"What's going on?"

Li Jianfeng and four others stopped at the same time and frowned at the unpredictable colorful tornado. The powerful divine consciousness was released, but it could not penetrate the transparent cloud, and was even shocked by one of the desolate and powerful forces.

The four were shocked, instinctively retreated, and retreated to the monks in an instant.

At this time, they also saw the figure of Lin Shang, who was rushing to the gluttonous, and the " tornado" that became more and more strange.

Under the surprised eyes of thousands of people, when Lin Shang was still ten feet away from the gluttony, a fist-sized tripod suddenly appeared in the wind of the tornado. This small tripod is simple in appearance, and the bronze tripod is antique, which makes people feel stable and auspicious at a glance. However, this excellent-selling small tripod emits a strong blood-red light that can't be dispersed at this time, and the blood red that can't be melted, even people who are more than a hundred feet away feel the smell of blood in an instant.

As soon as Xiaoding appeared, a red light fell on the gluttony in an instant. The gluttonous stared four copper-bell-sized eyes, and his throat did not squirm, but could not make any sound. His limbs were tight, but he still could not move. He could only watch the red light cover himself.

The previous fight with Linshang, Li Jianfeng and other five people has consumed most of its power, and it has become powerless to resist the red light that scares it.

As soon as the red light enveloped the glutton, the huge figure began to shrink. As it shrank, it flew towards the small tripod, as if the mouth of the small tripod had an inexplicable attraction.

When Lin Shang flew to the eye of the tornado, the gluttonous body just disappeared into the small tripod, and the red light emitted from it was also taken back one after another.

At this time, the small tripod looks like a simple bronze tripod from the outside. If it hadn't been seen with their own eyes, no one would have believed that this seemingly ordinary bronze tripod would have made great power and taken the monster in.

Seeing the monster disappear, Li Jianfeng frowned and was accepted by others for the monster who had fought for a long time. He was a little unhappy, but he did not think about whether the gluttonous person was decent or not.

Li Jianfeng's mind is similar to that of other strong people in the spirit realm. Although he feels that Xiaoding is a little familiar, no one thinks much about it. After all, even the master of the magic religion, I'm afraid he doesn't have the courage to stand alone in front of thousands of monks.

When they thought so, they naturally did not find out the man's mind, but Linshang had already fought with the existence in the tornado.

Since the little tripod came out, Linshang's eyebrows have frowned into a Sichuan word, and anger, uneasiness, tension and other emotions in his eyes continue to circulate.

He recognized that tripod!

The alchemy tripod of the family!

The alchemy tripod of the family that was stolen by Liu Xiangzhen!!

At the time of Liubo Mountain, he appeared in the hands of the demon leader and collected the alchemy tripod of the East China Sea Kui Niu, which was stolen by Liu Xiangzhen!!!

A small tripod connected Lins's memory during this period. At this time, this small tripod appeared here, which just proved that Linshang's previous guess was correct.

Magic is coming!

Moreover, it is the unfathomable demon leader!!

"The demon religion is coming!"

Lin Shan shouted, no matter whether the decent monks who were a hundred feet away heard it or not, the blue light flashed in his right hand, drew a mysterious trajectory and grabbed the small tripod.

Since you are here, leave the alchemy!

Linshang is very confident about this. Even if the cultivation of the magic religion is higher than her, she will be snatched by herself. And once the alchemy tripod is in their own hands, ordinary people can't grab it back.

Linshang's movement was naturally extremely fast, and his right hand approached the small tripod in an instant, as fast as his right hand had been there.

Three inches!

Two inches!

One inch!

Seeing that the alchemy tripod was in front of his hand, Linshang was overjoyed, but a black air suddenly appeared in the eyes of the wind overhead, and black lightning generally hit Linshang's right shoulder.

The speed is actually a few points faster than Lin Shang's speed. According to its speed, the moment Lin Shang grabbed the alchemy tripod with his right hand, the black gas could hit Lin Shang's right shoulder!

On Lin Shang's right shoulder, the little ape grabbed Lin Shang's shoulder hard and trembled with his eyes closed.

This black blow actually made Linshang choose one of the alchemy tripod and the little apes!

If you want to alchemy, the little ape will die!!

If you save the little ape, you will lose the alchemy tripod!!

If you hesitate, you will lose both!!!


Lin Shang's eyes flashed with a cold light, his right hand lightning bent back, his elbow went up, and he faced the black gas with the tip of his elbow!

This series of actions is as fast as lightning, and the actions are like clouds and flowing water, and the so-called antelope hanging horns are nothing more than this. In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Shang's action of grabbing Xiaoding changed instantly and turned into an elbow hitting a mass of black gas.

" hiss"

The elbow and the black gas hit together, and there was no loud noise or dazzling light, but the blue light flowing by Linshang's elbow and the black gas devoured each other like natural enemies, making a trembling hiss.

Linshang's body trembled, and a mouthful of blood shining with light blue light spewed out, and his body was bombarded by a huge force. And the black gas was swallowed up by the blue light, revealing a white jade-like, extremely small palm. The colorful tornado was smashed by the force generated by the two people's attack, revealing a figure wrapped in black smoke.

The owner of the tender white hand, the small hand surrounded by black smoke, and the small tripe rotated into the black smoke and disappeared. Then, the dark shadow ignored the forest that barely stopped under him and turned to the other monks. An extremely strange voice that made people unable to hear anything from anywhere reached everyone's ears.

"Thank you for the help of many decent Taoist friends. My religion will definitely repay you in the future, haha~"

The voice is strange, and people can't tell whether it's a man or a woman, but the decent monks don't care about this. They care about something else.

Thousands of decent monks, elites from various sects, and several strong people in the divine realm can dominate the power of the whole world of cultivation...

I was slapped in the face naked/naked by a demon...


520, 520, why did I suddenly think of 502...