Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 12 Good Reminder

shook his head, stuffed the headphones into his ears, and Min Lanxi turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

After throwing away the garbage, Cheng Jingwen returned to the classroom, picked up her schoolbag, locked the classroom, and then slowly walked out of the school gate.

Just out of school, she saw him again and saw him leaning alone on a wall, listening to songs with his eyes slightly closed.

Oh, it's really predestined to bump into him here.

At sunset, the faint golden sunshine fell on his beautiful face, as if covered with a layer of golden light, which made him look beautiful.

Handsome, alas, it's really so handsome.

Such a close look made Cheng Jingwen sigh in her heart. This guy seems to be a little more handsome than An Yixiao. No wonder that girl will fall in love.

She thought that not only the girl would empathize, but all girls should fall in love with him.

Cheng Jingwen stopped and stood there and looked at him stupidly. She looked at him as if she were looking at a beautiful work of art on the loan shelf, and her eyes were full of admiration.

Maybe because her eyes were too hot, Min Lanxi, who had slightly closed her eyes, suddenly felt a hot look at him. He couldn't help opening his eyes, and then saw a girl staring at him with burning eyes, almost drooling.

He doesn't think he can be proud of being fascinated by girls like this. On the contrary, he is very annoying, and the girls show this look to him.

It seems that he is the handsome prey.

Isn't the girl in front of you the nymphomaniac girl?

Thinking of this, Min Lanxi frowned unhappily and said sarcastically, "Have you seen enough? It's drooling!"

"Ah, do you have it?" Cheng Jingwen immediately recovered and quickly reached out and stroked her cheek.

Are you really drooling? What's wrong with her now? Isn't it just a handsome man? Anyway, he fascinated himself.

The way she wipes her face is so cute. Her slightly round baby face and round eyes make her look very cute. Just like the big white cat he raised, it is as cute.

At this moment, he saw Cheng Jingwen's face gradually turn into the cute big white cat, and the scene in front of him made him laugh.


Huh? Is he playing with her?

There was no drooling just now.

His smile made her suddenly react and was fooled by him.

I should have been angry, but why didn't he get angry when he saw his happy smile, let alone scold him.

His smile is like the brilliant fireworks, dazzling.

This guy is obviously so handsome, but he always has a gloomy face, doesn't like to laugh, and always has a cool breath and a melancholy look.

This melancholy look seems to be born with, because it is vividly reflected in him, and others can't visit him. Maybe it's this melancholy look that fascinates girls.

Min Lanxi stepped forward, stood in front of her, and then looked at her and said, "Are you in love with me too?"

'Uh...this...of!' When Cheng Jingwen wanted to say this sentence...

At this time, a beautiful and slim girl came out of nowhere.

I saw her hands wrapped around Min Lanxi's arm and said delicately, "Lanxi, you have been caught by me again. Are you picking up with little girls."

"It's unfair. You're finally here. I've been waiting for a long time." Min Lanxi stretched out her hand to wipe the girl's sweat, and then said, "Jingying, let's go."

"Well, what about this little sister?" The girl named Jingying looked at Cheng Jingwen and asked.

"Let's go, I don't know her." After looking at Cheng Jingwen lightly, Min Lanxi pulled the girl away without hesitation.

"You really don't know her?"

"Of course."

"So she is the girl who admires you again?"

"It should be."


The two went further and further, but their voices came vaguely.

Cheng Jingwen opened her mouth wide and stared at the backs of the two people who had gone far away, thinking that this boy praised him too much.

Hug left and right, hug this, hook up with that, isn't he just handsome? How can he play with other people's feelings?

Look at the girl just now, she should not be the girl in their school, and he didn't refuse the girl who confessed to him in the evening.

Thanks to his good talk, he doesn't like to step on two boats, but he is this moral, two-hearted and romantic.

His character is so bad that it can't be said.

Cheng Jingwen shook her head again and had a worse impression of the boy.

She waved to intercept the bus and rushed home.

When she returned home, the two brothers and sisters of the An family sat in the living room and saw her come back.

An Yixuan stared at her and said dissatisfiedly, "Why did you come back so late?" Why don't you let us eat? Did you mean to do this? Do you want to starve me and my brother to death?

Cheng Jingwen looked at her indifferently, then passed by her safely and went upstairs.

She had long been accustomed to An Yixuan's deliberate difficulties. If it hadn't been for that contract, she would have quarreled with her.

Just because An Yixiao clearly stipulates in the contract that he can't quarrel and quarrel with his sister. No matter what the other party says, he must endure it.

An Yixuan complained, and Cheng Jingwen understood very much. Tonight she did come back late and made them wait for a long time.

After she came to South Korea, the head of the An family, that is, An Yixiao's father, stipulated a rule that no matter how late the three of them come back, they must have dinner together.

He did this just because he was afraid that his two children would neglect Cheng Jingwen, so he made such a rule.

So, if the staff is not here, the housekeeper Jin can't be served, so he can't let them have dinner.

Both family members are busy and basically don't eat at home.

Cheng Jingwen also learned that her mother is the general secretary of the company and An Zaiyou's right-hand man. The two of them rarely come back for dinner, so the three young people usually eat together.

She put down her schoolbag for fear that they would be in a hurry. Cheng Jingwen didn't even change her school uniform, so she hurried to the table.

Seeing her arrival, the housekeeper Jin ordered the servants to cook.

"Why did you come back so late today?" An Yixiao looked at Cheng Jingwen opposite and asked doubtfully. Although she was a little slow to squeeze the bus, she didn't come back so late a few days ago, and today is much later than usual.

In fact, they all have a special car to pick them up, but because of An Yixuan's opposition and Cheng Jingwen's persistence, she didn't go to school with them.

Cheng Jingwen doesn't want to squeeze the same car with them. Going to and from school with them is simply killing her. So she would rather squeeze the bus than take the same private car with them.

After listening to An Yixiao's words, Cheng Jingwen did not raise her head. She stared at the dishes on the table and casually said, "On duty!"

"Didn't you just turn yesterday?"

"Today is to help others."

"Oh." An Yixiao didn't ask any more questions and lowered her head to eat.

Today, he didn't see her return as usual, and he was vaguely worried.

This is a feeling from the end.

Then, it took a long time for him to be relieved. Maybe it was a superfluous worry.

He had been in contact with her for almost two months. He was surprised to find that she was actually not bad at all and didn't like to make trouble.

In the past two months, there have been no conflicts except that she occasionally quarreled with her sister a few times.

She likes to stick to her mother. As long as her mother is at home, she can do nothing and accompany her mother.

And if her mother is not there, she will stay quietly in the room listening to songs and surfing the Internet, or reading books. The servants in the family like her more and more, and they all like to get together and chat with her.

An Yixiao was thinking about her thoughts in her heart, but she didn't see Cheng Jingwen look at him several times, and several times she wanted to talk and stopped.

"Hey, why do you always take a good time at my brother?" The bored An Yixuan was idle. She saw Cheng Jingwen always staring at her brother and finally caught her fault. How could she let it go easily?

As soon as her sister made such a sound, An Yixiao raised her head doubtfully and happened to see Cheng Jingwen's eyes towards him.

"What's wrong?" He couldn't help asking.

"Oh, nothing." Cheng Jingwen stared at An Yixuan with dissatisfaction and scolded in her heart: Big mouth, I want you to be more trouble.

She originally wanted to kindly remind An Yixiao to tell him the scene she saw in the evening, but later, she felt that she didn't have that necessary.

What's their business? It's better to care less and be happy and relaxed.

Seeing her bowing her head and eating silently, An Yixuan said coldly, and her voice was not too small. Everyone at the table just heard it: "I can tell you, my brother has a girlfriend, and you didn't think of him. Just like you, my brother still doesn't like you.

Her words were like a big bomb, which caused a lot of reactions at the dining table.

The two parties were shocked, and Cheng Jingwen couldn't calm down...

The bowl in her hand fell on the table. She was slightly stunned, and then stared at An Yixuan angrily.

"Yi Xuan, don't talk nonsense. Eat quickly." Compared with the uncalm Cheng Jingwen, An Yixiao was obviously much calmer. He raised his eyes slightly to look at Cheng Jingwen, and then said to his sister.

"Brother, I didn't talk nonsense. You don't know the way she looked at you. It's so too much that even I can't stand it." An Yixuan complained to her brother.

'Well, my God!' Cheng Jingwen sweated coldly. What kind of look did she look? Which eye saw that she was interested in An Yixiao?

Cut, she hasn't been so brain-damaged that she will like An Yixiao.

pushed the bowl that had just fallen in, took a tissue and wiped her mouth gracefully. Cheng Jingwen smiled indifferently and said, "I'm full. Eat slowly." Then he stood up and turned around to leave.