Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 13 Narcissistic Guy

Within less than two steps, she turned around and smiled at An Yixuan and said, "Don't worry. How dare I hit your brother?"

Then he took a few steps forward, bent down and smiled brightly at An Yixiao, and said mysteriously, "An Yixiao, eat enough tonight. Something good will come to you tomorrow. Accept it well, haha."

Cheng Jingwen laughed proudly and left the restaurant, leaving two inexplicable people behind.

What does she mean by this?

Looking at her back upstairs, An Yixiao thought doubtfully.

Cheng Jingwen proudly returned to her room, walked to the bathroom, and hummed heavily: Humph, An Yixiao, your girlfriend is going to break up with you tomorrow. What else can you do? An Yixuan, I admit that your brother is very handsome, but I'm not that kind of brainless girl. How can I fall in love with a guy like your brother?

White clouds slowly floated through the sky. Cheng Jingwen lay comfortably on the soft grass and smelled the flowers just picked sideways. The flowers were so fragrant that she almost couldn't open her eyes.




Who wants to call her? Jiang Xu is the only one who calls her, but the boy has gone to Canada to study with his parents. How can he call her by her name?


Another very clear call. Cheng Jingwen couldn't help opening her eyes, sat up, and then saw the tall and thin warm boy.

Ah, it's really Jiang Xu.

Cheng Jingwen ran to him in surprise and hugged him happily and said, "Jiang Xu, you boy, are you back?"

"Well, I'm back, but why did you leave? Don't wait for me." Jiang Xu also hugged her tightly and said dissatisfiedly.

"There's nothing I can do." Cheng Jingwen let go and said, "Why didn't you tell me when you came back?"

"I want to give you a surprise." Jiang Xu said with a smile, holding her shoulder and saying, "You have grown much taller."

"Of course." Cheng Jingwen proudly stood on tiptoe and compared with him, but no matter how much she stood on tiptoe, it didn't reach his shoulder.

This couldn't help but make her depressed, and then the dripping sound suddenly sounded.

She subconsciously went to look for it. It turned out that her mobile phone rang. She pressed the bell, and the scenery in front of her suddenly became blurred, and Jiang Xu gradually faded away.

"Hey, don't go!" Cheng Jingwen shouted and then suddenly opened her eyes. After rubbing her confused eyes, she realized that she was just dreaming.

She said, how could Jiang Xu suddenly come back?

This Jiang Xu is her partner since she was a child. It can be said that she is also her brother and knows her very well.

When they were young, they went to and from school together, and his grandmother's house was next to her grandmother's house. Both of them were not accompanied by their parents, so they were closer than ordinary people.

The same experience makes them all get along well.

But when they finished primary school, he was taken to Canada by his parents. It has been three years since then, and they haven't seen each other again in these years.

Even if he returns to Chengdu, he won't see her.

Cheng Jingwen nestled sadly in **, thinking about the past.

"Jingwen, get up quickly. You're going to be late for school."

Cheng Qing's anxious voice came from outside the door. Cheng Jingwen suddenly jumped up in shock and quickly took a look at her mobile phone. Sure enough, it had been more than 20 minutes.

Oh, my God, it's been so long. If you take the bus, you will be late. Usually, she goes to school 20 minutes in advance, but I'm afraid she can't make it today.

After she hurried out of the room, she picked up her schoolbag. When she passed the restaurant, she took an unopened bread and milk, stuffed it into her schoolbag, turned around and walked to the door.

"Why are you still here?" An Yixiao, who was changing her shoes at the door, looked at her in surprise when she saw her coming in a hurry. Usually, she goes out at this time.

"Don't block me, get out of the way, I'm going to be late." Cheng Jingwen pushed him away anxiously, then took out his shoes from the shoe rack, quickly put them on and ran out.

"Hey, you stinky girl, be careful." An Yixiao, who was almost pushed down by her, looked at her back angrily and said angrily.

An Yixuan, who was about to get on the car at the gate of the courtyard, was also surprised when she saw Cheng Jingwen rushing out. When she saw her hurried figure, a happy smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

You deserve to be late!

Cheng Jingwen rushed out. Unexpectedly, she ran too fast and suddenly bumped into An Zaiyou, who had just come back from the morning run. She hit her head and hurt her head. She didn't have time to touch it. She said anxiously, "Abo, good morning, get out of the way. I'm going to be late?"

"Are you late?" An Zaiyou looked at her doubtfully and saw that she was out of breath, so he pulled her arm and said, "What's the delay? It's early. Don't worry."

"Oh, if I don't leave, I'll really be late." Cheng Jingwen was even more anxious. She was dragged by his arm and couldn't walk even if she wanted to.

"It's okay. If you go to school by car with Yi Xiao and others, you won't be late." An Zaiyou pulled her to the private car, pressed her into the car, and then said to her with a smile, "Don't worry, you can eat something first. Don't worry, the driver will take you to school."

"Well, that's okay." Cheng Jingwen nodded. Anyway, she would indeed be late to squeeze the bus, but she would not be able to take a private car. This bus is much faster than the bus, which is why the two brothers and sisters of An left later than her.

An Yixuan was very dissatisfied with her appearance in the carriage. Due to her father's presence, she did not dare to say anything.

An Yixiao did not express any comments and sat quietly in the back seat of the car.

Cheng Jingwen didn't care about these things. She quietly ate bread and drank milk, and then turned out the textbook to preview.


There was a sarcastic grunt from An Yixuan behind her.

"Bang!" Cheng Jingwen closed the book heavily, then took a deep breath, leaned against the back of the chair and closed her eyes. She couldn't figure out why the girl was always targeting her.

She really wants to lose her temper, but as long as she thinks of that paper contract, she can't lose her temper.

endured and arrived at the school. As soon as the car was parked, Cheng Jingwen opened the door. As soon as she stepped out, she saw a girl coming in a hurry.

Looking at this girl, she was a little familiar, and an inspiration suddenly appeared in Cheng Jingwen's mind. Isn't this the girl she saw yesterday evening? I only saw her back last night, but I didn't see what she looked like.

Now that she has come over so actively, she won't break up with An Yixiao for what she said last night.

Hey, it's a good show.

Cheng Jingwen stopped and stopped walking. She stood next to the car, then stared straight at the girl and looked at her carefully.

Wow, it's so beautiful! Cheng Jingwen almost shouted.

Long pale yellow wavy curly hair, single eyelids, long eyes are not very big, but very charming. The nose is high and the lips are ruddy, which is the kind of face that reminds people of stars on TV.

It's also a girl. Why do some girls look so perfect that they make people jealous?

is also a girl, and also a beautiful girl.

At this moment, Cheng Jingwen was also jealous of her.

It turned out to be such a beautiful girl. No wonder An Yixiao has been dating her for so many years and has been prosperous!

"Oh, Sister Huiying, you're here, aren't you looking for my brother?" An Yixuan, who came out of the carriage, deliberately glanced at Cheng Jingwen, and then smiled brightly and said this sentence loudly.

Cut! Of course, Cheng Jingwen understood what she meant, but now she wants to laugh. If she knew that the girl was coming to break up with her brother, could the smile on her face be so bright?

Li Huiying nodded slightly and didn't look good. She kept staring at the car and said, "Where's your brother? "Are you there?"

"Of course." An Yixuan took a step forward, took Li Huiying's arm enthusiastically, and said loudly in the carriage, "Brother, come out quickly. Sister Huiying is here."

An Yixiao jumped out of the carriage and smiled happily at the corners of her mouth. She looked at Li Huiying and said, "Why did you come to see me early in the morning? Do you miss me again?"


Cheng Jingwen laughed inappropriately. When she saw everyone looking at her, she hurriedly lowered her head and looked at her shoes.

I still can't help laughing in my heart. An Yixiao is too funny. She is a little narcissistic.

Li Huiying didn't pay much attention to Cheng Jingwen's appearance because she had something on her heart. She just looked at her, then turned her head and said to Jin Zhebin, "Yi Xiao, I'm here to tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Yi Xiao, I don't think we are suitable, so we...we..." Li Huiying lowered her head and played with her fingers, bit her lips, and suddenly raised her head and said urgently, "An Yixiao, let's break up!"

"What?" An Yixuan was the first to shout. She jumped up in disbelief, touched Li Huiying's forehead and said, "Sister Huiying, don't you have a fever? Today is not April Fool's Day.

Li Huiying took An Yixuan's hand, then took a step forward, looked at An Yixiao and said with a blank face, "Yixiao, let's break up. I hope we can get together and break up."

Cheng Jingwen saw that An Yixiao's face had changed. His originally bright face changed color in an instant because of An Huiying's words. He looked at her closely and couldn't speak.

I don't know if it's because of surprise or sadness or something.

"Why?" An Yixiao, who had been silent for a long time, asked.

"We don't have a sense of freshness, don't you think?" Li Huiying said lightly.

"Is that right? Do you think so?" An Yixiao took a deep breath and asked, "Can you tell me that there is any other reason besides this?"