
The first target

"Didn't you persuade him to come back?" Li Qi asked, although he knew in advance that this was probably the result.

"Hungible to you, woman's heart, undersea needle." Liuxiang shook his head helplessly.

"I don't think you should have sex at this time." Yuan Yi glanced at Liu.

Liu Wei picked up the information on the table as if he didn't hear it: "If the powerman must be in it, then there is no doubt that the information on it is incomplete. Well, there are four people in total. How about it? Are you going to visit?"

Li Qi shook his head: "Just call them here, we don't have to go there."

"This can't be done. It's too big to call them. If that person is really one of them, will he come obediently?"

Li Qi said, "If you say so, the man has run away now, and even if we come to the door, we can't find it."

Liu Yu said: "Of course, there is a difference between those who are not alert and feel that we will not come to check them. If that person is originally a cautious person, he will definitely not be found unless a wanted notice is issued.

Li Qi thought for a moment and nodded and stood up: "Well, then let's go in a couple of days. Liu Xiang is free. Let's go together."

"I'm free. I'm on summer vacation."

==================================================================================================== =======================

When he woke up, he saw his enemy Li Qi standing next to him in someone's room. He took a breath of true breath, but he felt empty and little real qi, but it was not like being made by drugs. It seemed that it was a side effect of using a knife.

"Where am I?"

Li Qi replied, "This is my territory. Do you still want to compare with me now?"

Valley crack looked gloomy: "I still can't beat you now. You let me practice for another three years, and I will definitely beat you in three years!"

Li Qi smiled and said, "I let you go, and then let you practice kung fu, and then beat me?" Didn't you wake up? How can there be such a good thing in the world? Am I cheap?"

Gu Rift thought for a moment and replied, "Yes."

"It's impossible for me to let you go. If I don't kill you, you can do it, but you have to work for me."

Valley Rift asked, "I work for you, can I defeat you?"

Li Qi said, "Every time you work for me for three months, I will give you a knife score as a reward. Over time, you will definitely improve a lot. As for whether you can defeat me or not, it depends on your creation."

Valley crack shook his head: "No matter how many knives are, they are useless to me. My pure knife skills are a collection of the essence of knife skills. It's just a waste of time for me to practice other knife methods."

Li Qi secretly sighed that the valley crack was sober, and had to make it a little more like: "So, how did pure knife art develop and progress?"

"? What do you mean?

"The founder of pure knife skill was Haoyang in the Northern Song Dynasty, but Haoyang only created and perfected six knives in his life, and now pure knife skill... should have more than nine knives, right?"

"Yes, there are nine knives in pure knife skills now."

"So, where did the other three knives come from? Isn't it that the descendants of past generations have summed up and sublimated from various knife methods? If so, why can't you create the tenth knife?

Valley crack was silent: "Indeed, if I can go further, maybe I can defeat you."

Li Qi nodded: "Yes, in a word, if you serve me, I can still let you practice. If you don't serve me, you have to die now. Then, you will never have a chance to defeat me again."

Valley crack was stunned: "Aren't you still working just now? Why has it become a service now?

"Well... it's all the same meaning. In a word, if you don't want to die, you have no choice."

Valley crack nodded cheerfully: "Okay, I promise to work for you, but don't worry, I will defeat you sooner or later!"

Li Qi scolded in his heart, "You said that you wanted to defeat me, and you told me to rest assured that you were in your mind!" But he said, "Okay, then you eat these things first." With that, he asked someone to carry a lot of pills and a large bowl of thick soup.

Valley crack shouted, "Alas!? What is it?

"You used disintegration, which has a great impact on your body. These are all great tonics. If you don't take it, your future martial arts will come to an end, and you will never make any more progress, let alone defeat me." Li Qi was scared.

Valley crack replied, "I know, I didn't say I wouldn't eat it." With that, he grabbed the pill and stuffed it into his mouth, then chewed it, and swallowed it with the soup.

Li Qi shouted, "That's the amount of three days. How can you... be cruel! I don't think you will die!" With that, he shook his hand and left the cracked room.

Valley crack burped and said, "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep."

==================================================================================================== ======================

"This is the home of our No. 1 suspect, Chen Wenjun, right?" Li Qi pointed to the map and asked.

Valley crack shouted, "Where? This is not 16th Street, is it? Shouldn't it be there?" With that, pointing to a dilapidated bungalow from afar, I really couldn't see if anyone lived in it.

Li Qi shook his head: "Chen Wenjun, known as the second explorer of the Dragon Group, lived here after retirement. Ten years ago, he could explore the radius of 216 meters through air. It is about 250 meters away from his address, and he will always grow a little in ten years. Of course, we can't follow the procedures of the Martial Arts League without going through this visit in advance, so it is easy to be mistaken for hostility. Just in case, there is no need to move forward here.

"What should I do?" Valley split asked.

"Yuan Yi, Liu Yu, Gu Li, look, in the face of this situation, it can generally be solved like this." Li Qi looked at Luo Binghong and said to the other three.

Tiangong, everything moves.

The air gradually became dense and condensed into a person, who was not someone else, but Li Qi himself.


"It's almost, but it's much weaker than the real split." Li Qi replied.

The fake Li Qi slowly ran to Chen Wenjun's house and ran about 50 or 60 meters. Suddenly, he heard a "poop" sound, and the split was shot to the ground.

"It seems that there are snipers secretly." Liu said.

"Chen Wenjun has received professional sniper training, and it is really powerful to cooperate with his powers, but now the position has been determined." Li Qi shouted softly.

Tiangong, wind.

Li Qi flew in with a "brush" and drew a shadow. The speed was so fast that it was difficult to catch with the naked eye, and rushed to the position where Chen Wenjun was.

Tiangong, refract.

Li Qi, who was moving fast, disappeared and completely disappeared, and even the trace of shadow could not be seen.

Two sniper bullets crossed Li Qi. Obviously, Li Qi moved too fast. It was difficult for him to catch him, perhaps Chen Wenjun's sniper.

Li Qi climbed up the wall at a very fast speed and arrived at the roof in a few seconds. Sure enough, he saw a man who was about to leave. A wind knife appeared in Li Qi's hand. His body had put the knife on the man's chest, gently cut a cut a cut on the man's coat, and then said, "Don't move."

"Who are you?"

"I'm from the dragon group, Mr. Chen, don't be nervous. I have something to talk to you about." Li Qi said and took out a certificate.

==================================================================================================== ================

Ten minutes later, Chen Wenjun's home.

"I'm so sorry for offending you just now." Chen Wenjun brought five cups of tea to the five people, "I really don't know your identity. The heavenly master also saved my life."

Li Qi took the tea and put it aside: "It's okay, but I don't know why you are so close to the enemy."

"Alas... That's one of my former enemies. In those years... Simply put, I once misunderstood him and later became enmityed. Now he has come to revenge on me." Chen Wenjun said.

Li Qi thought for a moment and asked, "Is it also there?"


Valley crack shouted, "Since it's a misunderstanding, why don't you make it clear!"

Luo Binghong gave him a white look and interrupted, "If you make it clear, it's not a misunderstanding."

Liu waved his hand: "No, what Brother Gu said makes sense. Most of the misunderstandings happen not because they can't explain clearly, but because there are not enough opportunities to explain clearly..."

Li Qi suddenly didn't understand what Liu Xiang meant by saying this. Maybe it was a hint that he could be a peacemaker, so he said to Chen Wenjun, "Can you talk about this?"

Chen Wenjun said, "The day before yesterday, I suddenly received a letter about revenge. For the past three days, I received such a letter every day."

Liu asked, "Is it a physical letter or email?"

"The physical letter comes in from my window every day." Chen Wenjun said and took out a few pieces of wrinkled paper.

Li Qi picked up a letter: "The hatred of killing his wife is not the same, and the hatred of slander is unforgivable. I hope to wash my neck and kill for myself." The contents of the other two letters are similar.

Li Qi asked, "What do you... think?"

Liu thought about it and gave Li Qi a wink. The two walked aside outside the house. Liu said in a low voice, "If Chen Wenjun is not lying, these three letters have other articles."

"What do you mean?"

"Chen Wenjun's power is completely born to prevent invasion and sniping in an all-round way. So, if I want to deal with such a person, how can I inform him in advance?" Liu said.

Li Qi thought for a moment: "You have a point, but he should not lie to us. Just now, my knife was put on his neck. If he still hide his strength at this time... he is too bold."

Liu nodded and the two returned to the room. Liu said, "Mr. Chen, I'm afraid you're trapped."

Chen Wenjun doubted, "What do you mean?"

Liu said, "Because your ability to investigate is extremely strong, I think that if it really hurts you, I will not write you these threatening letters, which can only cause your defense."

Chen Wenjun was shocked and asked, "He doesn't want to kill me?" So what does he want to do?"

Liuxiang shook his head: "You misunderstood. I think your enemy wants to deal with you, but he deliberately wrote to attract your attention. He wants you to lie on the roof and wait for him all day long. Ten days and eight days later, when you are tired and relaxed. It's better not to wake up before he will take action again."

Chen Wenjun suddenly said, "Well, this makes way. To be honest, I also felt strange when I received this letter."

Li Qi asked Chen Wenjun, "Who is the enemy you are talking about?"

Chen Wenjun hesitated for a moment: "You may know that his name is Zhang Hua."

Li Qi was shocked, Yuan Yi called out, and Luo Binghong also muttered, "It's him." Only Liu Zhigu cracked two people who are unknown.

Luo Binghong said: "Zhanghua was one of the leaders of several power groups in the dragon group. He was a rare double power. He had a strong throwing ability. He could kill people 200 meters away with a shot, and the ability to change other people's emotions. Later, he was said to have died in the line of duty. But in fact, it doesn't seem to be the case..."

Li Qi said, "He was indeed framed..." In the middle of Li Qi, he turned his head to look at the crowd, looked at Chen Wenjun, and sighed, "At that time, there was a supernatural person we called ten cowboys in the United States. He had extremely strong powers and the ability to control the body of brain death. They transformed a corpse into a chapter. Son, then stole some information and was deliberately seen. Because the dragon group did not know the ten cowboys in advance, they were really cheated and ordered Zhang Hua to be arrested. Later, Zhang Hua ran away. Until Fan..."

Chen Wenjun interrupted, "Please don't say this name."

Li Qi nodded with understanding: "It was not until the man took over the incident that the truth came out. The man killed ten cowboys with his own hands, but Zhang Hua had gone. The dragon group had to seal him as a martyr and claim that he had died in the line of duty, which is also a kind of apology and compensation."

Chen Wenjun looked into the distance, seemed to think of the past, and said in a daze, "I was the one who framed him. I and several colleagues saw the fake steal the information with my own eyes. If it weren't for our strong evidence, it wouldn't be enough to condemn him by monitoring the video alone. Later, I also participated in his arrest. At that time, his wife had just given birth to a child. I... My shot was intended to hit his leg, but it hit his wife's head with a shake... After the death of ten cowboys, I applied for retirement, because I was not a qualified sniper..." Speaking of which, Chen Wenjun couldn't help crying. Crazy flow.

Li Qi thought for a moment, "Let's help you with this matter."

Chen Wenjun said, "Forget it, how can you help? After thinking about it, I either died or Zhang Hua died in the end. Alas, if it hadn't been for my son's graduation from college, I would have paid for Zhang Hua's wife's life.

Li Qi took out a certificate and said, "What can I say, I still have the title of dragon group martial arts consultant. I'm in charge of this matter. As long as I find Zhanghua, I can convince him."

Chen Wenjun looked at the certificate, and a light flashed in his eyes and said, "Forget it. If you can convince him, he won't come to revenge."

Li Qi thought for a moment: "I'm thinking, does Zhang Hua know if he was framed by ten cowboys? Or do you think it's you?"

"!" Chen Wenjun shouted, "That's right! The real face of the ten cowboys was found after Zhang Hua left the dragon group. Maybe Zhang Hua didn't know it at all!"

Li Qi nodded: "Yes, he doesn't know that ten cowboys are his real enemies. As long as he can understand, I think he will give up revenge on you."

Chen Wenjun said, "But how can I let him know?"

Li Qi said, "Then I'm going to ask you, Liu Wei, what do you think?"

Liu thought for a moment: "I still have some questions, Mr. Chen, about the details of your ability."

"Excuse me."

"How long can your ability last? Or let me say that Zhang Hua has the ability to throw and kill people remotely, so why didn't he kill you directly? I think it's a matter of range. In the past, his range was 200 meters according to what you just said, and your ability radius is 216 meters. After so many years, both of you have grown up, but I can still think that his range is shorter than your reconnaissance radius, so you have to make you tired and take action. However, do you usually have the ability to fight? Is it open?"

Chen Wenjun was stunned: "You guess the first question. The second question is like this. If I don't deliberately maintain it, even in my sleep, my perception range is about 20 meters. Years of training have caused me to have some conditioned reflexes. As long as I am awake, I usually have something to enter 20 meters around me. It will dodge. If it is ** at home, Zhang Hua can't hit me, so I think that's why he chose this way.

Liu nodded: "So, I have a small plan, Brother Qi, how much can your split?"

Li Qi said, "It's just a blindfolding method, not a real split body, more or less."

Liu said, "Okay, can you simulate Mr. Chen lying on the roof and continuing to be a sniper?"


"Then, simulate the five of us and pretend to leave Mr. Chen's house. I think Zhang Hua must watch from a distance, which is for them."

Li Qi nodded: "Okay."

"Then, in a few hours, let the fake goods on the roof fall asleep."

Li Qi said, "I understand and attract him here."

Liu said, "In this way, he will not come over and will only throw stones from afar. It is better to make the fake pretend that it is difficult to move with his injured leg and then fall down the stairs."

Li Qi nodded: "Yes. In this case, he will definitely come to check and make up for the last knife.

"Yes, that's good."