
The so-called hatred

"Dad, look, those five people have left!" Zhang Lun said with a pair of telescopes.

"Show me... Well, Chen Wenjun has returned to the roof again." Zhang Hua took a telescope and looked at it for a while.

Zhang Lun thought for a moment: "Dad, show me." Chen Wenjun, who took the telescope but didn't look at the roof, followed the five people who left.

Zhang Hua was strange: "Where are you looking?"

"Don't quarrel." Zhang Lun looked at the five people who gradually left his vision and suddenly smiled, "Haha, it's funny!"

"What's wrong?"

"You see," Zhang Lun handed over the telescope, but thought that he could no longer see it, so he explained, "I've been seeing those five people leave the field of vision. At such a long distance, they have neither called a taxi nor taken a taxi.

Zhang Hua asked, "So it's possible that they live nearby?"

"When they entered Chen Wenjun's house, they still had a map in their hands! How can it be a local! There are no hotels or anything around here.

"What should I do?"

Zhang Lun thought for a moment: "Let's try."

After a while, the two went to the street, found a gangster, and gave the gangster a gift box and a letter. The gift box contained a large camera, and a remote control spray hidden on the back of the camera, which was eclipsiac. Then let the gangster send the gift box to Chen Wenjun's house and then send the letter to another address - this is to delay the time and let the gangster turn around a few more times after delivering the things.

"This is 100. You sent it back to find us, and I'll give you another 200." Zhang Lun pointed to a noodle restaurant in the distance. For that location, Chen Wenjun's house happened to be a blind spot.

The gangster agreed and then left.

Then, Zhang Lun turned on his mobile phone, and the image on the camera had been transmitted.

After a while, Zhang Lun found another passer-by: "Hello, I'm from the Provincial Psychological Association. Can you delay your time to take a test?"

What test? I'm very busy."

"Oh, that's right. The test we are doing is a test about how much a person can do for 1,000 yuan, which is to give a tester 1,000 yuan to complete some very special tasks."

What does it mean? A thousand yuan?" The passer-by seems to be interested.

"Yes, this is 500 yuan. You are lucky. As long as you walk to the roof, walk around and come back to find me in that store, you can get another 500 yuan." Zhang Lun pointed to the roof of Chen Wenjun's house and then to a store in the opposite direction.

"This... Why is that?" The passer-by is puzzled.

"Oh, this is also part of the psychological experiment, so don't worry about why." Zhang Lun said.

The passer-by agreed to Zhang Lun's request with doubt.

After saying that, Zhang Lun raised the telescope in his hand and motioned not to deceive him. The passer-by nodded to show his understanding.

"It's not that we don't trust you. This is also part of the experiment. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding." Zhang Lun sincerely apologized.

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"Someone knocked on the door." Luo Binghong said.

Chen Wenjun stood up and opened the door. When he saw a young man, he asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Is this Mr. Chen Wenjun's home?"

"Yes, I'm Chen Wenjun. What's wrong?"

"This is your package, please sign for it."

"Package?" Chen Wenjun felt strange and looked back at Li Qi. Li Qi nodded, and Chen Wenjun signed for it.

"Postal fee is 50." That man.

"Give it, thank you." Chen Wenjun gave the money and closed the door.

The gangster shouted secretly, "I made it! I'm so smart!"

Li Qi asked Chen Wenjun, "What's inside?"

Chen Wenjun replied, "I don't know, but it shouldn't be a bomb or something. I can't feel that structure."

Li Qi knows that Chen Wenjun's ability is perceived through air, so he can specifically perceive the shape of something, but he can't know the material: "Open it and have a look."

"! Camera!" Li Qi shouted.

"Oh, we were seen!" Yuan Yi shouted.

Brush! Li Qi quickly sent out a wind blade, and the camera was cut in half.

"It's too late! You must have seen it over there!"

Liu waved his hand: "Don't worry! Who can keep up with the letter just now?

Li Qi suddenly said, "Yes, who will go? Miss Luo, your tracking ability should be the strongest here, or will it bother you?

Luo Binghong nodded and said, "I'll go." Saying that, he sank into the ground.

"Valley crack, you go too, don't follow too closely." Li Qi said.

"Okay." Although the valley crack was unknown, it still followed.

After the valley split left, Li Qi thought for a moment and asked, "If the messenger doesn't go back to see Zhang Hua, isn't it in vain?"

Liu shook his head: "That man is not a courier, but a passer-by on the road. We have only been here for two hours. If Zhanghua asks the real express company to send express after seeing us, he will never deliver it now. Generally, when we find passers-by to do things, we will have double insurance. We will give some benefits before we do it, and part of it after we do it, so that person should go back to see Zhanghua.

Li Qi nodded: "As long as you see Zhang Hua, Miss Luo will definitely tie him up."

Liu lowered his head and pondered: "But what I'm thinking now is, will this be a tiger away from the mountain?"

After a while, Li Qi said, "Someone has arrived at the roof."


"I don't know, but the man is very strange. He seems to be looking for something. That's right. The one just now should have been transferred from the tiger away from the mountain! It seems that you have to follow this person." Li Qi understood this time and was about to get up.

"Wait!" Liu held him and said, "Let the split go."

"But the split has no combat effectiveness, and you can't catch him when you see Zhang Hua." Li Qi shouted.

Liuxiang shook his head: "The one upstairs also transferred the tiger away from the mountain. Mr. Chen is not on the roof at all. That's just a fake. Why did Zhang Hua send people there?

Li Qi retorted: "But Zhang Hua doesn't know that Mr. Chen..." Speaking of this, he suddenly couldn't go on, and he was also a little uncertain: "Does Zhang Hua know...?"

Liuxiang pointed to the camera with a smile: "Of course, Zhang Hua knows that although it was only for a moment, the image in the camera had clearly told him that Mr. Chen was in the house."

Li Qi understood.

Tiangong, everything moves.

Two fake Li Qiliu appeared and opened the door to follow the passer-by.

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"Sure enough, Dad, four people were attracted by me. There is only Chen Wenjun and a woman left in Chen Wenjun's family." Zhang Lun said.

"Yes, you can open the eclipse."

Zhang Lun shook his head and said, "No, no, this will only scare the snake. I originally kept this eclipse just in case, but now I don't need it. Let's go there directly."

"Don't go, I'll just go." Zhang Hualan's son.


"Anyway, don't go."

"I also have a share of my mother's hatred!" Zhang Lun said.

Zhang Hua said, "I said, if you hadn't been admitted to college, I wouldn't have come to revenge! I shouldn't have let you follow this time. The hatred of our generation should not affect your generation, so I won't go to Chen Wenjun's son, and my son should not go to Chen Wenjun!"

Zhang Lun was silent when he heard this.

"Don't worry, I brought a gun. It's just two people. It's easy for me to solve it." Zhang Hua said.

"Wait a minute, Dad, when you take revenge, don't return from the same road, because those four people will go back soon. You can't meet them. You can go upstairs. If they want to chase you, they will definitely chase you downstairs."

Zhang Hua said, "I understand. At least I used to be an agent." With that, he sneaked into the bungalow where Chen Wenjun lived.

When he came to the door of Chen Wenjun's house, he took out an iron block and pressed it hard on the door lock. The door lock immediately fell off. When he entered the room, he felt a little strange.

Heavenly power, suppressing the city.

Suddenly, Zhang Hua felt that his body was heavy, and his whole body seemed to be crushed to the ground by something.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm offended." Li Qi slowly walked out of the room.

"What! What's going on? Didn't you leave?" Zhang Hua was shocked.

"My master is a heavenly master." Li Qi said.

Zhang Hua understood that of course he knew the name of the Heavenly Master, and also knew that the Heavenly Master had many strange methods. Whether it was to create an illusion of leaving or come back quickly after leaving, it was possible.

Li Qi lifted Zhang Hua to his chair: "I really don't want to treat meritorious ministers like this, so I hope you can hear the truth of what happened in those years."

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Zhang Lun turned on his mobile phone after his father left. After thinking about it, he turned to the video clip recorded by the camera at Chen Wenjun's house just now. Suddenly, a bad feeling came to his mind. At first, the five people had left, and why did they appear at Chen Wenjun's house later? If, suppose they had a way to achieve this effect So is it possible for the four people who left later to go back like this?

If this is the case, it means that the other party knows that he has left the mountain these two times, so is it possible for the other party to know?

All of a sudden, Zhang Lun seemed to be at Chen Wenjun's home, simulating Chen Wenjun's state at that time.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Lun sat on the ground.

Ten* something happened...


Narrator: After graduation, my classmates who have left college for four years, how can I say it? Write a few words to commemorate it. I know what I have experienced, and I have heard of it.

I don't want to describe more. Looking back a few years later, these are all floating clouds. Growth is a process of constantly turning Shenma into floating clouds. Well, above.