
Nwu interrogation

On the way, Li Qi asked, "Liu Xiang, what do you mean?"

"Sister Yanyan, why don't you talk about it?" Liu replied.

An Yanyan said, "Ha": "Have you even guessed what I have guessed?"

"Yes, when you said you wanted to follow me, I knew you had guessed."

An Yanyan suddenly said, "Yes, if I didn't know the situation, I should have said this at that time: Lao Liang, say something, don't let them take the pupil away!"

Dai Zhitong wondered, "What does this have to do with me?"

Liu said, "The key is still the text message. Let me put it this way. Even if the people of the dragon group can isolate the signal, the two women may also contact the man in a special way. In this case, there are two possibilities for this text message. First, the two women do not contact the outside world, so in this text message Rong is true. As just said, he may come to take away his two accomplices or directly silence them. This is not certain, but there is no doubt that he can be caught by the dragon group, because this text message is either sent with a temporary call tool, so the dragon group will definitely not be able to track it, or use a special one. If so, he must ask these two people to respond to him. If he hasn't replied for a long time, he must have known that these two people have been captured and responded long ago.

Li Qi asked, "Why don't we help them respond?"

"Did you see the J behind the text message? That's their special name. If you don't know the names of these two people, it's useless to contact them.

Luo Binghong said, "It's true, but you just said there was a second possibility."

"Yes, if it is possible, the content of this text message is fake, then the purpose is to let us relax our vigilance, let alone how they are connected. First of all, the dragon group certainly can't find that man. Secondly, these two women and Xiao Dai will be his targets. I don't know who is more important to him, so So, if we want to attract him to appear, we'd better take Xiao Dai to leave.

An Yanyan pointed to Liu Ruyue's mobile phone: "That's why you want to bring this thing, right? This will let the great man in your mouth know where we are.

Li Qi said, "But before that, I must know who that man is and what his ability is."


"What about these two people?" Li Qi pointed to the two girls sleeping in the air coffin and asked for everyone's opinions.

The first speaker was Luo Binghong: "If you want to find that man, of course, you can start from both of them."

Yuan Yi frowned and said, "Do you want to torture two little girls? Isn't this good? Look at her, she may not be an adult yet. She pointed to Lori.

Luo Binghong said, "Of course you have to ask, otherwise I don't know who they are, and we will only leave more female powers behind. But torture... That was the way it was two centuries ago. Now the interrogation medicine is very cheap. Just ask the military here for a little.

Li Qi said, "No, I have a lot here." With that, he opened his luggage and took out a few bottles of medicine.

Valley crack asked, "What the hell is this?"

Li Qi said: "Good things, drugs that act directly on the brain, can reduce people's judgment and vigilance, and can be combined with special suggestive sentences to make people tell the truth." With that, he still turned over his luggage, "Huh? Where is my interrogation tutorial?

An Yanyan raised the book in his hand and asked, "Are you looking for this?"

Li Qi shouted, "Why are you there!"

An Yanyan licked his lips and said, "I just think it's more interesting. In ordinary language, it can actually make people say the words hidden in the bottom of their hearts... Psychological hints, in fact, I was very interested, but in those years... Alas!"

Li Qi felt that this expression looked very familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he saw the same expression on the face of the interrogators of Wu Neng League...

Liu Yu interrupted and asked, "What are their abilities?"

Li Qi said, "It is not in the information, but according to the description of the team members of the dragon group, this older person can dive into the ground, walls, and can also take people to enter. It can be said to be a master of latent and reconnaissance."

Luo Binghong "hummed" disdainfully.

"This little Lori is a little strange. She can control the flight movement of steel balls, you see." Li Qi took out a steel ball, which was engraved with a very strange pattern.

"What does this pattern mean? Is there any symbolic meaning? Li Qi said.

Liu Yu said: "Well... All I can think of is Euler's seven bridges problem. Have you heard of it?"

Li Qi said, "Oula has heard of it, and Qiqiao has also heard of it, but together, it has not heard of it."

Liu said, "This is the most classic Eulertu, uh... Generally speaking, it is a painting problem. If you are interested, you can search Baidu by yourself... Anyway, it is a symbol with mathematical symbolic significance, but it is only symbolic significance."

Li Qi didn't want to think about Euler diagram and said, "In a word, it's just a symbol, which is probably to prevent confusion with other steel balls, right? But there are two different problems. First, there is nothing special inside this steel ball, and the composition is just ordinary stainless steel. Second, we also found this in this little Lori.

Li Qi took out a few thin transparent plastic films, on which also faintly painted the pattern of seven bridges: "There is also a picture of seven bridges on this film. Does this Lori have a second power? What can I do with this film?

Luo Binghong said, "According to the uncertainty of the power, no one can answer your question except herself... But there is another thing that makes me strange. She doesn't seem to know that I am the earth."

Liu asked, "What's the situation?"

"She said at that time that she wondered how I could be so strong as a psychic." Luo Binghong recalled.

Li Qi pondered for a moment and asked, "Is it possible that she said that on purpose?"

Liu shook his head: "I don't think so. This Lori doesn't have such a meticulous thinking."


"Last time..." Liu said about the last Loli attack on them.

Luo Binghong said, "Yes, it was also her last time. If she is a rectal like a valley..."

Valley crack asked doubtfully, "What is valley crack...?"

An Yanyan said, "This is to praise you, very vaguely."

Luo Binghong directly ignored the sincere eyes of Gu Rift and said, "She should not have that kind of urgency."

"So, I think that the man hasn't told Xiao Luo's identity, which leads to many reasons for this result. For example, the time is too short, and they have not exchanged information in time, or the identity of the three envoys is highly confidential even in their organization. Well... It's more likely. It's these two situations."

"Anyway, we have to know who that person is and what he looks like. Let's use the interrogation medicine here!" Li Qi said.


"Do you know what genius is?" An Yanyan's "Simple Tutorial and Classic Cases on the Use of Interrogation Drugs".

Li Qi laughed, and Luo Binghong had white eyes: "I have seen more geniuses."

An Yanyan ignored the saying, "I kind of want to find someone to try."

Li Qi nodded: "So you are ready?"

An Yanyan said, "That's right."

Li Qi asked again, "Yuan Yi, how about you? How's the simulated sensory** you mentioned last time?

Yuan Yi took off her glasses and said, "No, there is no relevant literature record in the past. Even the complete Sichuan method given to me by the Heavenly Master did not mention a similar usage. Am I really the first to think of this usage?"

An Yanyan asked with interest, "What's the usage?"

"Well, how to put it... Specifically, it is to control the proportion and temperature of water to make it completely consistent with the human body, so as to achieve the effect of the basic disappearance of touch after people enter it..." Yuan Yi thought, "Maybe it can develop into a set of illusions."

An Yanyan waved his hand: "What is this? Our laboratory can do it!"

"Of course, it's not only that. Changing the composition of water makes people's taste, smell and vision disappear, and it also needs to ensure that people can breathe in the water without any tools. Can you do this?"

An Yanyan thought for a moment: "Don't breathe with any tools? Is it possible?"

Yuan Yi shook her finger: "The three envoys are to make the impossible possible."

Li Qi patted Yuan Yi: "Okay, Yuan Yi, we don't need to exaggerate this time. There is interrogation medicine and a half-ton interrogator to cooperate with you, as long as there is a little effect."

An Yanyan said angrily, "What is half tone? If you say that again, I won't do it!"

Li Qi laughed. This interrogation really needs An Yanyan to do it. Who said that her voice is so similar to that man? Just ask the man's name to find out what identity he is and what organization he belongs to.

Liu went out of nowhere and said, "Brother Qi, this is the information sent by Wu Neng League. I checked and found that there is no missing record of these two girls."

Li Qi said, "No?"

"Yes, but it's not surprising. It's impossible for me to use the superpowers I just caught to help me work, just like in ancient times, even a surrendered general could not immediately enter the war, right?"

Li Qi said, "So, if you want to know who they are, you can only ask themselves..."


Liu Ruyue felt so comfortable. She felt that her whole body was floating, as if she had returned to her mother's stomach. She didn't have to think about anything and didn't worry about anything. This feeling had not been seen for a long time.

In a daze, someone seems to ask themselves something. That's... That's the voice of the young master, who is the person he must be loyal to.

"Young master..."

"Tell me your name."

"Liu Ruyue."

"Liu Ruyue, what do you call me?"

"Young master..."

"I don't like it when you call me that."

Liu Ruyue hesitated for a moment and suddenly thought of something, as if she woke up in her sleep, and her brain shook: No, I can't say, I'd rather die than say, I...

Everyone only saw Liu Ruyue hesitate for a moment and suddenly said, "Uh!" With a sound, the mouth overflowed with blood, and then kept struggling.

Li Qi shouted, "Oh no, maybe I bit my tongue and can't let her die!"

An Yanyan said, "What!? Bite your tongue?" She approached Liu Ruyue and tried to open Liu Ruyue's mouth, but failed due to Liu Ruyue's fierce struggle.

"Help me control her!"

Tiangong, fit.

Liu Ruyue was mounted in the air in a large font, but she was still struggling due to severe pain, making it difficult for An Yanyan to approach. An Yanyan simply made her unconscious with an extremely heavy hand knife.

"It's true that he bit his tongue and killed himself... Oh, my God, his tongue was really bitten off!" An Yanyan opened her mouth to look in.

"Generally, the tongue or blood clots block the trachea to death, or too much blood loss to death. As long as you are careful of these points, it is not so easy to die." Luo Binghong put his hands around his chest and said.

An Yanyan found a pair of chopsticks and clipped out the half-cut tongue: "Stop the bleeding. Do you have any way?"

Luo Binghong stepped forward: "I'll come."

Earth art, earth mother.

Yellow gas slowly rose from the ground and condensed to Luo Binghong's fingertips. Luo Binghong opened Liu Ruyue's mouth and pointed to her broken tongue. Soon the blood stopped, but if the broken tongue wanted to grow again, it was necessary to be a four-character forbidden or compound operation.

An Yanyan turned Liu Ruyue upside down and asked Luo Binghong to pat her back vigorously and pat out the blood blocked in the trachea.

It took about ten minutes before and after the rescue to ensure that Liu Ruyue's life would no longer be in danger.

Li Qi asked, "It seems that it is useless to ask Liu Ruyue. Let's try that Lori."

Liuxiang shook his head: "There is no evidence that Lori's determination is not as good as this Liu Ruyue. I guess ten * is the same result."

Yuan Yi sighed, "I didn't expect Liu Ruyue to have the perseverance to bite her tongue and suicide... Who is worthy of her maintenance?"

Li Qi said, "Let's have a compound illusion and take something out of her head directly."

Yuan Yi said, "If you read information directly from your head, then use the heart... or a mirage?"

Li Qi said, "From the heart, directly reflect the man's appearance and name from the Lori's mind."

An Yanyan asked, "Is there such a magical way?"

Yuan Yi replied, "The principle of this thing is that the content of the illusion is directly affected by the memory of the caster, and we just need to look at the illusion."

An Yanyan asked stunnedly, "What kind of magic is this?"

Yuan Yi shook her head: "No, no, no, this is martial arts."

Li Qi thought for a moment and said, "However, this illusion requires a little harmony to make her brain accept this illusion and affect its development. In other words, it is to transfer the authority to change part of the illusion to her subconscious."

An Yanyan suddenly recalled and said, "I seem to have seen similar psychological conclusions, telling a person something, such as that he has been to a place and making him believe, and then he will complete the details by himself. Is this a truth?"

"Yes, that's a truth," Li Qi nodded, "so we have to write a script that will never be wrong, and then let that Lori promote its development."