
Jiwei loyal girl

At this time, Luo Li's hands and feet were fixed on the wall. There was no metal product in the whole room, and all the things with rigid were taken away. Even the handcuffs and anklets that imprisoned Luo Li were made of Luo Binghong with cement. Since she was arrested, she has been separated from Liu Ruyue. She doesn't know how Liu Ruyue is now...

I don't know that one afternoon a few days later, before it was time to deliver food, the door suddenly opened. A figure wearing a mask came in with a man on his shoulder. Lori looked at it and shouted, "Sister Yue!"

Her sister Yue did not respond to her. With a wave of the figure's hand, Lori's cement handcuffs and handcuffs were opened. Lori's legs knelt on the ground for so many days, and she was already numb.

The man put Liu Ruyue in front of Luo Li: "Take her and come with me."

Lori shouted, "It's the young master!"

The man said, "Go, don't talk too much."

Luoli carried Liu Ruyue on her back and followed the "Young Master" out of the room with her numb legs.

There was no one along the way. It seemed that the young master had cleaned them all away.

Running to a corner, the "Young Master" suddenly turned around, but Lori followed and found that the "Young Master" stood motionless.


The young master ignored him and continued to move forward.

Luo Li followed the "Young Lord" down several floors, looked around, and suddenly felt some vibrations from her shoulders. She looked back and found that Liu Ruyue's hanging hands were engraved with several blood words "He is fake", which seemed to be engraved on her skin with her nails.

Luoli was shocked. She stood and waited for a while.

The "Young Master" stopped strangely and looked back at her.

She asked, "Young master, do you know where the exit is?"

The young master asked, "What's wrong?"

Rolly said, "I always feel that we are spinning in place."

The young master asked, "Did you notice it?"

Lori replied, "I don't know what to do. Can you tell me?"

The young master said, "I don't know either. Maybe the route is more complicated, and each floor is almost designed, right?"

Luoli's heart is cold, and she is really not the young master.


At this time, everyone was in a small dark room. Li Qi, Yuanyi and Luo Binghong sat opposite each other, and the current situation of Luo Li was projected in the middle, just like a three-dimensional projection.

Li Qi asked Luo Binghong and Yuan Yi, who were casting spells together on the side: "Can you take off your mask?"

Yuan Yi replied, "She has been completely trapped, and now she should be able to see the man's appearance. But I don't know why she seems to have found that the man is fake. We need to hurry up.

Li Qijing: "Did she find out?"

Yuan Yi: "It should be."

Li Qi: "What's going on... Then it's over. Let's think about what's going on when it's over."

An Yanyan ran in breathlessly, sat on a chair, took off the clothes and mask of the "Young Master" and said, "Even if it's the illusion of three people together, isn't it time to go out this day?"

Liu went aside and ignored him.

An Yanyan wondered why Liu Xiang talked so little in the past two days, but the illusion of Luo Li's projection in the middle of the three messengers attracted her. She looked at the three people in the illusion: "It's really amazing... from the heart."

In fact, Liu Ruyue and the earliest "Young Master" who "saved" Luo Li are real people, not illusions, but the "Young Master" was disguised by An Yanyan, and then An Yanyan took Luo Li for a few laps. After Luo Li's sense of substitution of the scene was strong enough, An Yanyan She found a corner to leave, and then Lori met the "Young Master" in her mind.

However, after all, Li Qi and the other three are still the controllers of illusion at this time. As long as they control the "Young Lord" to take off the mask, they can see the real appearance of the Young Lord.

At this moment, Luo Li suddenly put down Liu Ruyue. She stretched out her finger and rubbed it hard on the ground, which quickly blurred the flesh and blood. Then she drew a seven-bridge map on her forehead with her fingers.

An Yanyan was shocked. She turned her head to look at Liu Yu, but saw Liu Yu closed his eyes, and the valley crack beside her was completely opposite, staring her eyes wide.

I only heard Luo Li gently straighten Liu Ruyue's hair and said, "I know, Sister Yue." Then she looked up at the "Young Master" but said nothing, and then put her forehead on Liu Ruyue's forehead.

An Yanyan shouted, "Dare to pull her away!"

"What's wrong?" Li Qi didn't know why.

Because Lori's face is facing down, everyone can't see it clearly, but it is obvious that there is a really happy and satisfying smile on Liu Ruyue's face.

I only heard a "bang" sound.

It was broken, and their heads were broken. At the moment when their brains collapsed, everyone seemed to be able to clearly see what was in a person's brain, but no one could tell what it was.

The illusion disappeared, and the mask could not be taken off after all.

Everyone was stunned, but Liu still closed his eyes, while An Yanyan sighed: "Her ability is not to control metal, but to control everything with that symbol. Those plastic films can also be controlled if she sticks to other things..."

Everyone rushed out of the small dark room and rushed to the scene. They could only see two headless bodies, blood and various ** solids splashed on the ground. Fortunately, everyone was not vegetarian and did not have much discomfort.

Luo Binghong opened Liu Ruyue's arm. Sure enough, there were four blood words "He is fake" on it.

"Alas..." It's not who sighed.

"But..." An Yanyan touched her chin and thought, "Even if little Lori knew that this person was fake and didn't follow him at most, how did she know that she should commit suicide immediately? Could it be that..." She looked at Liu Ruyue's body, "It was Liu Ruyue who told her? Indeed, we talked about this illusion in front of the unconscious Liu Ruyue at that time, and she also knew the general content of the illusion. These four words are the best proof, but how did she tell little Lori that she should have committed suicide? There seems to be no communication between them except for these four words... I don't understand..."


"Luo's back is so soft, and it feels very comfortable!"

"Senior sister, don't touch it, I'm itchy..."

"Hey, Luo Luo, can you feel what I wrote?"

"Sister Yue, have you written?"

"It seems that Luo Luo feels very dull. I'll try to write again..."

"Don't write, I'm itchy..."


Regardless of whether they used to be enemies or friends, most people are still full of awe of the dead. In addition to leaving DNA samples for Nanjing's power research organization, Li Qi still decided to let the two girls be grounded.

Standing in front of the tomb of the two girls, Li Qi put his hands in his hand and said, "Although you and I are enemies, although you look so weak, although you look so weak, although I am stronger than you, no one is stronger than you. Not many people will know your death, but your courage is enough to defeat everyone. And your master... I will help you verify whether he is qualified to have your loyalty."

Li Qi bowed.

Valley crack said, "You are awesome! You are better than me, and you are the best!"

Yuan Yi said, "Don't be a supernatural person in your next life, but be an ordinary person."

Luo Binghong didn't say anything.

Dai Zhitong didn't know what was going on. She just stood next to An Yanyan.

And Liu Wei was also silent. He was silent for several days.

Li Qi said, "Let's go."

Everyone turned around, but Liuxiang and An Yanyan had not moved yet.

"Aren't you going?"

An Yanyan replied, "Let's wait a little longer!"

The crowd left, leaving only An Yanyan and Liu Wei.

Another silence.

An Yanyan first asked, "You knew early that they would commit suicide, right?"

Liu went and shook his head: "I don't know."

"Did you know that Liu Ruyue wrote that sentence in his hand?"

"I don't know."

"Did you know that Lori's ability early?"

"I don't know."

"Then what do you know?"

"I know that we can't ask anything. I knew it when Liu Ruyue bit off her own tongue."

"..." An Yanyan was silent.

Liu raised his right hand: "Even if your wrist is handcuffed, you still have room to draw some simple patterns like the seven bridges on the wall or palms, and you can even draw them directly on the handcuffs."

An Yanyan said, "But little Lori didn't do this, not because she didn't want to escape?"

Liu said, "She wants to ensure that Liu Ruyue will not say anything. If we have not tried little Lori, it means that we have not used extreme means against Liu Ruyue. In this case, Liu Ruyue will certainly not say anything, so what little Lori has to do is wait until we interrogate her, find and kill Liu Ruyue, and then commit suicide or escape.

An Yanyan asked, "What does this mean?"

Liu shook his head: "This doesn't mean anything. The subsequent development is different from what Little Lori thought, and it is also different from what we think.

"That man fought with the dragon group. The news from the dragon group, two members of the heavenly group and six members of the local group were killed in battle. What was replaced by a photo that was so blurred that it could not be restored. There was no one in the photo..." An Yanyan said, "It's a great shame for the dragon group."

"No surprise." Liu took a pause and said, "The last time we used Xiao Luo as bait, he found the Wu Neng League in three days, but this time these two women have been captured by us for a total of a week. Do you know why he didn't come?"

"He rest assured his subordinates, right? His subordinates have a high degree of loyalty, and he also understands this. An Yanyan looked at what he seemed to be looking for around the cemetery.

"Yes..." Liu said.

"Are you discouraged?" An Yanyan asked.

"No..." Liu said.

"Anyway, can you tell me what you're thinking, even if you teach me hand in hand." An Yanyan said.

Liuxiang: "Do you know? Li Qi is dealing with an opponent that can't be dealt with by the Wu Neng League and the Dragon Group. However, he does not unite with either side and wants to act alone, so he wants to form his own team. His thinking is right. However, if most people in this team can't do it alone, no matter how strong the core characters are, It's impossible to do what the dragon group can't do, right? Moreover, at present, the personal ability of the three envoys can no longer be completely dependent.

An Yanyan nodded clearly: "So, what do you plan?"

"Do you think there is any way to set a condom?" Liu said.

An Yanyan pondered for a moment: "If his only purpose is a female power with some kind of power, it shows that he has a need for power. It is impossible to have a power, which is aimed at the power... For example, the ability of a power is to change other powers.

Liu said, "If there is such a power, even if it is not a woman between 18 and 20 years old, that man will be interested, right?"

An Yanyan asked, "Didn't you try the bait before? Isn't it very unsuccessful?"

"This time it's different. We can even cheat the Wu Neng League..." Liu said.

"Wait a minute!" An Yanyan suddenly reacted, "I was almost taken away by you. Why do you want me to set this set?" Isn't the pupil already a condom? Why did you ask me to set up another one?

"What do you think?" Liu asked back.

"...Ah, that's right!" An Yanyan patted his head and said, "I reacted slowly. Since the man did not appear, it means that either the information was true at that time, or later the man knew that Tongtong was not the person he was looking for. Otherwise, even if he rest assured his two subordinates, even if it's just for Tongtong, he will come once.

"Yes." Liu nodded, "So, now Xiao Dai can safely enter the file."

An Yanyan shook his head, pondered for a while, and then looked at Liu Yu sideways.

"Why do you look at me like this?"

An Yanyan said, "I always feel that you are planning something else..."

Liu said innocently, "Is there?"

An Yanyan approached Liu and said, "I always felt that just now, and then I was interrupted by your thinking... Did you do it on purpose?"

Liu's eyes became more innocent: "Really?"

An Yanyan said, "It's better not to have it."