
Bingxu Luo Binghong's departure

After some things, Li Qi asked, "by the way, who called the police?"

Xiao Wang said, "Oh, it's the residents of this unit 402 who called the police. They are very young to listen to the sound."

Kang Jie shouted, "It's Xiaojun..."

Li Qi took out a stack of forms and said to Kang Jie, "We need a lot of your information. Take a look first. If you don't remember, check it. By the way, don't fill in these items first."

After a while, a man came up and said to Xiao Wang with a smile, "Captain Wang, I'm the property management of this community. My surname is Long. What can I do for you want from me?"

Xiao Wang said, "Oh, yes, Manager Long, I'm looking for you. These people are from the Provincial Public Security Department. In the next few days, I hope you can cooperate with them."

Manager Long nodded: "Okay, okay, but I don't know...what kind of job?"

Li Qi replied, "It's not convenient to disclose. I want to know if there are any vacant houses or rental rooms in this community. In short, we will live in this community for the time being."

Manager Long said, "I remember... there are two vacant houses, but they haven't even been decorated and can't live there."

Li Qi replied, "Don't worry about this, just let us stay for two days."

Luo Binghong said, "So it seems that Jiangsu's real estate is not very sluggish."

An Yanyan replied, "It's not a recession, it's just that the concept has changed. Now, unlike 20 years ago, more and more people are renting houses. It should be said that people's concept of housing has gradually matured."

Manager Long asked Luo Binghong, "Isn't this lady from Jiangsu?"

Luo Binghong scolded herself for being confused. She was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm not from Jiangsu. I'm from Beijing."

Manager Long will understand it now.

"Manager Long, take us there, Miss An, Yuan Yi, you arrange the filing here, and we will arrange the room we will live in for the next few days." Li Qi ordered.


Everyone chose a vacant house to live in. The house is on the top floor of the unit next to Kangjie. If something really happens, it is very convenient to support it.

As for the decoration problem, Luo Binghong's two earth skills were all completed. After the water and electricity were connected, he asked the decoration company to install some necessary electrical appliances, such as air conditioners and water heaters. It only took half a day to make the house barely live. Since most of the people present were martial arts people with skills, it was not difficult to adapt to this harsh environment. Only Dai Zhitong finally said that he could not stand it the next day. Considering that there was no shortage of scouts in this team, Li Qi also agreed to let her stay alone in a nearby hotel, and also sent a book to her mobile phone Nine Saints.

Luo Binghong walked around the whole community, then arranged it in many places in the community, and finally stood in the community.

Dianshu, Qianweizhen.

This technique enveloped the whole community under Luo Binghong's surveillance. Despite this, she was actually not sure that she could find the man.

Li Qi transmitted Kang Jie's file to the dragon group. The "good at power" column in the file was filled in the "capacity change" as planned. Then he told Kang Jie not to go out these two days. If he had to be accompanied by people from Li Qi's side when he went out, Kang Jie was very reluctant at first, but Li Qi's words scared him, and he did not dare to turn back. That's right.


Four days later, in the morning, the sun just leaked his first ray of light today. Luo Binghong knocked on Li Qi's door. At this time, Li Qi woke up from the settlement, and the valley in the same room was still sleeping - because everyone was under the same roof, Li Qi and Yuan Yi were embarrassed to live in the same room, so finally decided Li Qihe Valley split in one room, Yuan Yi and An Yanyan's room, Li Tairan and Liu Xiang's room, and Luo Binghong's room alone. One person is on duty every night. Last night, it happened to be Liu's turn.

"What's the matter? Miss Luo?" Li Qi took Luo Binghong out of the house and asked softly.

"I'm leaving for a while." Luo Binghong replied, "I have finished my luggage."

"Why is it so sudden? What's the matter?"

"I didn't want to tell you some private things, but I thought it was really rude, so I came to inform you."

Li Qi was stunned: "Do you really want to leave? Did you get away before we drew that person out?"

Luo Binghong nodded: "Really, I really have something to do, you see," he said, pulling out a suitcase from the ground. "Take all the luggage with you, say hello to you and leave."

"Do they know?"

"I don't know, I didn't say."

"...Okay." Li Qi didn't know what to say. "Goodbye."

"Well, my Qianwei Town will be solved when I leave."

"I know that I can do similar techniques."

Luo Binghong nodded: "Well, goodbye!" After saying that, even people and their luggage sank into the earth.

Li Qi stayed for a while and felt that something was wrong. He came to the study. Several monitors in the study showed surveillance videos from several key positions received from the security department of the community. Two of the eight monitors were black, as if they were broken. More importantly, they should have been on duty at night. Liu Fang is not in the room.

"What's going on! Liu Wei!" Li Qi shouted but did not respond, and a bad foreboding surged into his heart.

This shouting naturally uses power. Needless to say, the people in the room can still be heard in the whole unit.

The first one to run over was Yuan Yi, who came out, "What's wrong, Li Qi?"

"I don't know... Liu Yu is gone." Li Qi took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu's phone.

"How's it going?"

"No one answered."

"Wait a minute!" Yuan Yi listened carefully, "There is a bell in the room." With that, she followed the sound and looked for it.

At this moment, everyone woke up one after another and saw Yuan Yi and Li Qi. They didn't know what had happened.

Yuan Yi came to Luo Binghong's house and said, "Why is it in there? He won't be with Luo Binghong..."

An Yanyan thought to himself that if he was really doing something shady, how could he let his mobile phone ring, and then directly opened the door, but saw that there was no one in the room, and only a mobile phone was ringing on a lonely chair.

"What's going on? Where's Luo Binghong?

Li Qi said, "Miss Luo just left."


"She just told me that she had a personal matter, so she left and only walked for 15 minutes." He said that Li Qi called Luo Binghong again, "... the phone is turned off."

"What's going on?" An Yanyan asked.

"You asked me who to go?" Li Qi shook his hand and strode out of the house.


About half an hour later, everyone searched all the places in the community that Liu might go - of course, there were not many places, but no one found some when An Yan studied the surveillance video of the study.

"What's going on? Miss Ann." Li Qi asked.

"When I was studying the surveillance video, I found that the two monitors were not broken, so I thought the camera was broken, so I dropped the video before the black screen and watched it. I did find it. You can watch it." An Yanyan brought out two videos and fast-forward to about two o'clock in the morning. After a while, Liu Wei appeared in both pictures, but the walking angles were different, because the two cameras were actually facing the same area.

After a while, Luo Binghong also appeared in the picture. The two talked a few words at each other. Luo Binghong suddenly took action and waved to the two cameras, and then the picture turned black.

"The next is a black screen, so I think the key should be in these conversations."

"When doing sound analysis, the environment is very quiet at night, and it should be able to analyze the sound."

"Ye," An Yanyan replied, "that's what I thought, so I began to analyze it when I called you just now, and now the results have come out. Listen to it."

Restored the sound back to the picture, and saw Liu Tong walking in the garden of the community. Suddenly, Luo Binghong appeared in front of him: "Where are you going, Liu Wei?"

Little Luo? Ah... I saw a suspicious person in front of Kang Jie's house.

Luo Binghong smiled strangely and said, "Oh? I think your route is going out of the community?

Liu was curious: "How do you know..."

"Of course I know that the whole community is under my skill. I can now know that there is no one in front of Kang Jie's house. The most suspicious person in the community is you."

"I didn't expect you to be so**. I thought two o'clock in the morning was the best time for people to sleep."

"Enter and sleep are different. You will know if you are more skillful. Tell me, what the hell are you going to do?"


"If you are worried that our conversation will be heard, that's good." After saying this, Luo Binghong waved his hand to destroy the two cameras.

Yuan Yi shouted, "What's going on?! What on earth did they say?

"I'm afraid I won't know until I ask Miss Luo."

Yuan Yi said, "Yes!" She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed Luo Binghong's number, which was still turned off.

"What does this mean!" Yuan Yi tried her best to drop her mobile phone, but did not hit the ground, but was caught by Li Qi.

Li Qi said in his heart, "This is the first time I have seen you so rude."

An Yanyan touched her chin, took a piece of paper, and drew circles on it. At the same time, her people seemed to stand in the position where Liu Wei was at that time, saw everything Liu Wei saw, and heard everything Liu Wei heard, as if she were in the scene of Liu Shang at that time. Her vision followed the strokes in her hand. At the same time, he kept turning and searching for anything around Liu to record the situation at that time.

"What are you drawing?"

"Circle, I'm drawing a circle... By the way!" An Yanyan suddenly thought of something. She turned up the video of a camera next to her, which was the camera in front of Kang Jie's house.

"This is..."

"I suddenly thought of it, you see." An Yanyan pointed to the glass window of the fire hydrant reflected in the camera. "From this perspective, the glass window of the fire hydrant can reflect what happened in the garden."

"How can you see it from this angle?"

An Yanyan said, "I can't see it. This camera is on the fourth floor, too far away, and the angle is not right, but what if it is a fire hydrant on the first floor?"

Li Qi called Manager Long: "Hey, I'm Li Qi. Yes, send me all the surveillance videos from the first floor of Unit 2 of our building last night to this morning. Well, OK."

Yuan Yi asked urgently, "How about it?"

"It will be sent in 20 minutes."

Yuan Yi said "um".

Li Qi hugged her and patted her on the shoulder: "It's okay. Miss Luo and Liu Xiang usually have a good relationship. Even if there is a conflict, they won't do anything to him."