
The space of a community

Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province.

A large number of people appeared at the door of a community.

The limit that the energy explorer of the dragon group can locate is a quarter of square kilometers, which is still the accuracy that can only be achieved under the joint action of the increase device and satellite. Therefore, the work of getting a superpower into the file generally requires the participation of two energy explorers. One searches the whole country in Gansu and obtains relatively accurate After the conclusion, it will be reported to Beijing, and then the next batch will be notified to the nearest organization with a capable explorer, and then another capable explorer will find the power person himself.

"How's it going?" Li Qi asked Li Tairan.

Li Tairan said, "Why don't we go shopping in the community in such pleasant weather? Mr. Li has heard..."

Li Qi shouted, "Stop! Generally speaking, you have to go into the community, right? Then let's go in!"

"Wait a minute!" Two security guards stopped Li Qi and his party, "What are you doing?"

Li Qi took out a certificate: "The Provincial Public Security Department."

The two security guards looked at the documents carefully, then at Li Qi and his party, and said, "Where are their certificates?"

Li Qi said lightly, "Call the boss of your property to come."

A security guard said, "The boss is not here. If you can't take out your ID, please go back!"

Li Qi was angry: "I can't even handle a security guard?"

An Yanyan came to Li Qi's ear and said, "What are you talking about the Provincial Public Security Department? Even if you are real, he doesn't know the documents of the Public Security Department. Besides, he doesn't believe that you are real at all."

Li Qi said angrily, "If you don't let me in, I won't let you in. Wait! Let's go!" Saying that, take the lead and leave.

In fact, Li Qi can also call the Taizhou Public Security Bureau, but these security guards don't know the director. If they really want to find them at the first level, they have to call one phone call at a time. It's too troublesome.

"Then how do we get in?" Dai Zhitong asked.

Valley split said, "I'm going in now." With that, he jumped into the high fence of two people.

Li Qi nodded: "Yes, since we are going to take the right path, they won't let it go." With that, he also jumped in.

Everyone jumped in one by one, leaving only Liu Xiang, Dai Zhitong and Li Tairan. Dai Zhitong did not have this ability at all, while Liu Xiang and Li Tairan were not sure and did not dare to jump.

Li Qi shouted through the wall, "Liu Xiang, Miss Dai, you can stay outside first. Mr. Li is the protagonist this time. What can you do if you don't come in?" With a wave of his hand, Li Tairan floated up and slowly floated over the fence.

Dai Zhitong said, "Brother Liu, then we will stay outside?"



After entering the community, Li Qi asked Li Tairan, "Where is it?"

Li Tairan replied: "Dear Mr. Li, you are worthy of being a famous person respected by the whole martial arts. Your questions are so refined, your words are so concise, and you can discuss current affairs with you..."

Li Qi couldn't stand it: "You just need to tell me where it is!!!?"

After a period of confusion, Li Tairan pointed to a balcony in fear and said, "There it is."

"The fourth floor of Unit 2..." Li Qi waved his sleeves and said, "Come with me."


"Hello, who are you?" The door was opened by a 15-year-old little Zhengtai.

Li Qi asked, "Is it him?"

Li Tairan shook his head and pointed to the room.

Li Qi said, "Brother, is there anyone else in your family?"

Xiao Zhengtai replied, "My brother is at home."

"Then we'll find your brother."

"My brother said that I haven't seen anyone these two days." Xiao Zhengtai replied.

Li Qi whispered, "We are here to solve your doubts."

This sound is not loud, but it is very penetrating. Obviously, it has added power.

After a while, a young man came out of the house with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Can you solve my confusion?" The man said.

"Is it him?" Li Qi asked Li Tairan.

"Yes, and it's an external release type." Li Tairan replied.

In addition to "exploratory", Li Tairan's ability can also explore the type of ability, whether it is to strengthen his own introspective type or the external release type that emits the ability. The power is like a light source in his eyes. If it is a self-reinforcing introspective power, in his opinion, the edge of light will be relatively smooth, if the degree of external release If it is higher, the oscillation amplitude of the edge of light will be relatively large, and even become rough jagged. However, this degree of "external release" as a parameter to measure the powerman actually has no practical value. For example, Lei Ling's ability is to put a lightning gun outside. Her power light is close to jagged in Li Tairan's eyes, but the attack range is only three meters around her body, which is a typical short-range attack method; on the contrary, killing The chapter with a range of several hundred meters is capable of strengthening its throwing ability, but it is a standard restrained ability.

It is also because Li Tairan's ability to explore has no practical value, so he has never been able to enter the dragon group.

Back to Li Qi's side, the man asked, "Can you solve my confusion?"

Li Qi nodded: "But first, please show your confusion."

"But I don't know who you are yet."

Li Qi took out a certificate: "I'm from the Provincial Public Security Department."

The man showed a frightened expression: "Don't catch me, don't catch me..."

Li Qi said, "Don't worry, we won't arrest anyone with special talents. If you want to, you can work for the country. If you don't want to, you can live exactly the same life as usual in addition to receiving an extra state subsidy."

The man slowly calmed down, but there was still panic in his eyes.

Li Qi pointed to the door and said, "This...can we go in and talk?"

The man looked at a large group of people behind Li Qi and said, "No, I'll come out and say, Xiaojun, stay at home and don't come out." With that, he closed the door with his backhand.

Everyone stood in the corridor. Li Qi said, "That's good. Let me introduce myself first. I'm Li Qi from the National Security Bureau, and the Provincial Public Security Department is just a fake identity for me. Can you introduce yourself?"

"Aren't you from the National Security Bureau? Why don't you know my name?"

"Our exploration of you special people is based on your address, so I know you live here, but I don't know your name."

The man was silent for a moment and said, "My name is Kang Jie."

Li Qi nodded: "Can you show it?"

Kang Jie took out the paper and held it flat in his hand. Suddenly, there was a "hist" sound, and the paper seemed to be torn in half by a pair of invisible hands.

Li Qi asked, "When did it start?"

"Two days ago, it was first a blanket, and then there were all kinds of things, mirrors, mats, curtains, tables... As long as I touch it with my hands, I will be torn in half if I don't pay attention."

Li Qi knocked on the wall: "What about this wall?"

Kang Jie shook his head: "No."

"Try it."

Kang Jie put his palm against the wall and pressed it hard. He saw that the tile cement seemed to be cut open, revealing the bricks inside, but there was no damage.

"Yes, thank you for your hard work... To be honest, there are many people with special talents like you in the world. There are only a few people in our team, such as him." Li Qi patted Li Tairan, "There is another little girl who didn't come today. She can see what's behind her. There is no dead angle at 360 degrees. Isn't it amazing?"

Kang Jie said to Li Tairan, "You can demonstrate it."

Of course, Li Tairan's ability could not be demonstrated. It was a little difficult, but when Luo Binghong grasped the void, the wall that had just been damaged immediately returned to its original state, and even the tiles had been repaired. Although she was not a power, she could not see it by pretending to be Kang Jie.

Sure enough, Kang Jie was much relieved when he saw this situation. He asked, "Then what should I do?"

Li Qi said, "Just register and join our file, but in the next few days, I need your cooperation. Someone may be against you."


"I don't know, otherwise we would have caught him long ago. He is interested in many special people, but we will protect you." Li Qi casually made up half-non-nonsense lies, which made Kang Jie very nervous again.

Suddenly, there was a sound of "bubble" footsteps, and several people wearing * rushed up the stairs. They asked everyone, "Where are the robbers? Huh? Who are you?"

Li Qi was a little unhappy: "Are you from the Public Security Bureau?"

The first person said, "Yes, who are you? Take out all the ID cards.

Li Qi took out his ID card of the National Security Bureau: "You don't need your ID card. Look at this."

The man said, "What is this?"

Li Qi was furious about what these people eat. Don't you know the documents of the National Security Bureau? Now say, "Let me have a video chat with your director, and I'll talk to him directly."

The man was a little confused and didn't know what to do with his mobile phone.

"Dial quickly!"

"Okay..." The man didn't know why, as if he was scared by Li Qi, and hurriedly dialed their director's mobile phone video.

"Is it so easy to be scared?" Li Qi muttered.

"Xiao Wang, what's the matter?" A middle-aged man with a strong face appeared at the end of the video.

Li Qi took his mobile phone, put the ID card of the National Security Bureau in front of the camera, and said, "My name is Li Qi, Comrade Director. Look carefully."

After seeing the certificate clearly, the director was obviously scared and said, "It turned out to be Comrade Li. What's the matter?"

Li Qi said, "Well, we need to do something in this community. I hope you can cooperate with our work. I will ask the people of the Provincial Public Security Department to officially tell you later. Now I will say hello to you first so that your people will not interfere with our work."

The director nodded: "Okay, Xiao Wang! You cooperate with them fully, okay?"

Xiao Wang said, "Yes! Director."

The director hung up the phone and Xiao Wang said, "Mr. Li, if you have any instructions, we will fully cooperate with your action."

Li Qi said, "You must inform the property management of this community. You have to cooperate with us in the next few days, and we may have to live in this community for a few days."

Xiao Wang nodded and said, "No problem, no problem."

Li Qi understands that he really wants to let the police in front of him handle this matter. He can't greet these property security guards. The so-called strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake does not mean that the strong dragon can't suppress the ground snake, but that the strong dragon can't suppress the ground snake. Not to mention anything else, Li Qi has a pile of documents on his body. It is estimated that the property management of this community No one knows the security guard to the manager. These things that can be compared to the imperial edict in the eyes of the municipal party committee and the provincial party committee are waste paper in the eyes of a property company.