
Dinghai Atheist

Just as Tang Weiyang and Bernie and Benton were chatting enthusiastically, Yu Weiming and Zhang Lun were also talking in a low voice.

"Your mood seems to be very unstable. Without your emotional control ability, I can only see it with the naked eye." Yu Weiming said.

Zhang Lun: "Do you think we will meet him in this mission? That ten... The descendants of."

Yu Weiming shook his head: "Ten* will not. It should be some religious people who confront us this time, not the U.S. official. Even if there is U.S. officials behind the back, look at our group.

Zhang Lun frowned and looked at Yu Weiming doubtfully.

"We are from the yellow group. The Chinese side will send four yellow groups to carry out this mission, which shows that this Bernie and Benton are actually not so important, but your enemy is one of the trump cards of the United States, so it should not appear this time." Yu Weiming whispered, "If you want to meet him on the street, it's even more impossible. The territory of the United States is not much less than that of China."

Zhang Lun was a little disappointed. She knew that what Yu Weiming said was the truth.

Yu Weiming said again: "Actually, you don't have to be sad, because even if you meet him now, you can't kill him. He has ten lives. If you want to revenge, you must formulate a special tactic against him."

Zhang Lun nodded. In fact, she also understood that if she didn't fake others, her revenge would not be repaid for a while.

Tang Weiyang, who was chatting with Bernie Benton in front of him, suddenly stared back at them and motioned them to stop talking. Although he was not a warrior and could not hear what they said, it was inappropriate to talk about anything in the embassy at this time.

After staring at this, Tang Weiyang continued to talk with Bernie Benton about the protection measures of this operation in English. "One of my colleagues has some magical abilities that can cast some spells to help you resist the assassination from those religious fanatics."

Bernie Benton frowned and said, "Spoul? What does it mean? Is it your Chinese religion?

"Sorry, we must keep this secret," Tang Weiyang replied gently. "You just need to know that through this spell, we can ensure your life safety during your speech."

Bernie Benton said unhappily, "I'm an atheist, and I won't believe and won't use 's spells'."

Bernie Benton's words surprised all four people. They never thought that Bernie Benton, who took the initiative to ask China for protection, would oppose their plan.

Tang Weiyang's face remained unchanged and his tone remained unchanged, "I'm sorry, this is our task. We will not change our way of action because of your wishes."

Bernie Benton: "I applied to the Chinese Embassy to protect me. In other words, I am your client, and I can change the content of the commission."

Tang Weiyang's voice is still so calm: "I'm sorry, I think you have mistaken a fact. Our commission comes from our government. If you can persuade our national official to change the content of the mission, we are also willing to implement our protection for you in other ways."

"You!" Bernie Benton stretched out his hand and tried to grab Tang Weiyang's collar, but finally restrained himself. "If so, I will stop all my speeches to express my protest."

You begged us to protect you, and now you still have to make so many demands! Tang Weiyang was furious, but he couldn't really make Bernie Benton stop speaking, because there was a clear requirement in his mission report that Bernie Benton must be protected to complete four performances. This means that if four speeches are not completed, even if only one is missing, the task will be counted as a task. So Tang Weiyang can only change to a slightly gentle tone and say, "Well, Mr. Benton, I think you have some misunderstanding. This spell has nothing to do with religion, but is just a means of protection. Because this is the territory of the United States, and we can't seek the cooperation of the U.S. government, so if the other party uses snipers, we have almost no means of defense.

Bernie Benton was very determined: "No, I'm an atheist. If I have to seek the protection of these supernatural things for my own personal safety, how can I convince most people?"

Zhang Lun sighed. Tang Weiyang claimed that he was a rookie, but he didn't understand at all. He couldn't ask all people to follow the requirements of the agent, and not everyone would take achieving the goal as the primary premise like the agent without considering his emotions, especially like Bernie Benton. A rational intellectual. In other words, Zhang Lun may change from a "rookie" to an "old bird", but this Bernie Benton is destined to be a "rookie" all his life. Tang Weiyang should not want to change it, but should think about conform to it and use it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lun interrupted in his poor English: "Well, Mr. Bernie Benton, if you insist on using spells, we can also take other ways, but we may not be able to guarantee 100% safety."

Bonnie Benton nodded: "If so, that's the best."

Tang Weiyang looked at Zhang Lun with a surprised face, and Zhang Lun just gave him a wink. Tang Weiyang thought to himself: Go back and settle accounts with you!

Zhang Lun then added: "However, if you don't use magic, many things will become very troublesome in other aspects, and you need to cooperate with us fully. For example, we need to strictly control the layout of the podium, the layout of the surrounding environment of the speech venue, and your position during the speech."

Bernie Benton agreed to these demands.

Tang Weiyang came to his senses and continued to discuss the schedule with Bernie Benton for the next month.

After that, the four people temporarily left the embassy, because the whole protection mission began on December 22nd Beijing time, and now it is December 21st Beijing time. In the afternoon, the four people will pick up Bernie Benton and leave.

"Zhang Yu, what the hell is going on? If you can't give me a suitable reason, I don't mind fixing you by any means. Don't think I dare not beat women!"

Zhang Lun originally planned to say it well. As soon as she heard the sentence "Don't think I dare not beat women", she was not as calm as Yu Weiming, so she suddenly became impatient and her tone became heavy: "Group leader Tang, will only educate your men and not communicate with others? That kind of intellectual is the most stubborn and difficult to deal with at home and abroad. If you know a truth, you can't pull it back. Do you still want to convince him?!"

Tang Weiyang said angrily, "What about you? Can't you change a person's mood? Why don't you change his mood and let him not be so stubborn?

Zhang Lun suddenly became angry: "I can only change my mood, not my mind. At most, I will make him weaker temporarily. It is impossible for him to really agree with our decision! Even if I make his attitude weak today, what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? As long as he comes to his senses in another second, he will immediately refute our plan! And the most important thing in the speech is rendering. How to make a speech without a gentle attitude? I think it's better for you to listen to those famous speeches online!"

Yu Weiming heard something wrong with Zhang Lun's tone and immediately interrupted, "Zhang Yu, talk well." Without waiting for Zhang Lun to say back, he said to Tang Weiyang, "Actually, I understand what Zhang Yu means. It is definitely impossible to get Bernie Benton's consent."

"Burney Benton is an open-air speech. There are only four of us. It is impossible to guarantee that we can check all the sniper positions around the speech site. How can we guard against snipers if we don't use spells?" Tang Weiyang whispered angrily, "You inexperienced rookies, do you know how many points a street is suitable for sniping?"

As soon as Zhang Lun wanted to refute, Yu Weiming stopped her speech and said in a slow tone, "Zhang Lun never said no spells. She just allowed us to use spells without Bernie Benton's knowledge."

"Don't know? How is that possible?"

"Group Leader Tang, have you forgotten the conditions proposed by Zhang Yu later?" Yu Weiming said, "The venue and the surrounding environment are arranged by us, and the location of the speech is also arranged by us. Zhang Yu is very comprehensive. Ge Hua, if we hide the charm under the podium in advance, then your spell should also be activated, right?

Ge Hua nodded: "Yes, as long as you guard in advance, you can start it in the right position."

Yu Weiming nodded: "That's right. We hid the charm in the podium in advance and stimulated the charm to complete the formation after the speech began. Since Bernie Benton's position in his speech is determined by us, we only need to ask him in advance not to leave a certain area or interact with the audience, so that he will not find Ge Hua's formation.

"But you forgot a little," Tang Weiyang said. "Ge Hua's formation will emit a faint yellow light, which can be seen with the naked eye!"

"That's why Zhang Yu made the two requirements for decorating the venue," Yu Weiming said. "As long as the podium and the surrounding environment are roughly arranged yellow, the yellow light is easy to cover up. As for the reason, we can completely say that people who act abnormally under yellow * are more eye-catching. Bernie Benton is not an expert in this field and is easy to deceive.

Tang Weiyang was silent. He is not a small-bellied person, but he would never ask him to apologize for his mistakes just now, so he just said, "This plan is okay, so let's make it."

Zhang Lun also knew that he should not be ignored, but continued, "Should we find a better place to stay next?"

Tang Weiyang shook his head: "There is no need to look for this. I have found it. This is a hotel recommended to me by the embassy, but because I was worried about being suspected, the embassy did not make an appointment in advance."

Then I was speechless all the way.


In the awkward silence, the four people arrived at the hotel at the address. The hotel was not luxurious, but hidden in a dead corner of the city. It was the best place for Tibetans. No wonder the embassy would recommend it.

The four people booked two rooms with the previously exchanged U.S. dollars. Tang Weiyang went in and skillfully checked the possible locations where monitoring devices could be installed without any discovery. Then he and Ge Hua picked up Bernie Benton, leaving Zhang Lun and Yu Weiming to guard the two empty rooms.

After seeing Tang Weiyang leave, Zhang Lun said, "Ming Weiwu, do you think our team leader Tang's emotional intelligence is a little low?"

Yu Weiming smiled and said, "You are really cautious. You called me such a painful name when it was only the two of us."

Zhang Lun didn't care about the name, and then said, "As a special forces soldier, he is good, but as a team leader, I think he is still a little poor."

"Zhang Yu, you are the fourth place in the first competition, right?" Yu Weiming said, "You should still be very young at that time."

"Yes, I was too young at that time, so I only took the fourth..." Zhang Lun asked with regret, but she also knew that even if she went to participate now, the month would still be about the same. "How about you? You didn't participate in the first competition, did you?

Yu Weiming nodded: "I participated in the second session, and I only won the third place. At that time, the first place was Fang Bingtao."

Zhang Lun: "The first session should have happened six or seven years ago, and the second session has also passed four years. I can't remember it clearly."

Yu Weiming said, "Although this competition is quite interesting, it is weird everywhere, so no one who has participated in the first session has participated in the second session. At most, there is only a connection on the Internet."

Zhang Lun thought for a moment, "What are you talking about?"

"I want to say that if a normal 20-year-old young man suddenly awakens and joins the dragon group one day, then only people like Tang Weiyang can make him realize the cruelty of reality as soon as possible." Yu Weiming returned to the first topic, "Although in your opinion, Tang Weiyang's emotional intelligence is not high or even his IQ is not high, there is no doubt that he is a qualified captain. Think about it, why are the two of us assigned to the yellow group, one is 25 and the other is 3?

"It's to protect us." Zhang Lun said, "Let's carry out less difficult tasks."

"But if we never grow up and never have combat effectiveness, what's the value of protecting us?" Yu Weiming asked this, but she didn't say anything about her father. Anyway, Zhang Lun didn't know.

Zhang Lun thought for a moment and said, "If the purpose of a sword is to be treasured and put on the shelf, then it is worthless."

Yu Weiming nodded: "So, at this time, it's better to send us a practical team leader and arrange an educational team leader. As for whether the task itself is completed or not, it doesn't matter. Bernie Benton said that he was just a public intellectual. If one of this kind of person dies, 10,000 will come out to replace him. His value is not comparable to that of a dual power. Tang Weiyang's own task is to teach us practical experience and the skills of agents in the mission, and teach us how to obey the orders of decision makers. I estimate that after the end of the task, there will be a practical training called special training.

Yu Weiming said this and looked at Zhang Lun: "Based on the above, coupled with the above, if the object of education is an ordinary 20-year-old youth, the goal of education is a qualified executor rather than a decision maker. Is Tang Weiyang, the team leader, competent?"

"A 20-year-old young man who has just entered the dragon group should have four emotions of curiosity, excitement, fear and sharpness at the same time," Zhang Lun analyzed. "If it is to polish their spirit, a team leader like Tang Weiyang is appropriate."

Yu Weiming concluded: "So, just be generous and use your practical actions to tell Tang Weiyang that his education is not suitable for you."

Soon, Tang Weiyang Gehua came back with Bernie Benton. Tang Weiyang's arrangement was that the three men slept in one room, and Zhang Lun and Yu Weiming slept in one room, which was also the most normal arrangement.

The calm day passed quickly.


Return to the other side of the earth.

"Hello, Miss An, I'm Jiang Hongbo."

An Yanyan said twice: "Is there a result of Shao Yifei's matter?"


"Venue, didn't you say it would take half a month? It's only a week, right?" Although An Yanyan was asking questions, his tone was very calm.

Jiang Hongbo wondered, "Do you still want me to be slower?"

"Oh, no, I'm just a little curious. How can your estimate be so biased?"

Jiang Hongbo explained, "Oh, because things are a little different from what I imagined, I thought it would take a lot of effort to find it, so it was troublesome, but now I found that I found it casually."

An Yanyan heard some strange hunch here and became really curious: "What's going on?"

"The Shao Yifei you mentioned, her father is the boss of a small business, and her mother is also an employee. However, not long ago, both of them died in a car accident, and Shao Yifei also had some mental problems. Originally, she lived at home and was taken care of by a nanny, but she soon ran away from home. Because there was already a search notice, it was quickly found. Jiang Hongbo said.

An Yanyan: "How long ago did she run away from home?"

"November 25 this year."

An Yanyan nodded: "Thank you so much, but do you have the photo and information of Shao Yifei? Can you send me one to see?

"Of course." Jiang Hongbo sent a document as he spoke.

An Yanyan looked at the photo on the mobile phone. Although he was dressed differently, An Yanyan was obviously sure that this was the same person as Shao Yifei in her room.

"Thank you very much this time. I'll treat you to dinner when you have time!" An Yanyan laughed.

"You're welcome, bye!" Jiang Hongbo hung up the phone.