
Wizi's request for murder

After hanging up the phone, An Yanyan felt that this matter was more complicated and confusing. Judging from the information Jiang Hongbo gave him, Shao Yifei's * had nothing to do with Wu Neng League, and her parents' information was also very clean, and it could not be related to the Eight Beasts at all.

If it is inferred from the data, An Yanyan can even come to the conclusion that Shao Yifei lost her memory. After her parents died, she couldn't stand the blow and entered a state of transitional sadness. As a self-protection measure for the brain, she independently forgot the memory of the past and even forged a memory. The situation is also very common. Because of this, she left Shenzhen and came to Shanghai, which makes perfect sense.

Thinking of this, An Yanyan shook his head vigorously and drove this speculation out of her brain. Shao Yifei lost her memory and later went to Shanghai. Her things were looted, and then she was chased and killed by two gangsters. Finally, she was saved by Kang Jie. Coincidentally, she would not believe this degree of things. I'm afraid this is the idea that the other party wanted her to have, and she can't think so.

But there is no problem from the data.

Jiang Hongbo won't lie to himself, will he? An Yanyan thought for a while. The relationship between Wu Neng League and the Dragon Group was originally ambiguous, but the relationship between Li Qi and the Dragon Group was even more ambiguous, but now I don't know what trouble Li Qi has encountered. If he is entrusted to go to the Dragon Group to check some information, the credibility will be 100%. Since Li Qi is not here, the possibility of Jiang Hongbo cheating himself cannot be ruled out. It seems that this matter still has to be verified by a trustworthy person.

"Hey, Yuan Yi? I'm An Yanyan."

"It's me, what's the matter?"

"Do you have any available and trustable manpower now?"

"What's wrong?"

"I need to ask someone for help. Four of us can't leave."

"Ha, if you asked me two days ago, I really didn't have it, but now I have it. Luo Binghong is here."

Is that right? That's great." An Yanyan nodded. Luo Binghong and Li Qi and Yuan Yi were both one of the three envoys. Of course, they were absolutely trustworthy.

Thinking of this, An Yanyan opened the picture chat on his mobile phone. Sure enough, Luo Binghong was also at the other end of the picture.

"Miss Luo, long time no see!"

"Hm, what can I do for you?" Luo Binghong asked indifferently.

An Yanyan took out a photo of Shao Yifei and said, "Well, about two weeks ago, we took in such a girl named Shao Yifei, but we strongly doubted... No, I'm sure that Shao Yifei must have been sent by some organization.

"In this case, will you still let her stay?" Luo Binghong is very strange.

An Yanyan explained: "Only by letting her stay can we know who sent her and who is hostile to us."

Luo Binghong thought for a moment: "This hostility should originate from hostility to the three envoys, right?"

"Yes, that's what I think, so I entrusted Jiang Hongbo of the Dragon Group to help me check this girl's information." With that, An Yanyan also sent the information documents at the same time.

Luo Binghong: "Jiang Hongbo? What kind of person is this?"

Yuan Yi explained, "This is a supernatural person. Our comrade-in-arms during a mission in Nanjing was that he took Fang Bingtao to the Dragon Group."

Luo Binghong nodded and said that he probably knew what kind of person he was.

"But this information shows that there is nothing suspicious about Shao Yifei at all. I think this information is very likely to be forged." An Yanyan said.

"If the information found by the dragon group, it should not be fake, right? Unless Jiang Hongbo deliberately deceives us." Yuan Yi thought about it and said, "I don't think so. Does he know that you are from Li Qi?"

An Yanyan said, "It's hard to say, because if you really say it, the person who sent Shao Yifei to us is the Wu Neng League, and this possibility is not without."

"No way?..." Yuan Yiqi said, "Why do you even doubt the Wu Neng League? I want you to say that the most suspicious thing should be the Eight Beasts.

Luo Binghong shook his head and said, "This is also completely possible. If you really want to say, we haven't found the spy of the Eight Beasts in the Martial Arts League so far. Isn't this one of the reasons why Li Qi formed his own team?"

An Yanyan did not want to say her speculation about the appearance of Li Qi and the Wuneng League. Now she is also happy to see Luo Binghong's inference, so she doesn't break it. She just said, "Yes, many people in the dragon group are born out of the Wu Neng League. If Jiang Hongbo really has something to someone in the Wu Neng League. Intimate connection, it is also completely possible to falsage the information. So I want to ask Miss Luo to help me go to Shenzhen to verify the authenticity of this information.

Luo Binghong looked through the information: "There should be no problem. Just give it to me, Shenzhen. It's very close to here."

An Yanyan said with a smile, "Thank you!"

"Is that what you are doing?" Yuan Yi asked.

"Oh, I also want to ask, how is Li Qi recently?" An Yanyan asked carefully, and she regretted it after asking.

Yuan Yi didn't know how to explain it and said casually, "I had a little understanding during the last battle. Now it's closed. You don't have to worry."

"As long as it's okay." An Yanyan nodded and hung up the phone.

Isn't it good for me not to tell them about the gap between Li Qi and Wu Neng League? Thinking of this, An Yanyan suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and even affected the wound. He bent down in pain. After a while, the pain gradually dissipated: "What's going on? The feeling just now... Jinlan vows...? Shit, I've forgotten this thing, and it can still come out and attack. An Yanyan lay in bed and took a few deep sips. He felt slowly getting better and heard someone knocking on the door.

There is no peace for a moment! An Yanyan cursed in his heart, but he still pretended to be very excited and ran to open the door: "Brother Huang, are you here?"

Huang Zunru saw that it was An Yanyan who came to open the door and said sadly, "Why don't you lie down and rest?"

"I'm fine!" After saying that, An Yanyan also jumped twice to prove his health.

"Brother Huang is here?" Kang Jie suddenly came out of his room.

"Brother Kang!" Huang Zunru held a fist.

Kang Jie pulled Huang Zunru: "Brother Huang is too polite. Please sit down."

Huang Zunru was also polite. After the three took their seats, Kang Jie hesitated and said, "Well, brother, I have something to do..."

"But it's okay to say it!"

Kang Jie thought for a moment and looked at An Yanyan. An Yanyan gave him an encouraging look: "Well, last time I had some friction with your two gangsters because of Shao Yifei's trouble. Do you remember that?"

"Of course, we don't know each other!" Huang Zunru nodded, but wondered why Kang Jie mentioned this matter again.

Kang Jie thought for a moment and said, "I seemed to have something in their hands at that time. At that time, I didn't notice it. Recently, when I sorted it out, I found that one was missing. I thought it was likely to be with them."

Huang Zunru patted his thigh angrily and said, "Okay, two little red guys, you are timid!" You dare to take Brother Kang's things for yourself. Look, I won't stamp their fingers when I go back!"

"Oh, no, no, I'm very embarrassed that I couldn't help your help last time. I must not bother Brother Huang about this matter," Kang Jie waved his hand repeatedly. "Brother Huang, if you can tell me their contact information, I would be very grateful. I'll contact them myself!"

"Brother Kang, if you say that again, you won't treat me as a brother. I already said what happened last time. It has nothing to do with you. It's entirely the responsibility of our Donglong Gang." Huang Zunru did not hesitate to say this. He just took out his mobile phone and opened two numbers and handed them to Kang Jie, "This is the number of those two little beasts. Brother Kang, you can remember it. The two of them are completely at your disposal."

Kang Jie nodded: "Thank you, Brother Huang."

An Yanyan's infatuated eyes covered the essence of Huang Zunru's expression that she had been observing. When Huang Zunru called Kang Jie, his expression was completely natural, indicating that he had no doubt in his heart. If this was pretending to be, then his acting skills were probably better than himself, and he was simply willing to bow down. If his expression is real, it means that this matter really has nothing to do with the Donglong Gang. I'm afraid the two hoodlums are also used, and the details of how to use it can only be known after asking them.

"I have another purpose here this time," Huang Zunru took out an envelope from his pocket. "This is the reward we gave five people from the last incident."

An Yanyan asked angrily, "Didn't you come here to ask me to watch a movie?"

Huang Zunru touched An Yanyan's hair and said, "Your injury is still good. Stay at home."

"I'm a martial arts person, and this is all skin trauma! It doesn't matter at all."

Huang Zunru looked at An Yanyan with a pleading expression: "Be obedient and don't be capricious."

An Yanyan was depressed for a while and smiled: "I'll listen to you."

Kang Jie turned his head shyly: "Well, Brother Huang, we can't accept this money. We didn't play at all. How can we still collect money!"

Huang Zunru smiled and said, "I knew you would say that. In fact, I think we are very grateful that you are willing to fight for us. Moreover, you have been injured because of this. Even if we don't care about our friendship, it is a public injury in ordinary enterprises. Master Sun gave me this money. If you don't accept it, it's hard to explain it to me. Just think of it as medical expenses, okay?"

Kang Jie thought for a moment: "Well, I'll accept it for them."

Huang Zunru said again, "Actually, I have one more thing to discuss with you this time."

"Brother Huang, just tell me!"

Huang Zunru thought about it and said to Kang Jie embarrassedly, "We also want to ask you four to do me a favor."

An Yanyan asked in surprise, "Is it going to be a literary fight again?" Who are you with this time?"

"Oh, no, it's not Wendou." Huang Zunru looked at An Yanyan, "And it has nothing to do with you."

"What do you mean?" An Yanyan is puzzled.

"Your only task is to recover at home!" Huang Zunru said seriously, "We entrusted Brother Kang, Brother Li, Brother Gu and Miss Shao. We don't have your share!"

An Yanyan said with a sad face, "I, I listen to you."

Huang Zunru took out a * bag: "This is the information of a deputy master of the Qingwen Gang. Brother Kang, please don't show it to the research."

Kang Jie looked at An Yanyan meaningfully and said, "I promise you that I won't show it to her."

"Our instructions are written in it this time. I know that this request is a little unreasonable, but it is really a little troublesome in our help recently. If the four can help this, they will be the benefactors of our whole Donglong Gang!" With that, Huang Zunru stood up and bowed 90 degrees. "After reading it, no matter whether the four are willing to help or not, they must be burned immediately to avoid being known."

Kang Jie said solemnly, "Okay, I'll go back to my room to study, you two..." He made a gesture of invitation.

After Kang Jie returned to his room, there were only An Yanyan and Huang Zunru left in the living room. An Yanyan snuggled on Huang Zunru's shoulder, sold a cute one, and asked curiously, "What's in there?"

When Huang Zunru saw An Yanyan blinking big eyes, he directly picked her up, walked into her bedroom, and put her in **: "Don't worry, you just need to lie here."

An Yanyan pouted and said, "Go!"


"If you don't tell me, just leave!"

Huang Zunru sighed and really walked outside the house.

"Wait a minute! Come back!" An Yanyan suddenly shouted.

Huang Zunru ran back to An Yanyan's bedside and had to squat down because there was no stool.

An Yanyan said with a red face, "If you don't say it, don't say it!"

Huang Zunru held An Yanyan's cheeks: "If you really want to know and want to help us, then take good care of your injury. When you get better, I have no problem with what you do."

An Yanyan nodded slightly.

After all kinds of Qiongyao, Huang Zunru left.

After hearing the sound of Huang Zunru closing the door, An Yanyan rushed up, vomited a few times, and knocked on Kang Jie's door.

How's it going? What's in that bag? Do you have an eavesdropper? An Yanyan asked.

Kang Jie said pretentiously, "There is no eavesdropper, but Brother Huang said that he can't let the research institute see it."

"Don't be disgusted. There are nothing more than four possibilities: protect the deputy master, follow him, kidnap him, and assassinate him. I guessed it by the heel." An Yanyan shrugged his shoulders.

Kang Jie also put away his disgusting expression and threw out a piece of information: "Assassination him."

"What a great deal!" An Yanyan said, "Assassination, ha, you are so thick-skinned. How can such a request be made by Donglong Gang?"

"You mean we won't answer?" Kang Jie asked.

"Why don't you answer?" An Yanyan smiled and said, "Not only do we need to pick up, but we need to do more."


"We have to kill another person, and we will also kill Sun Changwen."

"This!" Kang Jie was a little puzzled and said, "After all, this is killing. Isn't it good? And Li Qi also said that if we want to kill people, we must make it clear to them.

"Since you dare to join the gang, you should be prepared to be killed at any time. As for Li Qi, I will definitely say it." An Yanyan thought, "I will truthfully report this matter to Li Qi and others. As long as they don't object, we will kill them."

"Do you have to be so?" Kang Jie was still a little unbearable. "This is different from the underground boxing ring. The people there know that they have a great chance of death. Even if they are killed, they are willing to do so, but this Deputy Zhou has no grudge against us."

An Yanyan asked, "Do you know why Huang Zunru comes to entrust us every time?"

"Is it because he is closer to us?"

"Not only that, but also because those senior officials of the Donglong Gang have never believed us," An Yanyan said, "So, if you want him to trust us, it is impossible not to kill one or two people, but killing only one person will cause an imbalance in the strength of the two gangs. Once the Donglong Gang beats the Qingwen Gang, then no longer We are needed, so it's best to kill two people.

Kang Jie said with awe, "You are so cold-blooded."

An Yanyan said helplessly, "Since we are martial artists, we have agreed to have a 'free-range' experience before. It's impossible not to kill people. Speaking of which, only the four of us have never killed anyone, right?"

Kang Jie thought for a moment: "Yes, even Li Tairan has killed someone. Only my hands are clean. How can I spread this thing!"

An Yanyan smiled and said, "Apart from the meat you eat, there are tens of millions of microorganisms in your body that die every minute because of you. They are also life. Your hands have long been stained with blood. Why don't you sigh?"

"This is the first time I've heard of this theory!" Kang Jie was stunned, "Why do I think this logic is a little strange?"

An Yanyan smiled mysteriously and stopped talking.

That night, Kang Jie gathered everyone and announced the assassination. Donglong Gang gave them very detailed information, including the address, hobbies, living habits, etc. of Deputy Zhou. With such complete information, it is easy for them to assassinate a person. The only thing they are worried about now is whether the deputy master of Zhou will have a bodyguard, so everyone decided to step on it the next day. If it is a soft bone, it will be decided to nibble on the third night. If it is found that there is a warrior around him, it will be a long-term plan. .

As for the plan to assassinate Sun Changwen, it cannot be said in front of Shao Yifei, and this plan may be much more complicated, because most warriors have the "Agreement for Martial Arts Not to Assassin", so Donglong Gang cannot be suspected of being under the hands of martial arts, otherwise I'm afraid that four people will be more or less doubted. In this case, it will not It can be done by force.


Nation: There are two fewer collections. I really don't know when this situation will end.