
Battle of Bingzi Master and Apprentice

Hao is standing still. Of course, he knows that the highest realm of kendo is to break through the sword and go to the realm without a sword. The highest level of the sword is also without a knife. The master once said to him: "You enter the realm without a knife first." This sentence is just proof. In fact, he can use pure knife skills without a knife, and his power is not weak at all. Maybe this is the "knife-free realm"?

Hao was thinking so, but now that he saw that his apprentice had surpassed this level, he couldn't help sighing, "You are a genius!"

Valley split shook his head: "I've still been inspired by other knife scores. I'm afraid it will take at least 20 years for me."

Haozheng sighed, "The opportunity is also part of your strength. Now you have surpassed as a teacher, but as a teacher, you still have to do your best to block you here."

Jiang Hongbo saw the two crouching. Although their strength was indeed very strong, it was more dangerous for a second. He couldn't wait. Seeing that Hao Zheng had lost his fighting spirit, he shouted, "If you know you have lost, get out of the way!" While talking, two fireballs bypassed the valley crack and attacked Haozheng.

Haozheng whispered, "The little skill of carving insects..."

But before he waved the knife, Gu Rift had crossed his arm and immediately dispersed two fireballs: "This is a matter between our master and apprentice. Don't interfere!"

Jiang Hongbo knew that although his mobility was strong, his condensed single-point attack power was too weak. If he took another move, it was just a few more waves. He had no choice but to urge: "You guys hurry up!"

Hao was suddenly laughing: "If you want to hurry up, I'll hurry up!" Speaking of the huge knife, his life's strength is condensed under this destructive knife.

The valley crack put his right hand casually aside, and the person became erratic, and the two passed by.

The valley crack shed tears painfully: "Why?"

Haozheng's knife was broken, and then his heart was broken. After the valley split his knife just now, the knife had avoided his key point, but he came up by himself, "If I can't stop you, I will die. This is what my master means."

Valley crack shouted, "What master?! What Danqing Palace?! Why do you care so much about them?!"

Hao was looking at Gu Ri, frowned and shook his head: "Rakuer, as a teacher, you don't have to avenge the master and apprentice. As a teacher, I only hope that you don't be the enemy of Danqing Palace. You... Not the opponent..." After saying this, he fell to the ground.

Gu Liqi took a breath: "Jiang Hongbo, please let my master return to the dust!"

Jiang Hongbo looked at this channel and said, "I'm sorry, I can't do it. There is not so much oxygen here. It's impossible to burn a corpse."

The valley cracked understood, and he walked down without looking back.

The four of Jiang Hongbo followed and said as they walked, "When we return by the same way, we can take out the master's body..." Speaking of this, I saw that the valley did not respond and knew that I had said something wrong. I was very embarrassed, but when I thought that Yan Ziyi was below, I was anxious. Unfortunately, Qian Pei had sacrificed, otherwise I could completely see the specific location of Yan Ziyi.

As the passage went, everyone felt colder and colder. Jiang Hongbo was very happy. This was most likely caused by Yan Ziyi. It seems that she should not be far away.

Sure enough, after bypassing the stairs, I saw a huge ice brick stuck in the middle of the road. In the center of the ice brick, there was a vague figure, that was Yan Ziyi.

The whole ice blocked the door of the hall behind, making it difficult for everyone to move forward.

"Hey! Yan Ziyi!" Jiang Hongbo shouted loudly and patted the ice bricks hard. Yan Ziqi slowly opened his eyes, moved his lips slightly, and said something to him.

"Hey, Jiang Hongbo, it's obviously wrong!" Meng Renjun patted Jiang Hongbo and said, "Yan Ziqi seems to be a little abnormal. You see, if you want to protect yourself, this ice layer is too thick, right? Have you ever seen her make such a big layer of ice before?

Jiang Hongbo also slowly calmed down: "Yes, this ice is too thick! She doesn't seem to have done such a thing before.

Meng Renjun also pointed out: "And if it is to protect herself, there are obviously no enemies around now. Why doesn't she remove the ice? Her ice can transmit sound. Why can't we hear her talking?"

Jiang Hongbo looked carefully: "No, the one in the middle is not a phantom. Yan Ziqi is really in the middle. Let's go in and ask her what's going on."

The valley crack looked at the ice: "I can't break it. The ice is too thick."

The whole ice brick is blocked in the whole channel, and Yan Ziqi is frozen at a depth of five or six meters, and the temperature is also very low, at least 30 degrees below zero, so the hardness is extremely high - at 50 degrees below zero, the hardness of the ice is 6 Mohs hardness, and the knife force of the valley crack is not so strong, otherwise it will directly split the wall.

At this time, the best thing to use is Jiang Hongbo's power. His palm suddenly hit out, and the firepower was at its maximum. "You retreat one after another and stand away a little. I'm afraid that lack of oxygen will suffocate you to death."

However, it was very lucky that there seemed to be a ventilation hole here, and there was no lack of oxygen. Jiang Hongbo burned more and more smoothly, and soon moved forward three meters. At this time, Yan Ziqi's voice was faintly heard: "Don't come in. I can't control myself."

Jiang Hongbo directly ignored her original intention. He was only happy to hear this, because it meant that it was her, not a three-dimensional image or something.

Jiang Hongbo was bathed in fire. Because of the slow burning, his ability was sufficient. However, as he moved forward, he found a strange phenomenon. The ice he had burned was slowly healing. He had to leave the flame on the path he had walked to ensure sufficient oxygen supply.

Three meters, two meters, one meter, as he walked forward, the flame on Jiang Hongbo's body became weaker and weaker, because Yan Ziqi was also exerting his power with all his strength, causing the temperature to be extremely low and his flame was suppressed. Jiang Hongbo finally found this and shouted, "Yan Ziqi! Don't freeze! There are no enemies around!"

Yan Ziyi said tremblingly, "They... I was injected with medicine, and I can't stop..."

"What? Medicine?!" Jiang Hongbo was shocked and suddenly remembered that he heard that the dragon group had also developed such a medicine before, which improved the ability of the power to a certain extent by stimulating the glands and nerves of the human body.

Such a drug does exist, but it is denied as soon as it is developed, because it does not improve the strength of the ability of the power, but it makes the power lose the most important ability - the control of the power, the ability cannot stop the power, and the scope of the power, which is not what people want - Most of the powers perform some agent's tasks and require large-scale killing of the enemy, so the control of the power is often much more important than the strength of the power, so this medicine can be regarded as a big chicken rib.

In the first few years, some powers will bring a little when they carry out their tasks. When they enter a desperate situation, they will eat and die with the enemy. However, it was later found that it could not even play this role, because it increased the strength of the power by up to 2030 percent, and it can Obviously, the enemy you forced into a desperate situation will not be killed because of this promotion - it's okay if you can launch a suicidal attack and die with your opponent, but you can't kill people after suicide, which makes people feel that it's not worth the loss.

By the way, it's quite good to use this medicine to harm people, but since you can let the other party take this medicine, why don't you give it directly to the other party*? After all, taking * must have seen blood seal the throat, and it is possible to survive after taking this medicine.

It is precisely because of the chicken ribs of this medicine that these powers of the new generation, such as Jiang Hongbo, have only seen them in the laboratory, and can't be seen at all in actual combat.

Jiang Hongbo didn't expect to see this kind of medicine that has only been heard in "legends" here.