
Ding Chou Ice and Fire

Jiang Hongbo hugged Yan Ziyi in the trembling: "Don't be afraid, I'll save you. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Yan Ziqi trembled and shed tears. As soon as the tears came out, they turned into ice: "Don't worry about me, Jiang Hongbo, go quickly, you go!"

With Yan Ziqi's mood swing, the hard ice around him rose crazily like a hormone, pressing Jiang Hongbo's flame lower and lower, and almost retreating to his body. Only then did he realize that he was really in a desperate situation. Once the oxygen channel behind him was blocked, he would always I can't get out either.

" calm down, calm down!" Jiang Hongbo comforted Yan Ziyi, "Don't forget that I have the ability to teleport and take you out in an instant, but you must calm down, otherwise we will be frozen in an instant even if we go out."

Yan Ziqi nodded and slowly stopped, and the speed of the surrounding ice crystals also slowed down.

Jiang Hongbo moved to the outermost end of the ice, and at the same time, the flame went out.

"It's too dangerous..." Jiang Hongbo's hands have been frozen into frost, and only there is a flame burning behind him. It is most appropriate to describe Jiang Hongbo and Yan Ziyi at this time.

Just as he relaxed, Yan Ziyi suddenly screamed, and the ice crystal burst out like a spider web again.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Hongbo quickly increased his firepower and hugged her desperately: "What's wrong? Stop it!"

"I... It's so uncomfortable that I can't hold it anymore..." Yan Ziqi said painfully, and the mesh ice crystals plump up quickly.

Jiang Hongbo knows that there is no way to pass the test easily today. If Yan Ziyi is left here and let her continue to consume the power, when the power is exhausted, she may not die, but she will definitely stop. However, I don't know how long it will be, because if there are ice crystals around, her The power consumption is very slow, and maybe 24 hours have not been exhausted. Moreover, I don't know how deep the ground is. Anyway, it is far from the ground. Even if there is really a drilling device, it may not be able to be knocked down in 24 hours. You can only use your own ability and Yan Ziqi to consume, which can greatly accelerate the speed of Yan Ziqi's power consumption.

Jiang Hongbo's power exploded crazily and suppressed each other with Yan Ziqi's ice crystals, like two wings of one ice and fire, stretching out with two people as the center, like a beautiful phoenix. Unfortunately, several people in the distance of the passage did not feel beautiful when they saw this scene. They could only worry about this strong attribute. Mutualism is not something they can get involved in.

In the depths of the channel, there is a picture in front of a female power in Danqing Palace, which reflects this beautiful ice*. This is her ability to put a part of her body in a certain place, such as hair and nails, to show the local scene. They can keep abreast of the outside dynamics at any time, which is one of the reasons why they dare to hide deep into the ground to carry out this mission.

This group belongs to Youshan's Youtianbu. Youshan is a woman in her thirties. When she saw the beautiful picture, she giggled and said, "I didn't expect the effect to be so good. I just wanted to block the passage with the little sister's hard ice, but I didn't expect to delay Jiang Hongbo, the dancer of fire. It seems that they have a good relationship. Ah, hahaha..."

Her subordinates looked at her speechlessly and showed contempt.

And Youshan was unconscious and still smiled abnormally.

"Damn, Yan Ziyi, why are you still so strong?" Jiang Hongbo asked Yan Ziyi, but found that Yan Ziyi in his arms had already blurred his eyes and his consciousness was blurred. His different ability was consumed quickly under such a high-intensity combustion. According to reason, Yan Ziyi should be the same. Unexpectedly, she could still support it. Is her power actually deeper than herself? Didn't you find it?

With the passage of time, it is obvious that Jiang Hongbo's power has gradually become poor. The fiery red wing has already shrunk, and the white ice wing has blocked the whole passage again.

Finally, the fire wings turned into flames. Jiang Hongbo's situation returned to a few minutes ago, and what's worse was that his ability was about to be exhausted. With the last spark extinguished, Jiang Hongbo's hands were frozen. He tried to release a flame from behind, but only left dozens of his body. Centimeters disappeared.

And Yan Zixuan in his arms has already closed his eyes, but the temperature is still decreasing, "I'm so unwilling!!!!" Jiang Hongbo shouted, "Damn it, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

A burst of fire broke out from Jiang Hongbo's body, and countless ice crystals were broken. In an instant, with the two people as the center, there was an extremely terrible explosion. The air wave rolled upside down, and the valley crack in the distance displayed the field of knives. A round air mask enveloped everyone in it and stood still under the impact of the air wave.

When the air wave passed and the steam dissipated, the scene in front of them finally appeared again. People walked over and saw the miserable scene. There were countless fragments of ice crystals scattered on the ground, with frozen flesh and bones in the fragments. They barely judged from the length of their hair that it was Jiang Hongbo's fragmented body, and There is a "black ball" in the middle of the fragment, and you can barely see your hands and feet. That's Yan Ziyi.

Chen Liling turned her head and couldn't bear to look at it, but there were some tears.

Even the virtual master of the temperament also recited the Dharma at this time, surpassing the two dead: "Amitabha..."

And the valley crack just sighed.

Meng Renjun squatted on the ground and whispered, "Should I say that their feelings are great or small?"

Chen Liling sobbed, "Of course it's great!"

"But do you know why Yan Ziyi was burned to death in the end, while Jiang Hongbo was frozen into pieces?" Meng Renjun whispered, "There is only one explanation. At the last moment of their lives, they still instinctively chose to kill each other to protect themselves, so they were killed by each other's powers."

Chen Liling looked at Meng Renjun with stunned eyes. She also knew that Meng Renjun was right, but... Why do two people with such deep feelings hurt each other? Is emotion so worthless? Or is human thought itself worthless?

Thinking of this, Chen Liling dares not think about it any more.

Meng Renjun raised his head cruelly, "I want you, especially Chen Liling. You should understand that the truth will not change because of your feelings. The deceased is gone, and the living still has the responsibility to complete the unfinished cause of the deceased."

The cracked knife wind fell, and Yan Ziyi, which had been scorched to some carbonized, spread out like a real piece of black charcoal. Only the bones could be seen in shape, and the rest turned into black blocks.

The knife wind blew and turned into black ash, mixed with Jiang Hongbo's corpse and scattered in the channel.

"You two will be together forever." After saying this, Gu Rift continued to walk down.

Chen Liling shouted, "You! Are you still human?"

Meng Renjun stopped her: "This is also safe. Do you want to see Yan Ziyi's scorched body fall here forever?"

Chen Liling fell silent and followed the valley crack.

When the people underground saw this scene, they couldn't help shivering, "This valley crack is a little terrible!"

Youshan looked at her subordinates and said with a smile, "It's true. It's better to find a way to get rid of this handsome man."


Narrator: For the sake of two people to open a separate chapter, does anyone have a more miserable way to describe it? Welcome to leave me a message. The worse the better.