
Wu Yin is in Jiuyou

"It's better to get rid of this valley, but..." Youshan pointed her head: "No one can win him by force alone. Not counting the palace owner and the master, only Yang Lei, the pervert, may be able to compete with him in the palace, but if there is a combination of illusion, it will be completely different... But if you want to use illusion, you must first deal with that monk, Xiaoxin? How's your recovery?"

A short-haired girl on one side replied, "For good, my ears still hurt a little, but the fog illusion can still be launched."

"Ho ho, I look down on you. I got an authentic Buddha lion roar. Nothing happened?" Youshan covered her mouth and squinted her eyes and said with a smile, "So, Xiaoxin, Afei, it's time to take out your two 'virtual fantasy' and make a bright appearance, right? Don't keep the big move, or you won't be released when you die.

Standing with the short-haired girl Xiaoxin is a big man, a rare male power in Danqing Palace. He was "robbed" from the dragon group not long ago, but although they have known each other for a short time, they have cooperated very well.

It was said that it was just an earache, but Xiaoxin obviously walked very hard. With the help of A Fei, he walked into the channel. Now the four people in Valley Rift are only two floors away from them, and the vertical distance is only more than ten meters. If they really rush here by the four of them, relying on the number of people, Youshan is not afraid of them, but if there is a war here, God Knowing whether it will affect the nuclear bomb, this guy is something that everyone is afraid of.

The four people carefully went down to the first floor again. Chen Liling couldn't help complaining, "How deep are they hiding?"

Meng Renjun shouted in a low voice: "Shut up! Don't ask such meaningless questions. No matter how deep we are, we have to continue to go down, or you can't you go back?

Everyone walked all the way down, but they didn't encounter any mechanism, but the more they walked, the more humid the air became. Soon the passage was full of white fog, and the visibility dropped to extremely low.

Soon, everyone fell into a mutual invisible dilemma. This time, countless spears stretched out from the fog, especially around Xu Ming. Xu Ming had a lot of spears. Xu Ming dodged and said suspiciously, "Is this move again? No way? You don't use the same move twice, do you?

As there were more and more fog spears, at the moment when one pierced his arm, Xu Ming opened his mouth again and shouted three times: "Amazing! I'm surprised! "Aw!"

The spear really dissipated with the sound, and there was no damage to the hand, leaving only a trace of pain, which was obviously an illusion.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Is Guizhou donkey exhausted? I used one move twice and got two lion roars. Shouldn't it be uncomfortable?

Sure enough, the little fresh blood hidden in the depths of the channel sprayed three mouths and fell to the ground.

A Fei quickly held her and found that she had lost consciousness. A Fei asked her to lean against herself and estimated the time: "Don't worry, I'll leave the next one. Let me get up!"

At the same time, the white fog in front of Xu Ming rose again and changed back to the appearance in the illusion just now. Several spears slowly condensed again and aimed at Xu Ming's whole body. Xu Ming quietly thought, "The recovery time of the other party has been accelerated. Is it resistant to my lion roar? Don't bring this, right? This is not a virus! Why don't I try again and see if the other party will recover immediately.

The spear came down and pierced Xu Ming's shoulders. Anyway, it was an illusion. Xu Ming did not hide at all, and once again let out a strong Buddha lion roar: "Amazed!"

The white fog was still and did not dissipate. Meng Renjun's voice came from the fog: "Damn, my ears really hurt!"

"What's going on?!" Xu Ming said suspiciously, "Shouldn't I hear the voice of my comrades-in-arms in the fantasy? Why can you hear Meng Renjun's voice?

Suddenly, he was shocked to find that the two fog spears on his shoulder had not disappeared, the wound was still there, and the pain was still there. Not only that, the blood was dripping continuously.

"What's going on?" Unprehensed, "As a matter, there should be no illusion in the world that the lion roars can't break!"

Thinking of this, he roared again, which echoed in the channel, but the fog spear still did not disappear.

Once again, several spears gathered in the air. Xu Ming was fixed by the two spears on his shoulder and could not move. The spear passed through and only felt a few more columnar things in his chest and abdomen. Under the strong and extremely real pain, he seemed to understand: "This... Isn't it an illusion?"

Xiaoxin and Fei's "virtual fantasy" was jointly completed by the two. Xiaoxin is an illusionist, and Afei is not an illusionist. His ability is to create and control fog to kill the other party. It is not lethal, but it has a strong masking effect, so before meeting Xiaoxin, this is only a restrictive ability.

But coincidentally, the illusion that Xiaoxin is good at is also completed with fog as the introduction. First, she launches a general illusion attack on the opponent. Of course, it will be good if she can kill the opponent. If the illusion is cracked by the opponent, then A Fei will go up. Afei controls the fog and attack with the attack method that Xiaoxin has appeared in the illusion. It is a People will think this is still an illusion, right? Because there is no need to resist and resistance to deal with illusions. It is useless to find a way to crack it. For enemies with such an attitude, A Fei's attack is definitely a hundred times.

However, what surprised Afei was that the valley crack was not dead. He was seriously cracking Afei's fog spear, and each knife could spread all the fog spears. Did he actually see that this was not an illusion?

After many unsuccessful attacks, A Fei had to retreat behind Xiaoxin's back. Anyway, it was enough to deal with the Xuming monk. There was still a large group of people in the Youtian Department of Danqing Palace at the bottom. There were only three people left on the other side, and there was no chance of winning at all.

The fog gradually dissipated, and the visibility finally recovered. The three came together in each other's call. With the knife wind of the valley crack, the fog receded, but they saw the body that Xu Ming had been pierced through several holes, and their anger was gone.

"This..." Meng Renjun was stunned, "What's going on? I heard his voice just now!"

When Chen Liling saw this scene, she cried directly.

When Meng Renjun saw this scene, he slapped her: "Don't cry!"

Chen Liling's crying immediately stopped and looked at Meng Renjun aggrievedly.

"You are an agent! Keep calm at all times! The death of teammates is extremely common in the task, not to mention that the task is not over yet, and there is still a crisis here. Whether it is to cry or remember, wait until the task is over!"

Chen Liling reluctantly nodded. When she wiped away her tears, the three continued to go on the road. Seeing the valley in front with no expression, Meng Renjun knew that this person was really like water.

Finally, down to the bottom, what appeared in front of them was a door. The valley cracked the hand opened the door. Behind the door was a large group of people, standing in the middle was Youshan.

The people on both sides held two guns and pointed them at the door. The moment they saw the valley crack, You Shan whispered, "Fire!"

Then countless bullets poured down, and Gu Rift put forward the cold moon knife and whispered, "Knives Ten - the realm of knives!"

A knife net appeared at the door. With a series of noises and two screams, Gu Rift took back the cold moon knife in his hand, and the two gunmen had fallen to the ground.

"Awesome!" Youshan praised, "It's worthy of being the descendant of this year's pure knife skills! It is worthy of the name of the god of knives!"