Magic Sword

Chapter 3 I want a wife

In the vast universe, there is a shining planet. It is surrounded by many planets that are much smaller than it. One of them is so beautiful that white clouds wrap it. It is the atmosphere. Under the clouds, it reveals a large blue world. What is wonderful for us is that this planet It is emitting the light of life. This is not the earth we are familiar with. People living on this planet call it Enolan. Postscript

The Colt Empire is a small country on the western coast of the Anolan mainland. It has a sea border to the west and many islands. It is a country rich in water and a relatively developed fishery. It was founded in 271 with Anolan, and its imperial capital is located in the city of Bistan.

Dama Province is a province located in the eastern part of the Colt-Imperial, close to the border, separated by a Guayaquil province to the east and Gorfito Province to the west by the city of Distan. And our story begins with a noble family in this Dama province.

In Dama Province, there is a nobleman whose name is Katie Fen. Lawrence, an excellent leader in the Colt Empire, is a distinguished count, and there are many people gathered in Lawrence's palace today, all of whom are famous bigwigs. They gathered here today, naturally waiting to say good to Earl Lawrence, the wife of Earl Lawrence today. Zi Eruou. Madia has just given birth to her own child, a boy, a white and fat boy. This also made Count Kedifen very excited.

After he received the servant's words, he couldn't wait to break through the long corridor from the living room and ran to the factory. When he saw his wife Elouo lying on ** and the boy he was holding in his arms, he stamped his feet excitedly and shouted, "I have a son!" I have a son!"

At that moment, their family was filled with laughter. Everything was so harmonious and not good. The boy in his arms looked at the count in a stunned way, turned his head disapprovingly and fell asleep peacefully.

"Kedifen, give your son a name!" Elou half lay **, looked at the boy sleeping peacefully in his arms, and said to Kaidifen.

"O! Look at me happily, haha." The count laughed, walked to the bedside and sat down, hugged Eloux with excitement and said, "My wife, how about I call him Nia?" Nia. Lawrence."

"Great name." Elou smiled, stretched out a hand and gently hooked the nose of the boy in his arms, and said, "Little Nia, your name is Nia!" Your father got your name!"

"Come on, Elio, let me hug my son." With that, Katie let go of Eluo's hands, stood up and raised his hand to Eluo.

"Come and pick it up."

Kedifen took over Nia, held him in his arms very dotingly, and said in a trembling voice, "Nia... You are my Kedifen. Lawrence's son, Nia. Lawrence!"

Nia. Lawrence... What is this... I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the man in front of me, a tall and powerful man with blonde hair and green eyes... He seemed to like me very much... so warm...

I looked at everything in front of me, blinked my eyes slightly, closed my eyes again and fell asleep...


My name is Nia. Lawrence, I was born in an aristocratic family, so I'm an aristocrat... Because it should be like this. I'm eight years old this year. We are awesome, but my mother is even better. She is 24 years old! Mom said that three of me add up to her age. I don't know if there are three of my words...

"Nia, what are you thinking?" Just as I was distracted, my father's voice suddenly came, oh! Let me tell you! My father is also a nobleman!

"Dad, will you take me to the market tomorrow?" I turned my head and asked my father, with a longing look. Hey, it is generally easier for my parents to agree to my request.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow won't work. Dad has to work tomorrow. You can ask Uncle Uris to take you out." Dad said to me that Yuris is a guard beside his father, and Uncle Yuris is awesome! Last time I saw him pick up a branch from the ground, and it suddenly broke! I also tried, but it took a long time to break. I didn't know until later that everyone could do it.)

"Ah--" I said in a depressed tone, which made me look more depressed, oh yeah! It's Uncle Yuris again, but the last time Uncle Yuris choked and took me there, this time I have to replace it with your father.

"Listen, Nia, or your mother will take you there."


"Nia, be obedient, mom will take you there." At this time, my mother sitting opposite me said to me, my mother's name is Elou. Mattia is my father's wife. I still don't understand what my wife is. Every time I ask my mother, my mother always asks me to ask my father, and then I go to ask my father, and my father will say that you will understand when you grow up. The world of adults, alas, is really complicated.

I was thinking about it when my mother said to me again, "Nia, hurry up and have breakfast. After that, Mr. Duke will come to our house to ask you for knowledge!"

"Mom--" I said coquettishly, which always works. Mr. Duke seems to be a famous teacher in the empire, but I don't like that beard very much. Yes, he has a pair of big beards and white lips. He always tells me how big our Danolan continent is, what the borders of the world are like, and what demons guarding them. , and God and so on. I'm tired of hearing this. I'm thinking that our continent has no borders at all, because our continent is round! Otherwise, why do we always see the top of something far away? What other gods are there? There are no gods in this world. God doesn't exist in the first place. We pray to him every day. Has he ever helped us if something happens? However, I mentioned my thoughts to him once or twice. Since he kept saying "God, please forgive this child's ignorance..." I forgot a long series... By the way, what is a psychopath? Strange, why can't I remember...

"Niah, good boy, be obedient. Mr. Duke is a famous teacher. You have to study hard from him." My mother said kindly to me, well, it seems that my coquettishness didn't work.

"Elou, I'm going to the imperial capital in a few days. Your Majesty seems to have something to do recently. The Bier Empire in the East may go to war with us again soon."

Is that right? What's the matter again?"

"I heard that the son of the Finance Minister of the Biel Empire got drunk last time in our country and offended the second lady of the Duke of Westburton. Maybe he is going to fight." Dad spread his hands to his mother helplessly and turned to me, "Nia, Dad is going to the imperial capital in two days. Do you want me to bring you any gifts when you come back?"

Ah? Really! I want to...wait, let me think about it!" I originally wanted a lot of candy, but I thought it was too childish. After thinking about it, I said, "I want..."

"Think slowly, don't worry." Dad looked at me as if he wanted to laugh and picked up a glass of water and drank it. Mom also looked at me with a smile.

"I want..." I couldn't remember what I wanted for a moment, and looking at my parents laughing, I was anxious. I hurriedly shouted, "I want a wife!"

"Puff--" Dad spit out the water he had just drunk on my face, and the mother beside him kept laughing with her stomach in her arms.

"Well... Nia, do you know what a wife is?" Dad coughed twice and touched the water droplets on his mouth and said to me, and my mother also picked up a cloth to help me wipe the water droplets and wet hair.

"I don't know." I replied simply.

"Haha, look at your child, it's amazing." Mom giggled and said to Dad.

"Well... Well, Nia, wife or something, you have to grow up to have it."

"Ah - when can I grow up?" I asked my father.

"Niah is really anxious." Mom slapped Dad and said. I looked at them blankly and didn't know what they were laughing at... "Help your son find a little wife, haha."

"Nia, change a gift..."

"Then I want candy! The sweet one! It's a lot!"

"Okay, Dad will bring you a lot of candy when he comes back!" Dad grabbed my head and touched it and said, "But you have to listen to Mr. Hooker's class."

"Good!" As soon as I heard that there was candy to eat, I agreed with my father without saying a word.

"Candy~" Then I began to expect my father to go to the imperial capital quickly, and then come back with a full of candy for me.