Magic Sword

Chapter 119 Silkworm in Chirians Mountain 2

"Roar..." whispered twice, and the silkworm shook its head violently. Hilmi quickly pulled out his sword and jumped back with his feet. The silkworm jumped into the air.


"Leave it to me!" I shouted, and then held the hilt of the sword in both hands and rushed towards the silkworm. The other party also noticed my movement. The eyes completely turned around and roared at me twice, but I didn't pay attention to it at all. I rushed to it in an instant with a smile, and then cut my sword to its head.

"Puff!" With a crisp sound, blood splashed out, and I clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands and pressed it in a little harder.

"Squeak--" Tiancan made a strange cry, and then suddenly struggled to throw me away, and the golden sword was still inserted in it!

"Damn guy!" I was thrown back with my bare hands and stood firmly with my feet on the stone.

"Hey!" At this time, another fireball flew over and exploded on the back of the silkworm, burning the fat body of the silkworm and its screams. After a while, the silkworm fell down, and the flames on its body were still surging, and then made a crackling sound.

"Damn thing..." I stepped forward and pulled out the golden sword. I saw that the sword body was not stained with the blood of the silkworm. All of them slipped down and looked at the silkworm. The body had been burned black. "Can this thing still be eaten?"

"Anyway, the bugs are disgusting enough. Bugs dare to eat them. Why don't you dare to burn them... I can't see that it's better..." Hilmi lowered her head and said, her face was not good. Although she didn't eat it, she seemed to be able to stand it just by thinking about it.

"Roar..." Because the roar of the dead silkworm of his companion was a little fierce, but in the face of the fierce attack of Nanon and Ronley, the family was also beaten and retreated. Its body was full of trauma, and the green blood had almost wrapped its body, not to mention how miserable it looked.

"This guy is dying!" Ina stood behind Ronley and said, and Larryvi also followed. The dagger was covered with worm blood. Most of the wounds on the silkworm were caused by Larry. Ronley and Nanon's fierce attack would be dodged by the silkworm, but Larevi's sneak attack could not be found. Larivi hid in Ena. If you don't feel her carefully behind her, you can't find her, and even Uncle Burton may not be able to detect it.

"Be careful! This guy is very strong!" Although there is no silkworm, which is a kind of silkworm. As a worm, it has no sharp minions, but if it is hit by this guy, people who do not have fighting spirit protection will definitely spit blood.

"Roar!" The silkworm roared again.

"I should know that I'm dying." Hilmi said to me in my ear, "Did you fight back to death?"

"It is indeed dead. Facing our encirclement, the silkworm is powerless to return to heaven." I glanced at the bug. What I saw these days was this kind of bug, which made me very depressed. I have been eating dry food for a week! I haven't met any game. Of course, the meat of that bug is edible, but I will never eat them!

"Drink!" At this time, there was a howling behind the silkworm. I looked in the direction of the sound. It was Sam! Holding the big axe in both hands and cutting at the worm's head, "Puff--", the axe cut off the silkworm's head, and then hit it on the ground. Under Sam's strange power, the silkworm can't die anymore...

"Wow..." Pulling up the axe, Sam carried the axe on his shoulder and gasped.

"You can eat White." I turned my head and said to White, and then pointed to the two, the charred * by my side and the bloody * on the other side, "You want to eat that one..."

No matter which one is unbearable...

"Let's eat the charred one first..." White hesitated and finally chose the charred one... The charred one looks slightly better than the bloody one...

White tore off a piece of silkworm skin, with a little grease, and was roasted golden brown by the flame. It seemed that the heat in it was just right, dripping, emitting a little fragrance, which smelled no different from barbecue... White still closed his eyes and threw it into his mouth, and then said, "Ka, click... ..." chewed up.

"Hmm!" White suddenly opened his eyes and swallowed the silkworm meat in his mouth. Since he didn't show any painful expression, he swallowed it whole, and then immediately tore off a piece of silkworm meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Eh?" I squatted down and looked at him in surprise, and White ignored me and ate all the time, "Why did you suddenly become powerful... Since you didn't spit out a bite."

"Wow! It's so delicious!" White looked up at me and said with relish, and then stretched out his hand again and tore off a piece.

"Delicious?" I was stunned and looked at that *...

"If you want to lie to us, there is no way to eat!" Lyle sat down next to White and said, but White didn't continue to talk to him, just gave him a blank look.

"I'll try..." Ronley inserted the sword into the scabbard at his waist, then squatted down and pulled a piece and threw it into his mouth. After chewing twice, his eyes widened, "Wow! Delicious!"

"Hmm?" Now all of us were stunned and turned our eyes away. Ronley immediately went to the second block after saying that!

"Is it so delicious?" Lyle asked Ronley and then focused his nervous eyes on the piece of meat. He wanted to try it, but he didn't dare to move his mouth. I guess he thought it was disgusting to eat insects. Although he had always wanted to try it, he never had the courage to eat insects.

"Delicious in the world! Oh, my God, I fell in love with this taste!" Ronley tore it off again and handed it over. As for White, I don't know how many pieces he has eaten!

"Bah!" Suddenly, White vomited crazily and shouted, "This half of the bastard is not familiar!"

" Anyala! Help me bake this side a little! And that one! Thank you!"

"Yes, yes! Anyala, hurry up!" Ronley also urged, as if it was really delicious... I looked at that * and gave up the idea in an instant. Even if it was cooked, it would be delicious! But its essence has not changed! That's still a bug!

"Okay..." Anyara reluctantly agreed, and then threw out the fireball...

In the afternoon, we have entered the state of return. We have almost eaten the silkworm, and White also said that it was enough. As soon as he goes back, he will immediately rush to the seventh level, but this trip, we have to hunt down the Angudong family not far away! One of our tasks, a giant family of three!

Over the mountain range, go down the mountain, and walk back to the town. The forest at the foot of the mountain is where the ancient Andong family lives, because the three giants in that place also often attack passers-by and caravans, so they put on the reward list.

"Finally, it's not cold." After leaving Mount Chirians, this is the first sentence Larivi said, on my back! Because she used it too cold to walk and other reasons, who asked me to carry her on my back before going out?

"Be careful, the next prey, the ancient Anton family, this is what Anyala needs. Cut off the bones of those giants."

"Leave it all to me!" Eric said with a smile and clenched his fist.

"Puff--" Larivi and I both smiled, because this task was said by Anyala. She needed the bones of those giants, and recently Erik's performance occasionally pays attention to Anyala or something. I can also see that he is no longer that afraid of Anyala, but likes it. Most importantly, with Larevi's words, she secretly told me that Eric liked Anyala, and for Eric's words, Anyala glanced at him angrily.

"Envy..." Nanon stood beside me and said.

"What do you envy?"

"I envy you." Nanon looked gloomy, "The people I like are by my side."

"Do you know who Eric likes?"

"Ayala, that's how I feel."

"You're right!" Larry said with a smile and raised his hand.

"Don't move!" I said angrily, because every time I carry Catherine's girl on my back, she always keeps moving, sometimes accidentally touching her buttocks, and then she will keep beating her with her little hands! Just careless! Really... So I'll be worried as soon as Larry moves!

"What's the matter? You need to envy it more. Have you given the person you like to tell us how to envy it?"

"Well, let's say... I'm better!" Nanon became energetic in an instant. Of course, without mentioning the 300,000 gold coins he owed to Mial, this guy's head was as lacking as Eric, so he didn't expect to remember it for the time being without warning.

"Yeah, but Nanon, you owe 30w gold coins to Sister Mialu." Suddenly at this time, Larry behind me asked Nanon with a natural face, looking so innocent and cute.

"Ai!" Nanon has been completely petrified, but his face still has a stiff smile.

"Larevi..." This guy definitely mentioned this on purpose...

"What's the matter~" Larry with a bright smile.

"No." I turned my head and said, "Nothing..."


"Dong...Dong...Dong..." And while we were chatting, an abnormal sound and vibration suddenly came from the distance, which made us shocked!

"What's the sound?" Hilmi quickly pulled out his thin sword and came to me and asked.

"It's the sound of footsteps, very heavy." Larry quickly jumped off my back and said warily with his little face against the floor, "It's a big guy, it should be a giant!" There are overlapping footsteps, and it is expected to be two or three! It's the Gu Andong family!"