Magic Sword

Chapter 156 Don Adolf's Gift

Down the stairs, this is a downward hole, very deep, surrounded by very neat stone bricks, and as we slowly walked down, the torches hanging on the walls on both sides suddenly lit up one by one! Although the fiery red light is not as bright as Anyala's lighting, we don't need to talk about magic.

Although it is very shocking, since this is Don Adolf's place, the magical point is acceptable.

"It's worthy of being the strongest of mankind." Indeed, in all historical records, no one has surpassed Don Adolf's strength, surpassing the strength of full-level paladins. In my cognition, perhaps only Kira, who makes me confused about his strength, may have such strength. No, and that demon, Ant! 10% of his strength can have the level of six or seven levels, and his strength will not be as simple as that of a paladin!

It didn't take long for us to step into the room in the depths of the cave. The fire instantly burned around the oil-filled ditch around the room, directly illuminating the room very bright. This is not a very large room, but it is very empty. Only there is a black one in the middle of the room. Box.

"This..." I don't know why this shape... is a little familiar. I was slightly stunned, and then walked towards the box, and the box still had a letter with two crossed swords and a lion pattern, which was Don Adolf's badge, a roaring lion, and the crossed blade represented power!

And the neat Enoran mainland text on the envelope reads a sentence: To the heir of the next generation of the sword of fate.

"For me?" I was slightly stunned, then turned over the envelope, then removed the wax block, and took out the letter inside. An old parchment was opened, but I was shocked by the contents! What I'm referring to is not because of what he wrote, but because! Words! The content of this letter is not written in mainland language! It's not a strange rune! It's a kind of text that I can recognize even if I turn into ashes! Chinese characters!

That's right! Chinese characters! That's not the prophecy of the world! The words of the world I have lived in for 20 years! That place called Earth! I have used words for more than 20 years!

"What the hell!" I was full of shock and cursed, and then carefully stared at the psychological content:

I'm Don Adolph. I think it will be difficult for human beings to be more powerful than me in the next 500 years. Please allow me to be the strongest human being.

If you can read this letter, I think you must be the owner of the sword of fate. First of all, I must declare that the sword of fate is not a good sword, and the fate it changes often leads us to death.

The ability to change fate must not be used frequently. Fate will enter the dead knot and life will end.

The owner of the second-generation sword of fate must be surprised to see these words. There are no treasures in this room, and there are also treasures. It depends on what you think of it. I have prepared a gift for you. I hope you will like it.

To Don Adolf.

I slowly put down the envelope in my hand and felt a little speechless. How could it be! That's Chinese! Chinese characters with thousands of years of culture! How did it appear in this place! Appeared in the envelope left to me by the human hero Don Adolph 500 years ago!

"Nia?" Hilmi made a slightly doubtful voice and pulled me back from the distraction, "Your face is not very good. What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay, Hilmi." As I said, I handed her the envelope in my hand, "Can you stand this kind of text?"

"What?" Hilmi turned out to shake the parchment at me for a long time and handed it to other partners, but no one recognized this text at all.

"This is not a text on the continent." White pondered for a while and said, "Although I don't know many words that I am proficient in, at least I can recognize all kinds of languages and characters in the whole continent, but I have never seen such words."

"Does that mean that no one in the whole continent will use this kind of language?" I covered my chin. Damn it, where did Don Adolph know about this text? Is he a human from the earth like me? Thinking about it, he is actually the master of the sword of fate!

But a little bit! I'm not willing to come! It's not like the time-travel plot in movies and novels! I was killed by scientists and then projected into the outside world through technology! And I don't believe that this kind of thing can happen again! And that was 500 years ago! Earth technology 500 years ago was hundreds of times behind when I died!

"Wait!" I suddenly asked White, "Are you talking about the mainland?"


"What about outside the mainland?"

"Beyond the mainland? It's only Tosma outside the mainland. White waved his hand and said, "Toma also speaks the common language of the mainland."

Tosma is the island in the south of the mainland.

"No! I'm not talking about Tosma, I mean farther away!"

"Farther? There are no people in those places.

"Have you been there?"

"No, it's just a vast ocean to the south." White said, and I couldn't help frowning. Obviously, there were no people like Magellan trying to sail on the sea on the whole continent, because they only saw a sea, like a frog at the bottom of the well, and I had seen the vast scene outside the well and then fell to the bottom of the well, even if I knew this Continent, the world is actually round. The clouds in the sky are not gods, but outer space, all kinds of galaxies, and the endless universe!

No one can understand my knowledge!

There is no doubt that there will be other groups outside the mainland, and there must be other human beings. In this case, some of them may speak Chinese! Although it is not very convincing, it is also possible! Maybe it's such a coincidence that a human tribe also invented Chinese characters...

"You also know that this statement is not convincing... Human beings who invented simplified Chinese and only have a few hundred years of history?" Mo Qingyu's voice sounded in my mind with some helplessness.

"Then how do you want me to explain this situation? 500 years ago, a fat square blue also appeared on the earth? Then he also invented the poison of 'world'? Then he made the same wormhole machine and sent Don Adolf Chuang over? I closed my eyes and let myself talk to Mo Qingyu in the spiritual world. "When these two meet, I prefer to believe that someone in this world has invented Chinese!"

"I don't know."

"You don't know what else I can know... He is the master of the sword of fate of the previous generation! The master of your previous generation.

"I have no memory of him in my mind. For me, you are my only master." Mo Qingyu whispered, "Anyway, we can't know what happened 500 years ago. In any case, we can't explain how ridiculous things happened at that time. After all, your history has also said that a legendary figure, just like if someone told you before you came to this world that these things would happen, you would also feel very ridiculous.

"That's what I said..." I'm still a little unwilling, but let's just think that he learned Chinese from outside the mainland.

"Nia, look at what's in this box?" Larry's face pulled my arm expectantly and said to me, pointing to the box on the ground, a suitcase, which was quite big!

"Such a big thing can't be equipped with Don Adolf's sword." Namin said with some disappointment.

"It's still possible to say armor." Ina pouted and said.

"Money! It's absolutely full of money!" Eric said with a light in his eyes.

"Is it the helmet worn in front of Don Adolph? That must be the best helmet in the world!" Larry said with a smile.

"No, I don't think he will put a helmet in it..."

"I bet it's money!" Eric blinked and said.

"Can you give me a helmet!"

"..." I quietly looked at the suitcase, the gift that Don Adolph said left me? I was stunned, shook my head, ran the tormenting doubts behind my head, and then scolded Don Adolph, squatted down, and pulled the suitcase.

Several iron buttons are used on the suitcase to fasten in a very clever way, which is very fine. At first glance, it is a part from the hands of dwarves. Human craftsmanship can't get such fine things. As for the black leather, I don't know what it is. First contact and seal it on the wooden box with thick brown silk thread, and Just as I was about to open it, I suddenly caught a glimpse of the words "Larrivee" printed on the side of the wooden box, larivee... This is... English!

I widened my eyes and stared at the string of English on the box! If it's only in Chinese! I can also wonder if it is coincidental that there is also Chinese in the world! But now that English has appeared here! To say that it is such a coincidence that Chinese and English appear in a world, I will never believe it! Anyway! Don Adolf is definitely an earthman! Same as me! People from the earth!

Wait! This black suitcase! Since there is such a thing engraved on it! Those iron buttons are not the product of dwarves! In that era, human beings were not as good as dwarfs! How can you let the dwarves build things! Those buttons are products from different worlds! That is to say, this whole suitcase is brought from the earth!

"Don Adolf... I'm going to go to your uncle..." I pulled down those buttons, and then opened the upper layer of the suitcase, revealing the things inside, a wooden box, bright white panel, slightly simple patterns, six wire strings fixed on the board, with a little gap, and a dust seal for a long time. The feeling... This is a guitar!