Magic Sword

Chapter 157 Play

"What is this?" Hilmi asked doubtfully, and I turned back slightly. My partners were at a loss. They didn't know what it was.

"Guitar, this is a musical instrument." I reached out and took it out. Damn it, is this the gift Don Adolf left me? So are you so sure that the owner of the next generation of the sword of fate is from the earth like me? And 500 years ago, did the earth really have technology that could travel through time and space?

"I've never heard of this instrument." Larry jumped up to me and asked, "Can you play?" Brother Nia?"

"I can, and I'm very proficient." I sat down with a wry smile and said that I hadn't touched the guitar for more than ten years.

"brush--" I posed and rushed up and down six strings, the long-lost voice...

"Ding--" I leaned my finger slightly on the string and hooked an overtone. I couldn't help but be shocked. The tone of this piano is simply great! Very tense sound, I tightly popped up a sound and had a feeling of obsession, as if it were an intoxicating sound!

My fingers couldn't help moving. At the beginning, a slow and melodious sad melody suddenly stopped in the middle. After a long pause, I continued to play again. This time, the melody was pulled to a cheerful position, and then slowly became rapid, and then it was hot. Love, romance, finally turned to sadness and tranquility, and then put down his arm.

I slowly opened my eyes, and my friends were stunned. I smiled, and then put the guitar in the suitcase. I couldn't help but feel bad about Don Adolf, right? Because of him, I could touch this instrument again.

The memory suite is full of enthusiasm and joy. There are six movements, most of which are dance music. However, even if it is full of enthusiasm and romance, I can feel a little homesickness at the end of the song. I chose it to play because I saw this guitar, and I recalled that I used to live in. The world I live in...


"It's so beautiful!"

"I have never seen such an instrument, and this sound! It's so beautiful!"

In this world, there is no guitar, and not to mention guitar, there are almost no instruments in my original world, but there is the same thing, piano, only the piano, the king of musical instruments, I can still see his shadow in this world, but a little different, compared with the piano in my world It is also much worse. It is not as good as the piano in terms of timbre and range, but it still dominates musical instruments in this world.

Don Adolph, what did you want me to explain to me? Or is this just the beginning? A gift from you? There is no reason to surprise me suddenly. As a person who protects the world and human race, it is impossible to just scare me! No matter what else you will do later! I will all follow!

"Brother Nia!" Larry said and shook my arm, "I want to learn! I want to learn this instrument!"

"You haven't learned swordsmanship very well, and you still want to learn something else. At that time, you can't care about it." I knocked on her head angrily, "If you practice swordsmanship well, I will teach you."

"Well..." Larry pouted, touched his head with both hands and howled, but the next second he firmened his eyes and said confidently, "I will definitely practice swordsmanship!"

"Okay, I will teach you as long as you break through the fourth level." Now in our team, only Larivi has not yet entered the level of the fifth level. Although if we fight alone and in a suitable terrain, it is very difficult for me to win, but if Larivi can successfully break through the fifth level, then the strength of our team will definitely be greatly improved. A big floor!

I stared at Larivi with a confident smile on my face. Generally speaking, according to her personality, I am too lazy to stick to it for two or three days, but I always feel an expectation, Larrvee... This is the name of this guitar, one of the top five guitars in the world, and it is also my favorite, with beautiful poison. The so-called guitar is because of that tone, which is crazy obsession. I don't know why Don Adolf gave me this guitar. What's the point? Larrivee, can also be read, Larrivee...


But when we came out of the cave, it was almost dark. When we entered the cave, Sam and Ronley had dug full of ore, almost doubled the whole road. The ground was full of parent mines, and I had to admire Sam's mining skills. I directly put all the ores into the empty. In the ring.

When he left, Sam was still a little reluctant, but he was still dragged away by us. After all, it was a whole vein. If he wanted to dig, it would not be enough for him to dig for a few days, and now time is still relatively tight for us.

That guitar was also tightened by me in the space ring. Don Adolf really surprised me, but such a character is still too far away for me. The most powerful human and human heroes can't be changed anyway. Kira, Ante, they are undoubtedly the peak of strength, and I After all, you have to stand on a platform comparable to them as soon as possible! That's the right to do my protection!

"Nia, why did you let her go?" Erik asked me doubtfully, and Hermi also nodded from one side, indicating that she also wanted to know.

"I promised to let her go."

"I thought that with your personality, the interests that deserved would kill her." White said with a smile to me.

"Am I such a person?" I glanced at him angrily, but found that my friends all nodded.


"Brother Nia is a good man!" Larevi jumped out and defended me, which moved me very much. I thought someone was still talking for me. But in the second half of the sentence, Larry was really not talking to me, "I guess it was because that sister was quite beautiful, and Brother Nia couldn't bear to kill her, so she let her go, right?"

"Oh! Is that so! Nia!" Hilmi turned his eyes to me with a dissatisfied face and said.

"Let me go..."


After a week, we finally returned to Rhine City, Darda Province in the west of Bier.

"Matt Oka, my friend." I smiled until a bear hugged the fat man in the priest's robe and went out to greet us.

"Master Nia... Hello..." Matt still forced a smile, not to mention how ugly it is, it must be cold to see us again.

"How can you laugh so ugly? Is the meal good these days? Still not getting enough sleep, let me see." I shook his fat body and shouted nervously.

"Young master! Don't shake it!" Matt shouted hurriedly, then broke away from my arms, put his hands and made a gesture of invitation, and then put on a stiff smile, "Young master, please come in."

"Yo, it's quite smart." I patted him on the face and smiled, and then greeted my friends in. After entering the door, I threw a cloth bag at Matt behind me.

"What is this?" Matt was stunned, and then opened the cloth bag, and his face was immediately full of surprise. There were gold coins inside!

"Reward you." I waved my hand and said, this time we came back and handed in the task first. We have completed a total of six tasks! Among them, the sky silk in the Chirians Mountains has 500 gold coins, 1000 gold coins in the roaring cave in the Kerol Mountains, 2,000 gold coins for hunting the ancient Anton family, 2,000 gold coins in the wind wolf group in the eastern forest, and the most is 10,000 gold coins in Chombra Warcraft and 20,000 candy beasts in the Alps. Gold coins, a total of more than 35,000 gold coins in this trip.

Counting the 10,000 gold coins that Max Weaver and I bet on, the young master of the Weaver family, that's more than 40,000! He suddenly became a rich aristocrat!


"Young master, this..." Matt reached out the gold coin in the cloth bag and dropped a gold coin half a day later...

"I don't want this or this. I don't want it back to me." I said confidently, "It's not that you don't know that I'm a poor nobleman without money."

"I want it!" Matt quickly laughed to tighten the gold coins in his pocket.

Although I have money, I am still the stingy poor aristocrat. After all, after so many years of poor life, I also know that money is not easy to come by, and now I have some, so I have to use them to develop the family industry, otherwise I will only eat nothing.

And now the first step is to recruit troops! Use this money to form an army! I will train them into a group of troops enough to fight against the Biel regular army in two months!

"Now that we have money, we will start to gather soldiers in a couple of days." I said to Nanon and Eric, "Namien, you are responsible for summoning 500 archers for me. You don't have to be able to shoot arrows. At least you have to know what bows and arrows are. Eric, help me get 300 ordinary infantry who can walk."

"Ah?" Eric's face was full of doubts.

"Nia, how do we gather troops?" Nanon grabbed his head and asked.

"Take the money and set up a table. The money is on Hilmi's side. Just ask her to get it." I said and turned to White, "Help me get some horses, preferably 1,000 people, at least 500 so that those archers can have horses."

1000 people? Where are the other 200 people? White asked in a stunned way.

I smiled and then sat down on the sofa. Matt's sofa is really good. It is made of high-quality cowhide. It is very comfortable and soft. As soon as I sit down, I fell into it. I slowly raised my head and said to everyone, "Let's take a day off today and go tomorrow. Buy grain in the town, buy as much as you can, as cheap as you can, enough for hundreds of people to spend the winter, and then we will set out to the orc tribe!"

Alvin Charles, I, Nia Lawrence, are here! Let me play a wonderful song for you!