Magic Sword

Chapter 187 The Hints in the Last Words

"High-pressure training, just 4 days." I patted my head, which was still too difficult, but it's true that I can't beat Alvin if I don't improve my strength properly! At least make your resistance to attack stronger! The more time I can block Alvin, the greater my chances will be! Because...

"Okay, I won't use your strength, and I will try my best to exhaust my fighting spirit!" I smiled bitterly, are these days my hard life?

"Nia, there is another place I care about." Qingyu slowly followed me and asked me with a little doubtful voice.


"What Don Adolph said before his death."

"That word..." I was stunned and asked, "Have you seen One Piece?"

"No, I'm not saying this... Yes, why did he say that? Just because you want to experience it?" Qingyu stared at me, and I immediately widened my eyes! Yes! Why didn't I notice such a thing! Don Adolf! The most powerful person in human history! Why did he say that! Obviously, it was to me! Because he knows! I can understand the meaning of this sentence in this world! From the beginning, he was preparing to say what he said to the master of the next generation of golden sword!

"No! He! He has seen One Piece! That is to say, he said the age of life!" It's not the era 500 years ago in the human world! Where is the Pirate King in that era? He lives in the same era as me! But he is indeed a hero of the world 500 years ago! 500 years ago, he has become a strong generation in the world!

Is he a character of my era!? But there is no reason! That guy! He died in this world 500 years ago! But! How to explain his words like this? Unintentional? Absolutely impossible!

"Nia, no matter why, the doubt you can't solve now is that he exists and the current world, and he has been dead for 500 years. There is no need to worry about these problems for the people who died 500 years ago. The most important thing is his words, ten * is to say to you!"

"Do you want my treasure? If you want, I'll give it all to you. Go find it! All these treasures are there!' Obviously, he is reminding you that he has something to give you in this divine realm!"

"That's right! This is the point!" I bit my fingers tightly with my teeth and frowned tightly, and I'm sure that he will put things, the so-called treasure, in this damn place! Because this is a place where the Protoss will not come close! What are human beings in the eyes of the Protoss? Tools for recreation! Maybe Adolf was also thrown into this damn place!

"As long as Adolf has been here! His things will definitely be placed in this place!" I said, looking around, but this place is not a small valley! It's a big mountain! If you really want to calculate how big he is! At least half the empire is big! How difficult it is to find a treasure! And I don't know what that is! The last gift Adolf gave me was a useless guitar!

"Damn bastard! If it's still a guitar! When I save this damn world and the promise Chila gave me, I will let him find your soul! Then torture to death!" I shouted viciously to the sky.

"There is such a strong guy giving you a chance to make a wish. Don't waste it in such a boring place." Mo Qingyu pinched my shoulders and said, "Relax."

"Let's go, Don Adolf, he won't leave the so-called treasure in the outer area. If there is, he must be in the deepest part of the forest. Maybe there are other dragon gods or something, hehe..."

"Roar..." At this time, a low roar behind us was that we all stopped our steps and a black figure behind us slowly walked out, dragon!

"What is it?"

"A ground dragon?" Mo Qingyu said to me, is it true that there will be earth dragons in this place? Isn't it a creature of Yalong? The main reason is that he has no wings, but after he approached us, my whole body was not good. When I was far away, I didn't feel anything, and it was completely different when I approached! Huge body! It's more than 30 meters! There is a huge shell on the back, full of moss, and a bright red flower...

"This is the earth dragon!?" I gently wiped the sweat from my forehead, such a big guy...

"I think... he is not a sub-dragon species, but a real dragon..." Mo Qingyu patted me on the shoulder with a smile, "Come on! I won't help you~"

"Roar--" The deafening roar, I feel that the eardrum is about to break!

"Shut up and speak loudly!" I immediately changed my eyes, and then rushed up with a golden sword in both hands! Stab directly into his abdomen!

"Dang!" A burst of explosion! Since my blade has not been stabbed in at all! That's the abdomen! The hardest armor of the dragon is the shell of his back! The abdomen is the most vulnerable!

"Daw..." I immediately collected my sword. There was no fighting spirit in my body and I couldn't make an effective attack on it, and the full sense of fatigue has been stimulating the muscles of my whole body! All the fighting spirit in the body is gone, which is like dehydration for any knight or swordsman!

"Go!" I quickly burst back, then squatted down, put the blade in my waist and abdomen at the same time, and turned around and hit him on the back! Then he kicked his shell and pulled himself away from it dozens of meters through this force!

"Damn lizard..." I gasped. It's so powerless to deal with this kind of thing without fighting spirit. I can't even do it! Once you are bitten, it's over!

"Why, that's the only way?" Mo Qingyu sat next to me with a smile, "That's all, you won't be Alvin's opponent."

"I know..." If it weren't for fighting spirit, my fist wouldn't hurt Alvin's body at all!

"Your stinky lizard! Young master, I fought with you today!" I spit out some words that seemed to anger the dragon, and then inserted the golden sword fiercely on the floor.

"Look at me hitting you with my fist!"

"Roar!" Dilong raised his head slightly and roared at me, and I quickly rushed to him and swung my fist!

"Shut up!" A trace of cruelness flashed in my eyes! Then he waved his fist on the cheek!

"Dong!" So painful! After a muffled sound, the dragon widened his eyes and was immediately thrown to the side, and a few drops of huge saliva spit out! The biggest landing point of this kind of earth dragon is that they are like turtles! The bigger their bodies are, the better their heads will be for me! It's equivalent to putting the point directly in front of me!

"Go to hell!" I closed my fist and then waved my fist.

"Roar!" The ground dragon suddenly retreated two steps and shook his head crazily. If he was hit hard on the head, he would faint! That's the position!

"Come again!" I roared, and then stepped out and caught up with the footsteps of the earth dragon. Then I changed my hand. My left hand is not as powerful as another hand, but my right hand is now full of pain. The skin of the earth dragon is too thick to hurt him too much through his armor!

"Roar!" The earth dragon seemed to be completely angry, and suddenly stood up suddenly. Then he turned around and a huge tail swept towards me!

"I can't avoid it! Damn it!" I widened my eyes, and then the next moment I was swept by my tail, and my body was thrown out in an instant!

"Ah!" I fell back with a scream! Then he slammed on the trunk of a tree and fell down.

"Cough..." I spit out a mouthful of blood and coughed violently... It really hurts! Since the power is so powerful.

"Do you realize how fragile your body is?" Mo Qingyu floated up, then floated to my side and giggled.

"You're still saying sarcastic things... If you go down, I'll die... Cough!" I wiped the blood from the corners of my mouth and tried to stand up. There was a stuffy pain in my chest.

"What should I do, Nia?" Mo Qingyu said, then withdrew and floated, fell beside me, and then leaned against the tree trunk with me and said.

"Do you want me to kill him myself?" I smiled bitterly, does it seem that this dragon has not reached the bottom line of Mo Qingyu's imagination?

"A few more times at its head and aim at the temple Nia."

"Who the fuck knows where the lizard's temple is..." But think about it, it should also be on the forehead...

Go out to fight, swords, fists, all I have are those guns! However, against this kind of heavy armament, the armor of the dragon can definitely be compared with the bulletproof vest, and it is no less than that!

"Find a way, Nia. Anyway, in your current state, you can't hurt the lizard unless you aim at his head and hit him hard." Mo Qingyu continued to say to me, and then stretched out her arm and gently touched my face. "You can let me help you, but how about playing flying chess with me all night?"

"Forget... I still want to have a good sleep..." I smiled bitterly and stood up again. It's really painful. Damn it, but now I can stand it more than just regain some strength.

"Sorzard, wait to die."

"If you win, you will be rewarded!"

"Roar!" Dilong looked at me and stood up, opened his blood basin and roared. The anger in his eyes was a little stronger, but if you were angry, I was also angry! The young master fought with you!

"Drink!" I shouted, and then ran out again!

"Pianma Meteor Fist! Rubber machine gun!" I shouted casually, and then waved my fist at the head of the earth dragon, and violently punched his face everywhere I touched! Only possible to knock him unconscious! And all I can rely on is the current fist!

Nothing can stop my revenge! Be my stepping stone!

"Puff!" Temple! I punched the dragon's temple fiercely! And his eyes immediately had no previous look! I fainted!

Without stopping, I quickly squatted down, then put my fists in front of me, quickly changed my body to the bottom of the earth's head, and suddenly raised my fists up!

"Up, down, left, right and right ABAB! Shenglongquan!"