Magic Sword

Chapter 188 Solve it with bare hands

"Roar!" The roar of the earth dragon burst back a few steps. With its huge body shape, it was difficult for me to catch up with its shape, but the blow could cause it a lot of damage. From the sudden attack on its chin, it could be seen that it bit its tongue at a glance! But this also completely angered it!

The dragon and I distanced away, and then the fierce eyes were locked on me!

"stinky lizard! What are you looking at!" I scolded and quickly took out GLOCK18 from the space ring! Then quickly pull down the bolt and press the buckle plate!

"Go to hell!" I pulled my index finger, the trigger was broken, and then they came out one by one!

"Bum, bang, bang, bang!" A series of violent noises! Bullets shot out quickly! Dilong let out a very dissatisfied roar! However, bullets keep coloring at its head. Although he has thick skin and shell, he still has eyes on his head! That's the most vulnerable place of any creature!

"Roar--" The dragon roared unwillingly. My bullet kept hitting its face and failed to hurt him, but it did not dare to open its eyes and resist my bullets with its eyelids, but that's enough. I know that the gun in my hand can't bring him strong harm! My purpose is to make it lose sight!

It's now! I quickly rushed forward and pulled up the golden sword on the ground: "Don't Qingyu! Hurry up and shine!"

I quickly rushed to the front of the earth dragon with a golden sword. The pistol had stopped shooting, and the earth dragon opened its eyes quickly, but at this time, the sword in his hand emitted a dazzling golden light in front of me less than half a meter away!

"Roar!" Eyes are the most vulnerable thing! Even if you are illuminated by strong light in an instant, you will suffer great pain!

Lighting, which I think is the most useful point of the golden sword. Beach's unreliable fate change ability and 20 seconds of power once an hour can almost act as a flash bomb!

"Go to hell!" I shouted that I stretched out my left hand and grabbed its nostrils directly, and then clenched my right hand into a fist and hit the temple at its forehead!


"Come again!" I shouted and punched again, concentrating my temple fiercely, and the ground dragon opened his big mouth and fell down in an instant!

"Puff!" With a loud noise, the earth dragon fell heavily to the ground, and some white foam slowly came out of his mouth and killed it!

"Yo, it's done." Mo Qingyu slowly floated over and fell beside me. "I just fainted. Let's kill it now, otherwise the recovery ability of the dragon may not be weak."

"I didn't expect that since there is such a powerful ground dragon, it's not easy for me to deal with using the upper fighting spirit..." I can be sure that even if I use the upper fighting spirit, it is difficult to split his skin with a sword!

Thinking about the kind of ground dragon that was not as tall as dwarves that I hunted with my friends in the forest before, it is simply a little witch.

"If I want to recover a little fighting spirit, there is still time..." Without fighting spirit, I can't cut his skin. I walked to the body of the dragon, then grabbed its head with one hand, and aimed at its forehead with the other hand and kept swinging my fist! I can't kill a few more punches!

"It hurts so much! Bastard!" This is more painful than hitting the wall. The hardness is really unmatched. The earth dragon is the most defensive dragon in the dragon clan. However, their heavy skin causes their weight to be very huge, and their wings can't be brought up at all, so their wings slowly degenerate.

"Dragon's physique is strong. If a human has the blood of a dragon, their bodies can directly fight!"

"Let's eat roast dragon meat tonight, which also has a health effect." I can't help but look forward to the taste, after all, such a huge creature! I haven't eaten for two days! I don't dare to eat the roasted tentacles he gave me. Isn't there a bag * in his hand? I know best if that bastard will spill it on it for me to eat! Then when they arrived at the divine realm, these gods were all guys who didn't eat human fireworks!

However, there seems to be some magic in the divine realm, and the stomach does not feel hungry, but when it comes to this place full of dragons, the hunger gushes out crazily...

Every ten minutes, I beat the ground dragon's forehead. After so much, it did not lose its breath. After almost an hour, the fighting spirit in my body almost recovered. I directly pierced the ground dragon's head with a golden sword belt, and then I was completely relieved. After another hour or two. The fighting spirit has recovered a lot, and I began to cut its skin repeatedly. These skins have to be put away! Go back to build it for the dwarves, and you can get a full set of ground dragon leather armor! The hardness is difficult to split.


"Bah! It tastes terrible!" I leaned against a tree, holding a large piece of ground dragon meat in my hand, and a piece of ground dragon meat baking on the grill in front of me, but who knew that this thing was so bad! It's hard and astringent. It's painful to eat this kind of thing!

"Eat it all. This is good for your health. In your current condition, your whole body is injured. If you don't supplement your health with food, you may be eaten by the dragon tomorrow." Mo Qingyu sat next to me and said with his hands on his face, completely ignoring my regretful expression.

"Let's change the meat of a dragon... I'll kill another one..."

"There are no dragons you can deal with in your current physical condition. If it's a little peripheral, there are, but those dragons don't help you much first. Secondly, you have to take time to go back and don't have time to go deep." Mo Qingyu looked at the fire indifferently and said, "And what kind of dragon's body is stronger than the ground dragon?" It can help you the most. Eat these meat at ease.

"Mo Qingyu..." I whispered, and then took a bite of dragon meat hard. Obviously, it is a luxurious and deadly creature. The most advanced ingredient in the world is dragon meat, but it is too bad!

"What are you doing?"

"Deep, how do we go? If today passes, there are still 3 days left, and I believe that the innermost dragon is as powerful as those damn gods. Don Adolf can't hide things in the outer circle. I took another bite of the dragon meat.

"Three days is more than enough. Anyway, I won't lend you strength. If you borrow it once, you will stay with me for one night!"

"Why do you love flying chess so much..." I glanced at her angrily, but if I really encounter a dangerous situation, I have to borrow Mo Qingyu's power, and I can't die here no matter what.

"I hate this damn place." I looked at the meat in my hand and took another bite.

"I like it here very much." Mo Qingyu smiled and then stood up, "Nia, that guy Kira, I don't think I can believe it."

"I didn't believe him. I didn't dare to eat the food he gave me."

"Not only that, I think don't believe his promise even in other things. Such a guy has no two eyes from this group of protoons. He has a strong power, and then takes others as fun. If he thinks that you are more interesting in life, he will help you. He thinks that there is no way to live. It's more interesting to play you to death. He is also the kind of guy who acts according to his own preferences. Mo Qingyu walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "I can feel her leaning her head slightly on my back.

"Don't worry, I cherish my life more than anyone else." I said calmly, taking a bite of the meat in my hand, "He is strong. It doesn't make sense not to believe him until I'm not enough to deal with him. Unless the time comes when I can have a little strength to deal with him, I may not be out of his control."

"I will eat this meat well." I lowered my head and chewed these hard and astringent dragon meat. "I can't defeat Alvin without strength. I want to kill him myself on my own.

Growing is a slow road, but I don't have much time. I need to run on this road! My friends must be making a choice now, and they will choose to stay and wait for me! I don't want my friends to die because of this, so I have to leave this place quickly!

"You have to get to the sixth level quickly, right?" I looked at the meat in my hand and whispered.

"That's right." Kira, wearing a black cloak, sat next to me and answered my words.

"Hmm...ah!" I exclaimed and threw up the meat in my hand, and Mo Qingyu was also shocked.

"qi! Kira!" I pointed to him and shouted, as if I had seen a ghost.

"Yo, long time no see. You miss me very much." Kira narrowed her eyes and said, "Was she talking about me just now?"

"No..." I immediately changed the topic and said, "You bastard! Since you left me!"

"Hey, isn't it good here?" Kira raised her head and stood up. "Gods, I was surprised when I first found this place. It's much worse than the human world outside. The world is also strange. God hid in the distance, separated from human beings, let human beings give them faith, and put aside human beings far away. Typical * set up an archway."

I didn't expect that Kira's evaluation of these pronouns would be like this, but I'm very unhappy now!

"Don't be angry, I'm going to help you improve your level." Kira smiled and then walked to the fire. A piece of ice immediately appeared in his hand, and then he took it directly to the meat on the fire with his bare hands. "This piece belongs to me."

"Upgrade your sister!" I cursed angrily, and then I was immediately unhappy when I saw that Kira picked up my meat, "That's mine!"

"It's not delicious." Kira gave me a white look, and then bit down the dragon meat, "It's so hot."

"You have to pay for food." I sat down angrily, then nibbled the meat in my hand and said, "Did you say that the way to help me upgrade is to train here?"

"Yes, half of it, but what's the use of fighting with them? Your sword has given you a good way to stimulate the recovery speed as much as possible in a zero state, but it is also difficult to improve. The most important thing is the depths of the mountains.

"Stretch out?"

"There it is." Kira said with a smile on her face, "There is a spring called Longyuan."