Magic Sword

Chapter 189 Partner's Action

"There, there is a spring called Longyuan." Kira smiled and explained to me, "That's the place where all the breath in the air is most concentrated in the mountains, and it is also the place I want to go. It has the purest power in this mountain range. With your strength, you can immediately hit the sixth-order fighting spirit."

"Direct impact on the sixth level? How can it be!?" I said in surprise.

"What's impossible? For the truly pure source of heaven and earth, the fifth to sixth levels are not easy. Even the strong man of the ninth level can take a step closer to the paladin. Kira said with a smile, "And this real thing conceived by heaven and earth is not like medicine. Thinking of Longyuan, you can not only quickly improve your strength, but also will not hinder your future improvement."

"Since there is still such a thing... go quickly!" I stood up excitedly and said, if there really is such a spring! It is not impossible to get to the sixth level in 3 days!

"Don't worry. You kill the dragon after eating first. This is also a good thing. It tastes a little bad, but it can swallow much more than my octopus tentacles!" Kira said and took another bite.

"Do you usually eat something bad?" I looked at him with a very wanted face. As a nobleman since I was a child, no matter how poor I am, eating is the first! Delicious food is the best way!

"It's good to have something to eat, especially for you. In the future, when you go to war, you will always encounter times when you don't even have anything to eat." Kira chewed the food in her mouth and said, "Don't worry, I'll show you the way. As long as you follow the magic movement in the air, you can find the spring."

"That's good." I pouted and sat down and looked at the meat in my hand. I almost ate, and my stomach was full, but I still don't agree that there is nothing delicious to eat.

"Kira, I have another doubt." After a pause, I put down the food in my hand, raised my head and looked up, asking, "Ant, his power is not like fighting spirit."

"Oh?" Kira was slightly stunned, then raised her head and asked, "Have you noticed his strength?"

I nodded and responded, "His strength gives me a sense of fighting spirit, nor magic, and there are several shiny ribbon-like things floating on his arm. What is that?"

"Do you know Dredes? I have seen that his power is also that kind of thing.

"Dledes? I don't have much impression. I don't know." Kira answered my words and said to herself, "Is there anyone over there in this world?"

"What is that?"

"Tough spiritual power, a force that is different from fighting spirit, is also the power of a different world. The various natural forces that can be produced in each world may not be the same. As the saying goes, water and soil nourish a person. You also know this. Some worlds will form some fighting forces similar to fighting spirit. This is the world over there. You don't need to understand the power and spiritual power of the world, on the contrary, you don't need it. Kira waved her hand and said, "It is expected that any guy you mentioned is also from the world of Ante."

"Is that so?" I couldn't help but be a little shocked, "I still underestimate the world."

"If you can come to this world from the original world, nothing can become a miracle, hehe."

"But the reason why I came here is because of drugs and wormhole machines, which are the power of science, not magic," I bent my feet and looked at Chira and said, "It's not a miracle!"

"But now there is magic in the world. You have to admit it, but one thing, how can you be sure that you came here because of the wormhole machine?"

"How can I be sure?" I was locked in the wormhole machine by the fat man Fang Lan. I still remember all this clearly. How could I not come to this world because of him?

"What's the point of certainty? I've experienced everything myself! I entered a wormhole machine, opened my eyes and came to the universe! Then I lost all my memory and came to this world.

"Are you sure that's what science does? Drugs delete memories, drugs save souls, and save thoughts? Wormhole machine for space transmission? Kira asked me back and looked at Mo Qingyu beside me.

"In short, nothing can be known now. Maybe Fang Lan really mastered some real ultra-natural science, so he did all this." Mo Qingyu floated slowly, and then fell beside me and stared at Kira dissatisfiedly, "Cila, you talk a lot of nonsense."

"I'm just answering Nia's question." Kira smiled and continued to eat the meat. "Eat quickly. Nia, get enough to sleep. Tomorrow we have to hurry up and find the spring water early. If you don't meet my standards, I won't let you go back to your partner. I have to remind you that your partner is making a job now. Crazy move."

"Crazy move?" I asked puzzledly, "Qira, make it clear."


At this time, an unprecedented event was happening in the distant Rhine City of Darda Province of the Bier Empire.

"Ha--" A soldier yawned and stood on a sentry tower, looking at the distance in a daze. There was a companion sitting on a chair with a long gun on one side and dozed off.

"Hey, what do you think we are guarding here... There won't be anything at all. At least we should wait until the enemy invades in the border area before we come here to waste time." The yawning soldier poked his companion and said.

The poked companion's face was full of dissatisfaction and said, "Who knows! Those officers have problems with their heads, and the emperor's heads also has problems! Humph!"

"Hey, you can't say that! If it is known, it will kill the head!" The former's arm stroked around his neck.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of death!"

"Wah--" And at this time, a light flashed in the darkness, which was the moonlight reflected by metal, and then a sad voice, a feather arrow shot through the soldier who had just stood yawning, and then fixed it on the ceiling of the sentry tower! This trajectory is shot up from below!

"Ah!" The soldier immediately stood up and saw that his companion who had just talked to him had fallen in front of him at the moment, and a lot of blood covered the ground. The soldier was shocked! The expression of fear occupied the whole face. He quickly stood up and reached out to ring the bell, but another arrow shot directly through his heart, and then one stared his hand at the guardrail!

The soldier's eyes widened. He couldn't imagine that he was going to die. The pain on his body was all over his body, and what kind of archer he was! The head is so good!

The soldier looked up in the distance and found that the town didn't know when it was on fire! The shouts and screams came to his ears! Enemy attack! Rhine City has been destroyed! And I can't act at all! The arm was nailed! There is still some distance from the clock! You must warn the local army behind you! Among them, they also have their own comrades-in-arms!

Yes, you can still throw it away! The soldier picked up the stick in his hand, then raised it, and aimed at the alarm bell! Just knock it! Even with one sound, many soldiers should wake up!

"Go!" The soldier shouted angrily and then threw it out. His face had relaxed, but just as the wooden stick was about to ring the alarm, suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed the wooden stick! No! That's not a hand! To be precise, there are claws! A pair of feathered wings hung behind the man in front of him! In other races! It's a wingman!

"It's so dangerous." Wingman smiled bitterly, raised a crossbow, and then aimed at the soldier's head, "We are the private army of the Lawrence family, and Rhine City belongs to us!"

At the bottom of the sentry tower, White, Ronley, Namin, Eric, Hilmi, Larivi, Anyala, Aina and others all came out of the series of books, followed by a large group of people with the Lawrence family badges on their clothes.

"All the outposts have been cleared, and a position was almost alarmed by the soldiers on duty and was stopped." Larivi turned around and said to Hilmi.

"Very good, Larevi! Your people go in and open the door. Ronley, Namien takes your people to rush into the barracks! Kill all the enemies who resisted!" Hilmi said, "Erick, your people occupy the outer wall of Rhine!"

"Yes!" Several people took orders and took action one after another.

"White, prepare the people of the Military Law Department immediately and torture the location of Nia to all the local army!" Hilmi said to White with a strong murderous intention in his eyes.

"Yes, but Hilmi, I don't think they will know." Whiteton did not move his footsteps immediately.

"If you can't ask, hit it to the dead position! All dead, arrest civilians for torture!" Hilmi did not look back and gritted his teeth in front of him and said that Biel was already dissatisfied, and Nia disappeared in this Rhine City at this moment! For the Bier people! There is no need for kindness!

White frowned. Although it was brutal, after all, Nia was not here, and Hilmi, Nia, Erik and several people living in Dama Province had a strong resentment against Bier, but if it was related to civilians, it was too much?

But I didn't think much about it. Anyway, these Bier's soldiers and civilians are not their own. What's so kind? With a big move, White slowly walked into the gate of the barracks with more than a dozen people from the Military Law Office, which had been opened by Nanon and others, and the screams inside also came one after another.

This night, some sleeping soldiers were dragged out of the quilt, some soldiers who were talking in their dreams were lifted up by orcs and thrown out of the tent. Some soldiers who hid in the kitchen and stole food were pulled out by the necks of a group of Aiers. There were also several happy officers in the tent and the town who had rushed in. The orc was scolding. In a short time, he was taken out by the strong orc and thrown on the ground. His blue nose and swollen face scared the soldiers next to him with bows and arrows.

Hilmi stood quietly at the gate of the barracks, with a gloomy face and clenched her fists. She had vowed to let these guys spit out Nia's news! I can't spit it out! There is only one choice!