Magic Sword

Chapter 283 Ilrod 2

What does it mean? My pause was full of doubts.

"What is called Don Adolf and not Don Adolph?"

"Because he is Ilrod Elman, who calls himself Don Adolph." Atwood patted his head and said to me.

"Ha?" I feel that my head doesn't seem to be enough, and I don't quite understand what Atwood means. "What do you mean?"

"Anyway, the man named Ilrod died, but he became Don Adolf and was reborn. He called himself Don Adolph, and his personality has also changed, and there is no memory of me, as if he has changed a person. However, I will not admit that appearance no matter how many times. It's Irrod. Elman is absolutely right."

I was silent, because this situation was like a copy for me. I was so impressed! It's like a man named Nia Lawrence died, but Qin Xiaozheng was resurrected! That is to say, Ilrod, that guy is actually the person attached by Don Adolf! Don Adolf's memory in his body woke up and encroached on his body and completely abandoned his original memory.

I'm a little different from this. I'm going to integrate this memory. Strictly speaking, Irrod, who chose to invade, has become Don Adolf, and I, who chose to integrate, even Nia Lawrence, is Qin Xiaozheng. I have these two memories in my mind.

"You mean..."

"In terms of identity, the founding emperor of the Coltfield Empire is the sister of Don Adolf." Atwood directly affirmed my conjecture, but continued, "But in fact, he didn't know that he had a sister, didn't know me, and had a different personality."

"What is Don Adolph's character? What about Ilrod?

"Tang, he is heroic, courageous, his style of action is incomprehensible, and his fighting style is frightening. He is a strange man. Ilrod, Beach later became much more ordinary. He was gentle and generous, modest, and his strength was much more mediocre. His qualifications were not superior, but his power soared after Don Alf, and he was proficient in magic and fighting spirit. He was a strong double cultivation. Atwood said, "But no matter what, I know that he is Ilrod, but he seems to have lost his memory and forgotten everything in the past. Except for his name, Don Adolph, maybe he took it casually. He is not even very familiar with everything in the world."

I bowed my head and was silent. I'm not familiar with it... That is to say, at that time, Don Adolf just came to this world, and that was the moment when the real king of the world was born...

"Nia, what do you think of his sudden change of person?" At this time, Atwood suddenly asked me.

"If you change, it will change..." I scratched my head and said. In fact, I was the same, but in addition, I should wake up earlier. In addition, I didn't completely abandon myself as Nia, so the people around me didn't have much feeling. "It's okay."

"Yes, that's what I think. Anyway, it's good to rebuild my heart." Atwood nodded and said, but I always felt strange.

Atwood said, "But later it was a little unexpected. He kept coming up with some strange ideas. Later, my melee magic was also based on his theory, which made me excited."

"Eh?" I suddenly interrupted him and asked, "You were already good friends at that time, so why did you become a servant of Don Adolph later?"

Atwood paused and answered my question: "First of all, we are not good friends. My friend is Ilrod. Don Adolf obviously doesn't have such a concept. He is just interested in my strength. I often talk to him about things and is always involved in my magic. He always talks with me. Show your curiosity about magic, and then put forward some imaginative ideas that scared me.

"But the result always proves that he is right. I did his magic and melee magic theory. This was enough to cause a sensation in the world, but he just laughed it off."

"Ah, imagine that expression..." I gave him a white look. After all, as a person from the same world as me, Don Adolf has a concept of melee magic, movies and games everywhere. This concept has been everywhere for a long time.

That's not a anasical idea at all, but it's just that you know more about it.

"What about the future?"

"After that, he... ran away... and left the elf kingdom without saying goodbye." Atwood patted his head and said, "And stole a lot of documents from the great men of the elves."

"Well..." I understood Don Adolph's idea at once... Why did you steal the elf literature? Of course, he learned magic. A character from the scientific world wants to learn magic that can only be found in novels and movies.

I suddenly remembered the so-called great history of Don Adolf...

Stealing the magic of the elf clan is given to human beings, stealing dwarves' weapons and craftsman skills is given to human beings, and the magic of throwing gods is given to human beings... Finally, he was captured by God... There is indeed such a period of throwing magic.

"What's your attitude?"

"He is my good friend... But the old man in the clan was so angry that he sent a large number of elites to kill him, and I was also among them. However, when we found him, he already had a group of magicians in his hand, holding weapons made by dwarves, and he completely became a magician himself."

"His talent is really strong. When I saw him, he was already a great magician. We were all defeated. Human beings who practiced both magic and martial arts began to show their powerful side. We couldn't win. Don Adolph could not be captured, so we had to go back to the elf kingdom." Atwood said that his face has also begun to change a little differently. If he has to say where it is different, it will become a little darker. "Then there is the revival of the demon clan. The demon clan suddenly invaded from the southern world, and their power makes all races feel horrible."

"Go on." This is the key point, the invasion of the demon clan, the second war of gods and demons also began from that time, and it can be said that it is a world war! Because it is not only gods and demons, but also all the aliens.

"The Protoss calls on all races and countries to participate in that battle, and naturally there will be a boundless battle in the future." Atwood said, "All races participate in it, and so are human beings, but only Don Adolf, who led a group of human beings to hide."


"Yes, Don Adolf claimed that human beings are weak and unable to participate in the battle, but at that time, he had already stolen our magic and dwarves's craftsmanship, but we elves and dwarves did not break through this kind of thing, but even if human beings are weak and do not participate in the battle, this makes all races ten In anger, the Protoss also issued a final notice to Don Adolf, asking them to participate in the battle immediately, otherwise they would call all races to destroy human beings.

"This is fun." I cried and laughed, "Then Don Adolphe has to participate."

"No, he didn't participate."

"Isn't it? Are you kidding about human beings?" I couldn't help but think of something. What does Don Adolph care about the survival of human beings... What kind of person is he from a different world like me? Soldier? Killer? Chef? Doctor? Otaku? Novelist? However, no matter what his identity is, he doesn't need to care about whether a human being in a world that does not belong to him is dead or alive.

"He is very clear about the overall situation, and no alien can take time to deal with them!" Atwood said deeply that he was a little excited! But this also made me realize! How can I forget this! Everyone is busy dealing with demons. At this time, it is better to ignore the dispensable power than to find human magic without a foreign force that is more powerful than human beings.

Human? He is not much for the war between gods and demons! Even if human power is added to the eyes of the aliens, it may just help the enemy fill their stomachs!

What's more, Don Adolf has the best weapons and powerful magic in their hands. If it's really just an alien power, it can't deal with them! The elf dwarfs understand this! So the attitude of all races is to do nothing! Wait until you finish dealing with the demons and then deal with the human beings! At that time, the army will suppress the situation! Scary humans can also give them money and food to reward their heroic actions on the battlefield! That's the way to maximize benefits!

"But didn't Don Adolf fight in the war between gods and demons? Have human beings also participated in the war?

Atwood shook his head and said, "No, that's not what he wants to participate in. It's a last resort."


"Even if Don Adolph is smart, can he make God's opponent?" Atwood showed an angry look and was very strong. "Ir Rowling, the sister of Ilrod, a killer of the Protos sneaked into the place of human beings at that time, took Il Rowling and gave it to the demon clan!"

"Force him...fight..." I immediately realized the reason for doing so...

"That's right! Although Don Adolf didn't know that he had such a sister, he didn't know why they met again, and Don Adolph took good care of her and usually took good care of Il Rollin, as if he was still Ilrod. Atwood gritted his teeth and said, "The Protoss have made such a cheap method!"

I was shocked. This is also the first time I heard some extreme words from Atwood!