Magic Sword

Chapter 295 Duke of Seaburton

sent away the "golden hand" Yale Gerton. In the afternoon, I continued to read and study the intelligence. During this period, Larry also asked someone to send some new documents. I took the whole day in the room. I knew that at night, a message came to my ears and pulled me out of this state.

Syberton Meadow returned home.

"I have to go there." I quickly sorted out the scattered reports, and then received all the space rings. I raised my head and said to Ewini, "You don't have to go. I won't be in danger in this Meda family."

"Hmm." Ewini nodded to give me an answer, so I opened the door and went out. I came to the gate familiar with the car. I have been walking in this place for a long time.

The first thing I saw when I came here was people. Almost all the people of the Duke's Palace gathered here. Servants, servants, family guards, housekeepers, etc. came here. I easily found Hilmi's figure in the crowd.

"Nia!" Hilmi also noticed my arrival and ran over and took my hand. "Why is it so slow? I didn't let you call you long ago!"

"Change your clothes. I haven't been out all day. I was wearing pajamas just now." Because I'm busy, I really don't have time to change my clothes. Even when the golden hand arrives at noon, I will greet him with my pajamas, but that guy doesn't matter.

"It's also true. What can I do if my father doesn't dress handsomely?" Hilmy smiled and quickly hugged my arm and dragged me to the front of the crowd. Under the night, the oil lamp shone on the door of the whole duke's mansion, which is now very bright. There are five carriages, and the two behind them are cargo. The most luxurious one in the middle is made by the Duke of Seaburton, because the curtain is pulled up. , you can already see him from this position.

Just in time to arrive at the door? In this way, I couldn't see that I was rushing. I thought that a servant had come up and opened the door, and then Seaburton came down from the door. I also saw this father-in-law I had never met before.

It seems that Seaburton is a little different from what I imagined. After all, he is the Chancellor of Finance. I thought he was a fat guy, but after seeing him, I found that he was still quite strong, of medium height, and his height was not much different from mine. He did seem to know Hilmi.

As soon as he got out of the car, Seaburton looked around in the crowd and then noticed me. No, he should have noticed Hilmi first and then saw me. After all, Hilmi hugged me, and it was too bad to see my eyes.

"Father!" Hilmi waved his hand and said with a slight joy on his face, while the other hand deliberately hugged me a little, which made it clear that he wanted to help me brush his presence in front of Silverton.

"Hilmi, you girl, how can I listen to such a good thing in such a short time?" Seaburton came to us first said a few words to Hilmi, and then turned his eyes to me, "Nia, it must be you."

"Uncle Seaburton, it's me." I nodded and said, "I heard that your father has been your partner since childhood."

"It's not good since childhood, but we are very good partners." Seaburton nodded with satisfaction, then showed a sad look and patted me on the shoulder. "Over the years, you have grown up."

"We had stepped up the rescue when the accident happened in Dama Province, but it was still too late to save your mother and Kedifen's family, and even I couldn't find you." Seaburton's eyes were full of shame. At that time, it could not be blamed on him. After all, when the Bier people invaded, Linnoby Province, which was also the first province to be captured by the Bier people, that is, the territory under the jurisdiction of the Meda family in West Burton, had just fallen and had to wave troops to rescue. That was really a little I can't stand it, and there's nothing I can do if I don't have time to rescue...

"It's okay, Uncle Seaburton, and now I'm standing in front of you." I smiled gracefully and said, "The Lawrence family will rise again in my hands."

"The tiger father has no dog son. I have heard of your heroic deeds. Speaking of which, I also went to Bier during this period, but unfortunately I didn't have a chance to find you." Seaburton patted me on the shoulder and smiled, and then shouted to Hilmi, "You girl, I don't want your home!" Is it for girls to play the war if they don't come back for half a year?

"This is my home!" Hilmi quickly put his hands around my arm and put on a doting look, and then looked at Seaburton provocatively.

"Alas! You girl!" Seaburton said angrily and then looked at me, "This girl is spoiled by me. Let's go in and talk slowly?"

"That's it." I smiled and then looked at Hilmi, who also stared at me with a smile.

"Do you want to say it?" Hilmi whispered to me.

"I suddenly don't know what to say..." I put my head and said.

"Then don't say it, haha."

"I'm sure to say it." I said angrily, "How can I say it when the relationship is better!"


"You just smacked your tongue?"

"No, cut..."

"Obviously there is!" I patted my head depressedly and felt that Hilmy had become more and more like Mo Qingyu recently, the same thorny head! This is simply annoying.

At this time, I noticed that there seemed to be a "Hilmi" at the back point. Standing at the position where the carriage just got off, he waved to us. He looked very kind. It should be said that it was just like Hilmi, not Hilmi. If I guess correctly, it should be Hilmi's two. Her sister Joyce Meda, who has not yet married in the imperial capital is Hilmi and her second sister.

"Joyce!" Hilmi also raised his hand and waved it, and then quickly let go of my arm and put away to deal with me and her father. It seemed that it was indeed Hilmy's second sister.

At this moment, Joyce also came over and said to Hilmi in a very gentle voice, "Well, Hilmi, I've become much more handsome in the past six months!"

"No samurai uniform and armor! Otherwise, he will definitely be more handsome!" Hilmi smiled and said that it is true that Hilmi has a special feeling when wearing a samurai suit. Maybe it can only be described as heroic, and changing into aristocratic clothing will always have a little special temperament. Another special beauty, compared with her second sister Joyce, is the temperament of a more traditional aristocratic girl. Gentle and dignified.

"Ha ha, Hilmi has also grown up a lot." Joyce smiled with silver teeth, and then naturally stared at me, but it was a little strange. She first narrowed her eyes when she saw me, and then showed a social gesture, "Hello, you must beni ya Lawrence?"

"Yes, Miss Joyce."

"Ha ha, just call me sister like Hilmi." Joyce smiled and narrowed his eyes again, again? I don't know what this means. Although it is very subtle, it is difficult to escape my attention. "Hilmi used to talk about you when he was a child and had wanted to see you for a long time, which was a little beyond my expectation."

"Joyce!" Hilmi blushed and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense."

"It's a fact, haha." Joyce didn't open the fluffy fan and put it in front of his mouth. His eyes narrowed again and giggled. Well, now I almost understood the character of Hilmi, the second sister, who is dark, absolutely dark... That's the look of ridicule, or the excited look when he saw Hilmi's anxious look...

"What did you say unexpectedly?"

"Well...I'm thinking..." Joyce fell into meditation, collected a velvet fan for a long time, and said, "It's not as tall and handsome as I thought!"

"..." Strike... I was definitely hit... I can't say that I'm tall in this world, but handsome! Oh my God! Why am I also the existence of people who love flowers and flowers!

"Father, let's go in." Before I could say anything, Joyce pulled up Hilmi with a smile and walked in, and Hilmi spit out his tongue at me.

And at this time, Mo Qingyu in my mind also made a little movement: "Well, who is that guy?"

"Hilmi's second sister, named Joyce Meda..."

"Ah! I remember the name, what an admirable guy!"

"appreciating..." Well, this is another purely disgusting...

After a while, our party moved to a hall. The maid had already lit candles in the hall and brought a wine barrel.

"Come and try the wine made by our family." Seaburton said enthusiastically that I also tried this wine when I talked to Hilmi yesterday. It was delicious, but the aftert was really great.

"I like the taste!" I immediately showed my joy.

"Has it been tried?"

"I drank a little yesterday, but..." I looked at Hilmi with a thoughtful look.

"I don't think I've drunk enough?" Seaburton also looked at Hilmi, who turned his head elsewhere, and then laughed, "It's okay. Let go and drink today!"

"hehe." I laughed contentedly, and then held the sight of Seaburton throwing victory at Hilmi, leaving the angry Hilmi staring at me, as if I would drink otherwise. Is their family mocking each other?

"Come on, give the glass to Nia." Silverton stretched out his hand and said to Hilmi. Hilmi didn't shirk it. He took the glass and brought it to me. Then he sat directly next to me, and then he took it and was drunk.

"What a happy feeling." Joyce held his face in his hands and looked at us slightly, which really made me very embarrassed and a little uncomfortable, while Hilmi drank the wine in his hand attentively, and his face was also very rosy under the reflection of the wine.

"Niah, it will be a coming-of-age ceremony in two days. I happen to have something to tell you clearly." At this time, Seaburton poured a glass of wine again and was approached by me.