Zhuge Fan

Chapter 126 Destruction?

Suddenly, Zhuge Shang felt that his depression was much less, and the pain in his whole body was much less. Suddenly, his whole body was much easier. Suddenly, Zhenyuan began to continue to recover quickly, and the surrounding Huo Zhenyuan rushed over like a tide and injected it into Zhuge Shang's body and luck in his body. The turn was very smooth, and the injured meridians were repaired, but there was a mutation outside the body. The temperature of Zhuge Shang's skin quickly warmed up, and the tree man couldn't stand it. He felt like a hot potato. The branches of the horse * were released. Zhuge Shang fell heavily to the ground, and the tree people around him retreated one after another and did not dare to approach Zhuge Shang.

What's going on? Zhuge Shang's mind is still very clear. His sudden occurrence of this situation is indeed unexpected, but what's the problem?

There are a lot of real elements in the mustard bag, all of which are indoctrinated into Zhuge Shang's body. His whole body is full of explosive power that is uncontrollably. It lasted for a long time, and Zhuge Shang doesn't care about what happened to the tree people outside.

The body is still changing violently. Before long, the energy in Zhuge Shang's body began to rush towards Yuanying's place, and then began to pour into Yuanying, and Yuanying itself began to become golden yellow with some red, which was also slowly getting bigger. Yuanying slowly rose up, leaving some empty positions below. At this moment, Zhuge Shang suddenly rejoiced. This, this change is...

Zhuge Shang was overjoyed. This change made him so comfortable that he was about to moan. Zhenyuan still couldn't control the rush into Yuanying, with more and more strong fluctuations. Zhuge Shang soon felt a layer of membrane in Yuanying's part, which vaguely hindered Yuanying from continuing to absorb energy, but this energy was still Continuing to gather, when Zhuge Shang felt that his energy was about to find a vent, he did not know that something in Yuanying suddenly generated a strong suction, and then slowly gathered the suction in the empty place below Yuanying, and finally turned into something visible to the naked eye, Zhuge Shangzai Take a closer look, it turned out to be a small whirlpool, which looked black, and I didn't know what it was for a moment. However, when this small whirlpool appeared, Zhuge Shang found that the membrane that hindered him was suddenly broken, and his whole body suddenly changed a new shape and raised another level. Zhuge Shang knew that his realm had been improved!

Suddenly, a lot of information poured into his mind, and Zhuge Shang immediately knew that the content was real systematic knowledge. Zhuge Shang was also happy. He had always stayed in other people's words and his own understanding for cultivation, and there had never been any systematic knowledge to look at this cultivation question. Question, if you can have a systematic knowledge of Xiuzhen, you can avoid many detours, so it is normal for Zhuge Shang to be happy, and this information is filtered in his mind in an instant.

Cultivation, in the final analysis, is to cultivate the inner essence, qi and divine three treasures. Therefore, external posture movements are not important. Only seeking to achieve integrity, comfort and nature of the spine is the greatest principle. * It is also possible to take a sitting, standing or horizontal style, or walking. Sitting style, you can sit flat on the stool, with your calves perpendicular to the ground, or cross each other. You can also sit cross-legged **, and those who have difficulty in sitting can first put a pillow under the seat; the hands are folded, and your thumbs are held in the shape of Taiji, and you can put them in Dantian, or you can touch your knees. Standing style, standing naturally, slightly bent knees, stacking Dantian with both hands, or hanging on the side of the body. Horizontal, generally lying on the side, with a curved humerus pillow in one hand, with the thumb separated from the index finger, and the ears are placed at the mouth of the tiger to open the ear; the other hand is placed on the crotch or placed in Dantian; the legs are also stretched out and bent, just opposite to the two hands. In a quiet place with few people, there is no other interference, and the road is relatively flat. Walk slowly, like a cloud. You can use the listening method in *, but don't close your eyes. Relax your whole body, no matter what posture you take, you must relax your whole body. This relaxation is not a soft mass. It is necessary to keep the head and spine straight to facilitate the smoothness of the meridians; but do not become stiff and rigid, which is not conducive to relaxation and will also hinder the smooth flow of the meridians. The first way to relax requires both shoulders to sink. Ordinary people are usually nervous and unconscious, and their movements do not meet the requirements of relaxation. Now when we practice kung fu, we first adjust from the movements, and we can naturally enter a state of relaxation. The hanging curtain with both eyes is the meaning of slightly closed. Why do you need to close your eyes slightly? Because opening your eyes is easy to breed distracting thoughts, and it is easy to fall asleep when you close them all, which is not conducive to practice. The formula when it is slightly closed is to "open three times and close seven times", that is, open three minutes and close seven minutes. The specific method used to be oral. In this way, it is clear that the eyelids are drooping, so that you can see what is in front of you without being able to distinguish it clearly. The mouth on the top of the tongue is exchanged as the mouth, and the Danjing is also called "plugging", that is, squeing the mouth and closing the teeth. The practice of the upper rettal on the top of the tongue was also secret in the past. The tip of the tongue should be rolled back and the bottom of the tongue should be pushed to the upper thus. Because there are two small nests in the upper man's cital, called "Tianchi Cave", the upper mud pills are the most likely to leak? Therefore, the practice must be blocked like breastfeeding. Natural breath, that is, natural breathing, but avoid coarseness and shortness. With the degree of *, the nasal breath should gradually be deep, long, uniform, fine and subtle. The two-handed holding formula, the two-handed pinching formula, also known as the "afternomeal". At this time, the left index finger and thumb are drawn round, the right thumb is placed in the circle, and the 4 fingers of the right hand are placed under the 4 fingers of the left hand from the thumb, which is the shape of a "Taiji map". In this way, the two qi of the yin and yang of the human body are naturally connected. After a moment, the two hands feel hot and swollen, which is extremely wonderful, that is, the effect of connecting the two qi. Taoism has no difference between men and women.

Listen. * The purpose is to be quiet. The meaning of quietness refers to the calmness of body and mind. In order to meet the requirements of quietness, we must first remove all distracting thoughts, which is the most critical principle of * foundation-building method. But people's thoughts and habits, the brain is always thinking about problems. Even if they sleep, they will dream. Once it stops moving, it is difficult to do it. In order to achieve the purpose of entering the silence, ancient Taoist monks created many methods, such as listening to qi, sitting and forgetting, keeping one, counting breath and so on. In comparison, the "listening" method mentioned by Taoist Zhuangzi is the best. The so-called "listening" is to listen to your own breath. As we said earlier, * requires natural breathing. The way to listen is to listen in both ears, that is, to get rid of all the interference in the world, such as entering a state of silence, to listen to your own breath. Initially, I only listen to it with my ears without any thoughts. Note: The so-called "listening" requires both ears to listen back, as if listening to the sound of breathing in and out. But breathing in and out was required to be silent. The meaning of "listening" is to ask him to concentrate and concentrate; it is not to die and keep his ears, nor is it to listen to the sound of breathing. The meaning of "listening" is to concentrate. As long as you follow the route of inhalation and slowly do it without listening, this is right. As for the speed, thickness, depth and length of breathing, we should follow the natural changes and do not force domination with your mind. After hearing this, the mind was dependent on each other, there was no distracting thoughts, and even breathing did not seem to exist, and gradually reached the state of "quietness". Sightseeing. The method of sightseeing is a secret cultivation method of Taoism. In the past, it was secret but not taught, and it was passed down by teachers and apprentices. The function of sightseeing is to refine nature. Our nature was originally a nihilistic light. Before I was born, I came from the universe. Therefore, the fundamental method of refining at this time is called sexual work. Some people think that the "sexual" skills mentioned by Taoists are the reason. If there is no effort, it is the reason why they have not been taught by a master. The root of sex lies in one of the two eyebrows. This trick comes from before we were born, so it is called "ancestral trick". Sit quietly for a moment and use the "listening" method mentioned earlier. After the body and mind are quiet, they are about to look at each other and stop before the "ancestral orifice". This "before the ancestral trick" is not in the body or outside, and it is about an inch and two minutes in front of you. Note: The method of "watching ancestors" is to gather one's own vitality. When the meta-nature gathers, it will naturally see the light. But this realm is natural and must not be pursued; if you pursue it, you will also see the light, but it is a fantasy, not the truth. Many people who practice qigong often enter the demon realm and unconsciously perceive it. It's really a little worse and lost a thousand miles. It is necessary to use the meaning of "if there is nothing, it seems that you don't see it". Between unintentional intentions, it can't be intentional and unintentional. Naturally, that's right. If you put your mind slightly in the "ancestral orifice", you can have your own sexual light. At first, it drifts, and its light is weak, so don't care about 100 million. At first, it seems to come from the outside. After discovering it, it is slightly taken by the mind and condensed, that is, it shines in the white light with intention, which is the work of cohesion; then gradually condenses into pieces from the point, comes from the outside to the inside, and slowly gathers; then gathers and disperses. , it is difficult to fix it; if ignorance finally becomes a piece, and there is no fluctuation, so the truth is gathered, and we have entered the great silence. Sex alone is a manifestation, and sightseeing is the gathering and dispersion of agmatism. Light dispersion is dispersion, light aggregation is concentration, light is fixed, light fullness is full, and light roundness is round. Wang Chongyang's ancestor originally described its shape and said, "Yuantuo, the light is burning." The round one is to say that there is no irregular shape, and the burning one is to say that there is no black loophole, so that it can reach the highest level of "sexual light*". Entering this realm, life and death are good. But if it is not deeply determined and has extremely high merit, it is impossible to achieve it. Although the kung fu of sightseeing is "viewing" but not actually watching, everything is natural. To practice this skill, you must step by step, from small to large light, from weak to strong light, from fluctuating emerian to light, and from pieces to light gathering. There are also people who have been practicing for many days, their eyes are dark, but they have never seen the light, so they cannot pursue it. Note: As mentioned above, the way of "listening" and "sightseeing". Although there seems to be something to do, in fact, there is nothing to do; in nothing, there is nothing to do. Although it is said to listen, in fact, there is no hearing; although it is said to be sightseeing, in fact there is no view. There is no sound, and there is no sound; there is no light in sightseeing, and there is no light. The breathless breath is called true breath; the light without light is called true light. From this, I realized the truth. The method of sightseeing is also called "backlight" in ancient Taoist books; the method of listening is also called "adjustment" in ancient Taoist books. Therefore, the * cultivation method mentioned by the ancients was also called "backlight adjustment". Qiu Zu's secret biography of Dadan Zhizhi discussed "back light and adjustment" and said: "The method is to collect the heart from the corners of the two eyes, receive the middle of the two eyes, and collect it here with a body and mind. The so-called 'the universe and the earth are collected together'." The method of returning light has other meanings. After sightseeing, it is necessary to shine this light into Dantian and further do the practice of refining gas. This must be combined with the second step of building the foundation - Tu Na, and then discuss it in the Tu Na method.

* The key lies in quietness; the key to quietness lies in stopping thinking. Stop thinking is to remove the distracting thoughts in your heart and then do it wholeheartedly*. Often, some people don't feel that there are miscellaneous thoughts in their minds, and when they sit still, all kinds of thoughts come. Only by removing distracting thoughts through the method of * stopping thoughts can * be done well.

Since ancient times, cultivation has gradually evolved from the pursuit of immortality to the hope of becoming an immortal. As a classic of cultivation theory, it has gradually changed from simplicity to fantasy, and the Ming and Qing Dynasties are closer to the words of strange people. It must not be passed on by others," so the secret room is treasured and unknown to the public. There are many successful practitioners, and it is regrettable that they have not made a systematic discussion. Cultivation is literally to seek the true self through practice, but now it is misunderstood as becoming an immortal and Buddha! Cultivation is to constantly find out your own shortcomings to understand yourself better by constantly practicing yourself. This is cultivation. I still can't understand what else I'm talking about becoming an immortal and becoming a Buddha. The Tao is in the heart, the Buddha is in the heart, the one's own heart is to save people's own heart! There are also other practices, such as sword fairy. The way of sword immortals, cultivate the golden qi of the lung palace, and then turn to leave the palace, and exercise the nine heavenly swords. Until the "sword light" of leaving the palace was cast, and then the five elements of true qi were gathered inside, the naive spirit was collected outside, the fairy sword was refined outside, and the enemy was killed thousands of miles away. Unfortunately, it is really difficult to practice. I believe that practicing this way will shock the world and cry ghosts and gods.

However, these are very rough, and Zhuge Shang has a big head, but these should be suitable for low-level practitioners or mortals who have just come to practice, so Zhuge Shang looked at it and knew that he had absorbed the essence of it.

The perception of the whole body has been comprehensively improved, and the quality of Zhenyuan has been further strengthened. Zhuge Shang secretly said that this is the middle of Yuanying? This feeling is really quite good. His body was full of energy, and his mind immediately woke up very thoroughly. Zhuge Shang immediately stood up and saw that the tree people did not dare to approach, and some of the smaller tree people around him did not dare to take the exam too close. Zhuge Shang quickly chose a direction and the tree over there People are relatively weak, because Zhuge Shang is in a hurry to go out. He felt that something in the "extinction" floated out and fell into the mustard bag...