Zhuge Fan

Chapter 127 Slave Mask

However, these are very rough, and Zhuge Shang has a big head, but these should be suitable for low-level practitioners or mortals who have just come to practice, so Zhuge Shang looked at it and knew that he had absorbed the essence of it.

The perception of the whole body has been comprehensively improved, and the quality of Zhenyuan has been further strengthened. Zhuge Shang secretly said that this is the middle of Yuanying? This feeling is really quite good. His body was full of energy, and his mind immediately woke up very thoroughly. Zhuge Shang immediately stood up and saw that the tree people did not dare to approach, and some of the smaller tree people around him did not dare to take the exam too close. Zhuge Shang quickly chose a direction and the tree over there People are relatively weak, because Zhuge Shang is in a hurry to go out. He felt that something in the "extinction" floated out and fell into the mustard bag...

But now I am still surrounded by tree people, so it is the best strategy to escape. With the momentum that has just entered the middle of Yuanying, if this energy stabilizes and the tree people gathers again, there is really no way to survive.

When the largest tree man saw that Zhuge Shang wanted to escape, he immediately waved countless thick branches. The tree people around him also knew that the tree leader was angry, so he quickly gathered around and wanted to stay Zhuge Shang here. The first time he saw the tree leader so angry. In this territory, no one could get from The leader of the tree escaped, and Zhuge Shang's behavior undoubtedly violated the rules here. Even if Zhuge Shang now has a powerful trick that makes them afraid of the fire attribute, the tree people have to jump up together.

Zhuge Shang sneered, and the five-yuan formula was issued. The improvement of Zhenyuan and the improvement of the realm raised the power of the five-yuan formula again. The tree people in front of him were suddenly directly integrated by the five-yuan formula, leaving only a pool of black dust on the ground, which was killed alive. Zhuge Shang is also happy. If it is in the early stage of Yuanying, the five-yuan formula can set ordinary tree people on fire at most, but it is still far from achieving such an effect. If you can become a tree man, you are all old trees that have experienced tens of millions of years of years of cultivation, unless some very talented trees or get some Tens of thousands of years of rare opportunity to become a tree man.

When the thick tree man saw it, he was immediately angry and rushed over to prevent Zhuge Shang from continuing to hurt his juniors. The branches released green light electricity, gathered together, locked Zhuge Shang, and slowly moved over. Zhuge Shang knew that he could not escape, so he turned around and put all Zhenyuan gathered in his hands, and then suddenly sent out, facing the green light again. Of course, the result this time must be completely different. The two were evenly matched, and a strong fluctuation shook. Zhuge Shang's whole body was swung out far away, and the tree man also suddenly stagnated, and there were many small tree people around him. They were all shocked and flew out and fell to the ground.

Zhuge Shang finally stood up, but his body was still a little incomplete. It was shaking inside, but now is a good opportunity, because he was thrown far away. Zhuge Shang got up and quickly released his wings. However, the Buddha puppet quickly flew up and quickly escaped from this place until it flew to the north. A few miles away, Zhuge Shang landed and casually found a place to hide.

There should be no tree people in this place, surrounded by rocks and bushes, and there are no trees, so Zhuge Shang took out something from the mustard bag and arranged a magic array, and then sat down to cross his knees to see his current situation.

Something just fell from the mustard bag, which came out of the destroyed ground. Zhuge Shang quickly took it out and saw that it turned out to be a mask!

The mask is white as a whole, with only two holes in the eyes and mouth, but on the inside of the mask, there is also a word engraved - slave!

How can it be engraved with such a word? Zhuge Shang is puzzled. For slaves, Zhuge Shang only knows that in some remote places, such as some islands in the north or the East China Sea, there are some places dedicated to selling slaves. Where can you auction some specially trained slaves at a high price? These slaves are absolutely loyal, and some slaves are still There is relatively profound strength. As for the method of restraining slaves, the auctioneers will have a contract, so that no matter how high the slave is, he will not dare to disobey his master. Therefore, the fate of the slave's life is very tragic. As long as he becomes a slave, it is almost impossible to escape this situation, but there is still one With some exceptions, it is said that many years ago, there was a very powerful slave, but his master was a low-strength ditch, so in anger, he tried his best to escape the contract, and then took the opportunity to rescue many more powerful slaves and led them to a place that outsiders did not know at all. For so many years, the world just knew that this slave strongman often appeared on an island in the East China Sea to rescue all the slaves on that island, and then left with relatively good strength. Those with low strength did not care about it and let them make their own living, but outsiders have not found it for so many years. Those slaves did not know how strong they were, how many people were, and where they were. They could only guess that they were on an unknown island in the East China Sea, but in the vast East China Sea, thousands of islands, many islands have never been to in their lifetime. How could they find a small island? Therefore, everyone in the East China Sea has been in danger for so many years, and the slave auction house has rushed to protect it. However, because of this, the slave market is also very popular. People call the first slave "slave emperor"!

There is a slave character engraved in this mask, which may really have nothing to do with the slave emperor's side, but it is also strange that this slave mask will come out of the destruction ground, so Zhuge Shang was not in a hurry. He quickly picked up the destruction ground to have a look and tried to break through with Zhenyuan, but it had no effect, but Zhuge Shang's heart moved and tried to try it with spirit. This time it really worked, and this time he actually went in like this!

Zhuge Shang quickly suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and immediately observed the situation inside carefully. He found that it was like a space, but the place he could see was a small piece, and the surroundings were all vague. Zhuge Shang tried to break in, but the gray misty thing suddenly rushed over and spirit The situation shook for a while, and it seemed that it was not good for the spiritual soul, so Zhuge Shang immediately withdrew and stood in this small place, carefully feeling the situation of showcasing in the field. However, what he came into contact with now was only a small part, and he could not jump to conclusions, so Zhuge Shang believed that the spiritual realm and strength were raised. Sheng should play a certain role in destroying the things in the ground and can slowly expand their range of activities.

Zhuge Shang suddenly saw that there was a depression of a mask on the land that was not very hard, which was exactly the same shape and size as the slave mask. Could it be said that these things were all in a certain space? As long as he could expand his range of activities to that area, What can I get? Zhuge Shang is also very happy to think so. Who knows how big it is? If his strength slowly improves, won't he get a lot of treasures?

At the same time, Zhuge Shang has a very likely idea in his mind that the energy that helped him improve his realm came from the annihilation, but the only thing missing in the annihilation is this fog body except for the slave mask. Can these fog bodies be turned into one when their range of activity is broadened? Strong power enters your own body? If you say so, your strength will definitely improve as fast as light! However, these are just guesses and will be verified by more experiments in the future.

He is in a good mood, and Zhuge Shang is also very open-thinking. Since he can use the destruction of the earth, can he use the same set of killing the earth? With that, Zhuge Shang immediately tried, but the result was disappointing. No matter what Zhu Tian did, he couldn't get in, and Zhuge Shang had to temporarily give up his exploration of Zhu Tian.

Playing with the slave mask in his hand, Zhuge Shang was also much bolder. It seemed that this thing should not be harmful to him, so he took it up!

Zhuge Shang noticed that something was wrong. The slave mask actually had suction power, and it was far greater than his ability to resist. He sucked it so hard on his face, and his whole face was suddenly covered by a white mask. The slave word actually reflected from it and appeared on the front, position. It happens to be on the forehead. In this way, don't others think they are a slave when they see their masks? He secretly said that his curiosity was killed. He quickly pulled it with his hand, but he actually felt that the mask was as thin as if it didn't exist. Pulling it with his hand was like pulling his face. The pain and feeling were really real, but it was not all bad, but there was still a benefit, at least his own feeling. Knowledge has been comprehensively improved. In other words, what is reflected in his mind now is far around him. Not only the situation in front of him, but also behind his head can be seen clearly, and those butterflies and insects are so slow to death. Zhuge Shang believes that if he attacks, he can definitely This speed improvement is terrible for you to do more than five movements when others do an action.

However, the word slave on his forehead did make Zhuge Shang a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, Zhuge Shang still decided that since the mask could not be removed for the time being, he had to do it. His head lowered his head and hung down his hair in front, covering the word slave...