Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 15 Deer Section

Xiao Guding sighed, "What a pity! How can I say that Sister Lijuan speaks? Her voice is so low and weak. So that's it.

At this time, the rhubarb shouted excitedly and ran forward alone.

It was said that he had returned to the house not far away.

Lishan turned around and looked at Xiaoguding and said, "Okay, we're almost home. Let's not talk about this, okay?"

"Oh, I see." Xiaoguding replied very interestingly. He worked in a restaurant for two years and also knew that some things could not be mentioned, or others would be angry.

After a while, the little bone Ding said again, "Uncle, do you think this deer's fur can be used to make a wallet or something for me?"

"Haha, you little devil, you know how to take good things first." Lishan wiped the remaining tears from the corners of his eyes, "Okay, uncle will make you a belt with a leather wallet. How about making another pair of leather boots for you?

"Wow! Great, thank you, Uncle Lishan!" Xiaoguding completely swept away the melancholy just now, ran to the room excitedly and shouted, "Sister Kuan! Come and see, your father hit another fat deer today!"

Lishan became slightly happy by the childish childlike appearance of the little bone. It's better to be a teenager. He doesn't know the taste of sorrow.

Lijuan heard the sound and said excitedly, "Really? Dad hit a deer in the morning?" After saying that, he ran along the path under the cliff to see.

"Dad, you really have experienced it! I got a prey so soon!" Lijuan rushed up and hugged Lishan.

Lishan said lovingly, "A cuckoo, Dad is dirty, don't hug him!" Such a big man, how can he still be like a child?

"Dad, you are biased. Your mother is so old, why do you always hold her!" Lijuan pretended to stare at Lishan.

Dilishan laughed and said, "Okay, okay, Dad is biased. How about cooking a bowl of venison for you in person later?"

The cuckoo clapped his hands and jumped, "Okay, okay, you can eat Dad's meat again!" It's also good to change your taste. Turn around to touch the dead deer on Lishan's shoulder.

"Dad, how did you know how to beat such a cute deer? It's too ugly, it's pitiful!" Stretching out his little hand and touching the deer's soft fur and looking at the blood-stained dead deer, the rhaku became unhappy.

"Stupid child, you know how to talk nonsense! If you don't beat the deer, what do you ask us to eat? You think that other prey will be so easy to fight. Why don't you have to see a hunt and say anything about picking?

When I heard the words, the kull followed, and I didn't say anything

On the shoulder side of Lishan, he threw the dead deer on a long bench in the backyard, turned to the well to wash his hands, and went back to the house to get knives and other things for peeling.

When he came to an empty shelf in the yard, Lishan hung an iron hook as soon as he raised his hand. Walking to the bench, he grabbed the neck under the dead deer's head with his right hand, held up the dead deer's buttocks with his left hand, and easily picked up the dead deer.

Going to the shelf with an iron hook, Lishan raised his hands up again and put the deer's mouth into the iron hook. As soon as he let go, the deer hung on it and swayed back and forth.

Touched the knife that came out of the arrow branch from the waist wallet, pulled it down easily compared with the deer's lower chin, and directly cut a straight line to the tail, and the limbs also drew a straight line.

drew several straight lines, and Lishan quickly peeled off the fur with a knife. Except for the part of the deer's head, which is relatively difficult to peel, other places, the right hand knife gently scratched the mucous membrane, and the left hand pulled down slightly, and pulled down with a "hisss" sound.

In a while, a complete deer skin was peeled off.

The cuckoo ran happily from the kitchen and said, "Dad, give it to me, I'll help you nail the board to dry. Is this leather used to make a leather coat for me?

"It's better for you to nail it. However, this leather can't make a leather coat for you.

"Why, do you want to exchange it for money?" Lijuan looked disappointed and asked quickly.

"Oh, didn't you like leather clothes or something before? Why do you want it so much this time?" Lishan turned his head curiously to look at Lijuan and went to solve his deer skeleton. This leather is reserved for small bones to make leather boots and wallets.

"Oh, then I don't want it." Strangely, Lijuan is not angry about this and looks very happy.

Lijuan ran to a wooden shelf, first laid the deer skin on the board, and then nailed it to the edge of the leather with the bamboo tip cut next to it. A bamboo nail was nailed in each of the most prominent places.

Xiao Guding looked curiously on both sides, looked here, and then ran over there. For him, everything is relatively novel and has never been seen before.

But after running twice, Xiaoguding stayed on the side of Lishan, which was too monotonous.

On the side of Lishan, the knife in his hand drew a line directly from his neck again and went down in a straight line to the tail. However, the speed is a little slower this time. In the open place, some residual blood and black and red blood slowly oozed out.

The long-awaited rhubarb stretched out its tongue and licked the blood droplets and blood masses on the ground.

When the knife cut to the end, the dirt inside was exposed, and Lishan took out all the dirt inside. Some things that are difficult to deal with, such as trachea, are thrown to rhubarb to eat.

After taking the internal organs, the knife in Lishan's hand pulled along the deer's hind leg joint, and his wrist turned slightly to cut off one hind leg, put it on the chopping board, and then cut off another hind leg, just like cutting radish and cabbage.

"Uncle Lishan, you cut this deer skeleton, just like Uncle Sanniu cutting cabbage! But Uncle Sanniu can't cut bones as fast as you!" Xiaoguding is running back and forth now, and he can't find a place to help for the time being. He doesn't know how to do it.

"Oh, tell me, what does Uncle Sanniu do?" Last night, because Xiaoguding was too sleepy, Lishan really forgot to ask him about the specific situation caused before.

Three or two times, Lishan has taken down the deer's limbs, leaving only a rib frame and deer's head.

"I used to cook in that restaurant, but the food is not bad!"

"What about you? Is it really the second brother who runs the hall? Haha."

The little bone Ding blushed and said, "Can't you?"

"Ok, now, you can do it for me. There is meat to eat every day!" Lishan took the knife in his hand and solved the remaining bone shelves. After a while, the whole deer was divided into nine pieces.

When Lishan cut all the deer and hung it up, the bamboo nails on the other side of Lijuan were also nailed, and came to help clean the internal organs. At this time, Xiaoguding can also help, help with water cleaning, and then send it to the back to cook with the cuckoo.

Seeing Xiaoguding's hands and feet quickly cleaning the internal organs and other things, the cuckoo asked strangely, "Xiaoguding, did you often do this kind of thing before? Then why are you so thin without meat?

"Well, it's really hard to say. This is actually similar to washing cabbage or something. It's much more washed in a restaurant. However, it doesn't mean that I can eat more if I wash more. You think that there are people like you in the town. If you want to eat meat, you can get one. You have to pay for it. The small bone doesn't lift its head to clean the intestines and other internal organs.

Seeing that the small bone cleaning speed was quite fast, the cuckoo simply watched and chatted with him.