Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 16 Hard Practice

Although Xiaoguding moves very fast, those things are really not easy to do. I have to turn over and clean all the things. It's a headache.

If no one is watching, or Xiaoguding is still in the restaurant, he will definitely run away to play.

"Azale, don't be lazy there. Come and help your mother bring the dishes to the table."

"Oh, it's coming!"

The cuckoo stretched out his hands and washed them in a bucket of clean water, rubbed them, washed some of the greasy things that had just been stained, and then jumped to the kitchen.

"Drink, it's really hygienic. If it's me, hey..." Xiaoguding was washing the deer's intestines there, thinking that he used to wash vegetables in restaurants and so on. If it's not very important, he usually wiped it casually!

"Dad, little bone, it's time to eat!" The sound of crisp shouting came.

"Oh, here it comes."

Xiaoguding washed the laundry in the bucket that Lijuan had just washed, and then picked up a wooden barrel tied with hemp rope and threw it in the well, still holding a piece of rope in his hand.

The bucket just hung slightly on the water, less than a foot away. With a small swing of his thin right hand, the barrel sank sideways into the water.

When the bucket completely sinks into the water, Xiaoguding grabbed the hemp rope with his left hand and raised a large piece of it. With his right hand, he grabbed the rope at the edge of the well, lift it up again, and then grabbed it with his left hand. The ferry alternated and pulled out the barrel in a moment.

There is only about half a bucket in it, and a lot of water swayed back into the well when the small bones were picked up.

As soon as he picked up the bucket, the small bone stretched out his sleeve and wiped the fine sweat that had just emerged from his forehead.

Lishan, who was next to him, first nodded, and then shook his head like a rattle.

"Little bone, did you often fg water before? However, your strength is too small to compare with my mandarin. Do you think you are a big boy?

Xiaoguding blushed with great embarrassment and scratched his scalp. Unexpectedly, he compared him with the cuckoo several times. She was still a congenitally deficient girl!

"Dad, Xiaoguding, it's time to eat. Hurry up." The uckoo ran out again to urge.

Lishan looked at his daughter amusedly, "Cuckoo, when did you become so enthusiastic? Why didn't you urge your father to eat before?

Lijuan's slightly white face glowed with rouge and whispered, "Dad, you are bad. You know how to make fun of cuckoo in front of others!"

With that, he ran to Lishan and beat Lishan with two small fists.

Lishan laughed and said, "Haha, my daughter is good! Knowing that my father was tired, I knew that I beat my father's back. By the way, a little further up, don't beat that place, it's also up!"

Lijuan turned around and ran back to the hall, "I ignore you. I'm going to eat."

Lishan first washed the blood and greasy hands in the bucket of water that the two of them had washed their hands, and then washed it several times with the water that Xiaoguding had just hit.

While washing, Lishan said, "Xiao Guding, don't go with me in the afternoon. You'd better practice at home first."

"Okay, I'll practice with Sister Cuckoo in the afternoon. It happened that I climbed the mountain with you all day, and I was exhausted!" After washing his hands, Xiao Guding turned around and entered the hall.

"Good little bone, you know how to be lazy! You have to practice hard, you know!" Lishan shook his head.

Now the little bone can't even open the bow steadily, not to mention shooting birds or something. Unless the bird hits the arrow by itself. Therefore, it's not bad to let Xiaoguding accompany his daughter. First of all, it can relieve cuckoo's boredom and talk about some outside knowledge. It's more convenient for peers to talk.

Just think of it as a convenience for the cuckoo, hoping to keep the small bones.

Lishan washed and sighed again.

"Dad, hurry up, I'll be waiting for you!" The gull urged vigorously.

"It's coming!"

grabbed a towel under the eaves and wiped his hands, and Lishan walked into the hall.

"Yo! What are you doing?" Lishan was there and asked puzzledly. After a while, he went to the upper stool and sat down.

"Today, did the sun come out from the west?"

With that, Lishan pretended to stretch out his head and look outside.

At this time, where can you see the sun in this hall!

Lijuanniang stretched out a pair of bamboo chopsticks and knocked on Lishan's hand on the table, "Her father! Don't be funny. How ridiculous it is to make guests look!"

"Well, let's eat. Where did so many rules come from!" Lishan picked up the pair of chopsticks and put a piece of meat for the small bone. "Guest, where are the guests? Xiaoguding is his own family! Xiaoguding, don't you think so?

"Thank you, uncle. I'll do it myself." Xiao Guding stood up and said shyly, "Yes, we are just a family. How can we be so polite!"

The cuckoo patted her forehead and said, "Ha ha, we are a family. I'm always confused!"

"Madam, are you old? If there weren't only three people here, if you took Sister Cuckoo to go shopping, Xiaoguding would definitely have been thinking that you are Sister Cuckoo's sister!"

"Hahaha, cough, your child is so funny that you know how to say good things to coax your aunt! Cough..." Lijuan smiled so much that her tears flowed down. It's rare that she is so happy again!

Lishan stretched out his big hand and gently patted Li Yanniang on the back: "Madam, take it easy!"

This time, it's really soft.

"Who did you learn these words from?"

"That's what Uncle Sanniu said when he coaxed his wife. Every time he said this, his third uncle and aunt laughed happily. Listen, listen, I learned it.

"Also, other guests in the restaurant often say so."


After eating this meal happily, Xiaoguding and Lijuan saw Lishan lead the dog down the mountain.

Xiao Guding began this afternoon's hard training.

Grabbing the bow and arrows, the cuckoo took the little bone to a small lawn not far from the house.

It is said that the lawn is about ten feet long, and there are still some tall trees around it.

And those lawns obviously formed a flat ground after a long time of stepping. There are obvious traces of knife cutting on the edge of the lawn.

However, compared with the whole mountain, this is already a very difficult place to find.

"This is the place where I often come to train."

It's only 80 or 90 feet away from the house she lives in, and it's good to run over and play.

"Ha ha, it's really rare, and this relatively flat place. Sister Cuckoo, how can I practice now?

"Step by step!"

"I don't learn martial arts, what kind of horse step?" Xiao Guding looked unwilling.

"How can you stand firmly when you practice horse walking? If you don't stand firmly, it's not easy for you to aim. Besides, my father said that this archery is originally a kind of martial arts.

"Do you also know martial arts?" Xiaoguding reluctantly squatted like a cuckoo and asked.

"I don't know, that's what Dad said. He said that almost all the people who have been harmed have practiced martial arts.

The cuckoo patted the little bone Ding's slightly raised leg, "Squat down and want to be lazy again!"

"You stretch your body straight back and hunch your back. It's so ugly!"

While beating Xiaoguding's inaccurate posture, from time to time, he hid to his hand to cover his mouth and secretly smiled for a while.

It was only half a column of incense, and the small bone suddenly fell to the ground as soft as a bone.

Open your mouth and gasp exaggeratedly.

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead on the ground. You don't have time to squat like that. Are you ashamed to get up and continue!"

The little bone ding lazily hides on the grass, which is comfortable, comfortable and comfortable!

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Sister cuckoo, you won't play with me, will you?"

"I'm kidding you? Get up quickly!" He stretched out his leg and kicked the little bone lying on the ground.

Suddenly covered his mouth and smiled.

"Wow, sister Cuckoo, you just tricked me!" The little bone simply put his hands behind his head to pillow.

The Lijuan kicked him again, "Get up and continue to practice. I really didn't lie to you!"

Little bone Ding lay on the ground and didn't open his eyes. "Sister Cuckoo, you just play with me. Why don't you demonstrate it yourself?"

"Well, you bastard, let me show you. You will squat for as long as I squat. Don't play tricks for a while!"

With that, the uckoo stretched out his hand, split his legs, sank his waist, and stood in a regular posture.

It's more standard than ever!

"Well, that's good! I'll see how long Sister Cuckoo can squat!"

The cuckoo was just right, standing in front of Xiaoguding, still with his back to him. Xiaoguding was so happy that he didn't open his eyes and said confusedly.