Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 293 Back to the Restaurant


Azacher could understand, couldn't speak clearly, and replied astringently, "The boss hasn't come back. Who are you?"

When the door opened, the thin monkey saw that old Hu was a rare fat man and said in surprise, "Aren't you a friend of our boss? Our boss didn't come back. We are discussing how to deal with the leather goods, but we are not familiar with it. Please always ask for your help!"

"What can I do for you? Fatty, I don't have time!" Old Hu waved an anly and refused. Suddenly, his eyes were light, "Your boss sent you a letter to discuss how to deal with the leather goods?"

The thin monkey said, "This..."

Thatcher pulled him and said, "Don't say it!"

Old Hu stared at them awkwardly and said with a smile, "I can't see it. It's very loyal!"

Finally, their eyes fell on the four snow-white and tall snow dogs, which had been calmed by Isaachel. In their white and sharp teeth, they stretched out a bright red tongue, eight chilling eyes, and stared at Old Hu with vigilance.

Old Hu praised, "That's right, good dog!"

The masked bodyguard became a little uncomfortable. As soon as the fat man came in, he did not look at him, but stared at the four snow dogs excitedly, as if he didn't know that he was more powerful than the four snow dogs, which made him angry and disappeared in an instant, becoming as plain as water.

Old Hu praised it in his heart, a good bodyguard!

Old Hu couldn't help but be more curious about how the little Guding nets such a few foreign master guards and got a lot of fur mountain treasures.

And look at the few sewn leather clothes hanging in the warehouse, Char's hunchback old man's skills are also extraordinary! Definitely a cobbler with decades of experience.

Are they really going to be this leather tycoon?

Old Hu suddenly became curious and has never been so eager to know what happened to Xiaoguding in the past year. Hundreds of rich people from the mainland went to the other side of the mainland to chase them, but they ran back to the Qian Song Dynasty to be their leather tycoons, so free!

The thin monkey did not give up and begged, "This big boss, you are a friend of our boss, and you must help us!"

Old Hu glanced at the pile of leather clothes, shook his head and smiled, "It's a joke to ask the fat man to help sell leather clothes! However, you tell me in detail about your boss's affairs over there. I'm happy to hear the fat man. I can also help you.

The thin monkey said, "I was recruited as a family member by Boss Ai from Changyuan Pier. I don't know anything about them there, and I dare not ask more."

The thin monkey turned around and looked at Isaac and the others. He was also looking forward to it, but he didn't dare to ask. In addition, he didn't understand the language with them and it was not convenient to ask.

Thatcher shook his head and said astringently, "I'm not interested! The boss asked us to deal with it, and we figured it out by ourselves!"


Old Hu stagnated for a while, and then smiled and patted Isaac on the shoulder and said, "You are righteous enough!"

When he turned around, old man Hu grabbed a letterhead in his hand and pulled it out, but he couldn't understand it. He couldn't help raising it in discouragement and said, "What is written in this letter?"

"When did you steal my letter? Give it back to me!" Isaac was eager to grab the letter and hurriedly touched it in his arms. Fortunately, the silver ticket with the letter paper was still there!

Old Hu smiled and said, "What did you say? The fat man doesn't understand! Don't worry, the fat man looks down on your poor silver ticket!"

The thin monkey was shocked. It was a whole thousand taels of silver tickets, but the fat man said it was pitifully few!

After this scare, the next day, Isaac made a special change of silver tickets for several small denominations of silver and fragmentary silver. Most of the silver tickets were kept by the agile masked bodyguard to avoid being lost from his arms again.

Look at Mr. Hu's unknowing skills, the masked bodyguard is also worried that the silver ticket will be lost from his arms, but looking at his people, he is better, so he did not refuse. It is reluctant to be difficult to become this silver ticket guardian who has never thought there would be any difficulties before, beware of old man Hu. The master.

Azacher didn't say anything, Old Hu had nothing to do with them. While being anxious, he suddenly shrugged his ears and said with a smile, "You bastards, there is also a forbidden army watching here!"

Old Hu returned to the restaurant with the letter. Isaachel quickly chased him out and turned around and said, "Brother bodyguard, you can help take care of the goods first. I'll take care of you later."

The masked bodyguard ordered them all to go to dinner and close the door to guard the goods.

In the restaurant, even if there are too many passengers eating now, many people are standing, leaving a table where no one sits. There were several people around, and the second child of the store was entangled with them to explain.

Old Hu forced them away, sat down domineeringly, and shouted to the shopkeeper, "Cheer to cook!"

Several people pointed to the old man Hu and said, "Why did he sit down as soon as he came?" Didn't someone make a reservation?"

When Mr. Hu came back, the shopkeeper quickly served the food, and immediately someone patted the table and shouted, "What's going on? We have been waiting here for so long and haven't served yet. He served so many dishes as soon as he came? Shopkeeper, what's going on? Hurry up and bring us food!"

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Don't be impatient. This guest's dishes have been ready for a long time and stay there, otherwise they wouldn't have served so fast!"

Several people immediately didn't mention the table and continued to pat the table and shouted, "We don't care so much. Hurry up and serve the food, and people will starve to death!"

Azacher said urgently, "Boss, can you return the letter to me?"

Old Hu said with a smile, "Do you want to take it back? Tell me, what's written here?

Thatcher said astringently, "The boss wants us to deal with the leather goods by ourselves."

Old Hu said, "No more? That's all?"

Azacher shook and replied simply, "It's gone!"

Old Hu nodded and was slowly tasting the wine one cup after another, and he didn't bother to ask them again.

Azacher and the others were so hungry that they cooed and squeaked their mouths, but they didn't dare and didn't want to eat with him.

After waiting for a column of incense, they were stunned. Old Hu shook his head and pointed to the wine and said with a smile, "Eat, what are you doing? Are you afraid that the fat man will ask you to pay the bill?

The thin monkey swallowed the waterway: "The big boss usually doesn't share a table with us. In addition, I don't dare to sit at a table with the big boss!"

Old Hu laughed and said, "Yoho, those two kids have come up with such a broken rule, and they really regard themselves as a big boss! Come on, everyone sit down. There is no such rule here, fat man!"

The thin monkey said, "Can we really sit down?"

Old Hu said, "You sit and eat together. Don't stand aside to prevent the fat man from eating!"

The thin monkey rubbed his hands and stared excitedly at the wine on the table and said, "Let's eat it. Don't we have to pay the bill?"

Old Hu glanced at the thin monkey and said, "Did you pay the bill? Selling you is not enough for a fat man to drink two pots of wine!"
