Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 294 Hu Chunqiu


Old Hu and Isaacel were drinking at the same table. In the palace, a bodyguard reported to Princess Wenyue about the incident of robbing old Hu's letter.

Princess Wenyue frowned and said, "Is that fat man a thief? Then why don't you take him down?"

The guard said, "Princess, old Hu is indeed a thief, and he is a skilled old thief! However, we dare not catch him!"

Princess Wenyue said, "What do you do? So many internal guards are still afraid of a thief?

The bodyguard said in horror, "Old Hu is not an ordinary thief, but the only descendant of the Holy Hand Gate, known as the first thief! The light skills are excellent, and no one in the palace can match it!"

Princess Wenyue became interested and asked excitedly, "The commander of the imperial palace can't compare with him?"

The bodyguard said, "In terms of martial arts, the old man Hu is far worse than the head teacher; in terms of light skills, Mr. Luo is still a little short of him!"

"Really?" Princess Wenyue smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that this will reach the head of the teacher?"

The bodyguard smiled and said, "What the little one said is the truth! The headmaster can't punish the little one in private. Her Royal Highness has to make the decision for us!"

Princess Wenyue asked with a smile, "Then why is he so good at martial arts?"

The guard said, "It's difficult to do both. For example, the martial arts champion can't become the literary champion again. This old man has a good skill, which is for the need to escape for his life!"

Princess Wenyue said again, "Can't the forbidden army surround him and shoot him with ten thousand arrows?"

The guard said, "The old man has good skills, excellent appearance skills, and excellent theft skills. He enters and exits the palace and the royal palace, like entering no man's land. All the major schools in the world have been robbed by him. What are the top-level secrets, the best healing drugs, and self-defense armor? If you want to copy them, you can copy them. If you want to take them, you can take them by hand. General sneak attacks are useless to him at all. He wears soft silk armor close to him. When it comes to the assassination of the old man, Xiao remembered a very interesting thing!"

Princess Wenyue threw the sword to the maid, sat back in the tiger leather soft chair, and said excitedly, "Thom it carefully to me!"

The bodyguard cleared his throat and said, "Your Highness, I don't dare to say it. I'm afraid that after the little one tells you, someone will make trouble with the little one!"

Princess Wenyue said, "You can rest assured and boldly say that you are the bodyguard of this princess. Who dares to touch you?"

The bodyguard was bold and slowly told the story in detail.

Thirty years ago, in the capital, in the mansion of General Luo, one of the elders of the dynasty, the young eldest son Luo married a second concubine. On the night of his wedding, two colorful underwears of the bride and groom were hung on the shelves of dozens of high city gate buildings, leaving a line of big characters: Hu Chunqiu, the 17th generation of the heir of the Holy Hand Gate.

It was not until the morning of the next day that the passing road found that there were boiling guidance and spectators until the guards who guarded the city invited the master of the praetorian guards and jumped off the wall, which attracted thunderous applause and curiosity of the crowd.

After the master with excellent skill took off his underwear, he ordered the guard guard to retreat from the audience and return to the palace, leaving everyone with suspicion.

In an hour, the capital was like a exploded pot, and various versions of underwear spread quickly.

Since this incident, the rich people in the world have fled and shuddered; they were shocked in the middle of the night and it was difficult to sleep.

And Hu Chunqiu has become more careful since this accidental exposure. It was not until after a few years that he once again showed his mouth after being drunk.

It was difficult to get his whereabouts. With the lesson of the past, the town and county government did not dare to act rashly. It was the best to send light skills, and the experienced catchers were hanging far away.

Without feeling any deadly danger, Hu Chunqiu's reaction did not change much, so he stayed in this town to drink and live, so that a large number of good Jianghu and the imperial guards who came to the capital had enough opportunities to come.

This time, the peripheral interceptors were first arranged on the closed wall. The people who directly participated in the siege were excellent light skills and first-class martial arts. Even the archers were first-class masters with profound internal skills.

A wider and stronger network opened.

The bow and arrow are on the string, the sharp blade comes out of the sheath, and the murderous spirit is soar. Hu Chunqiu, who is confused, has a chill and wakes up a lot. Goodbye, the knives around him are dazzling, shaking his head, his forehead and palms are coldly sweating, and he can't be awake anymore.

Hu Chunqiu just moved, and powerful arrows fired, roaring through the air, blocking Hu Chunqiu to death.

Hu Chunqiu shook his hands as usual, fishing for three or two arrows. Hu Chunqiu felt that the arrows were surprisingly strong, which made his arms numb, the tiger's mouth was about to crack, and his body was like a hedgehog, and his clothes were shattered.


Hu Chunqiu opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The wind was sizzling, and everyone shouted excitedly. They cut their hands with swords and wanted to smash the corpse directly.

The crowd in front of them were slashing, and the archers immediately sealed the retreat behind Hu Chunqiu, carefully leaving no flaws that could escape.

With the sword, Hu Chunqiu did not retreat and moved forward. Taking advantage of the gap of the sword's move, he took a few knives and rushed out with a ghostly action.

Several good hands and feet came out, and they wanted to force Hu Chunqiu back and trapped him here.

Hu Chunqiu's body shook, and his muscles and bones shrank sharply. He passed through the crowd like a loach, and cut off the throats of several good hands on the spot.

Hu Chunqiu's diamond moves like a ghost and is as fast as a meteor. The people who were killed by a fatal blow were like night owls, and some fell to the ground directly like wood.

The three fell and chased with powerful arrows behind them. Hu Chunqiu's gray-yellow shadow had already run several feet away.

"He has protective armor on him!"

"He can shrink his bones!"

"Stop him!"

"This is over!"

"You must stop him! Don't let him run away!"


Everyone roared in horror, and some couldn't help shivering. They were so scared that they were dumbfounded and chased more like crazy.

Strangely, Hu Chunqiu did not flee out of the city this time, but drilled into the alley. The masters who came after him died one after another inexplicably, or poisoned, or hidden weapons, with different conditions.

The masters were even more frightened, and the pace of chasing and killing became slower.

With this slowdown, everyone actually lost the trace of Hu Chunqiu!

It was not found that their own people fell one after another inexplicably throughout the city.

Everyone was frightened and stopped searching and gathered together.

"No, someone poisoned it! Hu Chunqiu is in our team!"

Suddenly, a master of poison screamed and quickly swallowed a few antidote pills.

The people next to him foamed one after another, and the master who used poison also fell crookedly. Only two masters who had practiced the magic skills of King Kong stood there safely, with a frightened look in his eyes, staring at a former "teammate" next to him.

"King Kong's body protection magic power! It's a little interesting. I can't fix you for the time being, and your family is also good! Haha...cough..."

Hu Chunqiu laughed for a while and coughed and flew away, leaving the two surviving masters with frozen cold and endless nightmares.

A master looked at the figure flying away: "This terrible demon, he actually suffered internal injury!"