Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 364 Arrival in Lianzhou


The two little bones disguised as a middle-aged couple came out of Quanzhou City for several miles. A tall man's voice came from the carriage: "Have you prepared a horse in front of you? This carriage is too slow!"

Before the "carman" answered, a woman's voice immediately came from inside: "husband, it's good to sit in this carriage. You can also doze off. If the sun doesn't shine and the wind can't blow, let's not change it."

The "carman" originally opened his mouth to speak, shook his head with a wry smile, and continued to drive forward until they found a result.

In the carriage, the two hugged each other and reclined on the narrow wooden couch. Xue Yueer was below, and the little bones were on it.

Xue Yueer can only be regarded as sitting on the wall of the carriage. The little bone is much more comfortable. He leaned in the arms of the warm and soft jade, grabbed Xue Yueer's two white jade hands, closed his eyes lightly, closed his eyes to refresh himself, and let his body shake with the vibration of the carriage.

Xiao Guding said, "If you like it, then take a carriage. Anyway, there is no time to climb mountains on this road."

Xue Yueer frowned slightly and soon unfolded. She gently carried a pair of thin hands with small bones, scratching on his thin chest, and her smiling face was as affectionate, as soft as spring waves and blue water.

After a quarrel in the carriage, there was no movement for a long time. The "carman" couldn't help but be stunned and secretly said that the child's heart changed. He shook his head with a wry smile and continued to drive on the road.

The sixth princess had an order that the four guards could not go anywhere before she left the house, just followed the two little bones day and night until they rescued themselves from the palace. If you can get out of the house perfectly, you can get thousands of silver at that time, and you can also go back to the royal palace to work at ease. You don't have to run around the rivers and lakes every day and suffer from the journey.

Day and night, Xiaoguding and the two rushed to Lianzhou City without hurry. It only took two days to arrive at Lianzhou City, a prosperous state city near the sea.

Looking at the familiar high wall in front of him, the "cartman" who drove the car with a happy face and whispered, "Son, we have arrived at the gate of Lianzhou City. Where are we going next? Let's prepare early!"

In it, he was about to fall asleep and rubbed his sleepy eyes. He sat up with Xue Yueer's ** with his hands and got out of the car to investigate.

Xue Yueer shouted in pain: "Oh, it hurts so much, and my feet are numb again!"

Xiaoguding quickly opened the curtains and saw that he arrived at the land of Lianzhou City. He nodded and said, "You can arrange to take the Donglu wharf and hire a boat to go to sea."

After the order, Xiaoguding quickly ran back to the small wooden couch and gently beat Xue Yueer's numb legs. Xue Yueer's originally slightly frown immediately relaxed and said with a smile, "My husband, you are so kind to me!"

She forgot that she had been a cushion for Xiaoguding all the way. Xiaoguding could move as much as she wanted in her arms, but she didn't dare to move a little for fear of disturbing Xiaoguding's doze off.

Little bone Ding smiled and continued to beat her legs briskly.

The driver asked in surprise, "Son, why did you go to sea without saving..."

Xiaoguding said, "Don't worry, we won't forget it. We have planned to go to sea for a long time. If you are worried, you can report it to your son."

The driver said, "We dare not, but we'd better come back quickly."

Xiao Guding continued to pat Xue Yueer's legs and said, "Go ahead, remember to get a boat!"

The coachman gestured and immediately rode the luxury car and ran over, close to the carriage and discussed in a low voice for a while. The luxury guest's face changed slightly, nodded helplessly, left with the horse, and discussed with the other two people with different images.

The carriage continued to travel slowly to the city.

The three discussed for a while. Except for one horseman who was still wandering around the carriage, the other two riders rushed to Donglu Wharf and did not run to the government office and the royal palace.

On the way, a person said, "Let's report the news?" At that time, we can't bear the blame!"

The other man frowned and thought for a while and said, "Well, let's tell the truth!"

Immediately, their soldiers were divided into two roads. One went to the dock to hire a boat, and the other rushed to the post station in Lianzhou City. Immediately, a white pigeon flew into the air and flew down to the fragrant pavilion of the royal palace.

In the martial arts practice in the Xiangge, a middle-aged man in a royal robe was walking back and forth angrily. In front of him sat a smiling princess, who was the sixth princess who had just returned. The top of her head was still combed with the kind of hair that a married woman would comb.

At this time, the sixth princess's maid hurriedly took the letter and saw the angry prince from afar. She immediately hid the letter and stopped in the distance and dared not pass.

The prince was sensitive, looked up at her angrily, and shouted, "Bring the letter here!"

The maid trembled in fear, looked at the sixth princess sitting in the chair with a smile, and slowly came over.

The white shadow flashed, and the sixth princess ran to the maid's side. She grabbed the letter and quickly unfolded it. Her happy face suddenly became ugly and muttered, "How can this happen? Do they want to escape again?"

The prince was angry and pointed to the sixth princess and said, "Yao'er! You...nonsense! Bring me the letter!"

The sixth princess looked at the big hand in front of her and was a little stared. Her body was excited and quickly tore up the small letter.

The prince was furious and hugged her to prevent her from continuing to destroy the evidence. He pointed to her nose and scolded, "You rebel! Hurry up and piece it out. This time, I will never let this boy run away again. He is still lawless and got married without permission! If you are a minor, just comb a woman's hair. Are you trying to make your father angry?

The sixth princess smiled and said, "The child married early, which just saved my father's heart!"

The sixth princess's maid, Lvxiang, picked up the fragments on the ground in horror and hurriedly put them on the table to put them together.

The word was spelled out, and there were only two words of outline. Strangely, the handwriting inside was missing and disappeared!

The prince was furious and stared at the maid and said, "Did you hide the one in the middle? If you dare to shield your master, I will beat you a hundred boards and sell them to the brothel!"

"Lord, spare your life! All the slaves picked up are here. It's really not hidden!"

The maid Lvxiang knelt on the ground tremblingly and kowtowed.

The prince shouted angrily, "Nonsense! Where is the handwriting in the middle?"

The sixth princess held a cup of tea with a smile: "Father, in this tea, do you want to send someone to fish it out and have a look? Look at that word, it hasn't melted!"

Even the prince looked at the delicate floral teacup in front of him. Under the light green tea leaves, there were indeed many white fragments, and the light black ink slowly melted. With this patchwork time delay, you don't have to look at it. It has already melted!

The prince was furious and grabbed the cup in the sixth princess's hand and said, "Damn it, you rebellious son!"


The teacup fell on the blue brick slab on the ground, smashing, and the porcelain and tea splashed.


The green fragrance was next to her, and the fragments and tea splashed all over her. Fortunately, she didn't hit her face. She trembled in shock and was stunned for a moment. She quickly went to clean up the fragments on the ground.

The prince broke the teacup, stared at the smiling sixth princess angrily, and shouted, "Tell me, what's written on it?"

The sixth princess laughed and said, "Father, since the letter has been destroyed by the child, how can it be recruited? Hee, if he can recruit, the child won't spend a lot of effort to destroy the letter paper!"

The prince slapped the table angrily and shouted, "You rebellious son! I'm so pissed off!"

A delicate thick wooden table was banged by him. The long sword and cup basin on it jumped up and smashed heavily. The other cup of tea was shaken out, and the tea slowly flowed down.


Suddenly, the maid was so scared that she screamed again and threw the broken porcelain pieces she had just picked up on the slate.

"Get out!"

The prince was angry and scolded the maid. Continuing to walk back and forth, looking at the smiling sixth princess on the table, the beautiful little girl's face, but dressed in a woman's hair!

"I'm so angry, you rebellious son! I will trap you in this palace, and I won't believe it. Does that boy really have the ability to take you away?"

Even the prince couldn't stay any longer. He walked away angrily and ordered the guards guarding the door to be strictly guarded. If the sixth princess escaped, he would be punished.

In an hour, he knelt down with the group of guards and responded in fear that one day his head would move.

After the order, even the prince was so angry that he didn't sit down and went straight back.

As soon as the king left, the sixth princess's smiling look became uncomfortable, frowned, and became like her father, walking back and forth.

The sixth princess pouted and muttered, "Damn it! Do they really want to leave me alone and fly away by themselves? No, with their cunning, they won't even come out... They will tell the news blatantly to the guards if they escape."

"Did they encounter the interception of their father? Impossible! My father just learned the news today and came to accuse me. There is absolutely no time to arrange a hand basin to check.

"What the hell is going to happen?"


On that day, the sixth princess walked violently in the martial arts arena and didn't even practice martial arts. Immediately, someone sent the news to Prince Lian, which made the prince happy and another layer of worry, worried that the sixth princess would go crazy again.