Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 365 Meeting at Sea


After sending out the carrier pigeon at the post station, the bodyguard disguised as an ordinary passenger immediately rushed back to their side. Looking at the driver, he opened his mouth several times and stopped talking. The driver looked suspiciously and flew in a flying posture, and the passenger nodded.

The driver's face changed sharply, sighed, and continued to drive forward.

Hearing the sigh of the driver, the little bone Ding inside suddenly became suspicious and asked, "Did you really send the letter back?"

The driver squeaked, "Son, no, I don't know!"

Xiao Guding was furious and scolded, "stupid thing, you are going to kill me!" How dare you send a letter back to the royal palace at this juke? Alas, what else is grinding? Hurry to the dock and drag it off. If you are with us, you will be captured into the royal palace. Let's see how you will tell your master! A bunch of idiots!"

The driver's face was red and white, stunned for a moment, and quickly whipped his horse and rushed to the road. Although Xiaoguding is now a fugitive, if he wants to protect his current status safely, he can't offend him.

In the carriage, Xiao Guding asked, "Is the wine and meat ready?"

The driver immediately compared the passenger with his hand, and the passenger immediately ran to the restaurant to prepare good wine and meat.

As soon as the carriage carrying the two small bones arrived at Donglu Pier, a medium-sized boat had been parked there, and a man who looked like a little millionaire waved to them.

Later, the passengers brought several jars of wine and several bags of braised meat on board. When the personnel arrived, the owner of the hired boat gave an order, and the boat raised its anchor and began to sail into the blue sea.

Not long after the boat went to sea, a team of guards with guns and sharp armor immediately came from the dock, with a small piece of smoke and dust behind it.

The boss guessed, "Is it sent by the prince?"

Xiao Guding scolded, "As for the good deeds you have done, those must have been sent by the prince."

The old man in the bow suddenly changed his face, and he trembled with fear. His eyes looked nervously at the six little bones, thinking that there was a team of strong thieves on the ship.

Looking at his frightened and embarrassed appearance, a group of guards couldn't help laughing. If you really want to say that there are thieves, they are just two small bones. When did they confuse themselves with strong thieves?

The bodyguards smiled faintly and didn't bother to pay attention to the reaction of the boat boss. They said to Xiaoguding, "Sir, don't worry, they won't chase them for a while!"

There is a kind of broken wave boat in the Wangfu fleet. The hull is narrow and long, and the bow is wrapped in iron. There are no other heavy things on the ship, and there is not even a canopy for people to rest, which is specially used to chase and hit hostile ships. Pulling the sails full, the ship's several pairs of strong hands together is really fast. It's definitely a piece of cake to chase this kind of ordinary merchant ships and cargo ships.

As long as they haven't found the whereabouts of others, they should not be sent out.

The boat sailed dozens of miles away and gradually blurred the appearance of the dock. What can still be seen is the green on the edge of the city, reflecting the blue sea and the white clouds overhead.

Seeing that there was no such speed chasing boat behind, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief and were relieved.

Seeing that the little bones did not show a fierce appearance, the boat boss followed him with a little peace and boldly asked, "Where is the boss going?"

The bodyguard disguised as the boss went on the boat and only picked up the boat. The amount of silver was negotiated in a day, but he did not mention where to go, because the little bone did not tell him where to go, and they would naturally mention it after they boarded the boat. However, because of the news, the guards came to search and immediately forgot about it.

Xiao Guding said, "Source Mirror Island!"

The bodyguard was slightly relieved. If the two of them didn't really intend to escape to that continent, then they and others should be able to return to the royal palace soon.

The order is appropriate. The upper cabin inside is left for two small bones. Four or three of them rest, and one of them stays outside to observe at sea.

"Pirate ship!"

The captain of the boat shouted sadly and woke up everyone in the boat in an eye.

Little bone Ding, Xue Yueer, and three bodyguards rushed out of the cabin quickly. Under the dazzling afterglow of the sunset, a winged eagle embroidered on the sail hanging on the ship, which was dyed golden under the afterglow of the sunset, adding more domineering.

Standing under the big ship, they were all dressed in gray-white robes, and even their mouths and faces were tightly wrapped.

Looking at this, it's really like a pirate ship that kills and overstocks goods!

The ship boss steered in a panic and wanted to return to the original way, trying to rush back to the dock of his dynasty before their ship arrived. With the protection of the army, they dared to come in chaos.

Xiaoguding was a little surprised. When he saw the hull shaking, he found that the ship's boss was hurriedly turning the rudder. He laughed happily and said, "Ship boss, just lean over, it's okay!"

This is the sheep entering the tiger's mouth! The boss of the boat trembling with fear, his face became paler, and he cried secretly. He shook the steering wheel and almost fell on the boat.

Looking at his appearance, Xue Yueer laughed dumbly and comforted, "Ship boss, that ship is not a pirate ship. Don't worry! Don't worry, I'll have nothing to do with you!"

May be because Xue Yueer is a woman, the boss of the boat's face is slightly slow, he turns back and goes straight for the big ship. If you want to resist, you can't get good hands under this strong man. It's better to send them away safely, maybe you can save a small life.

The big boat embroidered with eagles is domineering, but it feels that the speed is not fast, and it is not as good as the small boat they are riding. The boss of the ship was a little calm, and then he could see that the shape of the ship was elliptical, not a sharp shape, not like a pirate ship with fast pursuit speed.

The boat boss laughed, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, grinned and showed his white teeth, which were so dazzling under his dark skin.

The boat was getting closer and closer, and the men on the boat were found, dressed in robes embroidered with flying eagles.

Maybe he felt that the boat was going straight for them, and a team of men with long machetes immediately came out of the deck and watched the ship's movements on the deck.

Several people on the ship were from the Qiansong Dynasty, and no one they knew was among them. A leading man shouted, "Hold, what are you doing here?"

Their faces were wrapped up, just looking at the two exposed eyes, they could not see the difference in their faces until they heard the sound, and the two couldn't help smiling.

Hearing the laughter of the two little bones, the four bodyguards next to them looked at each other and asked uncertainly, "Are they the people of Sand Eagle Castle?"