Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 441 Find a water source, difficult camping


About an hour or two before dark, Xiaoguding arrived at the cave mentioned by Xue Yueer, threw the package in, and then climbed in to sort it out slowly.

Slowly walked nearly two or three miles with two packages that were neither light nor heavy, and there was no rest in the middle. After throwing the package into the cave, Xiaoguding easily climbed up this cave, which was also more than one foot high, and then he realized that his strength had improved a little.

Is it really the role of those grass leaves?

Shaking his head, the little bone went in with a smile on the corners of his mouth to clean up the debris and prepare to build a tent. However, this construction action is still so clumsy.

This cave is larger and deeper than the previous cave, and the rock surface on it is not as wide as before. Anyway, the ordinary slanting wind and rain can't blow in at all, and the camping accommodation is excellent.

Of course, this is not guaranteed that there is no effective arrangement of organs in front of this small cave without the attack of fierce beasts.

After cleaning up, the little bone Ding went to the entrance of the cave and looked at it. There was no sign of the sixth princess in her eyes, but Xue Yueer came panting.

Xue Yueer looked at Xiaoguding standing at the mouth of the cave without the figure of the sixth princess, and asked anxiously, "Why didn't you go to Yao'er?"

It means that there is no hurry to build a tent or something. In this unknown place, the safety of the three people is the most important.

Little bone Ding smiled and said, "There is no danger in the daytime. At most, you will faint from hunger. I saw that it was getting late, and I was afraid that it would be too late to build a tent, so I set it up first. You can rest here first, and I'll look for it. Don't worry too much.

Xiao Guding has learned to hunt and can search for the previous movements of the six princesses from the sweeping traces of the grass, so he does not use Xue Yueer to lead the way. What's more, the three of them are not moving fast now and can't walk far.

After building the tent, Xiaoguding also felt a little tired, because the power gained by eating grass like a rabbit was almost exhausted, but Xiaoguding still persisted.

After about three pillars of incense, Xiaoguding shouted as he walked. Suddenly, a flower shadow rose in the grass in front of him and waved happily and shouted, "Husband, I'm here!"

The voice is clear and exhilarating, and he must have almost recovered.

Looking at her hiding here and sleeping safely, but others were worried about her safety. Xiaoguding shook his head with a wry smile: "You will enjoy it, which makes your sister worried."

The sixth princess came over with a smile and said, "Are you worried?"

Xiaoguding said, "Don't worry, I didn't find it until I built the tent!"

So, the sixth princess's face became a little ugly. She pouted and said, "I hate it. I feel sleepy and tired. I fell asleep as soon as I fell asleep. I didn't mean to worry about you."

Although I am acting coquettishly, I know that I have slept in this strange place. It is indeed a little too much. It is necessary to explain it.

Seeing that her current strength and movements have become as powerful as the grass he had before, he grew up one or two years old out of thin air, and said with a smile, "Don't talk about this, you can also learn from rabbits to eat grass."

"Well, it's terrible. It's much worse than the barbecue I cooked for the first time. But it was not poisonous, so I gritted my teeth and ate more. And now, I find that these things seem to replenish a lot of strength, and you have to eat more. Until we find better food, we can only be this weed animal for the time being.

Little Bone Ding smiled and looked at Xue Yueer slightly tiredly because of some kind of beast feces like mouse shit and the traces of grass leaves she had nibbled next to her, so she found this kind of grass that was different from what she had eaten before. She smiled and shook her head. She was not smart alone. Liu Gong Such a wise person will first think of this in such an environment without knowing what food is edible and what food cannot be eaten.

This kind of grass is smaller and narrow, really like a wild grass. The small bone is cut off a piece of it with a cold iron dagger and chewing, but it tastes the same as the leaf I had previously found, but the amount of a single slice is less, and it takes more effort to clean it up, but for those who can't swallow now, it's better to eat it with this kind of forage. However, you can chew the grass when you are bored.

When not sure which of the two kinds of grass leaves are currently found to be eaten better, both of them were cut. After a while, they tied up a large bundle.

The movements are still slow and clumsy, but they are in a slightly better mood. At least they and others can solve the temporary food crisis safely.

As for the water source, there is also some water in these green grass, which can solve the urgent need. It is estimated that even if they drink all the water stored in the water bottle, they will not die of thirst because of lack of water.

Back to the tent with two bundles of grass, they felt that they were feeding themselves as cattle and sheep. The two couldn't help smiling at each other, mocking themselves for a few words, and walking slowly.

Xiao Guding shook his head and smiled again, "I can't imagine such a delicate princess as you. How can you eat grass so honestly?"

The sixth princess said angrily, "I said I won't talk about this again!"


Xiaoguding was afraid that she would be angry, put away his smile and walked back happily. Between his eyebrows, it was still difficult to hide some sadness. Although they can learn to eat grass like cattle and sheep for the time being, it is not a long-term solution, and there is also a water problem. In this strange place, they don't want to come like before, but at least they have to be like a normal person. Otherwise, if they really meet a fierce beast, even if they have mutant crocodile armor to protect themselves, I'm afraid they may not be able to win anything.

Everything here is strange. In the past, ordinary daggers kept cutting the grass here, not to mention that they could pull it off with their hands!

With their current strength, only with cold iron daggers can they easily clean up these forage.

The grass is still like this, not to mention other insect and raptors, they can't help but worry about small bones.

One side of water and soil raise a person, and the strange forage raises strange beasts. Xiaoguding now seems to have found some enlightenment, and it seems that he has not been found it. All he knows is that now that there is no problem with eating these grasses, and then learn from cattle and sheep to live for a few days.

Before the two returned to the tent, they met Xue Yueer, who was worried and staggered. Until she saw the two of them, she sat down on the ground and rested, waiting for them to come over before going back.

After a while, the sunset was full of air, and in the dark cave, the sound of eating mulberry leaves kept coming. Three big guys, like black mice and spotted insects, frowned bitterly and grabbed the green grass and chewed with their eyes closed.

Sometimes, there are one or two complaints and loud laughter.

On the valley in the distance, a crescent moon slowly hung up again, and the dark night sky was full of bright or dark stars. Beauty is a little beautiful, but because of the endless roar of unknown beasts, the three of them were only worried and did not appreciate the leisure of the night.

In view of Xiaoguding's sleepiness and falling asleep the night before, after discussion, they even saved their sentry and squeezed into a tent to rest so that they could take care of each other.

Before going to bed, Xiaoguding first placed some rough warning things such as stone piles in front of the entrance of the cave, which could more or less let them know the action of beasts coming in advance, so that they could guard against them in advance. This can only be regarded as winning nothing and asking for a broad heart.

In the daytime, they were exhausted and sweating on their cheeks. The three of them still couldn't take a bath this night, with slightly sweaty leaves on their bodies. They didn't smell good, and they really became savages.

But extremely sleepy, coupled with the three people staying together and at ease, the three soon fell asleep and prepared to continue their journey tomorrow.

It's very strange. They went to bed early last night and woke up early today. When the sun was rising and there were still crystal beads of water hanging on the green grass, the three of them had woken up.

"Oh, I'm a little more powerful!"

The first one to get up was Xue Yueer. Last night, she gnawed more than their little bones after she was out of power. When she confirmed that she could only eat these things temporarily, she thought that all her life was resting on this, and she could only grit her teeth.

Some things are easy to say, but it's really not difficult to do. If you don't believe it, why do some people obviously have a lot of edible grass around them and starve their spareribs until they starve to death? This learning from cattle and sheep to eat grass also has extraordinary perseverance.

After the two of them woke up, the sixth princess rubbed her sleepy eyes and answered happily, "It's still true! It seems that we have to continue to be cattle and sheep before we find people and better food!"

Xiaoguding looked at the skin bag containing the fat green insects, and also lost a few green leaves to feed them. He smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know. How does it taste to roast these insects to eat? Will it be faster to recover?

Xue Yueer took his hand and said, "Let's not take too much risk. This bug is really unreliable. I'm afraid it's poisonous. If you really want to eat meat and find some big beasts, by the way, don't you know anything about it?

Xiaoguding continued to smile bitterly: "Then you have to have the strength to sort out those things. Do you think we can bend a branch with the thickness of our arms with our strength now?"

The two shook their heads. In the past, they could cut off empty-handed, but the branches here were not the branches they could encounter before.

With a wry smile, he had no choice but to continue to go out of the hole to harvest and eat grass, and suck some dew drops left on the grass.

In some cases, it is better to save some. Although they are very thirsty and hungry, there is still a mountain spring in the bamboo tube for a rainy day.

After squatting in the haystack for half an hour, the three of them had a difficult time eating today's bitter breakfast. After the grass was full, he continued to walk towards the slightly lower grassland, which was a little lighter, like a normal seven- or eight-year-old boy who could trot!

The day is approaching, and the three of them have traveled for more than ten miles. When they felt weak, there was finally a sound of running water in front of them, like the sound of nature.

"I finally found water to drink, that's great!"

"Great, now we can hold on for a while!"


The three people almost hollowed out their bodies, as if they had some strength. They ran desperately, and the bamboo tube on their bodies pinged.

In the distance, a small silver-white light belt, from the mouth of the forest, directly through the green grassland, winding the snake, so beautiful and amiable in the eyes of the three people.

The light wind blowing from their faces blew the tears from the corners of their eyes and spread on their faces. At this moment, they can't feel the cold feeling, only the relaxation and joy of the whole body, as if they had taken a fairy medicine, and they couldn't even feel the tired soreness on their bodies.

It's good to find water!