Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 442 Ready to Catch the Beast


The sound of the torrent became louder and louder, and the small silver white belt in front of them became bigger and bigger. The three of them finally ran to the stream that they had been looking for for nearly two days with tears.

It is not wide. The whole stream is less than a foot wide, and the water is extremely shallow. The underwater things come into view at a glance, full of pale sand and gravel and gray-black soil.

Plop, coo

The three people lay directly on the ground and bowed down in front of the stream to drink, just like a thirsty traveler running out of the thirsty desert.

After drinking enough, the sixth princess wiped the stream between her face and mouth, sat down with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Well, we finally don't have to worry about drinking water anymore!"

Xiao Guding sat down and said, "This is finally a little relieved."

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "In this way, we can live here for a long time, but we have to recover our strength as soon as possible."

The little bone nodded and cut a grass from the side to nibble. Xue Yueer and the sixth princess sighed helplessly, put away their happy smiles, and followed the same action.

Although this grass can help them replenish some physical strength, it is too unpalatable and difficult to digest. The average food of the three people is only enough to eat, and the strength obtained cannot be maintained for a period of time, and they also feel a little bloated and uncomfortable.

While rubbing her swollen belly, she frowned and nibbled at the grass. The sixth princess said unbearably, "It's really bad. Her belly is swollen. It can't go on like this."

Xiao Guding nodded and asked in surprise, "Do you feel the same way? I thought it was just my problem."

"This grass is probably not easy to digest, and is it because we drink less water?"

Xue Yueer suddenly blushed and lowered her head slightly, covering her black mask, but she could not see clearly.

After a while of discussion, Xiaoguding said, "This is a trouble. We have to pay attention to it, but we also have to find something to bake and eat. We can't go on like this.

Xiaoguding stood up and looked at the boundless grass next to him. Near the edge of the forest, he clenched his fist firmly and said, "We can't wait like this any longer. It's daytime. I have to try it while it's still early."

Xue Yueer nodded and slowly followed Xiao Guding to the edge of the mountain forest.

The mountains and forests in front are green and dense, just like the low hills they come in, but the climate is more comfortable, and the beasts inside are not sure whether there is danger or not.

After a column of incense, the three people who recovered a lot of strength successfully reached the edge of the forest and looked at the tall forest and low shrubs in front of them. The three nervously clenched the short dagger in their hands.

The current situation is not the same. They are just like seven or eight-year-old children. They are no longer first-class masters of martial arts. They can no longer be capricious. Naturally, they have to be careful.

Looking for some vegetation separated, which is obviously the beast road that haunts beasts and other animals. Xiaoguding said, "For safety, let's clean up some traps first, but everything here is particularly tough. We have to be careful not to be greedy."

Xiaoguding, who has always been bold and arrogant, has such an expression, not to mention the others, Xue Yueer naturally nodded and agreed, waiting for Xiaoguding to give orders.

Looking at the thick ropes carried by himself and others that cannot be used as hunting organs, Xiaogu Ding frowned and said, "These ropes are thick and not tough. I'm afraid they can't be used as beast hunting organs. We have to find other ways."

The sixth princess muttered, "But there seems to be no particularly tough rope on us!"

Xue Yueer said brightly, "How about snow silk?"

Xiao Guding patted his legs excitedly and said, "Yes, why didn't we think that you two would rub the rope tightly and I'll arrange the mechanism!"

The six princess was curious about the simple method of making ropes and learned it.

However, they are not as clumsy as before, and it is extremely difficult to clean up the snow silk, let alone rub a small and tough rope. Because this snow silk is extremely precious, and the previous sword is difficult to break, so Xiaoguding and others just stayed by their side and did not process them into ropes.

On the side of Xiaoguding, it is equally difficult to make parts. After cutting off the branch with the sharpest crescent, it is extremely difficult to grit and frown, and even bend a branch slightly thicker than the thumb.

Breathing like a cow, Xiaoguding finally bent down a small branch and stepped on it with his foot. He said with a wry smile, "It's true. It seems that we can only slowly adapt."

The sixth princess looked up and said, "husband, since this is really the case, will it be too big for us to arrange the organs on the edge of the forest and waste the only remaining snow silk in our hands?"

"It seems to be true."

The little bone Ding was lingered and struggled to step on the branch to prevent it from being bounced back. Suddenly, he said, "Then we won't arrange the mechanism here. Let's go back to the residence not far away."

After making up his mind, Xiaoguding said, "You get those things first. Cut down the branches of this size first. Let's carry them back first, and cut some branches and put them here for later barbecue."

The sixth princess cut down the branches and muttered, "It's a pity that there is nothing here. If we are asked to eat this kind of food in the future, there will be some suffering."

Xiaoguding said, "You are so ambitious. We haven't even finished eating meat yet, but you have already thought about how to make something better. You may not think too far, right?"

Xue Yueer said, "Yes, if we don't rush one step at a time, we will gradually get better."

The sixth princess sighed, "When will this wait?" All I know is that my belly is swollen, but I'm hungry!"

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "Why don't you try to squat next to it first to see if it works?"

Xue Yueer was stunned and didn't understand what it meant, but the sixth princess scolded viciously, "Sirty scoundrel!"

Xiaoguding said solemnly, "You are the wife I'm marrying. Why are you a hooligan?"

"This..." The sixth princess was poor and scolded red, "Anyway, you are a scoundrel!"

Xue Yueer looked left and right, and asked weakly, "What's going on?"

The sixth princess rolled her eyes and looked at the sister who was four years older than herself and said, "He means convenience."

Xue Yueer suddenly bowed her head shyly and was speechless, as if this was indeed a hooligan. Although there were no outsiders here, only three of them, this kind of thing, directly from her mouth, is always so difficult to accept, even if they are already a married couple.

After laughing for a while, the three of them struggled to cut down the branches, sweating all over their bodies and soaked their clothes. Later, when they saw that there was no danger around them for the time being, they simply took off their dark leather hats.

In this way, they still felt depressed and panicked, so the sixth princess said, "Husband, let's change our mask and stop wearing this dark leather coat, okay? Anyway, I've been here for more than two days, and I haven't seen anyone yet.

Little bone Ding thought for a while, nodded and agreed. The sixth princess immediately began to take off the layer of patent black skin like snake skin and said excitedly, "I haven't taken a bath for two days. I have to take a shower!"

Seeing that she was complacent, Xiaoguding quickly advised, "Slow down, slow down. If you haven't finished anything, you will enjoy it if you want to. How can you die!" Carry these things back first!"

Since entering this strange place, their strength has not only contracted, but also felt that these small branches that were once as light as willow catkins are as heavy as boulders. Five or six on one person's back is already the limit!

ji er

Suddenly, there was a strange song of birds above their heads. The three looked up and saw a fist-sized light green bird beating freely on a tree not far from them, pecking their feathers without being scared by their movements.

Xiaoguding swallowed his saliva: "I finally saw the first big bird and beast, but unfortunately we don't have the strength now. I really want to hunt and roast it!"

Xue Yueer suddenly said, "My husband, can you make another thick bow?"

Little bone Ding smiled bitterly: "Have you ever seen a seven- or eight-year-old child make a bow to shoot birds? It is extremely difficult for us to bend such a branch now. How to make an extremely accurate bow and then use it to shoot birds? Don't expect us to return to our original appearance. Don't forget that we are as weak as seven or eight-year-old children now, and it is extremely difficult to protect ourselves. From walking to running, you have to take your time.

Looking for a thin vine to tie up the cut branches, the three people gasped and began to run to the cave when they came and went with the extremely small but heavy branch on their back.

Xue Yueer gasped and walked back with the branches on her back. Thinking of some things that the yellow fairy had said to her before, she shook her head with a sigh and secretly said: No wonder the people in the fairyland did not go to the mortal world to accept apprentices, because it was difficult to adapt. If she and others hadn't practiced the unbad foreign skills of King Kong, I'm afraid they would even stand here. He was crushed to death and panicked about ordinary people.

At this time, they are really the same as ordinary children, with five or six bundles of small branches, and they have been extremely tired for more than ten miles.

When he rested again, Xiaoguding looked at the fresh traces of gnawing in the grass not far away, pulled out a branch with a smile, and hid it in the grass, so as not to be dried into dry branches by the hot sun above his head and become inelastic, which was not allowed to be used as a hunting organ.

He has studied hunting with Lishan for so long. He knows that in the case of insufficient strength, he can also borrow his intelligence to arrange this trap to get prey, just like when he arranged the mechanism to ambush the four tigers of Cangmen.

I don't know if the unknown monsters here have ever tasted such a trap?

put down the branch in his hand, and the corners of his mouth were slightly bent, but his stomach was disappointing. He cooted twice inappropriately, and all his smile disappeared in an instant.

When the sixth princess saw Xiaoguding put down the branch, she instantly guessed what he thought and complained, "Why didn't you put it down earlier? There are many traces of this road.

"Because it's close to our residence, I put it down."

The little bone answered with a smile and continued to move forward with the small branches on his back. The branches hidden here had to be together with the rubbed ropes to arrange the mechanism.

The sixth princess said, "Well, I have the least strength. You have to take care of me first."

"Well, I wanted to exercise your strength, but I didn't expect you to be so lazy!" Xiaogu Ding responded with a smile.

The sixth princess rolled her eyes: "No matter how lazy you are, you can't compare with this guy! I don't know how much free food you ate all the way!"

Xiaoguding's face did not change, "Hey, that's because I want to hone your delicate lady, so I did that."


Next, they found a trace of a fresh beast moving, so they put down a branch and didn't wait until the cave.

At this time, the three of them were also exhausted and sat on the ground gasping.

The sixth princess lay down in the grass without scruples and sighed, "So far away, I believe that when we wash up, we will come back and be so tired that we will be soaked!"

Xiao Guding smiled and said, "Then don't wash it and put up with it again, so as not to waste your time!"

The sixth princess rolled her eyes again and said, "Who is like you, so lazy!"

After a while of rest, the six princesses took their clothes and clothes to take a bath, but the little bones really sat still, allowing them to sarcastically and drag and pull, but they didn't go!

Xue Yueer had no choice but to take a bath by the stream while it was still early.

The two of them had just gone out, and the little bone took out the rope left behind and began to rub the small rope.

According to his idea, instead of thinking about how to enjoy life when it is difficult to act now, it is better to ensure your normal life and safety first. If you can't even save your life, what if it's fresh? This is his experience as a beggar in those years.

They have come to such a place. They don't complain about themselves, but they have to think about their safety and life.

With a sigh, the little bone continued to clumsily rub the snow silk rope, and dozens of small silk threads were combined into a wisp to make a silk thread the size of an iron needle.

This size should be tough enough to bind those little beasts, right? After all, in the place where it used to be, as long as such a silk thread can lift a beast weighing three or two pounds, it will generally not be broken by it. I'm afraid that some beasts are too ferocious and cunning to easily bite these ropes.

Of course, in the past, he had a good enough way for the beast tied to bite the rope, but it was easy to bite off the rope, but here, his strength became like a seven- or eight-year-old child, and he could not do it, so he had to do it first.


The sound of the abdomen is like thunder.

looked up at the blue-green in the distance of his eyes, and then touched his swollen stomach. The little bone shook his head helplessly and turned his head to stare at a dark skin, which contained several fat cyan worms, the size of his little finger.

It's time to bake them and try them. Let's go!

Xiaoguding gritted his teeth fiercely and decided to bake one first. After all, this is also meat, and it is cooked meat. That's what he thinks!


Yellow-white slightly red sparks flashed from a piece of firestone and splashed on a pile of dry grass leaves. A blue-gray smoke rose, and a red flame appeared for a moment.

This is the first bonfire of the three people who came to this strange place, all of which were burned with dead grass.