Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 461 Refining


Also in the evening before dark, the three came back one after another. After a full meal, a pot of Tongmai pill soup was cooked and began a new round of practice.

Before that, Xiaoguding did another thing, which was to crush all the dried herbs that had become extremely ineffective in the sun with a spiritual sword and mixed them into the cat's dinner food. Based on their idea of eating meat and drinking soup, some expect that with the help of these herbs, the spiritual power of the kitten will also be improved.

This move made Song Chuyao shout excitedly and stroked the big cat's head, looking forward to it to enter the state of practice as soon as possible.

The little bone can't help laughing. He and others have been practicing with the help of medicine for a long time, but they have not been able to shape the pulse successfully. What's more, this medicinal herb, but if it can make the big cat take the opportunity to realize the rare aura point and take the first step of practice, then it is also its luck.

However, imagine that after tomorrow, Lu Lvchan will wake up, and these herbal slag will not be left, and the welfare of the big cat will stop here. If it wants to enter the future, it has to pray that the three of them will practice until they no longer need these drugs, then it will be an auspicious day.

After imagining for a while, the three of them entered the porcelain house with soup bowls and carried out a new round of training frenzy.

Because there is no Yuan Gudan, who replenishes his physical strength, the three of them have agreed to have another meal in the middle of the night, and then continue to boil the medicine soup for the next step of practice, day and night!

Late on the second day of Lu Luchan's retreat for healing, with the help of blood-clearing elixir, she has completely recovered from her heavy internal injury. Originally, she couldn't be so fast, but she restrained from interfering with the successful practice with the help of Xiaogu Ding's night practice. She continued to heal her wounds on the second night and recovered in the morning of the third day.

After healing the wound, she slowly recovered her aura until the aura was full and there was no hindrance at all. She opened the jade box with the black-headed green snake in the darker night.

Looking at the serious wounds left by the black-headed green snake in the jade box, Lu Lu had no choice but to cover the jade box and put it in her arms. With her own strength, without the assistance of other drugs and arrays, she could not accept the strong monster, because she was not good at subjugating slavery.

There is expertise in art. Some practitioners who know how to slave can control this monster with a few levels weaker than her when the black-headed green snake is seriously injured and sealed in a coma, and may have to use some drugs.

If only I could subdue this monster?

When she put the jade box into her arms, she had such an idea, because she saw its power and cunning, and knew that if she could take it for her own use and get some drugs to help it evolve, her combat effectiveness would be upgraded to an equal level, then she had a strong guard out of thin air, and she would travel by herself in the future. It becomes much safer.

After witnessing the character of Fengying Old Ghost halfway, she has changed her view of the quiet and undisputed world of cultivation, and she already knows how vigilant she is still in the world.

She just used to stay in the family to practice and practice, and she was not very clear about some things outside, so she thought that the cultivation world had always been relatively quiet.

The mind was released, feeling that a large number of medicinal materials collected by the three people were almost piled up in their own small porcelain houses, as well as the previous tents. Lu Lvchan shook her head with a smile, silently pushed open two porcelain doors shining softly in the moonlight, and placed the herbs in batches. Gather together in batches to refine ordinary Tongmai pills.

A large pool of herbs flew in the air one after another. After being roasted by the flame, they all turned into medicinal liquid wrapped in the flame. As the herbs converged one after another, they became a large pool of liquid, and then differentiated into a small mass of medicinal liquid. Then these medicinal liquid groups slowly solidified and turned into snow-white pills, all of which were little fingers. The size, smooth and round, extremely beautiful and exquisite, and there is a faint smell of medicine coming to the nose.

The refining of this column of incense directly refined twelve Tongmai pills, which is enough for three small bones to be used for two or three days.

The road to recover from the injury continued for a moment, and a large number of herbs came one after another, dissolved into medicinal liquid and refined into elixir.

If it is repeated, only the fourth refining, and all the medicinal herbs that can be refined with Tongmai pills are consumed, including a small amount of medicinal herbs piled up in their porcelain house.

This refining has produced a total of 42 Tongmai pills. If you practice one pill a day, it will only be less than half a month.

With these 42 pulse blades, according to their current progress, it should be almost enough.

Lu Lvchan nodded without rest and continued to refine strong body pills. These medicinal herbs are more precious. Among their large piles of herbs, only eight weights are enough to be refined, but stronger gold pills cannot be refined, because there is a rare thunder star grass missing.

Lei Xingcao is a rare herb with some weak spiritual power similar to electricity. The medicinal effect is stimulated, and the quenching body can achieve a stronger effect than ordinary strong body pills. The gold body pills refined with this herb are quenched to the extreme. It is not assisted by the use of aura magic, and the flying sword is difficult to hurt. If you add a layer of aura shield, it is really possible to stand and carry it hard, all of which are flying swords that are difficult to hurt.

Thinking that she had been injured due to careless care, and then had the waste of herbs of the three people, Lu Lvchan would no longer allow such an accident to happen, so she took advantage of her recovery to refine all the pills as soon as possible, so as not to let the lack of the pill affect their practice.

Looking at the pills collected into the jade bottle, Lu Luchan nodded with satisfaction, and then began to look at these herbs that were temporarily unusable, as well as some poisonous herbs.

In the past, she had never refined pills, because considering the three of Xiaoguding, she wanted to grind the gun and practiced a few hands in the family.

Because her spiritual power is strong enough, she cultivates fire aura, so she has not encountered any difficulties in refining it.

The aura practice in the practitioner world is divided into attributeless and attribute aura. The Attributeless aura is much less powerful, but it can assist in other attribute attacks through special magic weapons, such as the jade ring in a good hand, which can make her attributeless aura to emit powerful and fast thunder and lightning attacks.

At other times, she is the most powerful and only has the spiritual power of fire.

Fee that she didn't know all about these herbs. She curiously reached out and took the medicine book put in Xue Yueer's porcelain house out of thin air. After careful search for a while, her little mouth couldn't help opening slightly and becoming a little surprised, because she saw that some powerful poisons could be found here, although they were originally The herb of a single plant is not toxic, but the refining power is not small. It can easily poison the opponent of the quenching level, and even pose a certain threat to the Yuandan level.

However, some prescriptions are different from the main medicine and can't produce much.

She carefully controlled a batch of drugs and began to refine them in batches according to the steps of memorization of the prescription. Like refining Tongmai pills, the solution was mixed.

Looking at a mass of medicinal liquid mixed together, the corners of her mouth couldn't help bending slightly, with the joy that she was about to succeed.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of the medicine, like a thunderstorm, and the burnt gray-black smoke exploded away, blowing her pale green skirt.

The scattered Mars mixed with high-temperature medicinal liquid blew up her clothes and hair buns and made ugly scorching holes. There was a feeling of tingling in the skin after the scorched hole. She opened her mouth in pain, and then felt a uncomfortable dizziness.

Hearing the violent noise of the three people in the porcelain house, they knew that it was impossible to stop them. They immediately used their aura to sweep the black fog with residual poison out of the room, and then changed another set of skirts as quickly as possible.

Why do your clothes break so fast? It's time to go out and buy some skirts!

Only in the blink of an eye, she changed all her clothes. After a breath, she opened the porcelain door with a blush and said to the three little bones who had just arrived at the door: "I didn't expect that the refining of these poisons was more horrible than the elixir. I was careless and refined! It didn't disturb your practice.

"Surprise is for sure!"

This time, Xiaoguding was the first to speak, and then exhaled and said, "Formately, there is no impact!"

After being stunned, the sixth princess immediately changed her curiosity and looked left and right without any residue. She asked strangely, "Why are those refined drug residues gone? Is it burned directly to ashes?"

Lu Luchan blushed even more, lowered her head with no master's shame, and said in a low voice like a mosquito: "I'm afraid that you will laugh, and I'm afraid that the residual poison gas will hurt you, and throw it a hundred feet away wrapped in aura."

Song Chuyao immediately said with great joy, "What should I say!" How can there be such a strange situation? What kind of pills are these?

"Forty-two Tongmai pills and eight gold body pills are very useful to you now."

Hearing this, Lu Lvchan finally regained some confidence and said proudly.

Sure enough, when they heard that the pills they needed had been successfully refined, the three immediately smiled with joy and thanked Lu Luchan.

After a while, Xiaoguding asked Lu Luchan what pill had just failed to refine. She blushed because of the extreme embarrassment and shame just now. After all, she said the name of the pill. It is a pill that can make the poisoner's spiritual power inconvenient after successful application, called Erosion Pill.

The medicinal materials needed for the Erosion Pill are ordinary, but the poison emitted is somewhat useful for the practitioners and monsters of the Yuandan level. Although the effect of this poison pill is very small for the practitioners and monsters of the Yuandan level, this subtle change can determine the outcome of people's life and death.

Xiaoguding listened for a while and said, "So, there are still some residues. If you want to have a better chance of successful refining next time, you have to carefully look at these residual herbs and distinguish the reasons why they will be refined."

Lu Luchan couldn't help blushing again and felt that her image of a master was destroyed. She still carefully took back the pile of poison residues and confirmed that there was no spread of toxicity before studying a large pool of drug residues.