Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 462 Strange Red Dream Ling


The unexpected explosion shocked everyone to wake up very early, and the sky was still dark with a trace of unwillingness, and it was not yet as soft white as a mystery. After everyone was happy, they had nothing to do, and they didn't know what to do for a moment.

After listening to Lu Luchan's confused analysis of several drugs, Xiaoguding waved his hand helplessly and said, "I'm going to practice boxing!"

"I'm going to cook!"

"I'll help!"

The two women also ran quickly. Listening to her analysis, walking was very disrespectful to people. After she finished her analysis and introduction, she was in a daze and thought about it. How could she not take the opportunity to run away?

Lu Luchan raised her head in astonishment, and the three of them ran away, shook their heads puzzledly, and continued to frown and think about how to improve it.

Before dawn, in the still dark night, there was a roaring wind. For a moment, bright red flames ignited, and then there was a strong smell of meat. A morning boiled much earlier than usual.

After cleaning up, Lu Luchan still threw Song Chuyao into the depths of the old forest to let her start collecting medicinal materials faster. Xiaogu Ding and Xue Yueer walked on another road. Of course, Xiao Guding still had to see the harvest of the trap mechanism in advance.

Since Lu Luchan came, Xiaoguding has ended his expansion plan and has not moved the trap that has not been harvested much, because they feel that if they can practice further, they can directly kill fresh prey without having to bother so much trouble.

At that point, it is not only an easy way to get prey, but also a faster way to practice.

But even so, with nearly 100 trap mechanisms previously arranged, Xiaoguding still harvested three fresh prey, with a total weight of 100 catties, enough for three people to eat for a few days.

With the help of the spiritual sword brought by Lu Lvchan, it became easier for the three to cut some herbs to feed them, and they actually raised a lot of fresh beasts. For some people who refuse to eat, it is impossible for them to spend a lot of energy on the road to extinction, and the result is nothing.

Before Lu Luchan entered the tree hole strangled by the flying sword again, she felt the aura drifting and tyranny. She carefully approached the front again. The jade ring in her hand was full of aura and glittered, waiting for another murderer to rush out and hit it down.

Although she had previously received a black-headed green snake, she had been attacked twice under the condition of a steady victory, and she could not be dealt with by the twelve-point spirit.

Some branches in front of him have not been twisted, blocking the way. Lu Lvchan carefully stepped on a huge tree trunk and commanded the silver sword to slowly twist forward. The speed became much slower than before.

The speed slowed down, and the branches were immediately twisted into powder and burned out, and even the powder disappeared, which did not let anything stop her sight.

The tree hole moved forward, and the last layer of emerald green branches and leaves were twisted. She saw a faint bright red light, like a gem shining constantly.

"Hong Mengling!"

She was shocked and knew that it was indeed an extremely rare poisonous grass in front of her, a strong poisonous grass that could emit colorless and tasteless toxicity. The reason why the black-headed green snake mutated was probably the effect of this bright red herb.

She only saw it from the medicine book before, but she didn't see it. Because this thing is too precious and rare, she has to beware of it from time to time, so she will recognize it. When traveling, you should not only recognize some elixirs that are beneficial to your cultivation, but also pay attention to poisonous grass monsters that may poison you.

Then gently twist the last layer of obstructed branches. Under the faint red light, on a red plant only a foot high, four fat leaves grow on the thumb thick, bright red crystal jade-like main rod. At the top of the plant, it is a purple fruit, oval, the size of a little thumb.

This red dream diamond is born strangely. I'm afraid anyone who sees it knows the extraordinaryness of this thing.

However, because of its toxicity, it can silently knock down human and animal poison, and there is nothing around it. On the contrary, the old branches and leaves grow extremely densely, forming a hidden natural barrier for it.

Otherwise, it is so eye-catching that practitioners can easily feel it when flying in the sky, and they will pick it up at once.

Knowing that it was just the existence of a poisonous grass, the fierce monster that protected the grass had been subdued by himself. Lu Lv was much relieved. He sensed the roots under the red dream diamond grass, carefully wrapped them all with spiritual power and pulled them out, and then carefully pinched a spiritual formula to shrink it into the jade box.

At this time, she was not injured at all. She was not as tired as before, and it was much easier to cast these spells.

After collecting this strange grass into the jade box, she was greatly relieved and relieved. At least she successfully cleaned up two treasures, and the blood elixir she took was definitely worth more.

However, thinking of the original danger, she still secretly said that she would be more careful in the future.

After uprooting and sealing the whole Hongmengling, the pressure that made his protective aura become tyrannical suddenly disappeared, and some of the remaining silent toxic aura around him slowly disappeared.

I heard that some poisonous grass absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, which can also be cultivated. To the extreme, it can restrain the spread of medicine. At that time, it is difficult for practitioners to obtain it.

Shake her head with some funny and waved away the nonsense. Lu Lvchan waited here quietly until all the poison gas dissipated. After a while, she thought that the speed of dispersing was extremely slow. She raised her hand and swept the aura swept the poisonous gas into the depths of the old forest. In an instant, several fierce beasts suddenly fell asleep in her nest and woke up and didn't know what was going on.

Lu Luchan, who was in a good mood, put the jade box in her hand into her arms. When the poison gas disappeared, she carefully jumped off the treetops and stood in the old nest of the black-headed green snake.

If I hadn't personally felt it, I wouldn't believe it. The snake hole of the giant snake with the thickness of arms was only slightly larger than the thumb!

And the snake hole does not look bare, and there are some moss at the mouth of the cave, as if there are no worms living in the cave.

Scanning around with divine thoughts, there are no other caves nearby. Lu Lvchan still doesn't believe that the snake hole of such a large black-headed green snake is so small.

Isn't it tiring to go in and out of such a small snake hole?

She muttered that the flying sword hovered in mid-air and went straight to the narrow cave, hoping to get some useful medicinal herbs in it.


The hard stones at the mouth of the hole flew around, revealing a big hole in an instant. After the flying sword cut straight into a foot, the cave inside became bigger and bigger, and an extremely wide cave appeared, which could directly accommodate the huge stone cave that existed after the black-headed green snake transformed.

The cave is extremely smooth, and there are some snake scales. It turns out that this monster has also built its snake cave into a place for daily practice, and it operates very well.

Without exception, Lu Lvchan found a small snake saliva grass in this black-headed green snake cave, a special poisonous grass specially grown in the cave of poisonous snakes and monsters.

In addition, there are several transparent snakes of different sizes, as well as some disgusting dark feces, which are useful for practitioners.

Monster snake metamorphos is a scarce medicinal material. Those snake dung are also slightly poisonous. She doesn't know if they can make poison, but she knows that a large number of old snake dung used to cultivate poisonous grass is an extremely useful fertilizer.

Even if they don't need it at this time, they can sell them at a good price, and the value is no less than the gems she brought out of her home this time.

You know, ordinary practitioners can't deal with some powerful monsters by force alone. They will try their best to cultivate some pills that can be formulated with strange poison, so that they can defeat the monsters with some certainty, so these giant snake and beast feces are also a scarce commodity.

With the nausea in her heart, Lu Luchan frowned and began to scrape the feces accumulated here with pure spiritual power, and then compressed it down and sealed it into an ordinary red box. According to her idea, she doesn't want to ruin a clean and more precious sealed jade box.

After searching for snakes, snake salivation, feces, and everything valuable, Lu Lu looked at this huge snake hole again and found that there were no other valuable existence except for snake scales on some stone walls.

holding her breath, she suddenly felt the filth of the stone wall. Her little jade hand slowly picked up a few magic spells, and a flame burst out, burning along the stone wall, and wanted to sweep the cave of the black-headed green snake.

As soon as the flame swept out, Lu Lu's eyes suddenly lit up and said with a smile, "This place is still spacious enough. It's good to use it as another place for the three of them in the future."

Thinking about it, she increased the power of the flame and was ready to burn and melt some stone corners that were not round enough. Then she would expand the flying sword and improve it, at least make it more beautiful.

Suddenly, she saw that she burned a piece of stone wall and melted away the black stain left by feces, and showed a pale green color, jasper-like.

"Green Spirit Iron! What kind of baby place is this? How can there be so many babies?

Lu Lvchan couldn't help exclaiming.

Although it is not known how much these green spirit iron ores exist for the time being, and green spirit iron is only the lowest-level ore, these things can definitely make several flying swords and are used to practice excellent training materials.

Most importantly, this green spirit iron is a kind of ore that can better guide the wood aura. In terms of materials, it is better than the most common spiritual sword of the three people.

"Unfortunately, I can't refine the flying sword, and I don't bring the corresponding secrets!"

Lu Lvchan's hand moved faster, the scope of the flame was widened, and the temperature increased. For a moment, she melted a light green iron ingot and grabbed it in her hand and played with it.

And those diffuse flames immediately burned some ordinary stones, and a very wide area, all of which are light green. According to this vast extent, there is at least about 10,000 catties!

This time, I really found a treasure!

With these ores in front of her alone, she can exchange it for the high-level materials of the monsters she hunted!

Is it true that the three little bones are destined to be her lucky stars?

She touched the green spirit iron ingot and stopped at some point. Her beautiful eyes were full of surprise, and she didn't know what to do for a moment.