Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 494 Demon Fox Pet Xiaox



After Xue Yueer's sigh, came anxiously, like a crisp girl's voice, a baby sound for help.

After it heard Xue Yueer's sigh, the intelligent snow fox seemed to understand the meaning of this sigh: helplessness and pity, so it made such a cry and screamed in a hurry.

With its rapid cry, its tail no longer sticks straight to its back parallel to its body, standing up and shaking, as if to please Xue Yueer and to please the practitioners who had come to kill it.

This sound was heard in the ears of Xiaoguding and Lu Mingzhen, but it was another matter. They thought that the snow fox was warning and expelled, with a slight sarcasm in their hearts, and then expectations.

Others did not understand, but Xue Yueer, who was close to the big tree ten feet away from the snow-colored fox monster, understood. In addition to her eyes turning into more gentle sympathy, there was also a trace of pity and helpless sadness.

She suddenly decided that no matter what the final outcome of this beautiful, intelligent and understanding poor monster was, she did not want to kill the poor monster with her own hands, even if she blamed it. Since you can't do salvation, just ignore it and escape.

However, she has not yet started. She stands there motionless like a statue. The weight of the 100-pound spiritual knife is still hanging down as usual, feeling the friendship of the monster in front of her.

What a poor monster!

She made such a feeling again. She couldn't hold on. She turned around and went to the place where she could put away the flood of sympathy after she couldn't see the monster.

At this time, the snow-colored fox moved and rushed straight into her arms from the treetops three feet away from ten feet away.

Xue Yueer still did not move, and the spiritual knife in her hand was fixed, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. I don't know why this monster is so bold, is it confusing itself?

She didn't feel it, so she didn't move.

One of the two men was not far behind her, and the other was in the thousands of feet of clouds, and their pupils contracted violently. From Xue Yueer's behavior, they felt as if she had been confused by the beautiful and strange fox, and there was not even a minimum counterattack. Because they felt that Xue Yueer's body had not changed at the moment when the fox jumped over.

They wanted to shout to remind them, but somehow they opened their mouths slightly and didn't make a sound, which seemed a little strange.

This is an experience. Until the last moment, they will not take action easily, and they instinctively feel that the attack of the snow-colored fox seems to be a test, and the speed is not extreme. There should be nothing to do. Maybe Xue Yueer has long noticed this, so she will not be moved. Maybe it is they are worried blindly.

But the next scene shocked them and puzzled them.

The snow-colored fox still shot straight into Xue Yueer's arms at a fast speed and fell directly on the critical part of her chest.

At this time, Xue Yueer moved. It was not the knife they were expecting to dodge, but slowly stretched out her hand and held the snow-colored fox hanging on her chest.

In the extremely surprised eyes of the two, Xue Yueer gently stroked the snow fox's white and soft fur, and there was still a confusion in her eyes. She said quietly, "I know you want to make friends with me, but if you don't come with me, you may want to sleep here forever."

Looking at its white body as snow, ice and jade, she felt a pain in her heart. She wanted to throw away the snow-colored fox in her hand, but she saw the appearance of extreme enjoyment and reluctant to take it back. Ren's tenderness was turbulent in the heart lake, and the pain was flooded in the bottom of her heart.

Who can carefully distinguish the poor confused look at this moment? She couldn't do it herself, so she was a little confused like water mist in her clear eyes like a spring.

The snow fox is not big, and the fluffy mass is squeezed into a snow-white pile of cotton in the arms of Xueyue. It feels amazed and looks comfortable.

At this time, Xuehu heard Xue Yueer's words, and a trace of puzzle flashed in her eyes, but she saw the worry hidden in her eyes, and it kept screaming.

Xue Yueer is not a fairy and doesn't know the language of beasts. From the complex expressions and calls, it can't tell whether it wants to show goodwill to herself or something else.

So Xue Yueer tried to draw and pointed to the cave nest that had just emerged and said, "If you want to go with me, you can't stay here. Are you willing to?"

The snow-colored fox is also not a genius. He can't understand the meaning of Xue Yueer's words, and there is also a trace of confusion in her cunning eyes. It just felt the sympathy and pity in Xue Yueer's eyes. After so many years of lonely practice, she felt that she needed warmth, so it rushed into her arms without hesitation after not feeling Xue Yueer's hostility to it.

The fox and monster thought that Xue Yueer wanted to sit at home, but her cave was so small that she could not get in. If she destroyed the entrance of the cave, the enemy would be more likely to find it, so it chirped again, but what she saw was still Xue Yueer's confusion.

"Yueer, what's wrong with this monster?"

At this time, Xiaoguding was stunned and appeared. He did not restrain his voice and asked faintly.

Feel the cold-blooded killing on Xiaoguding's body, and the snow-colored fox trembled all over and buried it deeply in Xue Yueer's arms, trying to bury it in her bones. It obviously felt that this group of practitioners in gray and green swords was more insidious and terrible, and the threat to itself was so great that it did not dare to move a little. It felt that even if it escaped back to the cave, it could not escape death in the end. It felt that it could only be spared in Xue Yueer's arms.

The spirit cat-like vertical two verticals, the little bone appeared in front of Xue Yueer. The white rainbow above the sky was faster, and the first came, and the electric shot came, which made the snow fox tremble like a sieve, cold and piercing.

It keenly feels that if it has just been launched desperately, even if the real damage reaches this cultivation, I'm afraid that what awaits it will be the end of the death of incense and jade.

Fortunately, I keenly felt the pity and sympathy of this practitioner, and then thought about making friends.

In the bitter cold, the demon fox felt a trace of warmth from Xue Yueer.

"This monster is interesting. If you don't fight, you can surrender first. I saw it for the first time, let alone heard of it."

The golden robe stopped firmly on the flying sword, standing flat opposite Xue Yueer, with a smile and surprise on her handsome face.

The snow-colored fox shrank and dared not look at him or the cold sword-man next to him. It keenly felt that this lower cultivation was more murderous and more horrible than this flying peacock.

Xiao Guding frowned and said, "What's going on with this monster? If you are not sure whether it is loyal or not, it is a scourge and must be guarded!"

The cold words were like a wisp of ice wind piercing the body of the snow fox, which made it tremble again, and then felt that her hair tighten. Xue Yueer protected it nervously, lest the little bone order it to kill and peel it. She said urgently, "Let's not hurt it, okay? It's pitiful."

It's really a star-killing demon!

In the warmth of Xue Yueer, it adds a bit of fear to Xiaoguding.

"Since you promised to take it with you, let's clean up the treasures that may exist in its cave and watch the fight over there. The fight between monsters, even at a low level, is worth learning from. Don't waste it.

Xiao Guding sighed. Although he did not agree, he soon did not dwell on the matter. Secretly, he was wondering whether to secretly poison the monster to control this cunning monster.

"I'll do it!"

Lu Mingzhen saw his sister take action and knew that these things were a little troublesome to do with their weak cultivation, and he took the initiative to show his goodwill to the beauty.

Before they had any reaction, another spirit ginseng gathered with qi elixir was taken out from the old nest of the snow-colored fox, the seal was reduced, incorporated into the jade box, and handed to Xue Yueer.

The snow-colored fox monster is extremely sensitive to the breath of the elixir it has been protecting for many years. As soon as Lu Mingzhen took action, it noticed it. It could only shrink in Xue Yueer's arms in horror, and faintly felt a little reluctant to destroy its old nest, although there was nothing in it.

"There is a laborer! But I originally wanted to say hello to this fox first. After all, it has been guarded for many years. If you don't feel anything important in it, don't destroy its 'home'.

Xue Yueer frowned slightly, and finally stretched out her snow-white crystal, and took over with many old-caly small hands.

"Okay, I'll do what you say! Let me feel it."

Lu Mingzhen was overjoyed and immediately responded.

The powerful mind spread out and carefully sensed some things in the cave several feet deep below.

After two breaths, Lu Mingzhen shook his head and said, "I sensed it. There is nothing precious except a pile of dirty things."

The two knew that the dirty thing he said was actually the feces of the fox monster. Although the smell of the excrement of the monster has convered a lot, it is disgusting after all.

These things should have been arranged outside to make the cave clean and tidy. But the beast evolved into a monster, opened some wisdom, knew that it could not expose its whereabouts casually, and found another place to hide these things.

Compared with the uncertainty of Xiaoguding, Lu Mingzhen did not feel the threat of this little monster at all. He felt that this was the best time to show his good conversation with the beauty, so he smiled at Xue Yueer, smiled like a warm sun, and said clearly, "Miss Yueer, since this monster has surrendered to you and become your demon pet. It's time to think of a beautiful name. What do you think it should be called?


Xue Yueer was a little surprised and was not sure that the fox monster would follow her, but she didn't say it, so she could only look at Xiaoguding.

This inadvertent action caused Lu Mingzhen to be disgusted and immediately said, "Miss Yueer, this snow-colored fox is willing to surrender to you. Only the name you took in person will be more willing to accept it."

Xiaoguding nodded and agreed, although there were still some uncertain worries in his heart. The fox is so cunning that he can't help but worry about it.

"White as snow, ice and jade, just call you Xiao Xue."

Xue Yueer looked at the snow white that made her heart ache and gently said such a name to the fox who took the initiative to run.