Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 495 Monster Fight


The snow-colored fox monster still huddled in Xueyue's arms like a baby, motionless, as if it had not heard the name given to it, and did not dare to look at the two powerful men who suffocated it, especially with a green spiritual sword, which was not much taller than its cultivation.

It was not until Lu Mingzhen greeted them with a flying sword and prepared to fly in the direction of Lu Luchan and others that the snow-colored fox reluctantly poked out a small pointed head from Xue Yueer's arms, and a trace of infatuation flashed in his eyes. I don't know if there was any chance to return to this place where he had been living for decades.

Seeing the clouds next to it flying back, but not moving, I couldn't help showing a trace of surprise. I looked curiously and scaredly at the white clouds that it could only look up at before.

The flying sword flashed, and after a few breaths, it found the other two people in the clouds, as well as a screen-like Pujing in front of them, with two monster fights, one of which was a big cat with yellow hair and black spots, and the other was a fierce black dog.

When they came over, the two monsters had entered a fierce fight. The black animal was a little more tragic, with a large piece of skin off its neck and a few claws on its back and abdomen. The big cat is better. It also has a few scratches on its strong and beautiful belly, which are as deep as the bones. It is still oozing blood and dyeing them around them into a bright red.

Compared with the big cat, the black locust's running and dodge is a little faster, generally fierce, suffering such a serious injury, fierce attack, still howling from time to time, without any stage fright escape.

The snow-colored fox called Xiaoxue looks more strange. He doesn't understand why the thing in front of him can see the fight between the two monsters, and the fierce fight of the monsters makes him frightened and reminds him of the life-and-death pursuit he used to face. It doesn't understand why these two monsters are entangled and fighting. In this vast old forest, it is easy for new monsters to find a suitable cave and generally do not provoke other monsters.

"Oh, why did you come back so soon? What's wrong with this monster?"

Lu Lvchan's mind was powerful and felt the familiar atmosphere. She glanced at her eyes casually. Instead, Song Chuyao stared at the little snow in Xue Yueer's arms and exclaimed delicately and stretched out her hand to hug her.

Xue shrank in Xue Yueer's arms and refused to hug her. Finally, she hugged the active Song Chuyao, and then touched her head like a kitten. She didn't even care about the big cat below. I don't know how the big cat would feel if she knew it?

Xiaoxue was very aggrieved and wanted to shout, and then bite the little hand to tell the round-faced nymphomaniac that she was a more powerful monster than her.

But the surrounding crowd stood strong, and it did not dare to let the hateful little hand touch its head back and forth.

Soon, another snow-white and smooth little hand touched it with an amazing breath, making it dare not move a little, as quiet as a little white rabbit kitten, so as to avoid death.

The two women were so excited that even the screen-like aura flickered and finally disappeared.

The little bone frowned and said, "Hey, is it so funny? Hurry up and get out of the screen to see the fight below. Don't let the big cat overturn the boat in the gutter.

This time, several people's thoughts were taken back, making Xiao Xue less wronged. But until now, it is still aggrievedly huddled in Song Chuyao's arms like a little white rabbit, and it seems that it is not going to return it back for a while.

Lu Luchan's face was a little blushing. Lu Mingzhen reacted faster and pinched the magic formula. She had placed a projection array prohibition in front of her and kept injecting some aura to maintain it.

He is willing to be able to pay attention to the beauty he expects.

This subtle move slightly increased Xiaoguding and others's affection for him and focused on the bloody fight below.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed like lightning. When the big cat raised its claws and gait was unstable, it grabbed its belly fiercely, bringing out a horrible cracking sound.


Song Chuyao covered her little mouth and screamed in shock. She couldn't bear to watch the bloody fight and wanted to rush down to help. But she knew it was impossible, so she could only scream and scream instinctively.

Unlike everyone's brows, Xiao Xue was so scared that her body trembled again, as if this claw had grabbed her body. What's more different from them is that there is no movement on Xiaoguding's indifferent face, as if the battle in front of him is none of his business.

His indifferent indifference can't even be done by the cold snow moon.

Just as Song Chuyao couldn't help screaming, the big cat and the long tail of the body twitched fiercely, blocking the body of the retreating body, and then the body turned quickly as if it were boneless. A sharp front claw grabbed the neck of the black tick at a speed that could not be released from time, and grabbed it at the moment it was taken back. When it hit the throat, the violent blood flew like an arrow, several times faster than the blood on its body.

In this move, he learned from the self-harmful blow of Guding and sealed his throat with one blow.

After fighting with Xiaoguding and others for so long, whether it is the former beasts or the current monsters, it keenly found that Xiaoguding and others launched the fastest attack with the smallest strength, sealing their throats with a sword, and never exerting any more force.

When it found that its current situation had become like Xiaoguding and they fought against the high-level fox together, it thought of such a method. Previously, it pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger, launched a crack in the neck and was quickly dodged by the black dragonfly. It could only slowly paralyze, provoke its fierceness, and look for an opportunity. Sure enough, this opportunity was found for it.


The black tickle screamed and retreated violently. The big cat was not as eager to bite its predecessor, and the victory was in hand. It had more time to wait for the black tick to roll to the ground. It would not easily go up and suck the blood on its body until it was exhausted and unable to launch the final counterattack.

I have tasted the blood of higher-level monsters such as quenching level and gathering level. It disdains the monster blood of the little monster in front of it, which is slightly higher than its own cultivation.

Sure enough, the black gill screamed and retreated, trying to lure the big cat to chase, and then launched a death-death counterattack. As a result, the more cunning big cat did not eat it and squatted there with a very master demeanor, quietly waiting for it to die.


The black gyptus made the last howl, and then fell heavily under the big tree with unwillingness, falling on the large green leaves and soil that had previously fallen.

"Sister Chan, go down quickly. Let's go and cover the big cat!"

With a tragic howl, Song Chuyao looked happily at the winning cat below and urged excitedly.

Two white rainbows were like swords. Song Chuyao held a snow-white demon fox and rushed to her former pet big cat. She didn't realize how much it was a blow to the big cat.

At the end of the battle, the big cat loosened its body and licked the serious injury that hurt its bones near its hind legs. It knew that it was safe now, and no enemies around it would take the opportunity to attack it.

From the fight alone just now, it has learned that it is its little master who wants to hone himself and hone himself more fiercely.

Fortunately, it was defeated. It was slightly proud and roared at the white rainbow flying in the sky.

"Big cat, good job!"

Song Chuyao praised loudly, threw Xiaoxue back into Xueyue's arms like garbage, frowned and immediately took out a jade bottle from her arms, poured out a few pills from it, smashed them into powder one by one, and applied them to the wound of the big cat.

The powder penetrated into the surface of the wound, and Lu Luchan quickly sealed the loss of blood with aura, so that the big cat can lose some blood faster and less, so that it can recover earlier.

The monster Xiaoxue was shocked again and did not expect that the cunning monster it had watched before and fought against each other was a partner of these practitioners. However, looking at its little owner, who had just held his little cultivation, his heartache and treatment for it, he inexplicably felt safe.

I will be taken care of like them in the future, so there is nothing tragic to say.

In an instant, its body trembled again. I couldn't help imagining that it would also be sent by the owner to experience, and then hurt his whole body to bleed. At that time, it must have been very painful and very uncomfortable.

Xue Yueer felt its fear, and her gentle little hand stroked its long white and soft hair.

With the help of Lu Luchan, the cat's wound converged a lot in an instant, leaving only a few unrecovered scars, proving the tragic battle it has just experienced.

When Lu Mingzhen saw that they were treating the big cat, he went to clean the battlefield, found a ground armor grass, sealed it and handed it over to Xue Yueer. He suddenly liked this joy of cleaning the battlefield like a robber.

Xue Yueer frowned slightly and wanted to tell him to hand him over to Song Chuyao, and then saw that she was busy, and the two did not deal with each other, so she reached out and accepted it.

For a while, except for some things he thought were dirty, he didn't find anything else, so he stood aside with a smile and watched the two continue the end of the treatment.

Sensing that his brother only collects elixirs but not monster excrement, Lu Luchan shook her head with a dumb smile and sighed that it was good for him to help collect medicine. Of course, he would not expect him to do such a more humble thing. In their family, no one with a little status can do this kind of thing.

But she doesn't have so many ideas. As long as she can really help Xiaoguding and others, she can endure her own nature to help and gradually get used to it.

The flying sword was like a meteor, and it was cut at the mouth of the old nest hole of the black dragonfly, so that one person could enter calmly. After sinking into the cave dozens of feet deep, she first scanned it casually to confirm that there were no other rare items, and sealed the large number of disgusting things in a small box.

Suddenly, she did not take back this inconspicuous small box, but handed it to the little bone Ding who came to inquire, and laughed funnyly, "Little bone Ding, can you grasp this small wooden box?"