Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 555 Chasing Lu Mingzhen


With the ability of Xiaoyin, who has the talent to find the mineral vein, Lu Mingzhen unexpectedly found a high-level fire vein more than 2,000 miles away from the Lingu branch, successfully gathered materials for the Lu family, refined two rare upper-level fire flying swords, and added a piece of combat power and security to the Lu family.

After successfully dissuade the family from leaving the remaining fire materials, Lu Mingzhen, with a little excitement, continued to search for some veins two or three thousand miles away from the Lu family.

In just a few months, not all the proven large and small veins have been mined by Lujia who migrated here. Some precious middle-order veins, which are far away from the family location, are given priority to be sent to mining before other practitioners find them. Close to the family's new residence, the larger veins send a different number of disciples to stay. As for some small low-order veins, in addition to leaving marks, they are temporarily allowed to be left alone and wait until they are free. Mining.

The world of cultivation is vast and sparsely populated. Such ore veins are not too big. They are hidden in the depths of the earth and are everywhere, but it is not easy to find and difficult to mine. In addition, spiritual soldiers are easy to obtain and elixirs are difficult to find. If these veins are not high-level or large enough, they are not valued by some big families.

However, as long as it is related to cultivation, the big family is rich and does not value it very much. In order to survive and develop, it is still necessary for some small families to search for these things and provide them with resources for further development.

After this big relocation, Lujia must do these tedious details in order to survive better. If there is no accidental golden rat, it will take them at least decades to do this step.

Opportunistic, luck, these many unpredictable changes are far more important than the hard work of a large number of people for more than ten years.

Lu Mingzhen, who has a rare demon pet of Yuandan level, and then unexpectedly advanced to the enlightenment level. From the object once teased by the core disciples, he instantly became an enviable person. Even Lu Xinjian, who was far better than him, is now a little jealous of his demon pet. He thinks that if he has such a demon pet, travels around the world, finds the most suitable place for his practice, and improves his cultivation as soon as possible, it is really a comfortable thing.

Lu Mingzhen, who is blessed and is the new envy of everyone, now smiles on the surface every day and becomes listless when he goes out to find the veins. He takes Xiaoyin out and throws it to the ground. He only wants to sleep in every day and doesn't think about practice until Xiaoyin comes out to beg for food, or urges him. Urge him to go to the newly found vein.

On this day, Lu Qingyuan, with the excitement of getting two upper-level flying swords, came out of the former mine, the current fire refinery room and the elixir room, took a batch of small silver-mouthed elixirs, and walked into a room next to the mine.

Entering the room, Lu Qingyuan found his son sitting lazily in a daze, neither practicing nor watching anything useful for practicing, purely a waste of time in a daze.

Lu Qingyuan was stunned, restrained his mind, held the little silver that jumped into his hand, threw him a pill, quietly stroked its soft silver fur, and observed his son like this. He wanted to see how long his son would be stunned.

One breath, two breath... one column of incense, two columns of incense...

Lu Qingyuan stood at the door like a statue of Lu Mingzhen and looked in. He held the sleeping little silver in his arms and looked at the son of the statue in front of him. He was a little annoyed and helpless.

Lu Qingyuan looked at the three pillars of incense without restraining his breath. Looking at his son lazily shrinking on the chair, he really became an eternal statue. He was angry, shook his head and shouted sternly, "Really!"


Lu Mingzhen rubbed his loose eyes in panic and stood up. He saw his father holding Xiaoyin and looking at him with a pale face. He quickly shrugged his head and shouted, "Father, what's the matter?"

Lu Qingyuan asked sternly, "What were you thinking just now?"

"No, nothing!"

Lu Mingzhen lowered his head and dared not look directly into his father's eyes. His snow-white face turned red and looked healthier.

"If you have any trouble, say it for your father and listen to it. If you dare to hide it, you will punish you severely for your father. You don't have to be lucky!"

Lu Qingyuan's heart was faint, but it sounded like a bolt from the blue in Lu Mingzhen's ears, which was deafening that made his heart beat constantly, from a flower peacock with high-zhis in front to a drowned chicken.

"Say, regardless of concealment and deception, no matter how ridiculous it is, as long as you say it, consider the seriousness of the situation for the father and deal with it as appropriate. As for what you can help, you can help, and if you can't help, you will do your best for it for the father."

Speaking later, Lu Qingyuan's tone was much softer. After all, he is his own son. Recently, his cultivation has reached the most important enlightenment level, and his age has increased again. As a parent, he is already very satisfied. At this time, when I saw that my son had troubles, of course, I had to find ways to help him satisfy him, so that he could have a better mentality to practice, so as not to lose his mind and be absent-minded every day.

"Father, I, I..."

Lu Mingzhen summoned up the courage to raise his head and looked at his father's harsh and loving eyes. He lowered his head in panic and dared not say anything more.

"Say, no matter what mistakes you make or what you want to do, after all, you are my child. As a father, you have to find ways to help you fulfill your wishes."

Lu Qingyuan shook his head and sighed, saying more kindly.

"Father, I, I... I want to find my sister!"

Lu Mingzhen coyed, gritted his teeth and changed his mind in disguise.

"The relationship between your sister and brother is not very good. What are you going to do with them? Play?"

Lu Qingyuan stared at Lu Mingzhen's lowered head, frowned and thought, guessing and analyzed. Modi saw a shy flush on his face and scolded with a smile, "To be honest, do you like the girl named Xue Yueer?"

If you just want to play, be scolded, find some experience excuse, and not that you can't prevaricate, then there must be something else. In retrosent memories, his son's inadvertent look at Xue Yueer was always a little different. Thinking of his expression, it was no different from his back then.

Lu Mingzhen's face turned redder and burned to a fever, like a horrible flame erupting from a furnace, which was frighteningly hot.

Seeing his expression, Lu Qingyuan became more and more sure and touched the crux of his son's crux. He breathed a sigh of relief and was not angry. He smiled and said, "No one has practiced to soar in the world of cultivation for nearly a thousand years. Our road family records that for thousands of years, no ancestor has ever practiced to the realm of soaring. In the past, I urged you to practice diligently in order to practice as soon as possible, increase your life expectancy, spend more time with your family, and protect the growth of your family's disciples. Now that you have done this a little, you don't object to mentioning it as a father. However, you have trained to the Qizhi level, but the Xueyueer girl has just practiced to the gathering level. If you think so, you will mislead her. In this way, if you are interested, how about finding another marriage for your father and finding a woman who is the same level of enlightenment?

With Lu Mingzhen now has the value of a rare mining demon pet, it is difficult to find a rare enlightenment-level woman, but the status conditions are enough.

"I, I just like Xue Yueer!"

Lu Mingzhen lowered his head shyly and said stubbornly, "I can wait for her to improve. I believe that with her intelligent talent, she will definitely enter the enlightenment level in less than a few decades!"

Lu Qingyuan smiled bitterly and said, "Of course, I believe that she practices quickly. If she is about the same age as you and has feelings for you, then she will definitely find someone to help you agree with your father. But now you also know that her talent is so good that it is unlikely to like you, not to mention that you are more than a hundred years older than her!"

After thinking for a while, Lu Qingyuan said, "I don't hide it from you as a father. Your uncle has secretly decided on a candidate in the family. Your second grandfather's two-talented Hexin. At the age of 30, he reached the middle of Yuandan, and waited for Chan'er to lead them back. Probably when he was about to reach the Yuandan level, he told them about this matter. I heard that Ordinary people define early marriage, and your uncle let his father decide this in advance.

Lu Qingyuan spent a short time with his daughter Lu Luchan and was busy with his affairs. Later, he left in a hurry. He didn't have time to ask about the relationship between the three of Xiaoguding and other trivial matters. He misunderstood that they were brothers from the same school, so there was such a farce.

Lu Mingzhen said angrily, "Father, how can you not help your son?"

Lu Qingyuan said with a wry smile, "Well, for my father's question, does Xue Yueer like you?"

Lu Mingzhen was dumbfounded. Usually, Song Chuyao called him "flower peacock" every day. In her eyebrows, the breath from her nostrils was extremely disdainful of him. Xue Yueer was cold and silent, but she was as enthusiastic as fire, gentle as water, more mature and steady, and decent. When practicing, she looked domineering and heroic. Cool, by feeling, the disgust for him is only lighter, and more is that he doesn't want to talk about good or bad.

Lu Qingyuan shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Really, you know, you usually play with them. He seems to treat you as a big brother with no friendship, but when he thinks that the two are more than 100 years apart, he will definitely not agree to this marriage, not to mention that you can't make her like you! So, don't think about her all day, find another woman similar to you.

Lu Mingzhen said, "Father, but I like her. She is different from all the girls she has seen, has a different temperament, and is particularly attractive to children. Father, can you let me accompany him? After a long time, I will definitely have some feelings. By the way, do you want your sister to accompany the little bone Ding boy?

"Nonsense! That boy has a senior sister who is similar to him. How can he like your sister? He wants your sister to follow them for his father. He just wants her to take care of them all the way and cultivate friendship, which will be good for our Lu family in the future!"

Lu Qingyuan shouted and scolded unaughingly.

After a while, he couldn't help thinking, did Chan'er really have an idea with the thin and cold boy?

Lu Mingzhen said, "Father, then let the child travel with them. You can just send a new flying sword to your sister, and the child can also increase his knowledge and cultivation."

Lu Qingyuan frowned for a long time and said, "Ok, but Xiaoyin wants to stay for help. Also, your fancy clothes are so eye-catching that it's inconvenient to walk outside. Change it. In addition, help your father find a skilled family to guide you all the way. Don't be as careless as before, and study hard..."

Lu Mingzhen shook his head and said, "Father, the child just went to find his sister, not to play. He can be found in more than half a month. Where can I take others?"

Lu Qingyuan said with a cold face, "That won't work, or you don't go!"

"Okay, okay, it's up to my father!"

Lu Mingzhen had no choice but to compromise.

A moment later, Lu Mingzhen took a newly refined upper-level fire flying sword and some materials, and an experienced Yuandan-level entourage, one of his distant cousins, flew all the way to the sea in the south and joined Xiaoguding and others.