Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 556 Thunder Spiritual Power


His eyes were as black as charcoal. His hands were hard and he couldn't move. The little bone wanted to cry without tears. He wanted to take away Luvchan's hand that blocked his mouth. He raised his hand and put it down feebly. He leaned weakly in the arms of Wenxiang Nuyu. His heart was difficult to dispel his resentment. He wanted to curse and vent happily.

In my heart, the young master is just addicted to talking. What kind of fairy is stingy enough to make such a big battle?

"You haven't eaten for two days. Do you want to eat more?"

Lu Lvchan said gently, exhaling like an orchid, which made his dark face a little itchy.

Xiaoguding nodded, and Ma Mingxiang walked back to the table excitedly. There was not much soup. She took a bowl of fish demon meat, held it in front of Xiaoguding, and fed it with the smallest piece of meat.

The little bone opened his mouth, chewed hard and feebly, and did not swallow for a long time.

The food here is cut according to the usual size. I didn't expect that there would be a seriously injured zombie.

"I really deserve to die. I didn't expect that the prince was seriously injured and inconvenient. I will go back to cook meat porridge again."

Ma Ming turned around and ran into the kitchen, recooking a pot of more broken, which is more likely to be directly drunk by small bones.

The little bone leaned weakly in Lu Luchan's arms and closed his eyes to refresh herself. A scorched claw was placed in her white little hand, holding a black thin line in one hand and resting weakly on her leg.

"My son, the meat porridge is ready."

However, in a column of fragrant hours, a large bowl of fine meat porridge specially cooked for small bones was cooked and served from the kitchen.

At this time, the figure in the water tank shook, and the figures of Song Chuyao and Xue Yueer appeared successively.

"Little bone, you're awake! Are you all right?"

When Song Chuyao heard the words, she grabbed the bowl from Ma Mingxiang, carefully scooped up a spoonful of cold meat porridge, and carefully fed it to Xiaoguding.

The action of blowing cool things is still from the mortal world, and I'm a little used to it. In fact, with their current cultivation, they want the cold and warm change of food, which is just a matter of thought.

The two practiced from the water tank, and all three demon pets came out of their nests. Strangely, no one took care of themselves to eat and drink, and all stared at Xiaoguding curiously.

Xiao Guding was a little angry, opened his mouth, and said weakly and slowly, "Look at what I'm doing and eat your food!"

It's just that now, everything on the face is as black as charcoal and as hard as mud, which makes his face change much and can't feel whether he is angry or not.

"I haven't seen clay sculpture eat, and I feel fresh, hee hee..."

Song Chuyao fed a spoonful of meat porridge with a smiling face and began to laugh unscrupulously again. Because of her provocation, Xiaogu Ding felt guilty for the thunderstorm and forgot the apology she had said before.

Everyone laughed, sat back and began to have breakfast.

Xue Yueer gently stroked the charred skin on Xiaoguding's hand and said softly, "You are seriously injured yet. Don't be angry, it will affect your recovery."

Song Chuyao suddenly put the bowl in Xue Yueer's hand and said, "You don't eat me. I didn't have enough yesterday, but I was starved!"

Xue Yueer smiled slightly and had no change in expression. She took the bowl, scooped up a spoonful of meat soup, and continued to slowly feed the small bones.

Then he didn't care about the others and magicalized a water mirror. He looked at his thin pointed face in the mirror. His hair was gone, his eyebrows were gone, his nose hair was gone, his sweaty hands were gone, and the hair in his armpits was gone, and There is the new...

Xiaoguding realized what was wrong and hurriedly picked up the gray clothes under him. He was like a thief and rushed back to his room.


Lu Lvchan exhaled a long breath of turbidity and ran into her room and dared not come out.

In the spacious cabin hall, there was only Ma Mingxiang, who dropped the vegetable bowl, and then exhaled. She blushed and squatted down. A wisp of light blue light flashed, put away all the dirty dishes, cleaned the boat board, and ran back to the kitchen like a deer. After a while, she I calmed down and continued to cook this unfinished dish. The bowl just now must be remade.

It's ugly!

In his cabin, the little bone Ding rarely blushed and wore his coat quickly and carefully. After a while, he came out of his cabin without blushing and breath. He walked into Lu Lvchan's cabin and asked, "Sister Chan, where is my protective jewelry? Is it all blown up?"

"No, it's all with me!"

Lu Luchan did not dare to raise her head and dare not look at Xiaoguding. She wrapped a piece of jewelry with spiritual power and sent it to Xiaoguding, including the Qingyu Juling jade pendant newly equipped with rope.

Xiaoguding exhaled, took the jade pendant around his neck, hid it, and put all the bracelet rings and Baibao silk bags.

After finishing all this, Xiaoguding said with satisfaction: "I didn't expect that I was blessed by the power of thunder and lightning and became much stronger, which was definitely better than the efficacy of a hundred golden body pills. The strangest thing is that there is a small purple-blue thunderbolt in my body!"


Lu Lvchan raised her little red face and asked incredulously, "Will you make a mistake? You have mistakenly regard water-based spiritual power as the power of thunder and lightning."

"There will be nothing wrong. If you don't believe it, look!"

The little bone is like a child with a wonderful toy. He is eager to show off. When the tips are displayed, a flashing lightning spark appeared on his fingertips, like an agile little snake.

"Ah, this is really the power of thunder and lightning!"

Lu Luchan came over in surprise, sensed the spark touching her finger, felt the feeling that it was no different from the power of thunder and lightning, and forgot what had just happened.

looking at Xiaoguding curiously, Lu Luchan exclaimed, "Xiaoguding, what kind of freak are you? How can you have such a strong cultivation talent? Gold, wood, water and fire can make up a complete five elements of spiritual power, and there are very rare talents, and there are more rare and powerful thunder belongs to Tiantong. All the talents possessed by this cultivation world are all for you! This has never been heard in the world of cultivation for hundreds or thousands of years.

"What's the matter? In fact, I have long found that there are a few thunder stars left in my body when I used gold pills to quench them, and there are also a few faint thunder and lightning aura like fog. I don't know where the dilution is hidden. If I hadn't had the talent of thunder, I wouldn't have been killed by this stingy fairy. Although this guy is stingy, he is also very kind to me. I won't be angry with him now. By the way, what about the new 'golden fairy' I received? Isn't it because I called it a 'golden fairy' that it was not blessed and died?

Xiaoguding proudly straightened and became thinner, more like a bamboo pole. It was like this thunderbolt that would take away a few pieces of meat that were already poor on his body. In fact, the small bone attached a few taels of lean meat to the bone, which was not burned by the power of thunder and lightning, but was quenched and compressed by the power of thunder and lightning. From the previous three points thick to one point, it looks more like a skin and bone.

The little bone trembled, felt a hundred times more energetic, and his body was less cumbersome. He became swinging in a big robe. He said in surprise, "This thunderbolt has lost a few pieces of fat meat that I had finally raised, and turned me into a thin bamboo pole? Now, I have confirmed the name of my son's 'Little Bone Ding'.

Thinking of this, Xiaoguding couldn't help but suffer from his face, and some were not satisfied with his increasingly thin figure.

Lu Luchan squeezed her lips and smiled and said, "I want to have this ability, and I also have this powerful power of thunder and lightning. Don't be blessed in happiness. It's most shameless to be cheap and be obedient!"

"Who is shameless?"

A dark head poked out from outside and stared at Xiaoguding angrily and said, "Xiaoguding, have you done something indewd to Sister Chan?"

This sentence pulled Xiaoguding back from the hard-won target to the original state just now. Their faces turned into a red cloth, red, as red as fire, and they all lowered their heads in shame, making Song Chuyao feel more and more fishy.


Luchen felt that this could not be delayed. She waved her hands and blushed and said, "I just said, 'Xiao Guding knew the power of thunder and lightning, but complained that this thunder turned him into a thin bamboo pole. I made fun of him for being cheap and obedient, which is the most shameless', not what you think!"

"There are no three hundred taels of silver here. Sister Chan, you don't make your own moves!"

Song Chuyao shook her head to show her disbelief. Then she looked at Xiaoguding, hugged Xiaoguding's thin body and felt his weight. She put it down again, pinched the scary face with protruding bones, laughed happily, held her stomach and turned her waist, and her branches trembled, pointing to Xiaoguding, "Haha, now it can really be called 'small bone' except bone' The head has no meat, isn't it a small bone? I see your nickname, which is the most vivid at this time! Haha..."

"Small bones are small bones, but you haven't yet! Now I feel light all over, indescribably flexible, and I feel happy.

Someone made fun of it, and the little bone immediately restrained his complaints and turned to proudly shaking his thin skeleton, which made Lu Lvchan couldn't help laughing, covering his mouth and laughing, and relieving himself from temporary embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, you have such a thin bone, why don't you call it 'Little Bone Ding'?"

Song Chuyao pushed Xiaoguding out with a smile, "Let's go, it's time for dinner now." However, Xiaoguding, you are really too thin now. From now on, you have to eat twice as much as usual for a meal. I told Sister Mingxiang to remember to eat extra next time, otherwise I will save you tonight's dinner so that you can eat early to gain weight and get rid of the embarrassment of 'small bones'?

"Who cares about your pieces of meat! My belly is also compressed and smaller now. I'm afraid I can't hold on.

The little bone Ding raised his head beautifully and swaggered to the dining table, and was very satisfied that he had a strong thunder-like spiritual power.

At the dining table, Lu Luchan told everyone that Xiaoguding had thunderous spiritual power, which attracted everyone's surprise and cheers, and made the whole cabin look happy.

After a lively time, Xiaoguding's eyes swept over Dahei. Suddenly, he remembered that Lu Luchan had not answered his question and continued to ask, "Where is my 'golden fairy'? Is it really fart?"