Zhu Xian

Chapter 1 Monster

The ground was trembling violently, and the stones around it fell one after another, while the astral disk bloomed with thousands of lights, illuminating the whole ghost royal family. In the air, the unpleasant smell of blood came to the nose, and the strong smell almost made people think that they were immersed in a bloody ocean.

Gui Li didn't know why this change suddenly occurred, but after the initial consterestalization, he suddenly woke up, turned around and shouted, "Xiao Hui

The shout suddenly came out from afar. Soon after, the echo of his shout came from the stone room, and then he was overwhelmed by a more violent trembling and vibration. In the rumble, the dust above his head was scattered, and the falling stones became bigger and bigger.

But he didn't answer. The familiar "squeak" sound did not come, and there was anxiety on the ghost's face. After a slight meditation, his eyes were fixed on the inner room. Next to him, Mr. Ghost also moved over at some point. The black veil mask could not see his expression clearly, but the tone of his voice at this moment did not seem to be very flustered. Instead, he faintly revealed general excitement in strange calmness.

"Your monkey should be inside. Mr. Ghost said so lightly beside the ghost.

Gui Li took a look at him and did not hesitate. When his body moved, he had already swept into the inner room. Then his body stiffened and stood in place. In the empty inner room, the dark door on the stone wall seemed to be a deep black hole, staring at him coldly.

behind him, the light suddenly moved. Mr. Ghost followed with the dazzling "star disk" in his hand. When he saw the dark door on the wall, he was obviously stunned. It seemed that he did not expect that the stone wall here would suddenly open a dark door, or maybe he knew the darkness here. The door, but I didn't expect it to open, and I didn't say anything for a moment.

Both of them are both people of Taoism. They only stood in this inner room for a moment and felt that the strong bloody gas around them was in the dark door here.

Gui Li's face turned cold and he took a deep look at Mr. Ghost. Mr. Ghost's eyes flashed. After a moment of hesitation, he said lightly, "Don't look at me. I've left your eyes step by step these days. I don't know what's going on."

Gui Li snorted coldly. Although his heart was full of doubts, the earthquake around him was getting worse and worse at this moment, and the missing Xiaohui obviously walked away from this hole. In any case, it was not the time to investigate at the moment. He made a decision and said coldly, "Let's go in."

Mr. Ghost frowned, as if he was quite hesitant and hesitant. He just wanted to say something, but he saw that the ghost's body shook and rushed into the darkness of the dark door.

Mr. Ghost stood still for a moment, looked at the shining star disk in his hand, and then at the secret door. Suddenly, he said, "People are not as good as God's calculations. It actually made a monkey bad..."

After saying that, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, and the black figure also floated up and swept into the secret door on the stone wall.

The passage of the stone wall dark door is narrow and long. With the rapid deepening of the ghost, the terrain gradually goes down, and the surroundings begin to become wet, but the most disgusting thing is that it goes deeper and deeper, the smell of blood around it becomes stronger.

At this moment, the ghost is in the passage, and the hard stone wall around it is trembling violently. If ordinary people walk here, there is really a fear that the stone walls on both sides will collapse and bury it alive. However, the ghost's face can't see this worry at all at this moment, The figure went faster and faster. Without a while, he had reached the hole on the other side of the channel. He fell down and looked up. Right in front of him was the red light that had become crazy and shining and a long platform wrapped in red shadow. From the direction of the platform, there was a faint but familiar roar. .

Gui Li's face changed slightly. As soon as he heard the roar, he heard that it was the roar after Xiaohui's transformation, but what was in the red shadow and what kind of danger could make Xiaohui transform into this life-and-death struggle?

He did not hesitate. He rushed into the dark red shadow like lightning, and behind him, Mr. Ghost also slowly floated down from the mouth of the cave. After standing firm, he did not do anything else, but looked back first. At this moment, behind the place where he stood, one was the hole that had just come in, and the other was There is an equally dark passage, and Mr. Ghost is looking at this other passage.

Mr. Ghost stared at the passage for a moment before he slowly withdrew his eyes and fell on the star disk in his hand. After seeing it here, golden ancient characters kept emerging in the center of the star disk, lighting up and slowly falling in the white light, which was extremely magical, as if he were responding to something with all his strength.

Mr. Ghost looked up and looked forward. The dark red light and shadow flashed disorderly and violently, a huge airflow surging, and the violent earthquakes and trembling stone walls around him seemed to announce a huge danger. Just in the face of these, a smile appeared in his eyes. He stepped towards the dark red light and shadow, and he walked briskly.

Gui Li rushed into the dark red light and shadow, almost at the same time as the red light shone on him. With his Taoism, he suddenly felt a slight dizziness. Although he had recovered in a blink of an eye, the scene still surprised him.

The huge blood pool, the collapsed mountain wall, and the bloody air in the air were not expected. In mid-air, at this moment, there is also a humanoid monster formed by countless red blood, more than dozens of feet tall, almost filling this huge cave. At the end of the platform, Xiaohui, who turned into a giant monkey, roared loudly and had no fear, but his body size was similar to that of this giant. Most importantly, at this moment, Xiaohui seemed to have no power to fight back. When the bloody giant kept spewing out bloody flames from the huge mouth, he had to keep avoiding. That's all.

The fierce blood flame kept splitting down from the air, sweeping everything, and even the hard rock melted everywhere it passed. Although Xiaohui was not an ordinary person, he did not dare to pick it up. He had to jump around on the platform and dodged in the danger of the arrow. Looking at his gray hair all over his body, he was bruised all over his body at this moment. Obviously, he had eaten a lot of tears. At present, he was just supporting himself and surviving.

At this moment, Xiaohui tried his best to jump up, and almost avoided a blood flame swept under his body. Even in mid-air, he felt the burning feeling of his fur under his body, and couldn't help roaring loudly. But it seems that this time it still dodged. It fell from mid-air. Unexpectedly, when its feet stepped on the ground, it suddenly had a sharp pain in its feet and almost hurt into the bone marrow. Xiaohui looked down and saw that the rock surface on the platform under his feet had been turned into hot stone water, and his feet had been scorched for a moment.

This pain is not small. The huge body of the little gray is shaky, but the blood giant in the sky seems to have no mercy at all. There is a layer of blood flame all over the world. Seeing that the little gray is about to smash his bones in this blood flame, the giant monkey looks up to the sky There were a few angry roars, but it was obviously useless.

The hot blood flame was split off, and the three eyes of the little gray seemed to turn into the red shadow of the blood flame. At this critical moment, suddenly there was a long roar behind him, like a dragon's voice. A cyan light was like a long rainbow passing through the sky, crossing an arc in the air, like thunder, like a sudden electricity, A cyan light shield was formed in the front, and the sharp light flashed in the blue light, and a Taiji pattern emerged. In the loud noise, it abruptly blocked the seemingly indestructible blood flame of the blood giant.

It was Gui Li who arrived at the critical moment.

Although this blow was blocked, the ghost's fierce body was shocked, and there was a burst of blackness in front of him. The illusion of the light shield almost dissipated, and his body was almost beaten and fell down into the blood pool. Fortunately, he was profound. When he fell, he took the opportunity to hit the edge of the stone platform. His whole body had already floated up and swept to the giant monkey. His eyes quickly glanced at Xiaohui, and he didn't say much. He grabbed Xiaohui's body directly, shouted in a low voice, and grabbed Xiaohui's huge body with one

Xiaohui let out a cry of pain, his body floated up, and his bones all over his body made a giggle in mid-air. After a moment, his body quickly shrank. In a blink of an eye, he had regained his usual size and became the little gray-haired monkey.

At this moment, the blood giant above his head seemed to be more and more angry because someone suddenly blocked his blood flame. The target also shifted to Gui Li, found a huge mouth, and with a "bang", a five-foot-long blood flame gushed out, like a fiery red falling from the sky and burning to Gui Li.

Gui Li grabbed Xiaohui, put it on his shoulder, and shouted: "Hold on and then floated up again. The speed of his body at this moment is much more flexible and faster than Xiaohui. Although the blood flame of the blood giant is extremely powerful, he always shuttles between the cracks of the blood flame. But it looks more leisurely.

And Xiaohui was not idle at this moment. When he recovered his usual body, he grabbed the ghost's clothes in one hand and let the ghost fly up and down in the air. He still sat steadily, but the other hand hurriedly grabbed his feet and looked at it. His face showed a look of pain. "Squeak" kept screaming, and then The fan was like a wind, fanning the cool breeze to his two feet. Maybe the soles of his feet were burned and uncomfortable!

However, he heard Xiaohui shouting like this in the ghost's fierce ears. At the same time, he saw Xiaohui's movements in the corners of his eyes, but his heart settled down and was able to fan the wind and scream. It seemed that he was not seriously injured except for a little skin injury. After a little peace of mind, the body of the ghost flew calmly. Although the blood flames were powerful, they were large and slow. He was not afraid of it. He also took this opportunity to look around and the bloody man himself in the gap of avoiding the blood flame.

Deep under his feet, it was like an abyss, but the blood pool under the abyss was a strange scene, especially when the ghost saw the four spirit beasts soaked in the blood pool, he was stunned. Among the four spiritual beasts, except for the wild turbid dragon, he has never contacted, and the other three spiritual beasts have a lot to do with him. Unexpectedly, they are all imprisoned here.

And he suddenly remembered that the ghost king had devoted all the power of the ghost king sect over the years, from the first ten years ago to the gathering of the four spiritual beasts now. Is it for the purpose of this strange needlework here?

His heart moved. He suddenly looked up and looked at the blood giant. A blood flame hit his head, and the surrounding wind was like fire. The ghost's fierce figure flashed out of thousands of feet away in an instant, avoiding the past. The blood flame hit the stone wall behind him, only hitting the stones flying wildly, leaving a huge hole of several feet on the hard stone wall.

The ghost floated in the middle of the sky and looked far away. The giant's body was composed of blood-colored aura. The red light was steaming like clouds, and a blood flame roared when he opened his mouth. This huge aura seemed to be inexhaustible and endless.

Gui Li Kan Kan avoided the past, but this time the sharp light flashed in his eyes, but he did not stay where he was. Instead, he followed the direction of the blood flame and went up retrograde at a distance of less than three feet from the hot-blooded flame, and rushed straight to the blood giant himself. Xiaohui lay on Gui Li's shoulder. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the terrible giant, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he shouted excitedly and waved his fist in his hand. He had the spirit of fighting to the death.

The blood giant did not seem to expect the sudden counterattack of the ghost, and its own body was too huge, which naturally could not be reflected. In a blink of an eye, the ghost turned into a blue shadow, like an arrow from the string shot into the huge body composed of blood gas.

As soon as he entered the body, the ghost felt a heavy pressure swarming from all directions in an instant, and his body suddenly slowed down. At the same time, his ears were full of wild shouts in an instant, like hell ghosts crying, and his blood surged for it. There was a mist of blood in front of me, and I couldn't see anything clearly. He frowned, and there was gold on his face. His mind changed and the magic method was born. His whole body was solemn and golden, and his demeanor was magnificent. In a blink of an eye, he forced the blood gas outside the body to retreat by three feet, and the discomfort in his body also improved.

Unexpectedly, the blood around him changed again. In the red and blood fog, countless faces appeared around the ghosts. There were laughter, sadness, anger and ferocity on their faces, which were different, just like all ghosts gathered around the ghosts.

"Help me


"Don't go..."

"Go to hell

Countless sudden noises swarmed like floods, and tens of thousands of red arms protruded from the blood fog and grabbed the ghosts, which could not be described in words. It's just that this kind of ghost magic is a wonderful method that is unfavorable to others, but when he meets the famous "Great Brahma Prajna" of the Buddha's mind with a fierce ghost, he happens to meet the nemesis.

The supreme magic method of Buddhism is the great enemy of the ghost. The thousands of ghost faces around it seem to be surging and powerful, but as soon as they approach the golden light around the ghost, they make sharp screams one after another, avoiding incessantly. A few who can't avoid it have been burned by the golden Buddha's light. In The wind has dissipated.

With such a big magic to protect the body, the ghost was even more fearless. His body rushed forward. There were countless ghost faces in front of him, but those who dared not stop him retreated one after another. With a "poof", he had pierced the body of the blood giant and rushed out.


The bloody giant let out a strange roar, which seemed to be very angry, and his huge body slowly turned around. Although Gui Li went through smoothly, his face became very solemn. The monster was full of blood, tangible and intangible. He just passed through the hole, and it obviously had no impact on it. In this way, he could only be beaten and unable to fight back, but looked at the monster's spiritual power to a terrible situation, and this cave The inner aura was full of excitement, and the ghost obviously felt that the scattered aura was constantly rolling into the giant's body. If it continued like this, it would only tire himself to death first.

Just as the ghost was thinking about how to deal with this seemingly invincurable blood monster, the blood giant changed first. The huge blood body suddenly collapsed like a collapse, and countless blood came out, forming a thick blood mist in the air fiercely, but there was no The signs of dissipation, on the contrary, gathered more and more tightly, and finally turned into a red-blooded balloon of about ten feet, like a red sun, emitting thousands of red lights in the air.

Just when the ghost was stunned, a loud noise suddenly burst out in the depths of the blood cells. After a moment, thousands of red tentacles were shot out from the blood mist condensed into the ball. Each tentacle had a bowl mouth thick and was dozens of feet long, and the blood steamed and flew across.

In an instant, the whole huge cave turned into a sea of red tentacles. Just now, the extremely powerful blood flame ghost could avoid the past, but at this moment, in the face of the ubiquitous and terrible thousands of tentacles, even the ghost couldn't help but feel numb and the face changed color.

From the beginning of the fight with Xiaohui, the radiation corroded the ball, summoned the skeleton, and later turned into a blood giant, and then to the thousands of tentacles of abnormal blood cells at present, the mysterious array of the strange power in the cave seemed to have endless strange powers, but in the ferocity, it changed thousands of changes, The heart of hope is powerless to deal with it.

"duo duo duo

The sound of breaking the sky sounded sharply, and the overwhelming tentacles rushed over from all directions. There was no way to retreat. There was no way to avoid it. The ghost's fierce face was solemn. He shouted loudly, and the golden light lit up all over his body at the same time, forming a light mask to wrap his body and small ash

It's just a blink of an eye. In the sour roar, the red tentacles rushed down all over the sky and immediately surrounded the ghost's light mask. Not to mention impenetrable, even a little bit of the clear light can't be seen. The completely strange red tentacles reflected in the eyes are tightly encircled layer by layer A strange red sphere..

Those red tentacles squirmed slightly, and the ground was tightening with all their strength and squeezing inward. In the air, they looked at the red sphere formed by red tentacles and slowly sank. After a moment, they bounced back to their original state, but the surrounding tentacles exerted their strength again and It was bounced back.

It was like a heartbeat, like breathing. Over and over again, suddenly there was a bursting sound in the red autumn body. After a moment, it turned into a loud noise. A large red tentacle seemed to be blown up and suddenly torn to pieces by a huge force and turned into red smoke and dispersed around. Under the shadow, the ghost's fierce figure shot out of the electric, came out of the air and fell on the platform in the middle of the blood pool, but his foot was soft and almost unable to stand.

Seeing that the ghost's face was extremely pale, he faintly heard his gasp. With his Taoism at this time, he was actually forced to such a point by the strange enemy in front of him at this time. It can be imagined that the power of this four-spirit blood array. It's just that the Four Spirits Blood Array and Fulongding are obviously not like this. Although they were trapped by ghosts, a large area of red tentacles that were blown up in mid-air seemed to be nothing to the huge blood cells in the air. In fact, those tentacles were turned into red smoke aura after bursting, and most of The red ball was sucked back, and the aura cycle was endless. No matter how powerful people were, they were invincible.

Just a moment later, more red tentacles were born from the red blood cells suspended in mid-air, and countless long red tentacles were waving in the sky. It was really terrible, and even the ghosts were cold.

Seeing more red tentacles covering the sky, they are so loud and roaring down. The ghost has already retreated. This kind of ghost in front of him is not like a human thing at all, which is beyond human power to resist. Just as he unfolds his body, he will have to pounce the red tentacle group like a storm and rush to The monkey Xiaohui, who had been lying tightly on his shoulder, screamed and screamed quickly, as if he had found something. He pointed to the huge red ball in the sky with his hand.

Gui Li was stunned. Just now, all his energy was struggling to deal with the terrible red tentacles. How could he have time to observe the red ball? At this moment, he still looked up in the direction of his little gray fingers and glanced at the red ball in the distance.

At this look, it was time for him to stop. In the deepest part of the blood-red red sphere, a faint white light was shining, which was completely different from the fierce red light around him, and almost at the moment when the white light was shining, the invincible strange red ball monster was also different. It changed, like an air bag full of scenery, and paused stiffly in an instant. Most of it turned into red smoke, and the small half shrank back, and the huge red blood cells, which were originally more than ten feet in size, also quickly shrank.

The blood in the air rolled rapidly, with a lot of madness, but there was no choice. Even if it was far away, Gui Li could faintly feel the violent meaning of madness and bitterness.

The mutation in front of us suddenly occurred, which was dazzling and stunned, but as the red light in the sky gradually weakened, under the close gaze of the ghost's eyes, a strange red cloud in the deepest part of the red blood cell was finally revealed. The blood red light there is the darkest. From a distance, it seems that it is going to bleed, and the white light that reverses the universe is also shot from the deepest part of the red cloud. Although it looks weak compared with the fierce blood around it, it has never wavering. On the contrary, it is Around the white light like a light dagger, the red light of blood slowly faded its color and gradually dissipated.

Gui Li suddenly realized that the earthquake that occurred under his feet and the stone wall around this huge cave, the violent trembling gradually calmed down at this moment. Only the bloody gas in the air was still so fierce. I don't know if it was because there was too much blood in the blood pool under his feet.

The blood in mid-air is still in the constant calves, and the sharp roar of red light can't help passing by quickly, as if extremely unwilling but helpless. Finally, after the blush receded, the true face was revealed in the depths of the red clouds.

An ancient tripod with a clumsy form and exuding vicissitudes of life. It is engraved with strange inscriptions all over its body. There is a strange demon face on the front of the tripod. In the middle of the forehead of the face, the white beam of light that seems to be dazzling at this moment is emitted from here.

"Fulong Ding

Gui Li recognized it at a glance. This ancient tripod is the most valued and mysterious magic weapon of the ghost king in the past.

Gui Li slowly turned around and took his eyes back from the Fulong tripod suspended in mid-air. He looked around. The stone walls of the four caves, which had already been dilapidated and cracked, the strange and terrible huge blood pool under his feet, and the powerless and painful confinement in it. At a glance, he knew that the four spirits Beast, is all this done by the ghost king?

And the terrible and strange power above the head, the invisible monster, should not exist in this world at all. Is it also summoned by the ghost king?

Except for the four words "crazy", there are really no other words to describe such acts.

At this moment, Xiaohui also seemed to lose his active nature after the fierce battle, and quietly lay on the ghost's shoulder, but his three eyes kept looking at the Fulong tripod in the sky, as if he also had a lingering fear of the mysterious power just now.

The ghost's face stood solemnly for a long time, and then slowly walked to the end of the platform. The ground under his feet passed through the fierce fighting just now, affecting the pond fish. The original hard ground had already turned into a pothole, and there were big holes and small holes that were knocked out by corrosion or huge force. He stood on the edge of the platform, like the first little gray, leaning down and looking down.

Xiaohui, who was lying on his shoulder, also withdrew his eyes and looked at Fu Longding at this moment. He cried a few times in a low voice, as if he also had the intention of pleading, and wanted to ask the ghost to save the glort and other spiritual beasts below. The strange light flashed in Gui Li's eyes, and his eyebrows were tightly locked together. When he saw the four spiritual beasts below in the chaos just now, he felt something was wrong. At this moment, he looked carefully and found that the remains of these four so-called ancient spirit beasts were already very damaged, and his spiritual power was almost the most powerful.

Gui Li has never heard of such a vicious magic in the world that absorbs aura before. It seems that the mysterious formation naturally laid in this huge cave and the dragon tripod in the sky.

He couldn't help but hesitate. The vicious blood array of the four spirits in front of him did not have any good impression on him, and three of the four spirit beasts below had a lot to do with him. He said that it seemed reasonable to help these spirit beasts get out of trouble. But he is no longer the simple teenager in those years. On turn, he has thought that the power of this array is so great. All this in front of him must have taken countless efforts of the ghost king to complete it. If he rushes to destroy the big thing of the ghost king, isn't it equivalent to turning against him?

In fact, if he just turned against the ghost king, the ghost was not afraid at all. He turned it over, but there was also a Baguio lying there for ten years...

At the thought of Baguio in his heart, the light in Gui Li's eyes dimmed. He sighed gently, slowly stood up straight, shook his head silently in front of Xiaohui on his shoulder. Xiao Hui suddenly became anxious, scratched his ears and cheeks, waved his hands, and his face was full of pleading. Obviously, he wanted the ghost to save the spirit beast below. Gui Li frowned, his face was uncertain, and his heart was also hesitant.

At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly came from behind them. Gui Li and Xiaohui were both shocked. At the same time, they turned their heads and saw that Mr. Ghost in black unexpectedly came to the platform behind them, and the ancient god magic treasure star plate was brilliant and rolling like The waves surged and turned into a beam of light around the astral disk, rushing straight to the sky, which actually echoed the magical pillar of light on the Fulong tripod.

In the asstellar disk in the dazzling pillar, countless white petals are transformed below, which are connected one by one, like the lotus throne under the Buddha Bodhisattva, crystal clear, like a crystal, arching the astral disk; on the astral disk, in the bursts of glow, a golden ancient character lit up, shining. The brilliance is floating and uncertain in the brilliance, but this time, the shining gold is no longer fading, but brighter and brighter.

With the brilliance of this gold, like echoing, in mid-air, the light dagger that bound the dragon tripod also lit up.

Gui Li's heart suddenly tightened, took a step, and said harshly, "What are you doing?"

But Mr. Ghost seemed to turn a deaf ear to the ghost's fierce words. At this moment, his black figure was completely wrapped in the brilliance emitted by the asstellar disk, and his eyes stared at the floating plate in front of him. Somehow, he seemed to be a little less ordinary ghostly and more solemn. Zhuxian's nest f hand fight"

Under the shining eyes of the asstellar disk, Mr. Ghost's hand was like a Buddha, leisurely and empty, gently in the center of the brightest star disk, as if with his guidance, another scenery font shined out, generous light, gently floating in the light above the asstellar; and Mr. Ghost did not hesitate for a moment He stared at the center of the light, as if he were looking for something. In a moment, he clicked around in the center of the asc.

The four gold characters appeared in turn, and the whole asstellar disk was brilliant, and the scope of the surrounding light column had been more than doubled. Correspondingly, the "Qiankun" light column on the Fulong tripod above the sky also suddenly rose several times, and made a soft sound of the card, constantly shaking, as if there

The ghost is not a small surprise. No matter how stupid the person is, after the fierce battle just now, he knows that the magic beam of light on the devil's face is the only thing that can imprison the invincible and strange power at this moment. If this universe lock is untied, the consequences can be imagined. At this moment, he could no longer care about his face. In a hurry, he rushed to Mr. Ghost and shouted, "Shut up and fight in the nest of immortals"

Unexpectedly, although his figure was as fast as lightning, when he rushed into the five-foot distance between Mr. Ghost and the astral disk, he was actually bounced open by a soft but abundant invisible force, and that is, when the ghost was blocked, Mr. Ghost clicked on the astral disk again.

This time, he seemed to be very slow, and his fingers trembled slightly. I don't know whether it was because of the tension in his heart or the result of concentrating all his strength too hard. His slightly trembling fingers reached into the light of the astral disk. There was a momentary pause. After a With a soft crisp sound, the seventh golden font slowly rose above the asstellar disk.

The seventh gold looks a little larger than the previous six golden fonts, and the color is deeper. After rising to the top of the astral disk, it is not as uncertain as other gold characters, but slowly rising, so fixed in mid-air. With the seventh gold characters rising into the sky, the remaining six gold suddenly gathered around and surrounded them in a circle. In an instant, the seven gold characters were in full bloom, converging into a pillar of golden light, but the fingers were thick and rushed straight up to the Qiankun lock light column on the Fulong tripod.

In the huge cave, not long ago, the huge cave that was surging with wind and clouds suddenly fell into a strange silence. At this moment, everything was quiet, and there was no breath. All the eyes, the ghost, Mr. Ghost, the little ash, the spirit beast in the blood pool, and even the strange existence in the underworld, held their That's what's about to happen!


A very light, very light crisp sound.

The light beam of the universe lock on the Fulong tripod quickly disappeared, leaving a small finger-big hole in the forehead of the devil's face, and the golden beam of light shot from the asstel plate just shot on this small hole. After a while, a bead slowly rolled out of the small hole, showing a dark blue color and falling into the golden beam of light.

The golden beam of light slowly recovered and slowly fell, and the mysterious blue bead also slowly fell and came to the star disk. When the bead was closer to the ground and could be seen more clearly, the blue in it was like a vast sea, endless, and the faint smoke was locked in it, slowly flowing. It's like the rise and fall of the tide, the sun and the moon are in the sky, and it is endless.

The golden beam of light gradually faded, and the seven gold characters on the astral disk gradually faded and finally disappeared, while the removed dark blue bead suspended half a foot above the astral disk and slowly began to rotate. The dazzling light around the astral disk subsided and gradually withdrew from the astral disk. Soon, the astral disk returned to its original appearance and suspended in the air, with only a faint soft light three times. The small star-like jade blocks in the center of the jade disk still glided endlessly. The difference is that it is above the astral disk. There is a beautiful blue rotating bead, which looks like the star disk is the sky, but all the stars are only running around the beautiful dark blue star bead.

The truth of heaven and earth, hundreds of millions of years, as if they were all in this moment, quietly revealed in this small star disk.

In the cave, there was silence, as if everything was shocked by this magnificent and magical scene, but the silence only lasted for a moment.


The unspeakable loud shout, with the ecstasy of thousands of years since ancient times, endless blood suddenly appeared in this big cave. Every place was full of strong blood steam, every corner was a roaring red light and shadow, and the intense bloody air rose to the sky and suspended high in the sky. The Fulong tripod above, countless blood rushed to it crazily.

On the ancient tripod, the original pale mysterious inscriptions lit up one by one, with a strange rhythm, turning into blood-colored words, and a mysterious and strange voice sounded in the air, like the old and lonely ancient demon spirit, reading the poems forgotten for thousands of years. Zhuxian's nest f hand fight"

Red, blood-red color, like a tide, surged through the whole Fulong tripod, turning it into a red shining monster. Finally, all the blood surrounded the demon face on the front of the ancient tripod, starting from the chin, eroding up little by little. His lips turned red, drowned his nose, and devoured his eyes.

Finally, it was like all the blood roaring together, and the whole Fulong tripod trembled for it. All the violent blood light and shadow roared together in this huge cave. The harsh roared endlessly, the blood in the blood pool began to boil, the ground shook, and the rocks fell like rain

Blood, rushing like an unstoppable torrent, permeated the cave where the little blue used to be, and dyed the whole devil's face red.


At the top of the fox rock mountain, the wind and clouds changed color, and the thunder fell from the sky, which exploded on the top of the sky!

The wind blew out the smoke of the boulders, the sky and the earth, a scene of killing the sky! Zhu Xian's nest purple wind hand fight

In the ice stone room in the cave of Huji Mountain, the ground and stone walls were trembling in another violent earthquake, and the rocks fell one after another, but the ghost king seemed to be unaware of it. At this moment, his eyes were all blood-red, extremely strange.

In the trembling stone chamber and the falling rocks, he slowly raised his right hand to look. In the palm of the palm of his right hand, a blood-red inscription clearly emerged from the flesh and blood at this moment, shaped like an ancient tripod, vigorous and powerful, with a little strange color.

The ghost king stared at the tripod-shaped inscription in his hand. After a moment, he slowly laughed, full of violence, with a little madness, and even hysterical

"Successful, successful, finally successful! Ah," he gasped deeply, his voice had already become hoarse, his face was twisted muscles, and his face was red like blood, which looked very strange.

Suddenly, he suddenly clenched his right hand into a fist, and in an instant, a powerful force came out of him. He could almost see the tiny little blood beating like a small lightning beside him, and the surrounding stone wall seemed to be pulled by a huge pull, and collapsed in an instant, and the rocks were flying. Zhu Xian's nest purple wind hand fight


In the laughter, with madness and pride, the ghost king walked towards the entrance of the stone room, but at the entrance of the stone room, he suddenly stopped again. In the crazy violence on his face, he suddenly showed a little hesitation, and his body moved slightly, as if he wanted to turn around and see something.

Behind him is Baguio's body lying quietly.

However, after that short moment of hesitation, the ghost king did not look back. The huge and hard stone door suddenly flew out in front of him. In the violent earthquake and the splashing stone rain everywhere, with a violent determination, the ghost king strode out of the ice stone room.

"The violent vibration keeps making the sound of collision, and the falling stones are getting bigger and bigger, as if the river is about to engulf here. And this thin green figure lay quietly on the stone platform, lonely and quiet, with a little sadness.

The crisp sound of bells, quietly, echoed in this stone room, but was soon submerged by the louder sound of falling rocks collapsing.