Zhu Xian

Chapter 2 Farewell

On the platform of the blood pool, Gui Li and Mr. Gui looked up at the Fulong Ding suspended in the air, but their eyes were completely different. Gui Li was shocked with consternation, and in Mr. Gui's eyes after the black veil, it was completely a kind of excitement and ecstasy.

Without the universe lock, the last and most important bolt orange, the mysterious power of Fulong Dingshan seems to have been completely resurrected at this moment. The red blood surged crazily. The devil's face is also like getting life. The brilliance flows, and a pair of blood-red eyes tremble slightly like spirituality. .

The general invisible but terrible feeling of oppression emanates endlessly from mid-air, and people can hardly breathe.

Gui Li came to his senses from the shock, turned to Mr. Gui and shouted angrily, "What did you do?" Mr. Ghost seemed to turn a deaf ear to the ghost's fierce scolding. His eyes were full of excitement and even a little crazy. After a few steps, he suddenly knelt down to the Fulong tripod in mid-air. The ghost was stunned and looked at the black figure in disbelief.

Under the surprised gaze of the ghost, Mr. Ghost opened his arms and stretched out his hands and shouted, "Shura!"

"Boom!" A terrible loud noise, like a terrible demon was awakened from his sleep and swayed from the Fulong tripod. The stone walls on all sides of the cave burst at the same time. Countless huge rock blocks collapsed and fell one after another, and the blood in the huge blood pool under the cave seemed to be pulled by a huge force. In the loud noise, there The water column actually rushed up out of thin air, strange and spectacular.

On the Fulong tripod, a faint red shadow appeared. The shadow was looming, but it was obvious that it was becoming more and more obvious in the twisting struggle. It was about to appear here. At the distance, Gui Li also clearly and sincerely felt the terrible power and the crazy murderous intention.

Gui Li stared at the red shadow deeply, and his face changed rapidly several times. Suddenly, he stamped his feet and his body floated up, but swept towards the mouth of the cave. Although I don't know who this strange thing that is about to be born is sacred, the huge power contained in it is obviously beyond human resistance. If the mysterious universe lock just now is still there, there is still a turning point. At this moment, the universe lock has been broken by the ascetical disk, and the ghost's mind has turned, but it is an opportunity

He is no longer the simple and warm-blooded teenager in those years. He sacrificed everything for justice. In his heart, he may not be afraid of death, but there is something more important than death.

The earthquake around him became more and more intense with the appearance of the strange red shadow. That is, just now, he felt uneasy from time to time. Will this change that has never happened in Huqi Mountain endanger Baguio?

At this moment, the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he had no intention to entangle him here and decided to leave. In addition to him, Mr. Ghost obviously put all his spirit on the mysterious red shadow at this moment, turning a blind eye to the departure of the ghost. Under the blood-red light, his eyes seemed to It turned red.

"Shura..." He raised his hand and looked up to the sky and shouted loudly.

The ghost's body swept away, and there was Mr. Ghost's strange shout in his ear, and he was also shocked. In the past ten years, Mr. Ghost has been mysterious in the Demon King Sect, but with his Taoism and knowledge, even he has to be a little afraid. Unexpectedly, he has become so strange today. While thinking about it, he was so fast that he was about to rush to the mouth of the cave and leave the crazy blood pool cave.

Unexpectedly, at this time, suddenly there was a thrilling and heartbreaking cry behind him.

"Ah..." The cry was sharp and harsh, and the voice was full of panic, despair, disbelief and sadness, and the ghost heard it so fiercely that it turned out to be Mr. Ghost's voice.

This change happened suddenly, one after another. Under the shock of the ghost, he couldn't help but stop and turn around. This look shocked his whole body and took a breath of cold breath.

Mr. Ghost's black body is still the same as just now, kneeling down to the Fulong tripod in mid-air and the mysterious red shadow on it, but at this moment, the originally raised hands have slowly drooped down and fell to the ground weakly. A huge crimson tentacle, surrounded by sharp as a knife, stabb Like a huge sickle, it pierced from behind Mr. Ghost and came out of his chest. The remaining strength was still so huge that it pierced deeply into the hard ground under Mr. Ghost's body. Within a six-foot radius, all the rock blocks were cracked.

The mysterious and strange red shadow actually nailed Mr. Ghost to the ground with a terrible sickle-like tentacle. Blood gushed out of Mr. Ghost's wound and dyed the ground under him in a blink of an eye. Er..." Mr. Ghost gasped, and his body trembled violently. After a moment, the huge tentacles that seemed to have no mercy were pulled up and taken back. The terrible power suddenly brought up the already fragile Mr. Ghost and turned into the air.

Blood splashed everywhere and passed through the air, with a little sadness. No one would have thought that Mr. Ghost, who lifted the lock of the universe, became the first sacrifice of the mysterious red shadow demon!

Gui Li was almost subconscious. He jumped up and picked up Mr. Ghost in mid-air. The masked black veil was still there, but it had been dyed dark by the blood he spit out. Gui Li silently looked at his chest and then turned his eyes away. The wound was so huge that Mr. Ghost was almost cut in two pieces. The wound was so serious that he couldn't live anyway. Just a moment ago, the person who was still standing beside him changed like this in a blink of an eye, and Gui Li didn't know what to say for a moment.

Holding Mr. Ghost's body, Mr. Ghost fell back to the platform near the mouth of the cave, far away from the terrible red shadow. At this moment, Mr. Ghost in his bad mood was more angry, but under such a serious injury, suddenly, Mr. Ghost laughed in a low voice.

The laughter was full of bitterness, full of self-deprecation and helplessness, and his laughter only lasted for a moment, and was immediately interrupted by a more violent cough and vomiting of blood.

Gui Li gently put him on the ground, and then looked at the mysterious red shadow in the distance warily. He saw that the red shadow wrapped in countless blood was constantly distorting and changing, but there was no intention to take action on the mouth of the cave. I don't know if it was because of a distance.

Gui Li looked back at Mr. Gui, was silent for a moment, and whispered, "Do you have anything else to say?" Mr. Ghost gasped, and the light in his eyes had begun to fade significantly. He hoarsely and said with a bitter smile intermittently, "I didn't... have nothing to say. This, this is all... God's will, retribution... retribution... retribution... ah..."

Ghost frowned and looked complicated. Although he had always been more hostile to Mr. Ghost than friendly, at this moment, when Mr. Ghost was dying, his mood suddenly became complicated. He wanted to say something to comfort him, but he couldn't think of anything suitable. Words can comfort Mr. Ghost at this moment.

Just as the seriously injured Mr. Ghost gasped and gradually lowered, suddenly, the dying man seemed to suddenly remember something, and he didn't know where the power came from in the body, but suddenly grabbed the ghost's hand.

Gui Li was shocked. He looked at him in astonishment and said, "What's wrong?"

"You...go...find...to..." Mr. Ghost was in pain and hoarse. Every word he said seemed to have tortured him, but he still endured and struggled to say his last words to Gui Li word by word.

Even if the ghost is hard-hearted, he can't help but change his mind. He said solemnly, "Tell me, who do you want me to go to?"

"Look for...small...ring..."

Gui Li's body was shocked. In any case, he would never think that when Mr. Gui was dying, he suddenly said such a thing. With a somewhat disbelievable tone, he said in astonished, "Looking for Xiaohuan? What are you looking for her for?"

Mr. Ghost grabbed the strength of Gui Li's hand and slowly weakened, but he still struggled to say word by word: "Say... she... go... save... save..."

After talking about the word "save", Mr. Ghost seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and the brilliance in his eyes became lighter and lighter, and his whole body slowly softened, and he could not even hear the gasp.

There is a deep connection between Gui Li and Xiao Huan, and he has always loved this little girl very much. He has the feeling of seeing her as his sister. At this moment, when he heard Mr. Ghost's last words were about Xiaohuan, and he saw that Mr. Gui worked so hard but still struggled to say, it was obviously of great importance.

But at present, Mr. Ghost seems to have passed away in the middle of his words. Gui Li was in a hurry. He rushed down and put his ear close to Mr. Ghost's lips and shouted, "Who are you asking Xiaohuan to save? Tell me!"

Mr. Ghost's lips moved, as if he heard the ghost's cry. He gasped a few times, and then struggled to say the last words with the voice that Ghost could only barely hear: "Save... Qing... Cloud... Back... Mountain..."

After the words, he gradually became inaudible. When he finally spit out an almost inaudible "mountain", Mr. Ghost suddenly trembled, and then his whole body relaxed and his breath was cut off, but he passed away.

The ghost was stunned for a moment, and slowly put Mr. Ghost's body on the ground. His mind was full of questions, Qingyun Houshan?

What does this mean? If it is correct, Mr. Ghost's last words should refer to Qingyun Mountain, but the Qingyun Mountain Range stretches for thousands of miles, among which the mountains are undulating. Where does the back mountain start? Qingyunmen occupies the highest seven peaks among them. Each peak has a so-called back mountain, but what does it mean to save the back mountain of Qingyun?

Mr. Ghost said that he was generally dead. After a moment of meditation, he sighed and looked at the dead Mr. Ghost. He saw that his eyes were still half open and closed, so he reached out and closed his eyes and whispered, "If there is a chance to meet Xiaohuan, I will turn this for you, but you have no head. Brain, I'm afraid she can't figure it out.

After saying that, he stood up and looked up in the distance. He saw that most of the red shadow on the Fulong tripod was about to appear. His whole body was as red as blood, but his head was still shrouded in a mass of blood. He frowned and did not want to be here again. The ground was delayed, and he turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, his heart moved, and his footsteps suffocated again.

At such a moment, an idea suddenly came to his mind, like an uncontrollable **.

He turned around and looked at the dead Mr. Ghost's body again. On the black figure, the black veil was still masked. The ghost stared at the black veil for a moment, and suddenly wanted to lift the black veil to see what kind of face it was inside.

After only a moment, he finally gave up the idea and turned away.

When Gui Li left the cave of the blood pool, Xiao Hui, who was lying on his shoulder, shouted in a low voice. Gui Li was speechless. Although he was a little unbearable about the four spirit beasts in the blood pool, the place behind him at this moment was really the most dangerous place in the world. Even with the way at this moment, The terrible and mysterious power has no chance of winning at all.

The stone walls and the ground around him are still shaking. Although he knows that there is a ghost king guarding it beside Baguio, and there should be no accident, there is still some anxiety in Gui Li's heart. This is a disaster that has never been encountered before. Obviously, the strange formation arranged by the ghost king at this moment has great signs of getting Mr. Young Ghost is the best example.

Anyway, even if the ghost king object, let's take Baguio out of here first!

Huqi Mountain is too dangerous at the right time.

Gui Li thought like this, and his figure also accelerated and swept towards the way. In a blink of an eye, he reached the fork in the road with two passages. When he was about to sweep in, he suddenly suffocated, but found that in the depths of the cave passage that should have been dark, there was a trace of red light The light is coming quickly in its own direction.

Gui Li's heart moved, and he didn't know why. He suddenly seemed to be subconscious. He turned around and flashed into another channel. He hid in a dark corner with his back against the wall, holding his breath. At the same time, he quietly held the little gray on his shoulder in his arms and covered its mouth with his hand.

Xiaohui was psychic in the morning, as if he understood something, and then calmed down and crawled in the arms of the ghost.

There was a silence in the channel, but the silence did not last long. After a moment, a roar was heard from the channel, with a heavy gasp, which somehow made people sound more like beasts than people.

"Bang!" A tall figure passed through the passage and fell on the ground. Looking from behind, the back was the ghost king. However, at this moment, the person in front of him is completely different from the usual ghost king. His clothes are somehow a little tattered. Looking at his limbs and torso, there is a strange feeling that it is bigger than usual.

There is a deep "cracking" sound coming out of the ghost king, and I don't know what it is, but there is a very familiar smell from him.

Strong bloody smell!

Gui Li stared at the figure coldly in the dark corner!

The ghost king did not stay where he was for a long time. After falling, he looked around slightly and then walked to the red light and shadow at the end of the platform in the distance. He walked quickly and in a hurry, as if there was something he was eager for waiting for in front of him, so that he did not even carefully check the strange blood stains . When the figure of the ghost king disappeared in the dark red light and shadow of the cave, the ghost slowly came out of the darkness. He stared at the place, and his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiaohui slowly climbed up from his arms, sat on his shoulder, and whispered twice.

Gui Li was silent for a moment. He just wanted to turn around, but he was suddenly shocked and his face changed greatly. At present, the fox mountain is shaking, the situation is strange, and there are dangers everywhere. At this time, the ghost king came here alone, and there was obviously an evil spirit all over his body, which was very different from usual.

But what about Baguio...

At this time, the ghost king went to the blood pool, and who would be guarding Baguio?

The blood color on the ghost's face faded in an instant. It was extremely pale, and his mind was buzzing. How dare he hesitate for a moment? He jumped up like lightning, rushed into the channel and flew away.

Along the way, he kept thinking in his heart: Baguio... Baguio... You must not have a accident...

The whole Huqi Mountain is trembling. This is the feeling of the ghost's heart flying in the passage. Up to now, the duration of this earthquake has far exceeded the past, and there is still no sign of stopping at this moment. On the contrary, the feeling from the feet and the surrounding stone walls, the vibration is still increasing.

There was a strange sound of collapse from far and near, which was frightening. After the ghost swept out of the secret road and rushed out of the ghost king's stone room, the corridor in the ghost king's sect in front of him had been completely destroyed.

There are stones falling off the stone wall everywhere. The originally unobstructed passage has become a curved path of potholes and piled stones, and there are constantly more and larger stones falling from the stone wall.

The loud rumble from the depths of the mountain was mixed in the earthquake, which made people feel the unknown and terrible.

As the ghost swept out, he soon found that from those channels, countless disciples of the Ghost King Sect were like crazy and frightened ants, desperate to the exit of the cave. The strict rules of this sect in the past finally lost all its effectiveness at this critical moment of life and death, no People care about it anymore.

The flow of people gathered into a river, and the anxious pace was quickly blocked by the crowd. At such a time, everyone escaped, and no one saw his title of deputy suzerain, and no one made way for him.

In addition to people, they are also people.

The anxious ghost strode forward, pushing away whose body in front of him and squeezed forward. However, the front of the man was still a person, and soon, the depth of the ghost also gathered a large number of disciples of the ghost king sect who fled

He is like an angry little fish in the huge fish in the deep sea. He struggled desperately and pushed him to rush out. However, the flow of people in him was so crowded that even a few feet above people's heads could be seen from time to time.


Under the soles of his feet, there was a sudden violent vibration. The vibration was so severe that all the crowded crowd involuntarily fell to one side. In a panic, there were cries of fear and loud roars, and the hiss of pain from all directions. In the crazy flow of people, I don't know who it was. He fell down and trampled to death in pain and fear.

Gui Li's eyes are full of blood, his mouth is dry, and he even has a slight feeling of dizziness in his mind. What will be waiting for him in front of him?

Baguio... He shouted desperately in his heart.

Finally, as the flow of people squeezed through this passage, Gui Li turned at a fork in the road. The ice stone room is quite far from the stone room of the ghost king. At present, you just need to go back along this road and go to the end. However, Gui Li's body turned around. Looking forward, his body suffocated, and there was a little despair on his face.

On this road, countless disciples of the Ghost King Sect also gushed together and rushed out desperately. Although the road just now was slow, it still took advantage of the situation, but at this moment, it had to move against the flow of people. Looking at the faces of the people in front of him who were almost crazy because of fear, the ghost's heart The ground shook and the mountains shook, and there were strange noises. People continued to escape in madness and despair. Behind the crowd, in the lonely stone room, what happened to the Iraqi people? Have they ever been injured by stones?

Did she see that a man shouted loudly in the crowded crowd, rushing against the current with a kind of madness similar to the fugitives around him, approaching the ice stone room where she was.


A loud noise burst after the crowd. Under the violent tremor, a huge crack on the stone wall collapsed and broke like a broken watermelon skin, and one of the boulders almost the size of the whole channel was hit down and was in the crowd.

In an instant, the blood flashed, the blood splashed, and more than a dozen people died like this. The injured were unknown. In addition to the shock, the more frightened crowd rushed forward desperately, and the escape road was blocked by huge stones. The frightened people behind the rock shouted in despair.

Under the boulder, bright red blood flowed and stained a large area of land.

The breath of despair permeated the crowd, and people pushed the huge stone desperately, but the hard and huge rock was not shaken by their ability, and it was still cold and motionless.

The earthquake around and the loud roar in the distance, with the smell of death, seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

At this moment, suddenly the person closest to the boulder suddenly felt a cold air coming from the front. After a moment, the boulder burst into a continuous violent cracking sound.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the boulder was actually shattered, and a large piece of gravel fell from the flying smoke and dust, but people were ecstatic. They didn't care so much that they had to raise their feet and continue to rush forward.

"Cough, cough..." A slight cough came from behind the smoke flying in front of him. A figure seemed to stagger a little and slowly came over. The dust fell on his face and shoulder, but he did not reach out to wipe it. In his pale face, a strange flushing appeared. .


He was greeted by a pair of surprised eyes, but no one was grateful. Before everyone felt it, their minds had been occupied by the idea of escape again. The flow of people moved one after another. The people in front had already run over, and the crowded scene just now was about to happen again.


A deafening shout suddenly came out of the ghost's mouth standing in the dust, and the people in front suddenly stopped. At this moment, the so-called deputy suzerain's identity can no longer restrict them. The only thing that can scare them is the same threat of death.

The blood-red-eyed man held the "soul-eating" in his hand, and the blood-eating beads flashed with blood light, which was running to the extreme. The cold murderous intention surged like a tide, and the same cold words came out of him.

"Who dares to stand in my way again, the stone just now is the end!"

The crowd was shocked. The still rolling smoke and dust made everyone believe in the danger of ghosts, and his eyes were crazy blood-red light, which made people unable to ignore his threat. Quietly, the crowd gave him a narrow road in the crowded passage. It was too small to allow only one person to pass, but it was already It's the limit.

Gui Li didn't say anything more. He strode, squeezed into the crowd, and ran in the direction of the ice stone room.

In front, at the end of the crowd, there is another person waiting for him...

Anyway, he must go there!

He clenched his teeth tightly, and his lips unconsciously flowed out of thin blood marks. It looked a little terrible. No one around him was willing to look directly into his eyes, and everyone avoided it as if he was a devil.

It's just that Gui Li didn't care at all. He just ran hard, pushed away every deep and shallow person, followed the narrow path that seemed to be submerged by the flow at any time, strode and walked against the current.

How many people in this world are really worth caring about?

Suddenly, in the depths of the ground under your feet, there was another loud thunder. A moment later, another wave of violent earthquake hit. The stone walls trembled violently, and large rocks fell one after another, mercilessly smashing into the crowd. People were crying everywhere. In a blink of an eye, the violent tremor There are abound of crooked people. If you like this book, please go to Liancheng Book League to vote for me.

I don't know who shouted in extreme fear and rushed forward desperately. After a moment, everyone did the same thing and completely forgot other dangers.

The path in front of him, which was already in danger, suddenly turned into something, and countless people flocked to it into a terrible torrent. Suddenly, they wrapped the ghost in it and desperately rushed to another direction. The ghost's eyes were about to crack. He roared, and his whole body was full of murderous intent. His left hand suddenly stretched out. Like carrying a chicken, he immediately grabbed a disciple of the ghost king who fled for his life and pulled him in front of him. At the same time, his right hand devoured his soul high, and he was about to split

In the faint red light, the blood-eating beads flashed with strange light, illuminating the young face full of fear. He is a teenager. His face is pale, his body is constantly trembling because of too much fear, and his teeth are cold. Only in his eyes, there is still a little light, that little faint light.

That's the residual instinctive desire for life!

At that moment, it was like a frozen cold murderous intention and the madness in the heart, the faint light flashing of the soul. In the crowd, at the end of the crowd, who is looking far away in the underworld?

The bloody red light quietly faded from the ghost's eyes. Instead, it turned out to be faint tears. He let go of his hand. He let go of the feared teenager and suddenly roared. His soul stabbed out like the wind, broke the stone and pierced into the hard stone wall beside him.

Gui Li grasped the soul tightly, clung to the stone wall, and buried his head deeply in the darkness.

The flow of people surged from behind him, and countless bodies squeezed him, pressed him, and hit him. However, he endured motionlessly, as if he had turned into an inanimate rock, waiting silently.

The teenager was swept up by the stream and rushed forward involuntarily. However, in the surging crowd, he kept turning back, and there was a strange light in the young eyes. In the crowded cracks, he desperately searched for the lonely and patient figure, but the figure soon disappeared into the sea of people and could no longer be seen.

I don't know how long it took. In the frenzy, the terrible tide of fugitives finally passed. In the scattered smoke, a figure slowly propped up from the stone wall. Just as he was about to step, suddenly his feet softened, and he almost couldn't stand and fell down.

Gui Li took a deep breath, clenched his teeth, and finally held on. His clothes, especially the part of his back, were already tattered at this moment, as if he had been trampled by countless beasts from above. Even with his Taoism, his face was extremely pale and ugly.

But he did not mean to stop to rest. On the contrary, the anxiety on his face became stronger, and there was no runaway stream in front of him. He stepped forward and staggered towards the end of the passage.


Somehow, there seems to be a little darkness ahead.

He gasped and ran through the passage. The damage to the stone walls around him became more and more serious. There were collapsed rubble everywhere, and these were reflected in the eyes of the ghost, but only increased the anxiety in his heart.

Finally, he saw the door of the ice stone room from afar, but then he was stunned, and his face was a little pale. From afar, he clearly remembered that there was a newly installed stone door at the door, but at this moment it was a piece of rubble scattered on the ground. Is it...

Gui Li didn't dare to think about it any more. He had to stride and swept it away with all his strength.

Suddenly, at the moment when he moved, there was no warning at all. The rumbles and violent earthquakes in the depths of Huqi Mountain stopped in an instant.

The previous moment was still a crazy noise, but the next moment was a strange silence. This comparison was too strong to be almost unacceptable.

Gui Li's body suffocated in the air and still ran forward. In this sudden silence, there was only a lonely figure in the long passage, flying towards the depths of the mountain.

And behind him, the deep darkness slowly surged up and rolled in without a sound.

He rushed to the door of the stone room and grabbed the hard door frame. The joints turned white because of force and looked inside.

The world is still, silent, and no sound or scene exists. In his eyes, there is only an empty ice stone platform in the ice stone room at this moment.

Empty...stone platform!

As if all his strength had been suddenly emptied, his body softened, the sky and the earth turned, and the whole world seemed to be spinning and trembling. The only cry only echoed desperately in his mind.


Gui Li stood up blankly and slowly walked into the stone room. Because of the impact of countless strong earthquakes, this ice stone room had long been devastated. The gravel blocks fell to the ground everywhere. The stone walls on all sides were cracked, and there were countless cracks, large and small. Even the ground, which had always been cleaned, had already accumulated A layer of dust.

Even near the empty ice stone platform at this moment, there are more than a dozen large and small falling stones, several of which were directly hit on the stone platform. Everything in front of him seemed to have turned into a sharp knife and stabbed the ghost's heart fiercely. He staggered, gasping, and his body was shaky.

Of course, the corner of his eyes swept somewhere in the stone room and suddenly condensed. After a moment, his body began to tremble. There was the most damaged corner of the ice stone room. The stones fell down and piled up into a half-man-high hill, but under the stone, under a big stone, a corner was exposed. Green shang.

Green, a corner of clothes...

Suddenly, he rushed over like crazy, threw himself on the pile of stones, pushed away the rocks, and dug desperately. The sharp edge of the stone cut his palm to blood, but he seemed to have no feeling it at all.

Finally, he removed the last and largest boulder, and then he was stunned.

Slowly, he squatted down...

In front of him, in a green corner.

It's just a green corner.

His eyes moved slowly and looked around the corner of his clothes. Slowly on the dusty ground, there were a lot of footprints strangely. These footprints were large and small, but the ghost clearly knew that these things should not have appeared here.

In the cold ice stone room, almost only he and the ghost king could come up and down, and several other people who could come, such as Mr. Ghost, were either with him or not in Huqi Mountain at this moment.

So why did someone sneak into this place when it was so chaotic and everyone was running for their lives?

The next moment, Gui Li's face suddenly turned pale, almost subconsciously, and he had already thought of the answer.

"The acacia bell".

In the magic religion, everyone knows that the acacia bell is a rare magic treasure, which can even be compared with the blood-eating beads of the black-hearted old man in the heyday of the magic religion. Under the greed, is it...

Gui Li didn't think about it any more, and his mind was blank in an instant.

In the deep heart, something was quietly broken and shattered. That was the last trace of the pillar that maintained his heart. It was weak, but it was carrying a heavy burden.

It's nothing...

Finally, there is nothing left...

Like a dream, the green figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and the smile was always so beautiful and gentle. It was getting colder and colder around the body, and the chill came from all directions. Only the figure was warm. The smile was the last warmth in his heart. However, slowly, the body faded and gradually disappeared, and even the remaining warmth slowly disappeared...

The silent and cold as dead, like the cold tide in his memory, surged over and swallowed him up.


The last name he called in his heart.

The next moment, he fainted, and his whole body fell heavily, fell to the ground, and smashed a little smoke.

In the whole cave of the Ghost King Sect, there was no one at this moment. In a strange silence, suddenly, a huge earth-shaking noise burst out in the depths of the underground of Huqi Mountain.


In an instant, the whole Huqi Mountain began to tremble violently, and a huge force was galloping and fermenting from the depths of the ground. The stone walls were collapsing everywhere, and countless floors were cracking one after another. This time, in the cracks, there was a terrible red light.

The smell of blood permeates every corner.

More and more ground, as if they could not resist the erosion of the terrible force, collapsed one after another, and the red light became more and more powerful. Later, even the whole stone wall collapsed and fell down into the red light and shadow.

The terrible roar and crazy laughter, as if the devil had resurrected from the abyss and echoed in the depths of the red shadow.

Gradually, a huge deep hole was formed, and red blood came out of the big hole, and at the surrounding edge of the deep hole, there were more ground stones collapsing, constantly expanding this incomparable deep hole.

In the cold stone room in the distance, the stone wall of the ground was also shaking violently, and stones kept falling. Some of them hit the body on the ground, but his body was motionless and there was no reaction. Outside the stone room, the terrible power in the distance seems to be coming here step by step. At this moment, suddenly, a white figure appeared at the door of the ice stone room, and it was Xiao Bai. She frowned and looked at the stone room in awe. When she saw that there was nothing above the stone platform, her face suddenly turned pale, and then she had seen the ghost faint on the other side of the stone room.

Without any more hesitation, Xiaobai had rushed over and pulled over the ghost's body. What appeared in front of her was a pale and desperate face. The tentacles were cold, which almost made Xiaobai think that he was holding a dead man.

She bit her teeth tightly, and the corners of her eyes swept. Suddenly, she saw Gui Li's hand holding something tightly, but it was a piece of broken green clothes. Her mind turned slightly, and she had understood seven or eight points, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

However, the world was so cruel that they were not even allowed to have a sad time. The bottom of the Huqi Mountain burst into a crazy loud noise again. After a violent shaking of the mountain, Xiaobai suddenly felt that the ground under his feet slowly collapsed in the trembling, and the red light broke through the cracks of the ground under his feet. It gushed out crazily, with an extremely hot airflow.

It flowed under the feet, as if it were the hottest magma.

Xiaobai's surprise was nothing. He shouted softly and picked up the ghost's body. His feet were a little on a falling stone. He had flown out of the ice stone room and went out for a moment. The ice stone room had all collapsed and fell into the terrible red light.

But after going out, Xiaobai's face turned a little white again. The scene outside was worse than in the ice stone room. The huge deep pit had already expanded faster and faster. At this moment, not only the ground, but also the surrounding stone walls and even the boulders on the top of his head had fallen one after Jumping and galloping between the remaining stones, I accidentally looked down and saw that the blood-red light below was endless and extremely hot. Sure enough, a large amount of magma flowed in the blood.

There are fewer and fewer places to stay, and the remaining points are also collapsing quickly. Xiao Bai gritted his teeth and flew with his fierce body in his arms. At the critical moment of life and death, Xiaobai suddenly felt a faint light on the top of her head. She quickly looked up and saw that the place above her head was originally a thick rock layer. After a large area of collapse, in the doomsday scene of boulders falling like rain, there were some narrow cracks. The light of the sky.

Is it possible that the whole Huqishan wine collapsed, and there was a void on it?

A trace of decisiveness flashed across the little white face, and his feet were a little heavier. He jumped on the last remaining rock and flew up. Under his feet, the stone finally collapsed into the red shadow, and there was no way out.

The red and hot magma, like an angry giant, began to roar, slowly surging up and stirring. Under the magma, it seemed that there was a huge force urging it. After a moment, the hot magma exploded, turned into a huge torrent, and rushed up.

The white figure is in a crazy scene. There is a hot torrent of magma, the cotton yarn is as dense as raindrops, and the little white is like a white bird, flying, shuttles through the mining storm, desperately flying to the sky.

The world is changing color, and the dark clouds are rolling.

It used to be the highest peak within a hundred miles, but at this moment, Huqi Mountain slowly collapsed in a loud noise and smoke all over the sky.

The earth is trembling violently, as if that force, even heaven and earth are afraid of it.

In the loud noise, in the smoke hundreds of feet high rushing to the sky, the hot huge magma torrent rushed straight out of the ground and sprayed into the sky. Under the magnificent and terrible scene of heaven and earth, next to the huge magma torrent, a small white figure finally flew away from the ground at the last moment. The prison-like mountain pass flew to the distance.