Zifu Xianyuan

22 Endless Void, Grey Fog, Purple Thunder

I'm going to come out of Zifu. Today, the third chapter came out. Come on, brothers and sisters. Keep up the good work. If you have a vote, keep the list, and don't let me fall down! Please!!


Endless emptiness.

It's confused. I feel like my "brain" has been messed up. It's messy. I can't remember anything. I don't know who I am and where I come from. Occasionally, it will wake up and vaguely remember who it is. Constantly alternating between confusion and sobriety.

It is now just a white ball of light, about the size of a thumb, thin and dark, lighter than smoke. It seems that a breeze can blow it away, so that it will completely disappear between heaven and earth from now on, leaving no trace.

Fortunately, there is no wind in this void.

It doesn't know where it is. It has been floating in an endless void, surrounded by a gray and gray fog covering all places. Because of the existence of the gray fog, it is hundreds of feet away, and it can gradually be seen clearly. It can only see clearly within a hundred feet of itself.

It floats in this boundless void, at a loss. Floating from one end to the other, drifting from the other end to this end. Except for the endless gray fog, I didn't see anything else, and no one cares about it. It was a little interesting at first, but after a long time, it gradually became boring.

Why am I here?

Where is it here?

He held his head painfully and thought bitterly.

It can't remember anything. I don't understand why I'm here. It felt as if it should have been in another very lively and interesting place. Instead of being so desolate that there is almost nothing. There is only the void of gray fog.

But where it should have been. But I forgot. Because I can't remember anything.

Whenever the "mind" is about to remember something. Suddenly, there will be a strong feeling of fatigue. Let it fall asleep in a daze. After it wakes up a little again. What happened before. It was completely forgotten again. I can't remember a little bit. It began to float happily again.

It's floating like this.

It was overjoyed to find out. It seems that I can float to an infinite distance.

But. It's still gray all around. There is nothing. Over time. Over time. It doesn't know that it is drifting. Still stay where you are. There is almost no difference between the two.

However, after staying in the void for a long time, it finally found the second thing besides the gray fog - purple thunder in this strange void.

This little thing has only a trace of hair thickness, about an inch long, and also glows, just a faint purple light. The speed is very slow, swaying its head and tail in the void like a fish, swaying, making a squeaky sound from time to time, like a little purple lightning.

What's strange is that there is no gray fog around this little thing within a few feet. Wherever it swims, the gray fog automatically disperses for tens of feet, as if avoiding it.

Judging from the appearance, this little thing is much smaller than it.

Anyway, it is at least a light ball, and this little thing is only an inch of light.

It calls this thing purple thunder.

It originally thought that it had found the same kind, and was very happy. It wanted to float over and say a friendly greeting. Maybe it could be a companion or something. Let's drift together, so as not to be too lonely. After all, this void is too lonely. It takes a long time to find such a small thing. Naturally, you have to get to know it well.

However, when it floated to the purple thunder nearly a hundred feet, a great fear suddenly appeared in his heart, which was an instinctive fear that would only be revealed by natural enemies who were extremely threatening.

Just like a mouse meets a cat and a rabbit meets an eagle, there is no reason at all. There is only one word - escape.

It almost thought of it and immediately turned around and ran for his life crazily. It doesn't know what this little thing is or how dangerous it is, but it instinct tells it that if it doesn't escape, it will die.

Hide as far as you can. If you go to say hello, you are looking for death.

The slow swimming action of the purple thunder (the whole text is small???,? In ар.16κ.(1(6)κ.. Text.? W?) He paused and seemed to have found it. The lazy posture suddenly disappeared and was replaced by an extremely fierce momentum.compared. Zi Lei turned around, suddenly over, and chased it at the speed of lightning.

It was so scared that it took out the strength to breastfeed and flew desperately.

Two lights and shadows, one white and one purple, one front and one back, chasing in this endless gray void.

It's speed is a little faster, and it gradually opens the distance. It's just that Zilei chased after him and didn't give up at all. After hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, he was still chasing, urgently biting the breath left by it in the void when he fled for his life.

I don't know how long I escaped, just like countless centuries.

It almost regretted its intestines. With its crazy escape, it encountered the second silk of purple thunder, the third silk of purple thunder, and the fourth silk of purple thunder along the way... Countless. Because it escaped too fast, it accidentally broke into the territory of these little things, shocked these little things, and caught up with them.

It never knew that there were so many damn natural enemies in this endless void. It was alerted to the moment when there was a purple thunder threat in front of it, and could only immediately turn around and escape to the rest.

Now, it is almost followed by a large string of thousands of purple threads. Some of these little things are several inches long, and some are only half an inch long. Thousands of purple thunder, after colliding with each other, gradually condensed into a wisp of purple thunder.

I don't know how long it took.

The purple thunder, which is as thick as a finger and nearly ten feet long, absorbs nearly ten thousand miles of purple thunder around it, stirs up the gray fog here. When it passes through the void gray fog, it keeps sending out?? Liang Zhuo's advice??

It is still running away, trying to stay away from the horrible purple thunder.

Fortunately, at this time, the wisp of purple thunder had already disdained its weak white light ball and was too lazy to chase it, but did not know when it was entangled with the gray fog of the endless void.

The gray fog here is not a dead thing. It is stirred by purple thunder, forming a huge whirlpool of near the size. The whirlpool is powerful, crazily sweeping and absorbing the surrounding gray fog, condensing, and becoming more and more dignified and down-to-earth.

And the purple thunder kept sending out shocking purple lightning, trying to tear the whirlpool.

"Cock, bang--!"

At this moment, a wisp of purple thunder burst out a purple lightning that was ten thousand feet long, tearing the whirlpool of gray fog. The whirlpool of gray fog was torn in half, the clear air rose and the turbid air sank.

And the beam of purple thunder finally exhausted its vitality and gradually collapsed. It broke into an inch of purple thunder light and dissipated.

It dodged far away and looked at the change of the void with fear. Looking up in consterity, the gray fog in the sky gradually dissipated and became clear, while the ground gradually condensed, revealing the rocks.
